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Modification of Microstructural and Fluid Migration of Bituminous Coal by Microwave-LN2 Freeze-Thaw Cycles: Implication for Efficient Recovery of Coalbed Methane SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

To improve the efficiency of coalbed methane and recoverability of reservoirs, enhanced fracturing technology is usually required to improve the low porosity and permeability status of coal reservoirs. As a feasible method for strengthening permeability, microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw (MLFT) cycles modify the microscopic pore structure of coal through the coupled effect of temperature stress changes, phase change expansion, and fatigue damage. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance combined with fractal dimension theory was used to characterize quantitatively the pore system and geometric features of coal. The geometric fractal model constructed using the T-2 spectrum indicates that the fractal dimensions Dp and De have high fitting accuracy, demonstrating that percolation and effective pores exhibit good fractal characteristics. Dp and De are correlated negatively and positively, respectively, with the cyclic parameters. The relevance analysis shows that the NMR fractal method can reflect the pore-fracture heterogeneity of coal, which has a significant effect on the percentage of fluid migration space. This study reveals that MLFT cycles have significant enhancement effects on promoting the extension of multi-type pores structures within the coal matrix, as well as the connectivity and permeability of cracks.

Keyword :

Coalbed methane Coalbed methane Liquid nitrogen Liquid nitrogen Microwave Microwave Nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance Pore structure Pore structure


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GB/T 7714 Li, He , Wu, Xi , Liu, Meng et al. Modification of Microstructural and Fluid Migration of Bituminous Coal by Microwave-LN2 Freeze-Thaw Cycles: Implication for Efficient Recovery of Coalbed Methane [J]. | NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH , 2024 .
MLA Li, He et al. "Modification of Microstructural and Fluid Migration of Bituminous Coal by Microwave-LN2 Freeze-Thaw Cycles: Implication for Efficient Recovery of Coalbed Methane" . | NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH (2024) .
APA Li, He , Wu, Xi , Liu, Meng , Lin, Baiquan , Yang, Wei , Hong, Yidu et al. Modification of Microstructural and Fluid Migration of Bituminous Coal by Microwave-LN2 Freeze-Thaw Cycles: Implication for Efficient Recovery of Coalbed Methane . | NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH , 2024 .
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Modification of Microstructural and Fluid Migration of Bituminous Coal by Microwave–LN2 Freeze–Thaw Cycles: Implication for Efficient Recovery of Coalbed Methane Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (5) , 2173-2191 | Natural Resources Research
搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 PKU CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (02) , 318-333 | 中国矿业大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为探讨复合矿物的微波加热机制,使用COMSOL Multiphyics软件,基于任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)方法建立起环绕式微波加热模型来开展对不同组分结构和占比的复合矿物模型的温升特性研究.研究结果表明:相比于无搅拌加热模型,在铜片长度为5 cm,转速为(π/3) rad/s的环绕式模型中,矿物加热的效率更高,温度分布更均匀;复合矿物组分结构的变化会改变电磁波的分布,黄铁矿包裹方解石模型的微波加热效率低于方解石包裹黄铁矿模型;在黄铁矿包裹方解石模型中,黄铁矿厚度变化会引起电磁波相位变化,使得矿内电场热点和冷点偏移,并且其厚度大小在穿透深度前后对比,射入的电磁波强度差距较大,电场强度有显著差异;相同组分占比下,非均质矿物整体的电场模比复合均质矿物更低更稳定,组分间的电场强度更为接近;随着黄铁矿占比的增加,非均质矿物整体在微波加热30 s后的温度变化可分为小波峰区(0~10%)、大波峰区(10%~50%)、平稳区(50%~75%),组分间的温差逐渐变小.

Keyword :

加热机制 加热机制 复合矿物 复合矿物 微波破岩 微波破岩 数值模拟 数值模拟


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GB/T 7714 龙盛壹 , 洪溢都 , 孙晓婉 et al. 搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 [J]. | 中国矿业大学学报 , 2024 , 53 (02) : 318-333 .
MLA 龙盛壹 et al. "搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究" . | 中国矿业大学学报 53 . 02 (2024) : 318-333 .
APA 龙盛壹 , 洪溢都 , 孙晓婉 , 阳富强 , 郭进 , 聂闻 . 搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 . | 中国矿业大学学报 , 2024 , 53 (02) , 318-333 .
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Version :

搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (2) , 318-333 | 中国矿业大学学报
Petrophysical characterization of coal subjected to cyclic N-methylpyrrolidone treatment based on two-dimensional NMR T1-T2 SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 365 | FUEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP) solvent has been a popular chemical reagent in coalbed stimulation in recent years. To explore the effects of different concentrations of NMP solvent on the pore development of coal, the physical characteristics of porosity, pore size distribution, T1-T2 spectrum and permeability of coal were obtained based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) test. The changes in porosity, fracture structure and coal seam permeability of coal under different concentrations of NMP solvent were analyzed. The results showed that, on the whole, the pore range of coal samples treated with different concentrations of NMP increased correspondingly with the increase in the number of treatments. The concentration of 100 % NMP solvent had the greatest effect on the pore development degree of coal, which significantly expanded the pore space of coal and enhanced the connectivity of coal. Pore throat less than 0.1 mu m increased from 35.52 % to 39.14 %, an increase of 3.62 %. Pore throat greater than 0.1 mu m increased from 5.74 % to 12.48 %, an increase of 6.74 %. Permeability, free fluid saturation and porosity increased by 261 %, 11.4 % and 22 %, respectively. This study can provide data support and theoretical support for the subsequent research of related reagents, so as to select the optimal reagent concentration and reduce the economic cost. The results of this study provide a valuable reference for the selection of the optimal concentration of NMP solvent in the dredging of pores and fissures in coal seams.

Keyword :

Coalbed methane Coalbed methane N-Methylpyrrolidone N-Methylpyrrolidone Pore structure Pore structure T1-T2 spectra T1-T2 spectra


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GB/T 7714 Li, He , Guo, Qingyi , Liu, Meng et al. Petrophysical characterization of coal subjected to cyclic N-methylpyrrolidone treatment based on two-dimensional NMR T1-T2 [J]. | FUEL , 2024 , 365 .
MLA Li, He et al. "Petrophysical characterization of coal subjected to cyclic N-methylpyrrolidone treatment based on two-dimensional NMR T1-T2" . | FUEL 365 (2024) .
APA Li, He , Guo, Qingyi , Liu, Meng , Lu, Jiexin , Hong, Yidu , Liu, Ting et al. Petrophysical characterization of coal subjected to cyclic N-methylpyrrolidone treatment based on two-dimensional NMR T1-T2 . | FUEL , 2024 , 365 .
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Petrophysical characterization of coal subjected to cyclic N-methylpyrrolidone treatment based on two-dimensional NMR T1-T2 Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 365 | Fuel
期刊论文 | 2024 , 41 (03) , 68-73,156 | 化工高等教育
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

安全科学原理 安全科学原理 成果导向教育 成果导向教育 研究生培养 研究生培养


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GB/T 7714 洪溢都 , 龙盛壹 , 孙晓婉 et al. 基于OBE理念的安全科学原理课程教学改革与实践 [J]. | 化工高等教育 , 2024 , 41 (03) : 68-73,156 .
MLA 洪溢都 et al. "基于OBE理念的安全科学原理课程教学改革与实践" . | 化工高等教育 41 . 03 (2024) : 68-73,156 .
APA 洪溢都 , 龙盛壹 , 孙晓婉 , 阳富强 . 基于OBE理念的安全科学原理课程教学改革与实践 . | 化工高等教育 , 2024 , 41 (03) , 68-73,156 .
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Present situation and development countermeasure of emergency industry in Fujian province; [福建省应急产业现状及发展对策] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 33 , 12-19 | China Safety Science Journal
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to improve its social governance ability and safety guarantee capacity and support high-quality economic development, an analysis was conducted on the development status of the emergency industry in Fujian Province. Based on the regional characteristics of Fujian Province, four industrial clusters focusing on safety protection, monitoring and early warning, emergency rescue and disposal, and safety and emergency services were proposed by using system analysis and other methods. The current industrial status was examined from these four aspects, and new countermeasures for the development and optimization of the emergency industry were suggested. The results show that the development of the emergency industry in Fujian Province is relatively slow, and there are few demonstration bases for the emergency industry. The output value of the emergency industry is not high. The emergency industry in Fujian Province has some problems, such as a low technical level of emergency products, weak and immature independent innovation ability, low scientific and technological content, and a lack of emergency personnel. Countermeasures are put forward from the aspects of emergency industry development guidance, policy implementation, scientific and technological innovation, training of professionals, and international exchanges and cooperation. © 2023 China Safety Science Journal. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

development countermeasure development countermeasure emergency industry emergency industry emergency product emergency product independent innovation independent innovation industrial cluster industrial cluster


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GB/T 7714 Sun, X. , Long, S. , Yang, F. et al. Present situation and development countermeasure of emergency industry in Fujian province; [福建省应急产业现状及发展对策] [J]. | China Safety Science Journal , 2023 , 33 : 12-19 .
MLA Sun, X. et al. "Present situation and development countermeasure of emergency industry in Fujian province; [福建省应急产业现状及发展对策]" . | China Safety Science Journal 33 (2023) : 12-19 .
APA Sun, X. , Long, S. , Yang, F. , Hong, Y. . Present situation and development countermeasure of emergency industry in Fujian province; [福建省应急产业现状及发展对策] . | China Safety Science Journal , 2023 , 33 , 12-19 .
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福建省应急产业现状及发展对策 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 33 (S1) , 12-19 | 中国安全科学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

产业集群 产业集群 发展对策 发展对策 应急产业 应急产业 应急产品 应急产品 自主创新 自主创新


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GB/T 7714 孙晓婉 , 龙盛壹 , 阳富强 et al. 福建省应急产业现状及发展对策 [J]. | 中国安全科学学报 , 2023 , 33 (S1) : 12-19 .
MLA 孙晓婉 et al. "福建省应急产业现状及发展对策" . | 中国安全科学学报 33 . S1 (2023) : 12-19 .
APA 孙晓婉 , 龙盛壹 , 阳富强 , 洪溢都 . 福建省应急产业现状及发展对策 . | 中国安全科学学报 , 2023 , 33 (S1) , 12-19 .
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福建省应急产业现状及发展对策 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 33 (S1) , 12-19 | 中国安全科学学报
Effect of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation on the coal internal and surface structure based on NMR and AFM SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 288 | ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Exploring new methods for comprehensive mining of coalbed methane (CBM) is a research hotspot. Pore connectivity has a significant impact on the permeability of coal, and as connectivity increases, it has a positive impact on the desorption and seepage of CBM. To quantify and visualize the pore development of coal under three cyclic treatments, T2 and T1-T2 spectra obtained by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and Surface roughness obtained by atomic force microscope (AFM) were selected for characterization. The NMR results indicate that microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation can stimulate the formation of pores and pore throats and effectively dissolve the coal matrix, thereby changing the structure of the coal, manifested by a growth rate of -5.84 % for irreducible porosity and 31.5 % for producible porosity. Cyclic oxidation and microwave have a certain impact on the conversion of micropores to mesopores, but have a relatively less impact on the evolution of new pores. The maximum Rq and Ra obtained by AFM of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation are 84.7 nm and 70.3 nm, respectively. Moreover, its Rsk and Rku are less than zero and three, respectively. This indicates that microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation has the best effect on changing the internal and surface morphology of coal.

Keyword :

AFM AFM Coalbed methane Coalbed methane Microwave -assisted cyclic oxidation Microwave -assisted cyclic oxidation Pore connectivity Pore connectivity T1-T2 2D spectrum T1-T2 2D spectrum


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GB/T 7714 Li, He , Cao, Jieyan , Lu, Jiexin et al. Effect of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation on the coal internal and surface structure based on NMR and AFM [J]. | ENERGY , 2023 , 288 .
MLA Li, He et al. "Effect of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation on the coal internal and surface structure based on NMR and AFM" . | ENERGY 288 (2023) .
APA Li, He , Cao, Jieyan , Lu, Jiexin , Lin, Baiquan , Lu, Yi , Shi, Shiliang et al. Effect of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation on the coal internal and surface structure based on NMR and AFM . | ENERGY , 2023 , 288 .
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Version :

Effect of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation on the coal internal and surface structure based on NMR and AFM Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 288 | Energy
Effect of microwave-assisted cyclic oxidation on the coal internal and surface structure based on NMR and AFM EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 288 | Energy
Investigation of cross-scale characterization of porous structure and fluid index in bituminous coal via microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 357 | FUEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Microwave-LN2 cyclic processing (MLCP) is a clean and high-efficiency anhydrous fracturing technology. The change in the porous structure of coal after freeze-thaw cycles significantly affects development efficiency of coalbed methane (CBM) in low porosity and permeability reservoirs, while there is a lack of in-depth macromeso-micro studies. The damage mechanism of coal under microwave-LN2 cold and thermal shock and the evolution of pore fluid reservoir space is based on cross-scale pore characterisation. This paper evaluates the multi-scale porous structure variations of coal before and after MLCP was assessed by hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NNR) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The evolutionary trends in coal pore fluid fugacity space under freeze-thaw cycles was indirectly characterised by T-1 -T-2 spectra. Additionally, utilizing T-2 distribution, peak area and pore throat changes reflect the evolution trend of coal pore space. The results indicate that as the cycles increased, the coal free water and total fluid reservoir space gradually expanded beyond the cycle threshold (n > 10), the free-fluid index rose to 25.68 %, and the free fluid saturation increased by 20.39 %. Additionally, the NMR permeability of the coal increased by 98.37-1471.65 %, and the pore throat distribution increased by 28.05 %. Comprehensive analysis showed that as the cycles progressed, the free water space in the pore space increased significantly, the proportion of bound water gradually decreased, and the internal pores and fluid space of the coal were improved. This study provides fundamental support for multidimensional evaluation of the porous structure of microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles.

Keyword :

Fluid mobility Fluid mobility Liquid nitrogen Liquid nitrogen Microwave Microwave Nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance Porous structure Porous structure


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Xi , Li, He , Lu, Jiexin et al. Investigation of cross-scale characterization of porous structure and fluid index in bituminous coal via microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles [J]. | FUEL , 2023 , 357 .
MLA Wu, Xi et al. "Investigation of cross-scale characterization of porous structure and fluid index in bituminous coal via microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles" . | FUEL 357 (2023) .
APA Wu, Xi , Li, He , Lu, Jiexin , Lu, Yi , Hong, Yidu , Zheng, Chunshan et al. Investigation of cross-scale characterization of porous structure and fluid index in bituminous coal via microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles . | FUEL , 2023 , 357 .
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Investigation of cross-scale characterization of porous structure and fluid index in bituminous coal via microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 357 | Fuel
Investigation of cross-scale characterization of porous structure and fluid index in bituminous coal via microwave-LN2 freeze-thaw cycles EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 357 | Fuel
Effect of Resveratrol on physicochemical structure evolution of lignite during spontaneous combustion SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 360 | FUEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Studying the evolution of the physicochemical structure of coal during coal spontaneous combustion (CSC) by antioxidants is of great significance for revealing the mechanism of CSC and preventing it. The effects of three concentrations of Resveratrol (RES) on the physicochemical structure evolution of coal during the lowtemperature oxidation (L-TO) process of CSC were comprehensively analyzed through low-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) experiments. The results showed that the pore cracks in the coal develop more fully with the increase in oxidation temperature. Besides, there was an increase in porosity and permeability, and a full development of pore throat. Based on the T1-T2 2D fluid identification results, it was found that as the oxidation temperature increased, the adsorption capacity and permeability of the coal were stronger. RES can effectively inhibit the CSC process of coal, with a maximum reduction of 23 % in porosity and a maximum reduction of 82 % in permeability. The hydroxyl groups and CH3/CH2 of coal samples treated with RES decreased by a maximum of 42 % and 43 %, respectively. The oxygen-containing functional groups increased by a maximum of 77 %. RES can not only cover on the coal surface to prevent oxygen from seeping into the coal, but also infiltrate into the pores of coal to inhibit the combination of the active functional groups and oxygen molecules.

Keyword :

Coal spontaneous combustion Coal spontaneous combustion Functional group Functional group Nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear magnetic resonance Resveratrol Resveratrol


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GB/T 7714 Shen, Xianhua , Li, He , Lu, Jiexin et al. Effect of Resveratrol on physicochemical structure evolution of lignite during spontaneous combustion [J]. | FUEL , 2023 , 360 .
MLA Shen, Xianhua et al. "Effect of Resveratrol on physicochemical structure evolution of lignite during spontaneous combustion" . | FUEL 360 (2023) .
APA Shen, Xianhua , Li, He , Lu, Jiexin , Lu, Yi , Liu, Meng , Lin, Baiquan et al. Effect of Resveratrol on physicochemical structure evolution of lignite during spontaneous combustion . | FUEL , 2023 , 360 .
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Effect of Resveratrol on physicochemical structure evolution of lignite during spontaneous combustion Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 360 | Fuel
Effect of Resveratrol on physicochemical structure evolution of lignite during spontaneous combustion EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 360 | Fuel
Effect of cyclic thermal stimulation on the pore structure and fluid space of coal and inspiration for coalbed methane production SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 289 | ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Based on the modified programmed temperature-raising system, cyclic thermal stimulation with different temperature gradients was carried out for lignite, bituminous and anthracite coal, and each group of coal samples after thermal stimulation cycle was subjected to nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) testing. The NMR T1-T2 spectra and the fractal dimensions of coals in different ranks during thermal simulation quantitatively described the dynamic evolution of the pore fluid storage space of coals. The variation of T2 distribution and pore throat were used to reflect the pore development process of coals. The results shows that the pores and pore throat of lignite developed the best among the three coal ranks and the structure of the pore is complete after the cyclic thermal simulation; the T1-T2 signal peaks increased from 17.05 at 30 degrees C to 163.00 at 180 degrees C; the seepage of lignite increased from 6.54 % to 12.43 %; total pore fractal dimension DT has a decreasing trend, indicating reduced inhomogeneity of pores. This indicates that the cyclic thermal stimulation treatment can promote the growth of seepage pores to a greater extent, improve the seepage space, and enhance the connectivity of the pores in the coal samples.

Keyword :

2D NMR 2D NMR Cyclic thermal stimulation Cyclic thermal stimulation Fractal dimension Fractal dimension Pore structure Pore structure Pore throat Pore throat


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GB/T 7714 Li, He , Lv, Xuefen , Lu, Jiexin et al. Effect of cyclic thermal stimulation on the pore structure and fluid space of coal and inspiration for coalbed methane production [J]. | ENERGY , 2023 , 289 .
MLA Li, He et al. "Effect of cyclic thermal stimulation on the pore structure and fluid space of coal and inspiration for coalbed methane production" . | ENERGY 289 (2023) .
APA Li, He , Lv, Xuefen , Lu, Jiexin , Liu, Meng , Yang, Wei , Hong, Yidu et al. Effect of cyclic thermal stimulation on the pore structure and fluid space of coal and inspiration for coalbed methane production . | ENERGY , 2023 , 289 .
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Effect of cyclic thermal stimulation on the pore structure and fluid space of coal and inspiration for coalbed methane production Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 289 | Energy
Effect of cyclic thermal stimulation on the pore structure and fluid space of coal and inspiration for coalbed methane production EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 289 | Energy
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