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期刊论文 | 2024 , 37 (04) , 101-107 | 大学物理实验
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

元电荷 元电荷 密立根油滴 密立根油滴 教学研究 教学研究 机器视觉 机器视觉 油滴实验 油滴实验


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GB/T 7714 徐中炜 , 吕佩伟 , 施洋 et al. 基于机器视觉密立根油滴实验的教学探索与实践 [J]. | 大学物理实验 , 2024 , 37 (04) : 101-107 .
MLA 徐中炜 et al. "基于机器视觉密立根油滴实验的教学探索与实践" . | 大学物理实验 37 . 04 (2024) : 101-107 .
APA 徐中炜 , 吕佩伟 , 施洋 , 马靖 . 基于机器视觉密立根油滴实验的教学探索与实践 . | 大学物理实验 , 2024 , 37 (04) , 101-107 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 37 (4) , 101-107 | 大学物理实验
Chromatic aberration measurement of liquid crystal Pancharatnam Berry phase lens by a RGB full-Stokes imaging polarimeter SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Pancharatnam Berry (PB) phase optical elements can manipulate local polarization state of light in the cross-sectional plane by addressing an additional PB phase relating to the orientation of the optical axis of the waveplate-like structure. However, chromatic aberration including spectrum-dependent retardation and diffraction efficiency limits their applications in the field of visible broadband imaging and display. In this article, the chromatic aberration of a liquid crystal (LC) PB phase lens was measured by a home-built RGB full -Stokes imaging polarimeter. The chirality conversion efficiency and depolarization at RGB wavelengths can be calculated from the measured Stokes vectors. Our experiments show that even the spectrum-dependent retar-dation exists, the measured PB phase lens has a uniform and high diffraction efficiency in the visible band. Affected by the local LC molecule, the input polarization of RGB light was rotated in varying degrees, but the focusing or defocusing manipulation to the right-or left-hand circular polarization, originated from the PB phase, results in fixed focal lengths for different colors. Our experiments show that the LC-based PB phase lens is suitable for the visible broadband applications.

Keyword :

Chromatic aberration Chromatic aberration Full-Stokes' RGB imaging Full-Stokes' RGB imaging LCVR LCVR Pancharatnam Berry phase Pancharatnam Berry phase


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GB/T 7714 Xu, CanHua , Zhou, Tian , Zheng, DaiFu et al. Chromatic aberration measurement of liquid crystal Pancharatnam Berry phase lens by a RGB full-Stokes imaging polarimeter [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 166 .
MLA Xu, CanHua et al. "Chromatic aberration measurement of liquid crystal Pancharatnam Berry phase lens by a RGB full-Stokes imaging polarimeter" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 166 (2023) .
APA Xu, CanHua , Zhou, Tian , Zheng, DaiFu , Ma, Jing , Huang, YanTang , Zeng, ZhiPing . Chromatic aberration measurement of liquid crystal Pancharatnam Berry phase lens by a RGB full-Stokes imaging polarimeter . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 166 .
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Chromatic aberration measurement of liquid crystal Pancharatnam Berry phase lens by a RGB full-Stokes imaging polarimeter EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 166 | Optics and Laser Technology
Chromatic aberration measurement of liquid crystal Pancharatnam Berry phase lens by a RGB full-Stokes imaging polarimeter Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 166 | Optics and Laser Technology
期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 26-28 | 福建轻纺
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

弹簧 弹簧 有效质量 有效质量 简谐振动 简谐振动 误差分析 误差分析


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GB/T 7714 吕佩伟 , 王小贞 , 马靖 . 简谐振动实验中弹簧有效质量的测量及误差分析 [J]. | 福建轻纺 , 2021 , (4) : 26-28 .
MLA 吕佩伟 et al. "简谐振动实验中弹簧有效质量的测量及误差分析" . | 福建轻纺 4 (2021) : 26-28 .
APA 吕佩伟 , 王小贞 , 马靖 . 简谐振动实验中弹簧有效质量的测量及误差分析 . | 福建轻纺 , 2021 , (4) , 26-28 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 3 (04) , 26-28 | 福建轻纺
期刊论文 | 2021 , (04) , 26-28 | 福建轻纺
期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 23-25 | 福建轻纺
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

凹透镜 凹透镜 望远镜 望远镜 焦距 焦距


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GB/T 7714 施洋 , 吕佩伟 , 马靖 . 自组望远镜测量凹透镜焦距 [J]. | 福建轻纺 , 2021 , (4) : 23-25 .
MLA 施洋 et al. "自组望远镜测量凹透镜焦距" . | 福建轻纺 4 (2021) : 23-25 .
APA 施洋 , 吕佩伟 , 马靖 . 自组望远镜测量凹透镜焦距 . | 福建轻纺 , 2021 , (4) , 23-25 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , 3 (04) , 23-25 | 福建轻纺
期刊论文 | 2021 , (04) , 23-25 | 福建轻纺
期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 29-32 | 福建轻纺
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


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接触电阻 接触电阻 滑线式电桥 滑线式电桥 灵敏度 灵敏度


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GB/T 7714 黄敬宁 , 吕佩伟 , 马靖 . 改善滑线式电桥测量精度的研究 [J]. | 福建轻纺 , 2021 , (4) : 29-32 .
MLA 黄敬宁 et al. "改善滑线式电桥测量精度的研究" . | 福建轻纺 4 (2021) : 29-32 .
APA 黄敬宁 , 吕佩伟 , 马靖 . 改善滑线式电桥测量精度的研究 . | 福建轻纺 , 2021 , (4) , 29-32 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (04) , 29-32 | 福建轻纺
期刊论文 | 2021 , 4 (04) , 29-32 | 福建轻纺
Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arrays SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

A full-Stokes polarization imaging method was introduced by using a liquid crystal variable retarder (LCVR) and the metallic nanograting arrays. The linear polarization was detected based on the dichroic transmission of the metallic nanograting. The circular polarization was retrieved from two successive measurements with different retardance or orientation of LCVR. The determinant of data retrieve matrix was analyzed for the LCVR optimization. A full-Stokes imaging setup was built, calibrated, and proof-of-principle verified through imaging of radially polarized beams.

Keyword :

division of focal plane division of focal plane full-Stokes full-Stokes imaging polarimetry imaging polarimetry


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Canhua , Ma, Jing , Ke, Chaozhen et al. Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arrays [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2020 , 53 (1) .
MLA Xu, Canhua et al. "Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arrays" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 53 . 1 (2020) .
APA Xu, Canhua , Ma, Jing , Ke, Chaozhen , Huang, Yantang , Zeng, Zhiping , Weng, Weixiang et al. Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arrays . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS , 2020 , 53 (1) .
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Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arrays Scopus
期刊论文 | 2020 , 53 (1) | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Full-Stokes polarization imaging based on liquid crystal variable retarders and metallic nanograting arrays EI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 53 (1) | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy for multicolor superresolution subcellular imaging SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (6) , 893-898 | PHOTONICS RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Fluorescence fluctuation-based superresolution techniques can achieve fast superresolution imaging on a costeffective wide-field platform at a low light level with reduced phototoxicity. However, the current methods exhibit certain imaging deficiencies that misinterpret nanoscale features reconstructed from fluctuating image sequences, thus degrading the superresolution imaging quality and performance. Here we propose cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy (CERN), which employs cross-cumulant analysis in tandem with radiality processing. We demonstrated that CERN can significantly improve the spatial resolution at a low light level while eliminating the misinterpretations of nanoscale features of the existing fluctuation-based superresolution methods. In the experiment, we further verified the superior performance of CERN over the current methods through performing multicolor superresolution imaging of subcellular microtubule networks and clathrin-coated pits as well as the high-precision reconstruction of densely packed RNA transcripts. (C) 2020 Chinese Laser Press


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GB/T 7714 Zeng, Zhiping , Ma, Jing , Xu, Canhua . Cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy for multicolor superresolution subcellular imaging [J]. | PHOTONICS RESEARCH , 2020 , 8 (6) : 893-898 .
MLA Zeng, Zhiping et al. "Cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy for multicolor superresolution subcellular imaging" . | PHOTONICS RESEARCH 8 . 6 (2020) : 893-898 .
APA Zeng, Zhiping , Ma, Jing , Xu, Canhua . Cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy for multicolor superresolution subcellular imaging . | PHOTONICS RESEARCH , 2020 , 8 (6) , 893-898 .
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Version :

Cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy for multicolor superresolution subcellular imaging Scopus CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (6) , 893-898 | Photonics Research
Cross-cumulant enhanced radiality nanoscopy for multicolor superresolution subcellular imaging EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (6) , 893-898 | Photonics Research
Sensitivity and emotional intelligence: An empirical study with mental health as a regulating variable SSCI
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Sensitivity as an important personality, there is currently no unified definition of psychology. There has been a lot of debate about related research. This study uses literature analysis and questionnaire survey methods to explore three dimensions of sensitivity: "Perceptual Sensitivity", "Emotional Sensitivity", "Volitional Sensitivity", and sensitivity is defined as A personality trait that is "highly alert to external information, easy to obtain clues, and has a higher ability to perceive subtle changes." Study 2 explored the relationship between sensitivity and Emotional Intelligence, and found that sensitivity and emotional intelligence were significantly positively correlated when individuals with higher levels of mental health.

Keyword :

Emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence Mental health Mental health Sensitivity Sensitivity


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GB/T 7714 Li, Meng , Fu, Binxia , Ma, Jing et al. Sensitivity and emotional intelligence: An empirical study with mental health as a regulating variable [J]. | CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY , 2020 .
MLA Li, Meng et al. "Sensitivity and emotional intelligence: An empirical study with mental health as a regulating variable" . | CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY (2020) .
APA Li, Meng , Fu, Binxia , Ma, Jing , Yu, Hanlu , Bai, Liying . Sensitivity and emotional intelligence: An empirical study with mental health as a regulating variable . | CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY , 2020 .
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Version :

Sensitivity and emotional intelligence: An empirical study with mental health as a regulating variable Scopus
期刊论文 | 2020 | Current Psychology
期刊论文 | 2020 , (9) , 10-13 | 福建轻纺
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

MOOCs MOOCs 创新思维 创新思维 大学物理实验 大学物理实验


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GB/T 7714 马靖 , 吕佩伟 , 施洋 et al. 大学物理实验教学MOOCs建设的探索与实践 [J]. | 福建轻纺 , 2020 , (9) : 10-13 .
MLA 马靖 et al. "大学物理实验教学MOOCs建设的探索与实践" . | 福建轻纺 9 (2020) : 10-13 .
APA 马靖 , 吕佩伟 , 施洋 , 翁卫祥 . 大学物理实验教学MOOCs建设的探索与实践 . | 福建轻纺 , 2020 , (9) , 10-13 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2020 , (09) , 10-13 | 福建轻纺
大学物理实验教学MOOCs建设的探索与实践 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , (9) , 10-13 | 福建轻纺
期刊论文 | 2020 , (6) , 32-35 | 福建轻纺
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

U形挡光片 U形挡光片 平板形挡光片 平板形挡光片 瞬时速度 瞬时速度 线性相关 线性相关


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GB/T 7714 王小贞 , 吕佩伟 , 马靖 . 气轨上测瞬时速度的实验教学探讨 [J]. | 福建轻纺 , 2020 , (6) : 32-35 .
MLA 王小贞 et al. "气轨上测瞬时速度的实验教学探讨" . | 福建轻纺 6 (2020) : 32-35 .
APA 王小贞 , 吕佩伟 , 马靖 . 气轨上测瞬时速度的实验教学探讨 . | 福建轻纺 , 2020 , (6) , 32-35 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2020 , (06) , 32-35 | 福建轻纺
气轨上测瞬时速度的实验教学探讨 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , (6) , 32-35 | 福建轻纺
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