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基于力学性能指标与耐久性能指标联合的夯土改性配比优化设计方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 57 (05) , 1-14 | 土木工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

优化设计 优化设计 多性能指标 多性能指标 夯土 夯土 权重系数 权重系数 配比 配比


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GB/T 7714 沈圣 , 孙宇 , 王耀 et al. 基于力学性能指标与耐久性能指标联合的夯土改性配比优化设计方法 [J]. | 土木工程学报 , 2024 , 57 (05) : 1-14 .
MLA 沈圣 et al. "基于力学性能指标与耐久性能指标联合的夯土改性配比优化设计方法" . | 土木工程学报 57 . 05 (2024) : 1-14 .
APA 沈圣 , 孙宇 , 王耀 , 姜绍飞 , 张鹰 , 付绪峰 et al. 基于力学性能指标与耐久性能指标联合的夯土改性配比优化设计方法 . | 土木工程学报 , 2024 , 57 (05) , 1-14 .
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Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visualization of Underwater Bridge Piers Using Sonar Imaging Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (14) | Sensors
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The quality of underwater bridge piers significantly impacts bridge safety and long-term usability. To address limitations in conventional inspection methods, this paper presents a sonar-based technique for the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and visualization of underwater bridge piers. Advanced MS1000 scanning sonar is employed to detect and image bridge piers. Automated image preprocessing, including filtering, denoising, binarization, filling, and morphological operations, introduces an enhanced wavelet denoising method to accurately extract the foundation contour coordinates of bridge piers from sonar images. Using these coordinates, along with undamaged pier dimensions and sonar distances, a model-driven approach for a 3D pier reconstruction algorithm is developed. This algorithm leverages multiple sonar data points to reconstruct damaged piers through multiplication. The Visualization Toolkit (VTK) and surface contour methodology are utilized for 3D visualization, enabling interactive manipulation for enhanced observation and analysis. Experimental results indicate a relative error of 13.56% for the hole volume and 10.65% for the spalling volume, demonstrating accurate replication of bridge pier defect volumes by the reconstructed models. Experimental validation confirms the method’s accuracy and effectiveness in reconstructing underwater bridge piers in three dimensions, providing robust support for safety assessments and contributing significantly to bridge stability and long-term safety assurance. © 2024 by the authors.

Keyword :

sonar imaging sonar imaging three-dimensional reconstruction three-dimensional reconstruction underwater bridge pier underwater bridge pier


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GB/T 7714 Luo, J. , Jiang, S. , Zeng, Y. et al. Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visualization of Underwater Bridge Piers Using Sonar Imaging [J]. | Sensors , 2024 , 24 (14) .
MLA Luo, J. et al. "Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visualization of Underwater Bridge Piers Using Sonar Imaging" . | Sensors 24 . 14 (2024) .
APA Luo, J. , Jiang, S. , Zeng, Y. , Lai, C. . Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visualization of Underwater Bridge Piers Using Sonar Imaging . | Sensors , 2024 , 24 (14) .
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Version :

Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Visualization of Underwater Bridge Piers Using Sonar Imaging EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (14) | Sensors
数字孪生在空间结构生命周期管理中的应用与挑战 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (03) , 369-378 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

数字孪生 数字孪生 生命周期管理 生命周期管理 空间结构 空间结构 面向对象 面向对象 面向过程 面向过程


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GB/T 7714 宋华霖 , 姜绍飞 . 数字孪生在空间结构生命周期管理中的应用与挑战 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (03) : 369-378 .
MLA 宋华霖 et al. "数字孪生在空间结构生命周期管理中的应用与挑战" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 52 . 03 (2024) : 369-378 .
APA 宋华霖 , 姜绍飞 . 数字孪生在空间结构生命周期管理中的应用与挑战 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2024 , 52 (03) , 369-378 .
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Version :

数字孪生在空间结构生命周期管理中的应用与挑战 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 52 (3) , 369-378 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
BFRP布加固巴掌榫墩接木柱轴压性能研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , (03) | 建筑结构学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

BFRP布 BFRP布 刚度 刚度 墩接加固 墩接加固 屈服点 屈服点 延性 延性 轴压承载力 轴压承载力


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GB/T 7714 徐杰 , 姜绍飞 , 葛子毅 . BFRP布加固巴掌榫墩接木柱轴压性能研究 [J]. | 建筑结构学报 , 2024 , (03) .
MLA 徐杰 et al. "BFRP布加固巴掌榫墩接木柱轴压性能研究" . | 建筑结构学报 03 (2024) .
APA 徐杰 , 姜绍飞 , 葛子毅 . BFRP布加固巴掌榫墩接木柱轴压性能研究 . | 建筑结构学报 , 2024 , (03) .
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BFRP布加固巴掌榫墩接木柱轴压性能研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (3) , 197-207 | 建筑结构学报
BFRP布加固巴掌榫墩接木柱轴压性能研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (03) , 197-207 | 建筑结构学报
基于声发射多参数耦合的木材裂缝检测方法 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 54 (02) , 136-144 | 建筑结构
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

声发射 声发射 木材裂缝深度 木材裂缝深度 结构健康监测 结构健康监测 综合指标值差异系数 综合指标值差异系数 裂缝深度检测指标 裂缝深度检测指标


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GB/T 7714 麻胜兰 , 陈志宁 , 邵顺安 et al. 基于声发射多参数耦合的木材裂缝检测方法 [J]. | 建筑结构 , 2024 , 54 (02) : 136-144 .
MLA 麻胜兰 et al. "基于声发射多参数耦合的木材裂缝检测方法" . | 建筑结构 54 . 02 (2024) : 136-144 .
APA 麻胜兰 , 陈志宁 , 邵顺安 , 姜绍飞 , 许跃飞 . 基于声发射多参数耦合的木材裂缝检测方法 . | 建筑结构 , 2024 , 54 (02) , 136-144 .
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基于声发射多参数耦合的木材裂缝检测方法 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 54 (2) , 136-144 | 建筑结构
纤维布加固墩接木柱轴压试验 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 56 (2) , 77-85 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为探究外包纤维增强复合材料(FRP)加固墩接木柱的加固效果和工作机制,考虑不同纤维布和不同墩接方式等因素影响,开展10根墩接木柱的轴压加载试验.对比分析3种FRP布(AFRP,BFRP,CFRP)、4种不同墩接方式(巴掌榫、刻半榫、抄手榫和直榫)下加固柱的破坏模式和力学性能.结果表明:未采用FRP布加固的传统墩接柱表现为拼接缝木材开裂和开裂后的墩接区木材压屈折断,而FRP布加固后,墩接区整体性良好,破坏主要发生在墩接口,表现为木材压溃和纤维布褶皱;传统墩接柱承载力仅恢复至42% ~69%,刚度恢复至43% ~65%;FRP布加固后,轴压承载力可恢复至完好木柱的75% ~100%,刚度可恢复至66% ~107%,延性提升24% ~96%,加固柱轴压性能和变形能力得到有效的恢复或提高,且刚度退化不明显;此外,有限元仿真得到的荷载位移曲线及力学指标与试验结果吻合良好.FRP加固墩接木柱的轴压力学性能良好,可为传统木结构建筑的修缮和木柱的墩接加固提供借鉴和参考.

Keyword :

刚度 刚度 墩接 墩接 巴掌榫 巴掌榫 延性 延性 抄手榫 抄手榫 直榫 直榫 纤维布 纤维布


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GB/T 7714 徐杰 , 姜绍飞 . 纤维布加固墩接木柱轴压试验 [J]. | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 , 2024 , 56 (2) : 77-85 .
MLA 徐杰 et al. "纤维布加固墩接木柱轴压试验" . | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 56 . 2 (2024) : 77-85 .
APA 徐杰 , 姜绍飞 . 纤维布加固墩接木柱轴压试验 . | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 , 2024 , 56 (2) , 77-85 .
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Version :

纤维布加固墩接木柱轴压试验 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 56 (02) , 77-85 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报
基于轻量化网络与迁移学习的桥梁水下桩墩结构表观病害轮廓提取 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 37 (02) , 88-99 | 中国公路学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

桥梁工程 桥梁工程 桥梁结构水下桩墩 桥梁结构水下桩墩 水下结构检测 水下结构检测 表观病害 表观病害 轻量化网络 轻量化网络 迁移学习 迁移学习


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GB/T 7714 王威 , 姜绍飞 , 宋华霖 et al. 基于轻量化网络与迁移学习的桥梁水下桩墩结构表观病害轮廓提取 [J]. | 中国公路学报 , 2024 , 37 (02) : 88-99 .
MLA 王威 et al. "基于轻量化网络与迁移学习的桥梁水下桩墩结构表观病害轮廓提取" . | 中国公路学报 37 . 02 (2024) : 88-99 .
APA 王威 , 姜绍飞 , 宋华霖 , 李朋泽 , 王圣贤 , 苏振恒 . 基于轻量化网络与迁移学习的桥梁水下桩墩结构表观病害轮廓提取 . | 中国公路学报 , 2024 , 37 (02) , 88-99 .
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基于轻量化网络与迁移学习的桥梁水下桩墩结构表观病害轮廓提取 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 37 (2) , 88-99 | 中国公路学报
L形内置钢板混凝土组合剪力墙抗剪性能分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 26 (01) , 54-64 | 建筑钢结构进展
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

参数化分析 参数化分析 抗剪承载力 抗剪承载力 数值分析 数值分析 组合剪力墙 组合剪力墙


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GB/T 7714 姜绍飞 , 韩育昌 , 刘越生 . L形内置钢板混凝土组合剪力墙抗剪性能分析 [J]. | 建筑钢结构进展 , 2024 , 26 (01) : 54-64 .
MLA 姜绍飞 et al. "L形内置钢板混凝土组合剪力墙抗剪性能分析" . | 建筑钢结构进展 26 . 01 (2024) : 54-64 .
APA 姜绍飞 , 韩育昌 , 刘越生 . L形内置钢板混凝土组合剪力墙抗剪性能分析 . | 建筑钢结构进展 , 2024 , 26 (01) , 54-64 .
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Version :

L形内置钢板混凝土组合剪力墙抗剪性能分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 26 (1) , 54-64 | 建筑钢结构进展
Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Current scouring effects and additives increase the risk of failure in underwater structures, and poor observation complicates the identification and assessment of damage. We present a novel index for assessing non-dispersible underwater concrete columns using stress-wave and impedance. A piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate sensor was used to monitor the compression process of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns and ascertain the extent of damage. The proposed index divides the damage process into initial compaction, elastic deformation, and crack development and failure stages. Additionally, the proposed method quantifies and identifies damage, producing results that agree with those for the axial compression failure characteristics.

Keyword :

Damage assessment Damage assessment Impedance Impedance Non-dispersible underwater concrete column Non-dispersible underwater concrete column Stress-wave Stress-wave


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GB/T 7714 Ma, Shenglan , Ren, Shurong , Wu, Chen et al. Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation [J]. | JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING , 2024 .
MLA Ma, Shenglan et al. "Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation" . | JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING (2024) .
APA Ma, Shenglan , Ren, Shurong , Wu, Chen , Jiang, Shaofei , Huang, Weijie . Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation . | JOURNAL OF CIVIL STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING , 2024 .
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Version :

Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (7) , 1651-1665 | Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
Damage identification of non-dispersible underwater concrete columns under compression using impedance technique and stress-wave propagation Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (7) , 1651-1665 | Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
Assessment of Soft-First-Floor Structures Reinforced by Rocking Frame Based on Seismic Resilience SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (1) | BUILDINGS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

As a no-disturbance integrated-retrofitting technique, an external rocking frame was widely used on reinforced concrete (RC) structures. Yet, with the increasing demand for seismic strengthening of existing buildings, it has become a concern to evaluate the seismic strengthening schemes based on seismic resilience. Firstly, the dynamic equation of the structural system was derived, and the deformation control mechanism was revealed; thus, the corresponding design method was put forward for the rocking frame reinforcement. Secondly, after soft-first-floor structures were reinforced by rocking frames, the evaluation method of the reinforcement scheme was investigated based on seismic resilience. Finally, the feasibility of the assessment method was verified by a soft-first-floor frame structure, and a comparison was made between the method proposed in this paper and the conventional method. The results find that the soft-first-floor structure reinforced by the rocking frame increased by 10% in the inter-layer displacement and improved by 55.6% and 63.0% in the injury and mortality rates, compared to the buckling-restrained brace scheme. This indicates that the reinforcement scheme of soft layer structures with rocking frames is feasible and effective, and the reinforcement evaluation method proposed in this paper can quantitatively reflect the improvement in seismic performance.

Keyword :

buckling-restrained brace frame buckling-restrained brace frame rocking frame rocking frame seismic resilience seismic resilience soft-first-story soft-first-story


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Shaofei , Chen, Qihan , Li, Chenyang et al. Assessment of Soft-First-Floor Structures Reinforced by Rocking Frame Based on Seismic Resilience [J]. | BUILDINGS , 2024 , 14 (1) .
MLA Jiang, Shaofei et al. "Assessment of Soft-First-Floor Structures Reinforced by Rocking Frame Based on Seismic Resilience" . | BUILDINGS 14 . 1 (2024) .
APA Jiang, Shaofei , Chen, Qihan , Li, Chenyang , Song, Hualin , Lin, En , Fu, Chong . Assessment of Soft-First-Floor Structures Reinforced by Rocking Frame Based on Seismic Resilience . | BUILDINGS , 2024 , 14 (1) .
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Version :

Assessment of Soft-First-Floor Structures Reinforced by Rocking Frame Based on Seismic Resilience EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (1) | Buildings
Assessment of Soft-First-Floor Structures Reinforced by Rocking Frame Based on Seismic Resilience Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (1) | Buildings
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