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Prediction of compressive strength of granite: use of machine learning techniques and intelligent system SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (4) , 4113-4129 | EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The accurate determination of uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) plays a vital role in the initial design phase of rock engineering and rock geotechnics. Traditionally, this assessment entails costly, time-intensive and labor-demanding experimental tests. Consequently, there is significant promise in exploring machine learning techniques for UCS prediction, warranting further investigation. This study aims to introduce an innovative machine-learning approach and an intelligent system for forecasting UCS based on various granite rock datasets. To achieve this, a novel hybrid model is proposed by combining Marine Predators Algorithm (MPA) and artificial neural network (ANN), and then resulting in an intelligence system. Additionally, forty-nine empirical formulas, including fourteen developed in this study and thirty-five from prior literature, are considered. The input variables for the model comprise the Point load strength index (Is(50)), Schmidt hammer rebounded number (RL) and P wave velocity (Vp), while the UCS serves as the output variables. The obtained results show that the MPA-ANN model exhibits superior performance compared to other prediction models. Furthermore, a user-friendly intelligence system is developed using MATLAB programming. This research stands as a compelling demonstration of the efficacy of a combined supervised learning approach and swarm intelligence algorithms in addressing engineering challenges, such as UCS prediction. It has the potential to offer valuable support for practical applications in the field and further explorations in the domain of rock mechanics studies.

Keyword :

Intelligence system Intelligence system Machine learning Machine learning Prediction Prediction Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) Uniaxial compressive strength (UCS)


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Zhi , Zhou, Jian , Hu, Liuqing . Prediction of compressive strength of granite: use of machine learning techniques and intelligent system [J]. | EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS , 2023 , 16 (4) : 4113-4129 .
MLA Yu, Zhi 等. "Prediction of compressive strength of granite: use of machine learning techniques and intelligent system" . | EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS 16 . 4 (2023) : 4113-4129 .
APA Yu, Zhi , Zhou, Jian , Hu, Liuqing . Prediction of compressive strength of granite: use of machine learning techniques and intelligent system . | EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS , 2023 , 16 (4) , 4113-4129 .
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Version :

Prediction of compressive strength of granite: use of machine learning techniques and intelligent system Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (4) , 4113-4129 | Earth Science Informatics
NMR-based damage characterisation of backfill material in host rock under dynamic loading SCIE CSCD
WoS CC Cited Count: 48
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

It is not uncommon that backfill material used in underground mining being exposed to repetitive dynamic stresses induced by blasting operations or rockburst events. Understanding the strength and fracture evolution of backfilled stopes is critical to maintain the long-term stope stability and ensure safe mining activities. This paper aims to study the damage evolution of the backfill material and its host rock behaviour under three-dimensional (3D) dynamic loading. Using a true-triaxial testing machine, multiple samples of backfill material enclosed by country rock were fabricated and tested under various dynamic loadings with different true-triaxial confining stress conditions. In addition, the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurement was conducted on the samples before and after exerting static and dynamic loading to obtain their porosity distribution changes. The experiment results suggested that with the increase of the dynamic loading, the porosity of the backfill sample goes through a two-stage process, which shows a slightly linear decrease and then followed by an exponential increase. The research findings can help understand the damage mechanism and fracture development of backfilled stopes and its host rock in deep underground mines, which are constantly subject to the combination of 3D static confining stress and dynamic loading. (C) 2020 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of China University of Mining & Technology.

Keyword :

Backfill-country rock system Backfill-country rock system Coupled static and dynamic loads Coupled static and dynamic loads Damage evolution Damage evolution Dynamic loading Dynamic loading Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) True triaxial test True triaxial test


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GB/T 7714 Li, Binglei , Lan, Jiquan , Si, Guangyao et al. NMR-based damage characterisation of backfill material in host rock under dynamic loading [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 30 (3) : 329-335 .
MLA Li, Binglei et al. "NMR-based damage characterisation of backfill material in host rock under dynamic loading" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 30 . 3 (2020) : 329-335 .
APA Li, Binglei , Lan, Jiquan , Si, Guangyao , Lin, Guopeng , Hu, Liuqing . NMR-based damage characterisation of backfill material in host rock under dynamic loading . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 30 (3) , 329-335 .
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Version :

NMR-based damage characterisation of backfill material in host rock under dynamic loading EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 30 (3) , 329-335 | International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
NMR-based damage characterisation of backfill material in host rock under dynamic loading Scopus CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 30 (3) , 329-335 | International Journal of Mining Science and Technology
期刊论文 | 2016 , 25 (2) , 56-60 | 中国地质教育
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

人才培养 人才培养 嵌入式 嵌入式 教学体系 教学体系 数字矿山 数字矿山


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GB/T 7714 胡柳青 . 采矿工程专业数字矿山“嵌入式”教学体系研究 [J]. | 中国地质教育 , 2016 , 25 (2) : 56-60 .
MLA 胡柳青 . "采矿工程专业数字矿山“嵌入式”教学体系研究" . | 中国地质教育 25 . 2 (2016) : 56-60 .
APA 胡柳青 . 采矿工程专业数字矿山“嵌入式”教学体系研究 . | 中国地质教育 , 2016 , 25 (2) , 56-60 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , 25 (02) , 56-60 | 中国地质教育
采矿工程专业数字矿山“嵌入式”教学体系研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2016 , 0 (2) , 56-60 | 中国地质教育
三峡库区泥质粉砂岩的 SHPB 试验及能量耗散特征研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2015 , (6) , 1175-1181 | 工程地质学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

为了研究含水状态下泥质粉砂岩的动态力学性能,进行了不同冲击速度下的分离式霍普金森压杆动载试验,重点研究泥质粉砂岩动力冲击过程中的能量耗散特征。结果表明:加载速率及含水率的变化将对岩样破坏均产生较大的影响。含水率的变化对岩样能量耗散特征产生较大影响,冲击速率越高时,试件的应变率越高,含水率越大时,比能量值及破碎程度也越高,平均破碎块度 d-越小;含水率的变化是导致断裂韧度变化的重要影响因素,含水率增加将导致试件的断裂韧度降低,在相同的冲击荷载下更容易断裂成碎块。

Keyword :

含水率 含水率 断裂韧度 断裂韧度 泥质粉砂岩 泥质粉砂岩 能量耗散 能量耗散


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GB/T 7714 黄明 , 詹金武 , 胡柳青 et al. 三峡库区泥质粉砂岩的 SHPB 试验及能量耗散特征研究 [J]. | 工程地质学报 , 2015 , (6) : 1175-1181 .
MLA 黄明 et al. "三峡库区泥质粉砂岩的 SHPB 试验及能量耗散特征研究" . | 工程地质学报 6 (2015) : 1175-1181 .
APA 黄明 , 詹金武 , 胡柳青 , 张旭东 . 三峡库区泥质粉砂岩的 SHPB 试验及能量耗散特征研究 . | 工程地质学报 , 2015 , (6) , 1175-1181 .
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Version :

三峡库区泥质粉砂岩的SHPB试验及能量耗散特征研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2015 , 23 (06) , 1175-1181 | 工程地质学报
三峡库区泥质粉砂岩的SHPB试验及能量耗散特征研究 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2015 , 23 (6) , 1175-1181 | 工程地质学报
期刊论文 | 2014 , 66 (3) , 75-80 | 有色金属(矿山部分)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

反射应力波区 反射应力波区 孔网参数 孔网参数 爆破漏斗 爆破漏斗 硬岩 硬岩 群药包 群药包


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GB/T 7714 刘青灵 , 楼晓明 , 阳富强 et al. 硬岩群药包爆破孔网参数计算方法研究与应用 [J]. | 有色金属(矿山部分) , 2014 , 66 (3) : 75-80 .
MLA 刘青灵 et al. "硬岩群药包爆破孔网参数计算方法研究与应用" . | 有色金属(矿山部分) 66 . 3 (2014) : 75-80 .
APA 刘青灵 , 楼晓明 , 阳富强 , 胡柳青 . 硬岩群药包爆破孔网参数计算方法研究与应用 . | 有色金属(矿山部分) , 2014 , 66 (3) , 75-80 .
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硬岩群药包爆破孔网参数计算方法研究与应用 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2014 , 66 (3) , 75-80 | 有色金属:矿山部分
期刊论文 | 2014 , 66 (03) , 75-80 | 有色金属(矿山部分)
会议论文 | 2013 , 488-491 | 2013第二届3Dmine用户大会
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

三维Mine软件 三维Mine软件 可视化管理 可视化管理 开采设计 开采设计 矿体模型 矿体模型 露天铜矿 露天铜矿


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GB/T 7714 钟德云 , 胡柳青 , 吴国栋 . 基于3DMine软件的露天矿开采设计 [C] //2013第二届3Dmine用户大会论文集 . 2013 : 488-491 .
MLA 钟德云 et al. "基于3DMine软件的露天矿开采设计" 2013第二届3Dmine用户大会论文集 . (2013) : 488-491 .
APA 钟德云 , 胡柳青 , 吴国栋 . 基于3DMine软件的露天矿开采设计 2013第二届3Dmine用户大会论文集 . (2013) : 488-491 .
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Version :

会议论文 | 2013 , 531-533 | 2013第二届3Dmine用户大会
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

三维Mine软件 三维Mine软件 地质模型 地质模型 境界优化 境界优化 采场设计 采场设计 露天矿 露天矿


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GB/T 7714 钟德云 , 胡柳青 . 利用3DMine软件进行露天矿境界优化 [C] //2013第二届3Dmine用户大会论文集 . 2013 : 531-533 .
MLA 钟德云 et al. "利用3DMine软件进行露天矿境界优化" 2013第二届3Dmine用户大会论文集 . (2013) : 531-533 .
APA 钟德云 , 胡柳青 . 利用3DMine软件进行露天矿境界优化 2013第二届3Dmine用户大会论文集 . (2013) : 531-533 .
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会议论文 | 2012
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Dimine Dimine 三维可视化 三维可视化 三维建模 三维建模


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GB/T 7714 钟德云 , 胡柳青 . 矿山三维可视化技术在多宝山铜矿中的应用 [C] //中国采选技术十年回顾与展望 . 2012 .
MLA 钟德云 et al. "矿山三维可视化技术在多宝山铜矿中的应用" 中国采选技术十年回顾与展望 . (2012) .
APA 钟德云 , 胡柳青 . 矿山三维可视化技术在多宝山铜矿中的应用 中国采选技术十年回顾与展望 . (2012) .
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Version :

会议论文 | 2012 | 2012年第三届中国矿业科技大会
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Keyword :

Dimine Dimine 三维可视化 三维可视化 三维建模 三维建模


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GB/T 7714 钟德云 , 胡柳青 . 矿山三维可视化技术在多宝山铜矿中的应用 [C] //中国采选技术十年回顾与展望-第三届中国矿业科技大会论文集 . 2012 .
MLA 钟德云 et al. "矿山三维可视化技术在多宝山铜矿中的应用" 中国采选技术十年回顾与展望-第三届中国矿业科技大会论文集 . (2012) .
APA 钟德云 , 胡柳青 . 矿山三维可视化技术在多宝山铜矿中的应用 中国采选技术十年回顾与展望-第三届中国矿业科技大会论文集 . (2012) .
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Version :

会议论文 | 2012 , 548-552
期刊论文 | 2012 , 21 (1) , 146-149 | 中国地质教育
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

生产实习 生产实习 紫金模式 紫金模式 采矿工程 采矿工程


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GB/T 7714 刘建兴 , 胡柳青 , 楼晓明 et al. “紫金模式”下采矿工程专业生产实习模式创新与实践 [J]. | 中国地质教育 , 2012 , 21 (1) : 146-149 .
MLA 刘建兴 et al. "“紫金模式”下采矿工程专业生产实习模式创新与实践" . | 中国地质教育 21 . 1 (2012) : 146-149 .
APA 刘建兴 , 胡柳青 , 楼晓明 , 李兴尚 . “紫金模式”下采矿工程专业生产实习模式创新与实践 . | 中国地质教育 , 2012 , 21 (1) , 146-149 .
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Version :

“紫金模式”下采矿工程专业生产实习模式创新与实践 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2012 , 21 (1) , 146-149 | 中国地质教育
期刊论文 | 2012 , 21 (01) , 146-149 | 中国地质教育
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