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露天矿深孔台阶爆破逐孔起爆参数的优化研究与应用 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 41 (2) , 104-111,252 | 爆破
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

露天矿深孔台阶爆破常存在炸药单耗和大块及根底率偏高增加综合成本、爆堆松散度过小不利于铲装、爆破振动过大影响边坡稳定等问题.以多宝山露天矿深孔台阶控制爆破为工程依托,从理论上建立了逐孔起爆爆破引起的应力场解析式,确定了逐孔起爆的孔排距、最小底抗线和孔间延期时间;采用LS-DYNA软件对此爆破参数建立的模型爆破应力大小和破碎范围进行了分析,并在多宝山露天矿进行了 6组不同爆破参数条件下的现场工业试验,确定了不同炸药单耗等爆破参数与块度、松散度的变化规律,验证并确定了优化的多宝山露天矿深孔台阶控制爆破参数.主要研究成果为:(1)在多宝山露天矿爆破的耦合装药条件下,通过逐孔起爆应力场的理论推导和分析,应力场分布和应力大小的影响仅限于前后两孔之间,孔间延期时间17 ms是比较合理的.(2)爆破现场爆堆和块度大小数据的收集可以通过无人机倾斜摄影技术和手机拍照进行,由此收集的数据分析获得的松散度和块度是有效合理的.(3)多宝山露天矿深孔台阶爆破,当炮孔直径为178 mm和孔间延期时间17 ms时,满足爆堆块度小于60 cm、松散度大于1.45铲装条件下的炸药单耗为0.60 kg/m3、孔排距为7 m ×5 m.

Keyword :

孔间延期时间 孔间延期时间 爆堆松散度 爆堆松散度 爆破参数优化 爆破参数优化 爆破块度 爆破块度 逐孔起爆爆破应力场 逐孔起爆爆破应力场


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GB/T 7714 张衍昊 , 刘少光 , 楼晓明 . 露天矿深孔台阶爆破逐孔起爆参数的优化研究与应用 [J]. | 爆破 , 2024 , 41 (2) : 104-111,252 .
MLA 张衍昊 等. "露天矿深孔台阶爆破逐孔起爆参数的优化研究与应用" . | 爆破 41 . 2 (2024) : 104-111,252 .
APA 张衍昊 , 刘少光 , 楼晓明 . 露天矿深孔台阶爆破逐孔起爆参数的优化研究与应用 . | 爆破 , 2024 , 41 (2) , 104-111,252 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 41 (02) , 104-111,252 | 爆破
深孔轴向多段间隔装药孔壁冲击压力分布 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (01) , 6-11 | 矿冶工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

孔壁冲击压力 孔壁冲击压力 数值模拟 数值模拟 深孔爆破 深孔爆破 空气间隔 空气间隔 轴向不耦合装药 轴向不耦合装药


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GB/T 7714 楼晓明 , 唐志恒 , 牛明远 et al. 深孔轴向多段间隔装药孔壁冲击压力分布 [J]. | 矿冶工程 , 2024 , 44 (01) : 6-11 .
MLA 楼晓明 et al. "深孔轴向多段间隔装药孔壁冲击压力分布" . | 矿冶工程 44 . 01 (2024) : 6-11 .
APA 楼晓明 , 唐志恒 , 牛明远 , 林日宗 , 曾令峰 . 深孔轴向多段间隔装药孔壁冲击压力分布 . | 矿冶工程 , 2024 , 44 (01) , 6-11 .
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深孔轴向多段间隔装药孔壁冲击压力分布 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (1) , 6-11 | 矿冶工程
径向不耦合装药孔壁冲击压力特性 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 9 (04) , 28-36 | 金属矿山
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

不耦合系数 不耦合系数 孔壁冲击压力 孔壁冲击压力 径向不耦合装药 径向不耦合装药 数值模拟 数值模拟


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GB/T 7714 楼晓明 , 武硕 , 姚炳金 et al. 径向不耦合装药孔壁冲击压力特性 [J]. | 金属矿山 , 2024 , 9 (04) : 28-36 .
MLA 楼晓明 et al. "径向不耦合装药孔壁冲击压力特性" . | 金属矿山 9 . 04 (2024) : 28-36 .
APA 楼晓明 , 武硕 , 姚炳金 , 解叶龙 , 胡艳 , 陈必港 . 径向不耦合装药孔壁冲击压力特性 . | 金属矿山 , 2024 , 9 (04) , 28-36 .
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不耦合装药系数对岩体爆破损伤的影响 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 32 (02) , 306-317 | 黄金科学技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

在爆破工程中,选择合适的装药结构能够有效提高炸药利用率,从而改善爆破效果。基于RHT(Riedel-Hiermaier-Thomamodel)动态响应力学关系,采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA软件研究了偏心不耦合装药条件下不耦合系数K对岩体爆破荷载的影响,以及爆破过程中岩体的损伤情况。通过建立单孔偏心不耦合爆破模型,分析了不耦合系数K为1.0、1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0和3.5条件下的有效应力、振动速度、爆破地震波能量和损伤状况。同时,研究了不同不耦合系数K条件下爆心距(l)与损伤度(D)、质点振动速度(PPV)与爆心距(l),以及振动速度(v_(pp))与损伤度(D)之间的关系。结果表明:随着不耦合系数K的增大,耦合侧与不耦合侧有效应力和峰值振动速度、地震波峰值能量略微减小;粉碎区和裂隙区范围逐渐减小,且粉碎区损伤半径较裂隙区减小速率更大。岩体损伤程度和质点振动速度(v_(pp))均随着爆心距的增大而逐渐减小。质点振动速度越大损伤程度也越大,当v_(pp)=50.4 cm/s时,岩体中的损伤变量达到损伤破坏阈值(D=0.19);当v_(pp)>140.6 cm/s时,损伤度D>0.80。

Keyword :

不耦合系数 不耦合系数 岩体损伤 岩体损伤 有效应力 有效应力 爆心距 爆心距 装药结构 装药结构 质点振动速度 质点振动速度


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GB/T 7714 梁瑞 , 曹晓睿 , 周文海 et al. 不耦合装药系数对岩体爆破损伤的影响 [J]. | 黄金科学技术 , 2024 , 32 (02) : 306-317 .
MLA 梁瑞 et al. "不耦合装药系数对岩体爆破损伤的影响" . | 黄金科学技术 32 . 02 (2024) : 306-317 .
APA 梁瑞 , 曹晓睿 , 周文海 , 楼晓明 , 胡才智 , 王树江 . 不耦合装药系数对岩体爆破损伤的影响 . | 黄金科学技术 , 2024 , 32 (02) , 306-317 .
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Version :

一种确定岩石爆破时临近保护体侧的保护柱厚度的方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 | CN202210442011.X
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 楼晓明 , 曾令峰 , 陈诗伟 et al. 一种确定岩石爆破时临近保护体侧的保护柱厚度的方法 : CN202210442011.X[P]. | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 .
MLA 楼晓明 et al. "一种确定岩石爆破时临近保护体侧的保护柱厚度的方法" : CN202210442011.X. | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 .
APA 楼晓明 , 曾令峰 , 陈诗伟 , 郭文康 , 岳彬 , 卜禄坤 . 一种确定岩石爆破时临近保护体侧的保护柱厚度的方法 : CN202210442011.X. | 2022-04-25 00:00:00 .
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Characteristics of the impact pressure of the hole wall by interval charge at the hole bottom; [孔底间隔装药孔壁冲击压力特性] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (6) | Explosion and Shock Waves
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

On the premise of a good crushing effect, reducing the rock mass vibration above the bottom of the upward fan-shaped deep hole by reducing the peak pressure of the shock wave at the bottom of the hole is an effective measure to protect the superstructure. To determine the reasonable length of the air column at the bottom of the hole, the influence of air column length on the impact pressure of the hole wall without consideration of air column coupling is studied by combining the theoretical analysis with the field model blast experiment. Based on the theories of one-dimensional unsteady hydrodynamics and theoretical detonation physics, the action process and propagation law of the shock wave in the blast hole in different stages after the explosion of the bottom air interval cylindrical charge column are discussed. Considering the reflection and transmission of shock waves at different media interfaces, the parameters of the shock wave propagating in different directions, the initial shock pressure, and the action time of the hole wall pressure in each stage are analyzed. Thus, the calculation formula and variation curves of the pressure on the hole wall in each stage are obtained. Six groups of twelve cylindrical thick wall concrete models of different sizes were designed and made, and the bottom air interval blasting model experiments were carried out to verify the above results. The air column lengths were 200, 400, 600, 800, 1 000 and 1 200 mm. During the blasting process, an ultra-high-speed multi-channel dynamic strain testing system was used to monitor the hole wall impact pressure. The monitoring data are then analyzed, and the theoretical results are verified. Finally, the variation curves of the peak pressures with the axial uncoupling factor and the variation curves of hole wall impact pressure with time and measurement point under different uncoupling factors are obtained. Based on the dynamic compressive strength of rock, reasonable length ranges of bottom axial air interval suitable for soft, medium, and hard rocks are determined. A field industrial blasting experiment was carried out with the air interval at the hole bottom to verify the rationality of the conclusion. The roof forming and the blasting pile size after the blast are observed and analyzed by photography. The research results show that the existence of air interval significantly increases the action time of the impact pressure. The peak value of the impact pressure decreases obviously. When the uncoupling factor is 1.5 and the length of the air column is 200 mm, the attenuation ratio of the peak pressure at the hole bottom is 73.4%; when the uncoupling factor is 4 and the length of the air column is 1.2 m, the attenuation ratio of the peak pressure at the hole bottom reaches 96.7%. When the air interval is greater than 60 cm, an area with low pressure appears at the bottom of the blast hole. A reasonable bottom air interval length can not only ensure good blasting fragmentation but also reduce blasting vibration by reducing the peak pressure at the hole bottom, thus protecting the stope roof and other protected objects. © 2023 Explosion and Shock Waves. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

air interval charge blasting air interval charge blasting axial uncoupling charge axial uncoupling charge bottom air gap bottom air gap impact pressure impact pressure


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GB/T 7714 Lou, X. , Guan, X. , Zeng, L. et al. Characteristics of the impact pressure of the hole wall by interval charge at the hole bottom; [孔底间隔装药孔壁冲击压力特性] [J]. | Explosion and Shock Waves , 2023 , 43 (6) .
MLA Lou, X. et al. "Characteristics of the impact pressure of the hole wall by interval charge at the hole bottom; [孔底间隔装药孔壁冲击压力特性]" . | Explosion and Shock Waves 43 . 6 (2023) .
APA Lou, X. , Guan, X. , Zeng, L. , Guo, W. , Yue, B. , Lu, W. . Characteristics of the impact pressure of the hole wall by interval charge at the hole bottom; [孔底间隔装药孔壁冲击压力特性] . | Explosion and Shock Waves , 2023 , 43 (6) .
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Version :

Characteristics of the impact pressure of the hole wall by interval charge at the hole bottom EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (6) | Explosion and Shock Waves
Stage characteristics of impact pressure of blasthole-walls with different diameters under coupled charge conditions; [耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (8) | Explosion and Shock Waves
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In order to reduce blasting vibration reasonably and determine the damage range of single hole, it is necessary to study the impact pressure changing law of different bore diameters. By analyzing the movement process of the hole wall under the action of detonation, a simplified calculation model for three stages of dynamic expansion of the incompressible fluid, rock-breaking, and dynamic expansion of the hole wall under the action of the explosive shock wave is established, and the time history subsection function of the hole wall pressure in each stage is determined. Based on the ideal gas expansion equation, the theoretical amplification factor of peak pressure on the bore wall is determined, the stage characteristics of bore wall pressure change were mathematically unified, and the impact pressure characteristic curves of impact pressure on the bore wall of blasthole coupling charge were obtained. Based on LS-DYNA numerical simulation software and field industrial model test, the calculation model results were compared and validated by numerical analysis and super-dynamic strain test model test. The impact pressure curves of five different pore diameters (51−200 mm) under the coupled charge condition were obtained, and the theoretical amplification coefficient of the peak pore pressure was verified by experiments. The theoretical model error is controlled between 0.7% and 6.4%. The comparison and analysis of theoretical calculation, historical point of numerical analysis, and measured point data of model test under two specific conditions of 76 and 90 mm show that the theoretical piecewise function can effectively fit the data of numerical analysis and model test. The error of peak pressure is 6.8% and 4.9%, and that of time is 7.6% and 4.8%, respectively. © 2023 Explosion and Shock Waves. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

bore wall pressure bore wall pressure coupling charge coupling charge hole diameter hole diameter mechanical model mechanical model model test model test


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GB/T 7714 Lou, X. , Chen, S. , Li, G. et al. Stage characteristics of impact pressure of blasthole-walls with different diameters under coupled charge conditions; [耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征] [J]. | Explosion and Shock Waves , 2023 , 43 (8) .
MLA Lou, X. et al. "Stage characteristics of impact pressure of blasthole-walls with different diameters under coupled charge conditions; [耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征]" . | Explosion and Shock Waves 43 . 8 (2023) .
APA Lou, X. , Chen, S. , Li, G. , Niu, M. , Lin, R. , Yao, B. . Stage characteristics of impact pressure of blasthole-walls with different diameters under coupled charge conditions; [耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征] . | Explosion and Shock Waves , 2023 , 43 (8) .
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Stage characteristics of impact pressure of blasthole-walls with different diameters under coupled charge conditions EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (8) | Explosion and Shock Waves
基于灰色关联理论深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素分析及参数优化 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (05) , 6-10 | 矿冶工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

以内蒙古三贵口铅锌矿为背景,利用理论分析、图像处理和工程试验等技术手段对地下深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素及参数优化开展研究。首先针对现场粉矿率高、平均块度小等问题,开展了爆破块度影响因素试验并采集现场数据,利用Split-Desktop 4.0软件处理试验爆堆图像;然后运用灰色关联理论确定影响爆破块度的主次因素;最后利用趋势分析法并结合现场实际情况,确定爆破参数优化方案,并进行工程试验验证。结果表明,该矿山切割槽粉矿率主要受排间延期时间和孔距影响,平均块度主要受孔距和排数影响;优化后的爆破参数为:孔距1.2 m,排距1.5 m,抵抗线0.8 m,爆破排数3排,4孔孔间延期时间分别为13、0、9、18 ms,排间延期时间42 ms,该参数条件下爆破粉矿率降低了27.19%,平均块度提高了62.89%。

Keyword :

切割槽 切割槽 参数优化 参数优化 平均块度 平均块度 影响因素 影响因素 深孔爆破 深孔爆破 灰色关联理论 灰色关联理论 爆破块度 爆破块度 粉矿率 粉矿率


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GB/T 7714 林杰 , 刘少光 , 李广斌 et al. 基于灰色关联理论深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素分析及参数优化 [J]. | 矿冶工程 , 2023 , 43 (05) : 6-10 .
MLA 林杰 et al. "基于灰色关联理论深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素分析及参数优化" . | 矿冶工程 43 . 05 (2023) : 6-10 .
APA 林杰 , 刘少光 , 李广斌 , 楼晓明 , 韩启民 . 基于灰色关联理论深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素分析及参数优化 . | 矿冶工程 , 2023 , 43 (05) , 6-10 .
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Version :

基于灰色关联理论深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素分析及参数优化 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (5) , 6-10 | 矿冶工程
基于灰色关联理论深孔切割槽爆破块度影响因素分析及参数优化 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (05) , 6-10 | 矿冶工程
露天矿山深孔台阶压渣爆破参数优化研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (04) , 44-47 | 矿冶工程
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

为了提高露天矿山深孔台阶爆破质量,通过对某矿区现有台阶爆破参数和大块率进行现场调研,提出压渣爆破技术方案,结合LS-DYNA软件仿真分析与理论计算,得到适宜的孔网参数和压渣厚度,并将该参数应用于现场爆破试验。结果表明,压渣厚度5 m、孔间距5 m、抵抗线4 m为适宜爆破参数,该条件下现场爆破试验平均大块率小于7%,取得了良好的爆破效果。

Keyword :

压渣爆破 压渣爆破 台阶爆破 台阶爆破 工业试验 工业试验 数值分析 数值分析 爆破参数优化 爆破参数优化 露天开采 露天开采


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GB/T 7714 崔年生 , 楼晓明 . 露天矿山深孔台阶压渣爆破参数优化研究 [J]. | 矿冶工程 , 2023 , 43 (04) : 44-47 .
MLA 崔年生 et al. "露天矿山深孔台阶压渣爆破参数优化研究" . | 矿冶工程 43 . 04 (2023) : 44-47 .
APA 崔年生 , 楼晓明 . 露天矿山深孔台阶压渣爆破参数优化研究 . | 矿冶工程 , 2023 , 43 (04) , 44-47 .
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Version :

露天矿山深孔台阶压渣爆破参数优化研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (4) , 44-47 | 矿冶工程
露天矿山深孔台阶压渣爆破参数优化研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (04) , 44-47 | 矿冶工程
耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (08) , 168-181 | 爆炸与冲击
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

为合理减小振动并确定单孔破坏的范围,需掌握不同孔径孔壁的冲击压力规律。通过分析孔壁在爆轰作用下的运动过程,构建了孔壁在受到爆炸冲击波时不可压缩流体动力膨胀、破岩粉碎和动态膨胀等3个阶段的简化计算模型,分别确定了各阶段的孔壁压力与时间的分段函数。基于理想气体膨胀方程,确定了孔壁峰值压力的理论放大系数,在数学上统一了孔壁压力变化的阶段特征,得到了炮孔耦合装药孔壁冲击压力孔壁压力特征变化曲线。依托LS-DYNA数值模拟软件和现场工业模型试验,采用数值分析和超动态应变测试模型试验的方法对计算模型结果进行对比分析,得到了耦合装药条件下5种不同孔径(51~200 mm)的孔壁数值分析历程点的冲击压力变化曲线,试验验证了孔壁峰值压力的理论放大系数,系数误差控制在了0.7%~6.4%之间。对比分析了76、90 mm两种特定工况下的理论计算、数值分析历程点和模型试验测点数据,结果表明:理论分段函数能够有效拟合数值分析和模型试验数据,峰值压力的误差分别为6.8%、4.9%,分段时间的误差分别为7.6%、4.8%。

Keyword :

力学模型 力学模型 孔壁压力 孔壁压力 模型试验 模型试验 炮孔直径 炮孔直径 耦合装药 耦合装药


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GB/T 7714 楼晓明 , 陈诗伟 , 李广斌 et al. 耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征 [J]. | 爆炸与冲击 , 2023 , 43 (08) : 168-181 .
MLA 楼晓明 et al. "耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征" . | 爆炸与冲击 43 . 08 (2023) : 168-181 .
APA 楼晓明 , 陈诗伟 , 李广斌 , 牛明远 , 林日宗 , 姚炳金 . 耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征 . | 爆炸与冲击 , 2023 , 43 (08) , 168-181 .
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Version :

耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (8) , 166-179 | 爆炸与冲击
耦合装药条件下不同孔径孔壁冲击压力的阶段特征 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (08) , 168-181 | 爆炸与冲击
10| 20| 50 per page
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