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基于随机参照价格的BODS全渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略研究 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 32 (02) , 65-74 | 中国管理科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为了探讨随机参照价格对“线上订单,线下配送”(buy-online and deliver-from-store, BODS)全渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略的影响,本文构建了一个考虑随机参照价格的BODS全渠道绿色供应链模型。首先,通过Stackelberg博弈给出了分散决策均衡并进行敏感性分析。在此基础上,探讨了供应链协调问题。然后,将模型拓展到混合渠道模式。最后,采用数值方法探讨了供应链成员的渠道策略偏好问题。研究结果表明:(1)在BODS全渠道绿色供应链中,消费者随机参照价格的离散程度越大,对制造商和供应链越有利,对零售商不一定有利;BODS全渠道佣金系数越大,对供应链越有利。(2)收益共享与成本分担组合契约可以实现供应链的协调。(3)当线下渠道基本市场需求较低时,BODS全渠道策略对零售商有利,但对制造商和渠道整体不利;当线下渠道基本市场需求较高时,BODS全渠道策略对制造商和渠道整体有利,但对零售商不利。

Keyword :

全渠道 全渠道 定价 定价 渠道选择 渠道选择 绿色供应链 绿色供应链 随机参照价格 随机参照价格


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GB/T 7714 林志炳 , 吴清 . 基于随机参照价格的BODS全渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略研究 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2024 , 32 (02) : 65-74 .
MLA 林志炳 等. "基于随机参照价格的BODS全渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略研究" . | 中国管理科学 32 . 02 (2024) : 65-74 .
APA 林志炳 , 吴清 . 基于随机参照价格的BODS全渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略研究 . | 中国管理科学 , 2024 , 32 (02) , 65-74 .
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基于随机参照价格的BODS全渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略研究 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 32 (2) , 65-74 | 中国管理科学
碳限额与交易机制下企业减排技术授权策略研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (01) , 200-216 | 系统科学与数学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

减排技术 减排技术 技术授权 技术授权 消费者低碳偏好 消费者低碳偏好 碳交易 碳交易


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GB/T 7714 林志炳 , 张娟 . 碳限额与交易机制下企业减排技术授权策略研究 [J]. | 系统科学与数学 , 2024 , 44 (01) : 200-216 .
MLA 林志炳 等. "碳限额与交易机制下企业减排技术授权策略研究" . | 系统科学与数学 44 . 01 (2024) : 200-216 .
APA 林志炳 , 张娟 . 碳限额与交易机制下企业减排技术授权策略研究 . | 系统科学与数学 , 2024 , 44 (01) , 200-216 .
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Version :

碳限额与交易机制下企业减排技术授权策略研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (1) , 200-216 | 系统科学与数学
期刊论文 | 2024 , 38 (03) , 47-59,171 | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

中介效应 中介效应 人工智能 人工智能 半参数空间滞后模型 半参数空间滞后模型 汉密尔顿函数 汉密尔顿函数 碳排放 碳排放


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GB/T 7714 林志炳 , 吴志煌 . 人工智能对碳排放的影响研究 [J]. | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2024 , 38 (03) : 47-59,171 .
MLA 林志炳 等. "人工智能对碳排放的影响研究" . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 38 . 03 (2024) : 47-59,171 .
APA 林志炳 , 吴志煌 . 人工智能对碳排放的影响研究 . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2024 , 38 (03) , 47-59,171 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 38 (3) , 47-59 | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
信息不对称下绿色供应链延保服务策略研究 CSCD CSSCI-E PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (04) , 159-166 | 运筹与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

信息不对称 信息不对称 信息共享 信息共享 延保服务 延保服务 绿色供应链 绿色供应链


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GB/T 7714 林志炳 , 张俊超 . 信息不对称下绿色供应链延保服务策略研究 [J]. | 运筹与管理 , 2024 , 33 (04) : 159-166 .
MLA 林志炳 等. "信息不对称下绿色供应链延保服务策略研究" . | 运筹与管理 33 . 04 (2024) : 159-166 .
APA 林志炳 , 张俊超 . 信息不对称下绿色供应链延保服务策略研究 . | 运筹与管理 , 2024 , 33 (04) , 159-166 .
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信息不对称下绿色供应链延保服务策略研究 CSCD CSSCI-E PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (4) , 159-166 | 运筹与管理
Research on retailer′s store brand strategies considering green manufacturing and corporate social responsibility behavior [考虑绿色制造及企业社会责任行为的零售商 自有品牌策略研究] Scopus CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 37 (1) , 216-224 | Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the traditional business model, retailers primarily are responsible for selling the manufacturer′s national brand. However, in recent years, the retailers have been trying to break away from the traditional business model and find new profit growth by creating their store brands, which impacts the manufacturer′ s national brand. Therefore, how the manufacturer should deal with the competition, or even prevent the retailer from creating a store brand, has become an issue that needs to be addressed. According to the Triple Bottom Line Theory, companies should concern the criteria from economy, society and environment aspects, thus green manufacturing has received widespread attention from academia and the business community. In addition, as consumers pay more attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues, more and more companies have begun to implement CSR, which has induced non-negligible impacts on upstream and downstream enterprises through the supply chain cooperation. Therefore, we aim to explore whether the manufacturer can deal with the retailer′s store brand competition by implementing CSR behavior. In this context, the study on the impacts of a manufacturer′s CSR behavior on a retailer′s store brand strategies in a green supply chain is of great practical significance. In this paper, a two-echelon green supply chain consisting of a single manufacturer and a single retailer is proposed to explore the impacts of manufacturer′s CSR behavior on retailer′s different store brand strategies (i. e., traditional manufacturing strategy and green manufacturing strategy) through game theory. The specific research processes and the conclusions are shown as follows: First, we obtain an equilibrium solution through the Stackelberg Game (where the manufacturer is the leader and the retailer is the follower). With the equilibrium solution analyzed, the results show that: (1)The higher the manufacturer′s CSR level is, the higher the greenness and market demand of national brand revealed, and the lower the greenness and market demand of store brand is; (2)As the manufacturer′s CSR level increases, the profits of the retailer and the green supply chain system improve, and it does not necessarily decrease manufacturer′s profits when the retailer adopts green manufacturing strategy; (3) The retailer′s store brand strategies hurt the manufacturer′s profits and even hurt the green supply chain system′s profits by reducing the market demand; (4)No matter what kind of store brand strategies the retailer adopts, the manufacturer can prevent the retailer from creating a store brand through implementing a higher level of CSR behavior. Under certain conditions, the manufacturer′s actions to prevent the retailer from creating a store brand can improve its profits and achieve a win-win situation for channel members. However, compared to the traditional manufacturing strategy, if the retailer adopts the green manufacturing strategy, the manufacturer has to implement a higher level of CSR behavior to prevent the retailer from creating a store brand. Second, we extend the study to the impact of the manufacturer′s CSR behavior on the retailer′s store brand strategies where the manufacturer is the leader of the green supply chain. The results show that: compared to the situation where the retailer is the leader of the green supply chain, if the manufacturer is the leader, then the manufacturer′s more substantial channel power will make it necessary to implement a higher level of CSR behavior to prevent the retailer from creating a store brand, which makes it more difficult for the manufacturer to prevent the retailer from creating a store brand. Finally, we explore the situation that the manufacturer cannot adjust green R&D investment to deal with the retailer′s store brand competition. The results show that when the retailer creates a store brand and manufacturer is unable to adjust its green R&D investment in time, the manufacturer needs to implement a higher level of CSR behavior to s prevent the retailer from creating a store brand. This article systematically explores the impact of a manufacturer′s CSR behavior on a retailer′s store brand strategies in the context of the green supply chain. It provides a reference for how the manufacturer deals with the competition of the retailer′s store brand © 2023, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.All Rights Reserved.

Keyword :

Corporate social responsibility Corporate social responsibility Game structure Game structure Green supply chain Green supply chain Store brand Store brand


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GB/T 7714 Zhibing, L. , Mofan, C. , Yuwen, L. . Research on retailer′s store brand strategies considering green manufacturing and corporate social responsibility behavior [考虑绿色制造及企业社会责任行为的零售商 自有品牌策略研究] [J]. | Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management , 2023 , 37 (1) : 216-224 .
MLA Zhibing, L. 等. "Research on retailer′s store brand strategies considering green manufacturing and corporate social responsibility behavior [考虑绿色制造及企业社会责任行为的零售商 自有品牌策略研究]" . | Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management 37 . 1 (2023) : 216-224 .
APA Zhibing, L. , Mofan, C. , Yuwen, L. . Research on retailer′s store brand strategies considering green manufacturing and corporate social responsibility behavior [考虑绿色制造及企业社会责任行为的零售商 自有品牌策略研究] . | Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management , 2023 , 37 (1) , 216-224 .
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Pricing and channel strategies in dual-channel green supply chain with stochastic reference price EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (1) , 320-330 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

To explore the influence of reference effects on the decision making of green supply chain members, by introducing the stochastic reference price of consumers into a dual-channel green supply chain, a two-stage Stackelberg model was constructed with game theory, and the consistent pricing strategy of online and offline was discussed. The results showed that the variability of consumers' reference price was beneficial to the manufacturer and the retailer when the consumers' green preference coefficient was high, otherwise the variability of consumers' reference price was good for the manufacturer but bad for the retailer. With the increasing of the sensitivity coefficient of consumers' reference price, the manufacturer's expected profit first decreased and then increased, but the retailer's expected profit monotonically decreased. The combination contract of revenue sharing and cost sharing could coordinate the dual-channel green supply chain. By comparing with the single-channel green supply chain equilibrium, the result showed that the conditions for manufacturer encroachment were both affected by sensitivity coefficient and the variability of consumers' reference price. On this basis, the model was extended to differentiated pricing, and the impacts of different pricing strategies on channel members were discussed. © 2023 CIMS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Cost effectiveness Cost effectiveness Decision making Decision making Decision theory Decision theory Game theory Game theory Profitability Profitability Sales Sales Stochastic models Stochastic models Stochastic systems Stochastic systems Supply chains Supply chains


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhibing , Wu, Qing . Pricing and channel strategies in dual-channel green supply chain with stochastic reference price [J]. | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (1) : 320-330 .
MLA Lin, Zhibing 等. "Pricing and channel strategies in dual-channel green supply chain with stochastic reference price" . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS 29 . 1 (2023) : 320-330 .
APA Lin, Zhibing , Wu, Qing . Pricing and channel strategies in dual-channel green supply chain with stochastic reference price . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (1) , 320-330 .
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Version :

Pricing and channel strategies in dual-channel green supply chain with stochastic reference price [考虑随机参照价格的双渠道绿色供应链定价和渠道策略研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (1) , 320-330 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Consumer credit strategy in green supply chain with heterogeneity of consumers; [考虑消费者异质性的绿色供应链消费信贷策略] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (5) , 1720-1730 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

To explore the role of consumer credit in alleviating consumer capital pressure and to increase the demand of green products,on the basis of considering the consumers' heterogeneous preferences for consumer credit,the Stackelberg models under three strategies:immediate payment (N strategy),consumer credit provided by bank (BF strategy),and consumer credit provided by retailer (RF strategy) were constructed aiming at a green supply chain composed of a manufacturer and a retailer.The results of analysis showed that the green investment behavior of the manufacturer helped consumers obtain a lower credit rate;the retailer would set the highest credit rate and lower the retail price under RF strategy,and this behavior was beneficial to channel members and consumers;N strategy was the optimal strategy for channel members when consumer capital constraints were low.Otherwise,the two consumer credit strategies were better.Specially,if the upper limit of consumer credit rates was higher,the RF strategy was the optimal strategy for channel members.Otherwise,the BF strategy was the best.On this basis,the model was extended to the mixed strategy.Through numerical analysis,the influence of immediate payment acceptance and credit cycle on the preference of credit strategies of channel members was discussed.The results showed that under certain conditions,consumer credit was beneficial to the market demand of green products and the profit of channel members. © 2023 CIMS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

consumer credit strategy consumer credit strategy credit rates credit rates green supply chain green supply chain heterogeneity of consumers heterogeneity of consumers


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Z. , Li, Y. . Consumer credit strategy in green supply chain with heterogeneity of consumers; [考虑消费者异质性的绿色供应链消费信贷策略] [J]. | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (5) : 1720-1730 .
MLA Lin, Z. 等. "Consumer credit strategy in green supply chain with heterogeneity of consumers; [考虑消费者异质性的绿色供应链消费信贷策略]" . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS 29 . 5 (2023) : 1720-1730 .
APA Lin, Z. , Li, Y. . Consumer credit strategy in green supply chain with heterogeneity of consumers; [考虑消费者异质性的绿色供应链消费信贷策略] . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (5) , 1720-1730 .
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Version :

Consumer credit strategy in green supply chain with heterogeneity of consumers EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (5) , 1720-1730 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Product families network markets competition of leader with dual goals under capacity constraints; [产能约束下领导者具有双目标的产品族网络市场竞争研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (11) , 3834-3850 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In the network markets of product families, a complex game problem played by a leader with dual goals (maximizing its profits and total consumer surplus) and multiple followers maximizing their profits was studied. Based on the theories of two-layer programming, NSGA- II, and Cournot game, a two-layer programming algorithm with games was designed to solve the problem. The elite strategy was used to improve the algorithm's searching performance and convergence speed, and numerical examples were used to analyze the performance of the algorithm. The networked markets competition problem of product families was solved based on this algorithm and the approximate equilibrium solution set was obtained. The study showed that the smaller (larger) the demand slope of the product variety segment where the leader involved, the better for the leader who focused on its profits (total consumer surplus); the ripple effect existed in the network, and the capacity constraint of each product variety could suppress the ripple effect, but the total capacity constraint of the firms would amplify the ripple effect; the leader firm was more aggressive in market expansion than the follower firms; the leader preferred the alliance method of attacking the closer firms with the distant firms", but follower preferred the alliance method of "attacking the distant firms with the closer firms" to each other. © 2023 CIMS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

bi-objective optimization bi-objective optimization capacity constraints capacity constraints Cournot game Cournot game network markets network markets product family product family two-level planning two-level planning


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Z. , Wang, G. . Product families network markets competition of leader with dual goals under capacity constraints; [产能约束下领导者具有双目标的产品族网络市场竞争研究] [J]. | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (11) : 3834-3850 .
MLA Lin, Z. 等. "Product families network markets competition of leader with dual goals under capacity constraints; [产能约束下领导者具有双目标的产品族网络市场竞争研究]" . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS 29 . 11 (2023) : 3834-3850 .
APA Lin, Z. , Wang, G. . Product families network markets competition of leader with dual goals under capacity constraints; [产能约束下领导者具有双目标的产品族网络市场竞争研究] . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (11) , 3834-3850 .
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Version :

Product families network markets competition of leader with dual goals under capacity constraints EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (11) , 3834-3850 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Green supply chain decisions with consideration of demand disruption and corporate social responsibility EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (2) , 638-649 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

To explore the influences of demand disruption and corporate social responsibility on green supply chain decisions, the equilibrium solutions under the manufacturer-led green supply chain model was examined, and the coordination issue in the green supply chain was investigated. The model was expanded to the supply chain competition situation. The results showed that the manufacturer needed to adjust the 'greenness' of the product following the large demand disruption, and the retailer's CSR behavior would increase the amount of adjustment of the 'greenness' of the product by the manufacturer at this time. Demand disruption would deviate the actual profit of green supply chain system away from the expected value, in which case, the retailer's CSR behavior would enhance the influence of demand disruption on the profits of the green supply chain system. Moreover, a two-part tariff and cost sharing contract was proposed to coordinate the supply chain. Supply chain competition would enhance the influence of retailer's CSR behaviors on the extent of optimal 'greenness' adjustment to the products, as well as the profit deviation levels of the green supply chain system. © 2023 CIMS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Cost effectiveness Cost effectiveness Profitability Profitability Sales Sales Supply chains Supply chains


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Zhibing , Chen, Mofan , Duan, Mengyuan . Green supply chain decisions with consideration of demand disruption and corporate social responsibility [J]. | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (2) : 638-649 .
MLA Lin, Zhibing 等. "Green supply chain decisions with consideration of demand disruption and corporate social responsibility" . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS 29 . 2 (2023) : 638-649 .
APA Lin, Zhibing , Chen, Mofan , Duan, Mengyuan . Green supply chain decisions with consideration of demand disruption and corporate social responsibility . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (2) , 638-649 .
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Version :

Green supply chain decisions with consideration of demand disruption and corporate social responsibility [考虑需求扰动及企业社会责任行为的绿色供应链决策] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (2) , 638-649 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
基于制造商过度自信和零售商企业社会责任的退货策略研究 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (8) , 41-50 | 中国管理科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

企业社会责任 企业社会责任 消费者剩余 消费者剩余 过度自信 过度自信 退货策略 退货策略


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GB/T 7714 林志炳 , 张俊超 . 基于制造商过度自信和零售商企业社会责任的退货策略研究 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (8) : 41-50 .
MLA 林志炳 等. "基于制造商过度自信和零售商企业社会责任的退货策略研究" . | 中国管理科学 31 . 8 (2023) : 41-50 .
APA 林志炳 , 张俊超 . 基于制造商过度自信和零售商企业社会责任的退货策略研究 . | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (8) , 41-50 .
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Version :

基于制造商过度自信和零售商企业社会责任的退货策略研究 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (08) , 41-50 | 中国管理科学
基于制造商过度自信和零售商企业社会责任的退货策略研究 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (08) , 41-50 | 中国管理科学
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