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期刊论文 | 2023 , 5 (12) , 182-186 | 海峡科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

人才培养 人才培养 教学改革 教学改革 新工科 新工科 物流工程 物流工程


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GB/T 7714 黄锥良 , 吴鹏 , 李艺全 . 新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践——以福州大学为例 [J]. | 海峡科学 , 2023 , 5 (12) : 182-186 .
MLA 黄锥良 等. "新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践——以福州大学为例" . | 海峡科学 5 . 12 (2023) : 182-186 .
APA 黄锥良 , 吴鹏 , 李艺全 . 新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践——以福州大学为例 . | 海峡科学 , 2023 , 5 (12) , 182-186 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , (12) , 182-186 | 海峡科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

人才培养 人才培养 教学改革 教学改革 新工科 新工科 物流工程 物流工程


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GB/T 7714 黄锥良 , 吴鹏 , 李艺全 . 新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践 [J]. | 海峡科学 , 2023 , (12) : 182-186 .
MLA 黄锥良 等. "新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践" . | 海峡科学 12 (2023) : 182-186 .
APA 黄锥良 , 吴鹏 , 李艺全 . 新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践 . | 海峡科学 , 2023 , (12) , 182-186 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 5 (06) , 76-80 | 海峡科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

信用监管 信用监管 区块链 区块链 物流行业 物流行业


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GB/T 7714 黄锥良 , 刘兰英 , 邵博 et al. 基于区块链技术的物流行业信用监管问题及对策研究 [J]. | 海峡科学 , 2022 , 5 (06) : 76-80 .
MLA 黄锥良 et al. "基于区块链技术的物流行业信用监管问题及对策研究" . | 海峡科学 5 . 06 (2022) : 76-80 .
APA 黄锥良 , 刘兰英 , 邵博 , 阳成虎 . 基于区块链技术的物流行业信用监管问题及对策研究 . | 海峡科学 , 2022 , 5 (06) , 76-80 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 5 (06) , 76-80 | 海峡科学
期刊论文 | 2022 , (6) , 76-80 | 海峡科学
Optimal channel decision of retailers in the dual-channel supply chain considering consumer preference for delivery lead time SCIE SSCI
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Facing competition from manufacturers' online direct channels, how retailers make sales channel decisions to increase consumer stickiness has become the core concern of the industry and academia. Empirical research showed that delivery lead time is a key factor that affects consumers' preference for online channels. To analyze the impact of consumer delivery time preference on channel selection and pricing strategy of retailers, consumer delivery lead time preference function was improved from a linear function to an exponential function and consumer demand under the mixed dual-channel supply chain of manufacturer and retailer was derived. Then, the Stackelberg game models under different channel strategies of retailer were established and solved. Results show that consumer preference for delivery lead time has four implications on the channel decision of retailers under manufacturer encroachment in the dual-channel supply chain. First, the dual retail channels strategy is the optimal choice for retailers, and the profit margins that a retailer obtains from dual retail channels supply chain and single online retail channel supply chain will increase as consumers' delivery lead time preference coefficient increases. Second, the optimal pricing of online retail channel and offline retail channel is positively related to consumers' delivery lead time preference coefficient. By contrast, the optimal pricing of online direct channel is negatively related to consumers' delivery lead time preference coefficient. Third, the optimal pricing of online retail channel is higher than that of offline retail and online direct channels. Fourth, a retailer and a manufacturer can adopt a compensation-based whole price contract to address the conflict brought about by the optimal channel choice of the retailer. This study introduces consumer delivery lead time preference into retailer channel decision making and provides a theoretical reference for retailer's mixed channel construction in practice. (C) 2020 CPE, University of Maribor. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Channel coordination Channel coordination Channel selection Channel selection Consumer preference Consumer preference Delivery lead time preference Delivery lead time preference Dual-channel Dual-channel Supply chain Supply chain


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GB/T 7714 Hu, Y. S. , Zeng, L. H. , Huang, Z. L. et al. Optimal channel decision of retailers in the dual-channel supply chain considering consumer preference for delivery lead time [J]. | ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT , 2020 , 15 (4) : 453-466 .
MLA Hu, Y. S. et al. "Optimal channel decision of retailers in the dual-channel supply chain considering consumer preference for delivery lead time" . | ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT 15 . 4 (2020) : 453-466 .
APA Hu, Y. S. , Zeng, L. H. , Huang, Z. L. , Cheng, Q. . Optimal channel decision of retailers in the dual-channel supply chain considering consumer preference for delivery lead time . | ADVANCES IN PRODUCTION ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT , 2020 , 15 (4) , 453-466 .
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A two-step feedrate planning of polygonal path for micro laser-cutting machines SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The sample machined with the polygonal path is a common feature in a micro laser-cutting machine. It brings a difficult problem in feedrate planning when the machining accuracy is limited to the scale of sub-micrometer. In this paper, the transition feedrate at the node point is determined by the dynamic capacity of a machine. Then, the jerk-limited feedrate planning is introduced to adjust the feedrate in a smooth manner. The feedrate profile is transferred into the discrete shape for the sampling mechanism of the interpolator in a CNC controller. Moreover, a two-step feedrate planning is proposed to handle the problem that, there exists a distance error, as the line segment is not divisible by the step calculated by feedrate and sample cycle. Firstly, the control parameters, namely, the command feedrate, acceleration and jerk in different stage of the feedrate profile, are estimated by the jerk-limited feedrate planning. Then, a correction scheme is developed to slightly regulate the control parameters. It aims to compensate the distance error caused by the discretization in the process of interpolation. Meanwhile, the proposed method is discussed in two cases according to the length of the line segment. The method of direct adjustment is applied to handle the situation where a line segment is long enough; otherwise, the method of numerical estimation will take the place. Finally, a simulation analysis is presented to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method in feedrate planning. Then, machining experiments are conducted on the self-developed micro laser-cutting machine to verify the effeteness of proposed method.

Keyword :

Error compensation Error compensation Feedrate planning Feedrate planning Micro laser-cutting machine Micro laser-cutting machine Polygonal path Polygonal path


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Zhuiliang , Chen, Jianxiong , Tu, Yiliu . A two-step feedrate planning of polygonal path for micro laser-cutting machines [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2019 , 103 (9-12) : 4135-4145 .
MLA Huang, Zhuiliang et al. "A two-step feedrate planning of polygonal path for micro laser-cutting machines" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY 103 . 9-12 (2019) : 4135-4145 .
APA Huang, Zhuiliang , Chen, Jianxiong , Tu, Yiliu . A two-step feedrate planning of polygonal path for micro laser-cutting machines . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY , 2019 , 103 (9-12) , 4135-4145 .
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A two-step feedrate planning of polygonal path for micro laser-cutting machines Scopus
期刊论文 | 2019 , 103 (9-12) , 4135-4145 | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
A two-step feedrate planning of polygonal path for micro laser-cutting machines EI
期刊论文 | 2019 , 103 (9-12) , 4135-4145 | International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2019 , 677-682 | International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper studies a production and distribution problem in a supply chain of perishable electronic products, where the firm determines the production-distribution policies under different production modes and carbon emission regulation. In order to maximize the firm's profit, the mixed integer optimization models with time constraints are proposed under carbon trading mechanism. The models are solved by Lingo11.0 to obtain the optimal production and distribution quantities under three production modes, i.e., MTS (Make to Stock), MTO (Make to Order, and partially delayed mode. Finally, numerical experiments are provided to compare the optimal production-distribution policies under the three production modes. The result shows that the partially delayed mode can effectively meet the time requirements of the large market demand by production scale effect, which is the best choice for the supply chain of the perishable electronic products.

Keyword :

Carbon trading mechanism Carbon trading mechanism Perishable electronic products Perishable electronic products Production-distribution network Production-distribution network


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GB/T 7714 Huang Zhui-liang , Zhang Lei , Yang Cheng-hu . Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism [C] . 2019 : 677-682 .
MLA Huang Zhui-liang et al. "Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism" . (2019) : 677-682 .
APA Huang Zhui-liang , Zhang Lei , Yang Cheng-hu . Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism . (2019) : 677-682 .
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Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism EI
会议论文 | 2019 | 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IESM 2019
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

This paper studies a production and distribution problem in a supply chain of perishable electronic products, where the firm determines the production-distribution policies under different production modes and carbon emission regulation. In order to maximize the firm's profit, the mixed integer optimization models with time constraints are proposed under carbon trading mechanism. The models are solved by Lingo11.0 to obtain the optimal production and distribution quantities under three production modes, i.e., MTS (Make to Stock), MTO (Make to Order, and partially delayed mode. Finally, numerical experiments are provided to compare the optimal production-distribution policies under the three production modes. The result shows that the partially delayed mode can effectively meet the time requirements of the large market demand by production scale effect, which is the best choice for the supply chain of the perishable electronic products. © 2019 IEEE.

Keyword :

Carbon Carbon Electronics industry Electronics industry Emission control Emission control Integer programming Integer programming Supply chains Supply chains


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GB/T 7714 Zhui-Liang, Huang , Lei, Zhang , Cheng-Hu, Yang . Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism [C] . 2019 .
MLA Zhui-Liang, Huang et al. "Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism" . (2019) .
APA Zhui-Liang, Huang , Lei, Zhang , Cheng-Hu, Yang . Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism . (2019) .
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Optimal Production-distribution Polices of Perishable Electronic Products under Carbon Trading mechanism Scopus
会议论文 | 2019 | Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, IESM 2019
期刊论文 | 2018 , (6) , 64-70 | 中国轻工教育
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

仓储订单拣选 仓储订单拣选 仿真实验 仿真实验 创新人才培养 创新人才培养 物流实验教学 物流实验教学


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GB/T 7714 黄锥良 , 叶翀 , 李艺全 . 仓储订单拣选虚拟仿真实验教学改革与实践——以创新型人才培养为目标 [J]. | 中国轻工教育 , 2018 , (6) : 64-70 .
MLA 黄锥良 et al. "仓储订单拣选虚拟仿真实验教学改革与实践——以创新型人才培养为目标" . | 中国轻工教育 6 (2018) : 64-70 .
APA 黄锥良 , 叶翀 , 李艺全 . 仓储订单拣选虚拟仿真实验教学改革与实践——以创新型人才培养为目标 . | 中国轻工教育 , 2018 , (6) , 64-70 .
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期刊论文 | 2018 , (06) , 64-70 | 中国轻工教育
仓储订单拣选虚拟仿真实验教学改革与实践--以创新型人才培养为目标 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2018 , 0 (6) , 64-70 | 中国轻工教育
Design of a Third-party Reverse Logistics Network under a Carbon Tax Scheme EI
期刊论文 | 2016 , 9 (5) , 126-134 | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Reverse logistics network involves significant inherent uncertainties, which cannot be completely characterized because of a lack of adequate historical data. In this study, a multi-product and multi-period interval programming model was developed on the basis of partial information to design an effective reverse logistics network. In addition, the trade-offbetween economic benefits and the environmental burdens from carbon emissions was analyzed by considering the effect of a carbon tax scheme on the reverse logistics network design. Through an improved and modified interval linear programming method, the optimal interval solution was obtained with LINGO. Finally, numerical simulations were conducted to explore the effectiveness of the model and the effect of the carbon tax scheme. Results show that the optimal solution of the reverse logistics network design is robust. The effect of the carbon tax scheme is trivial when the carbon tax is low and significant when the carbon tax is high. As carbon tax gradually increases, carbon emissions effectively decrease, but sharply declines the total profit sharply declines. The findings indicate that the proposed model can effectively solve the reverse logistics network design with partial information under a carbon tax scheme. © 2016 Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Institute of Technology.

Keyword :

Carbon Carbon Domestic appliances Domestic appliances Emission control Emission control Linear programming Linear programming Product design Product design Taxation Taxation


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Cheng-Hu , Chen, Du-Tian , Huang, Zhui-Liang et al. Design of a Third-party Reverse Logistics Network under a Carbon Tax Scheme [J]. | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review , 2016 , 9 (5) : 126-134 .
MLA Yang, Cheng-Hu et al. "Design of a Third-party Reverse Logistics Network under a Carbon Tax Scheme" . | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review 9 . 5 (2016) : 126-134 .
APA Yang, Cheng-Hu , Chen, Du-Tian , Huang, Zhui-Liang , Liu, Hai-Bo . Design of a Third-party Reverse Logistics Network under a Carbon Tax Scheme . | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review , 2016 , 9 (5) , 126-134 .
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Design of a Third-party Reverse Logistics Network under a Carbon Tax Scheme Scopus
期刊论文 | 2016 , 9 (5) , 126-134 | Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review
期刊论文 | 2016 , 38 (5) , 281-284 | 物流工程与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

仿真实验 仿真实验 实验平台 实验平台 物流仓储分拣 物流仓储分拣 物流实验教学 物流实验教学


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GB/T 7714 黄锥良 , 陈剑雄 . 基于虚实结合仿真的物流仓储分拣实验教学研究 [J]. | 物流工程与管理 , 2016 , 38 (5) : 281-284 .
MLA 黄锥良 et al. "基于虚实结合仿真的物流仓储分拣实验教学研究" . | 物流工程与管理 38 . 5 (2016) : 281-284 .
APA 黄锥良 , 陈剑雄 . 基于虚实结合仿真的物流仓储分拣实验教学研究 . | 物流工程与管理 , 2016 , 38 (5) , 281-284 .
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Version :

基于虚实结合仿真的物流仓储分拣实验教学研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2016 , 38 (5) , 281-284 | 物流工程与管理
期刊论文 | 2016 , 38 (05) , 281-284 | 物流工程与管理
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