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期刊论文 | 2024 , PageCount-页数: 6 (04) , 50-55 | 安全与健康
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

AHP—CRITIC模型 AHP—CRITIC模型 实验室安全 实验室安全 指标体系 指标体系 模糊综合评价 模糊综合评价 组合赋权 组合赋权


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GB/T 7714 王怀昕 , 秦思宇 , 杨健 . 基于AHP—CRITIC—模糊综合评价的高校实验室安全风险评估 [J]. | 安全与健康 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 6 (04) : 50-55 .
MLA 王怀昕 等. "基于AHP—CRITIC—模糊综合评价的高校实验室安全风险评估" . | 安全与健康 PageCount-页数: 6 . 04 (2024) : 50-55 .
APA 王怀昕 , 秦思宇 , 杨健 . 基于AHP—CRITIC—模糊综合评价的高校实验室安全风险评估 . | 安全与健康 , 2024 , PageCount-页数: 6 (04) , 50-55 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , (4) , 50-55 | 安全与健康
一种工厂用防火防爆除尘系统及其方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 | CN202210737078.6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

本发明公开了工厂除尘技术领域的一种工厂用防火防爆除尘系统及其方法,包括外壳体, 外壳体的顶部与底部分别设有进风管与出风管,出风管内设有风叶,外壳体的内部一侧固定连接有内壳体,风流在通道内流动时,由滤板对气流中体积较大的铁屑或杂物进行过滤,当滤板上的铁屑或杂物堆积较多时,气流通过滤板时会给予滤板较大的压力,支撑板向下移动至预设位置后,滑动结构会滑动滑板的位置,将滑板在内壳体上移动,将已堆积的较多铁屑的滤板移动至内壳体的内部,当已堆积铁屑的滤板向内壳体内移动至预设位置后倾料结构转动转板将其反转,此时铁屑可以落至内壳体的底部,实现了将风流中参杂的体积较大的铁屑与杂物提前过滤收集的效果。


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GB/T 7714 杨健 , 邱道洲 , 郑雨航 et al. 一种工厂用防火防爆除尘系统及其方法 : CN202210737078.6[P]. | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 .
MLA 杨健 et al. "一种工厂用防火防爆除尘系统及其方法" : CN202210737078.6. | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 .
APA 杨健 , 邱道洲 , 郑雨航 , 郑家辉 . 一种工厂用防火防爆除尘系统及其方法 : CN202210737078.6. | 2022-06-27 00:00:00 .
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一种具有多种排烟方式的公路隧道火灾实验装置 incoPat
专利 | 2023-05-24 00:00:00 | CN202321274000.1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 杨健 , 郑家辉 , 郑雨航 . 一种具有多种排烟方式的公路隧道火灾实验装置 : CN202321274000.1[P]. | 2023-05-24 00:00:00 .
MLA 杨健 et al. "一种具有多种排烟方式的公路隧道火灾实验装置" : CN202321274000.1. | 2023-05-24 00:00:00 .
APA 杨健 , 郑家辉 , 郑雨航 . 一种具有多种排烟方式的公路隧道火灾实验装置 : CN202321274000.1. | 2023-05-24 00:00:00 .
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Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The maximum ceiling temperature and transverse temperature distribution under the condition of transverse double fire sources are experimentally and theoretically studied. A series of experiments were carried out in a scaling tunnel (1:20) to investigate the effects of heat release rates (HRR) and distance of the two fire sources (S) on the maximum temperature and the transverse temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling. Results shown that when the fire sources were set close to each side of the wall, the location of the maximum temperature was found at the middle ceiling of the tunnel. A inverted "N" shape ceiling temperature distribution, with the ceiling temperature firstly decreased and increased and then decreased, was found along the half-cross section of the tunnel. New maximum and transverse ceiling temperature models were developed with considering the distance and heat release rate of the two fire sources, and considering the air entrainment restrictions by the sidewall. New findings of this work can provide a significant reference for the risk assessment of tunnel fires with two transverse fire sources.

Keyword :

Maximum temperature Maximum temperature Transverse double fire sources Transverse double fire sources Transverse temperature distribution Transverse temperature distribution


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, D. Z. , Yang, J. , Liu, C. X. et al. Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources [J]. | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 132 .
MLA Qiu, D. Z. et al. "Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources" . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY 132 (2023) .
APA Qiu, D. Z. , Yang, J. , Liu, C. X. , Zheng, Y. H. , Zheng, J. H. . Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources . | TUNNELLING AND UNDERGROUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 132 .
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Version :

Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 132 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
Experimental study on temperature distribution beneath tunnel ceiling under the condition of transverse double fire sources EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 132 | Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology
Supermolecular assembly networks functionalized MXene toward fire-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 148 (19) , 10051-10063 | JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

A new N-P-Cu containing supermolecular assembly network (MPCSN) was fabricated with titanium carbide (Ti3C2Tx) nanosheets through intermolecular forces, and then, the flame-retardant thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) nanocomposites were synthesized by melt blending. The obtained results of the TPU/Ti3C2Tx-MPCSN system indicated that the temperature corresponding to T-5% of TPU nanocomposites by adding 2% Ti3C2Tx or 2% MPCSN decreased to 269.1 and 311.5 & DEG;C, respectively. Simultaneously, a well dispersion of the loading of 1.0 mass% Ti3C2Tx-MPCSN was found in TPU matrix. Accordingly, the thermal stability of TPU can be found to be substantially improved in the thermogravimetric analysis, which was embodied in the mass loss of TPU/Ti3C2Tx-MPCSN-1.0 reached up to 8.47 mass%. Moreover, the cone calorimeter tests revealed that the peak of heat release rate, the total heat release, carbon monoxide production rate and total carbon monoxide yield of the TPU nanocomposite were prominently diminished by 16.1%, 37.5%, 18.8% and 37.6%, respectively. This provides clues to the flame-retardant mechanism of TPU nanocomposites: The modified Ti3C2Tx is combined with MPCSN through a cross-linked network grown on the surface of the carbon layer, which not only prevents the leakage of combustible gas, but also catalyzes the formation of the carbon layer. This work demonstrates a novel design for improved Ti3C2Tx with supramolecularly assembled networks to reduce potential fire risk in practical TPU applications, applying to applications in polymer materials.

Keyword :

Flame retardancy Flame retardancy MXene MXene Supermolecular assembly network Supermolecular assembly network Synergistic function Synergistic function Thermoplastic polyurethane Thermoplastic polyurethane


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GB/T 7714 Nie, Chenxin , Yang, Jian , Deng, Guojun et al. Supermolecular assembly networks functionalized MXene toward fire-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites [J]. | JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY , 2023 , 148 (19) : 10051-10063 .
MLA Nie, Chenxin et al. "Supermolecular assembly networks functionalized MXene toward fire-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites" . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY 148 . 19 (2023) : 10051-10063 .
APA Nie, Chenxin , Yang, Jian , Deng, Guojun , Feng, Yuezhan , Shi, Yongqian . Supermolecular assembly networks functionalized MXene toward fire-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites . | JOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY , 2023 , 148 (19) , 10051-10063 .
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Version :

Supermolecular assembly networks functionalized MXene toward fire-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 148 (19) , 10051-10063 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Supermolecular assembly networks functionalized MXene toward fire-resistant thermoplastic polyurethane nanocomposites EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 148 (19) , 10051-10063 | Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
期刊论文 | 2022 , 5 (01) , 46-50 | 安全与健康
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

优化管理 优化管理 应急预案体系 应急预案体系 突发事件 突发事件 高校 高校


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GB/T 7714 杨健 . 新形势下高校突发事件应急预案优化及管理研究 [J]. | 安全与健康 , 2022 , 5 (01) : 46-50 .
MLA 杨健 . "新形势下高校突发事件应急预案优化及管理研究" . | 安全与健康 5 . 01 (2022) : 46-50 .
APA 杨健 . 新形势下高校突发事件应急预案优化及管理研究 . | 安全与健康 , 2022 , 5 (01) , 46-50 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2022 , 5 (01) , 46-50 | 安全与健康
火灾检测防护装置 incoPat
专利 | 2022-03-14 | CN202210250153.6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 杨健 . 火灾检测防护装置 : CN202210250153.6[P]. | 2022-03-14 .
MLA 杨健 . "火灾检测防护装置" : CN202210250153.6. | 2022-03-14 .
APA 杨健 . 火灾检测防护装置 : CN202210250153.6. | 2022-03-14 .
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Experimental study on the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature generated by horizontal cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 19
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Safety concerns on cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels, which may further trigger huge casualties, ceiling structure damages, power failures and other domino effects, attract increasing attention in recent years. Determining the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature (MECT) induced by cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels is crucial to evaluate the fire risks. A series of one-layer horizontal cable tray fire experiments to explore the MECT were carried out in a large-scale utility tunnel without mechanical ventilations. The number of cables on the tray was varied from 8 to 18 in the experiments. The experimental results showed that the cable tray fire burning could be divided into three distinct stages, including ignition, self-sustaining and decaying stages. In the self-sustaining combustion stage, the cable tray was found to burn relatively steady. The mean MECT was also investigated since it represents one of the main characteristics of the cable tray fire. By redefining two parameters (the heat release rate and the effective ceiling height) in three classical MECT models proposed originally based on pool-fire, these three models could be extended to be able to predict the mean MECT generated from the cable tray fire (solid combustible) within 20% deviations. Consequently, two novel models were respectively proposed to predict the mean MECT at the self-sustaining burning period and the instantaneous MECT of one-layer horizontal cable tray fire in utility tunnel, which would be useful in the field of fire protection engineering.

Keyword :

Cable tray fire Cable tray fire Heat release rate Heat release rate MECT MECT Tunnel fire Tunnel fire Urban utility tunnel Urban utility tunnel


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Ping , Ye, Shenglin , Qin, Liang et al. Experimental study on the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature generated by horizontal cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , 2022 , 172 .
MLA Huang, Ping et al. "Experimental study on the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature generated by horizontal cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES 172 (2022) .
APA Huang, Ping , Ye, Shenglin , Qin, Liang , Huang, Yihong , Yang, Jian , Yu, Longxing et al. Experimental study on the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature generated by horizontal cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES , 2022 , 172 .
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Experimental study on the maximum excess ceiling gas temperature generated by horizontal cable tray fires in urban utility tunnels EI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 172 | International Journal of Thermal Sciences
期刊论文 | 2022 , (1) , 46-50 | 安全与健康(上半月版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

优化管理 优化管理 应急预案体系 应急预案体系 突发事件 突发事件 高校 高校


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GB/T 7714 杨健 . 新形势下高校突发事件应急预案优化及管理研究 [J]. | 安全与健康(上半月版) , 2022 , (1) : 46-50 .
MLA 杨健 . "新形势下高校突发事件应急预案优化及管理研究" . | 安全与健康(上半月版) 1 (2022) : 46-50 .
APA 杨健 . 新形势下高校突发事件应急预案优化及管理研究 . | 安全与健康(上半月版) , 2022 , (1) , 46-50 .
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改进的GAHP在高校科研实验室安全评价的研究应用 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 41 (05) , 296-300 | 实验室研究与探索
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

PCA-GAHP模型 PCA-GAHP模型 安全评价 安全评价 指标体系 指标体系 高校科研实验室 高校科研实验室


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GB/T 7714 杨健 , 邱道洲 , 史经纬 . 改进的GAHP在高校科研实验室安全评价的研究应用 [J]. | 实验室研究与探索 , 2022 , 41 (05) : 296-300 .
MLA 杨健 et al. "改进的GAHP在高校科研实验室安全评价的研究应用" . | 实验室研究与探索 41 . 05 (2022) : 296-300 .
APA 杨健 , 邱道洲 , 史经纬 . 改进的GAHP在高校科研实验室安全评价的研究应用 . | 实验室研究与探索 , 2022 , 41 (05) , 296-300 .
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Version :

改进的GAHP在高校科研实验室安全评价的研究应用 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 41 (5) , 296-300 | 实验室研究与探索
改进的GAHP在高校科研实验室安全评价的研究应用 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 41 (05) , 296-300 | 实验室研究与探索
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