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暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , (06) | 生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

功能性状 功能性状 喀斯特 喀斯特 系统发育 系统发育 群落构建 群落构建


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GB/T 7714 刘橼锰 , 税伟 , 江聪 et al. 暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制研究 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2024 , (06) .
MLA 刘橼锰 et al. "暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制研究" . | 生态学报 06 (2024) .
APA 刘橼锰 , 税伟 , 江聪 , 简小枚 , 郭平平 , 朱粟锋 . 暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制研究 . | 生态学报 , 2024 , (06) .
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城市高温脆弱性预警系统构建与应用 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (1) , 121-142 | 热带地理
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

人与环境耦合系统 人与环境耦合系统 厦门市 厦门市 气候变化 气候变化 预警系统 预警系统 高温脆弱性 高温脆弱性


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GB/T 7714 吴朝玮 , 税伟 , 黄志刚 et al. 城市高温脆弱性预警系统构建与应用 [J]. | 热带地理 , 2024 , 44 (1) : 121-142 .
MLA 吴朝玮 et al. "城市高温脆弱性预警系统构建与应用" . | 热带地理 44 . 1 (2024) : 121-142 .
APA 吴朝玮 , 税伟 , 黄志刚 , 汪春辉 , 乔璐 , 吴叶玲 . 城市高温脆弱性预警系统构建与应用 . | 热带地理 , 2024 , 44 (1) , 121-142 .
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Version :

城市高温脆弱性预警系统构建与应用 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (01) , 121-142 | 热带地理
暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (06) , 2452-2463 | 生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

功能性状 功能性状 喀斯特 喀斯特 系统发育 系统发育 群落构建 群落构建


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GB/T 7714 刘橼锰 , 税伟 , 江聪 et al. 暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2024 , 44 (06) : 2452-2463 .
MLA 刘橼锰 et al. "暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制" . | 生态学报 44 . 06 (2024) : 2452-2463 .
APA 刘橼锰 , 税伟 , 江聪 , 简小枚 , 郭平平 , 朱粟锋 . 暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制 . | 生态学报 , 2024 , 44 (06) , 2452-2463 .
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暖湿化气候情景下喀斯特木本植物群落构建机制 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (6) , 2452-2463 | 生态学报
Analysis of driving factors for potential toxic metals in major urban soils of China: a geodetetor-based quantitative study Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (10) | Environmental Geochemistry and Health
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Potential toxic metal (PTM) is hazardous to human health, but the mechanism of spatial heterogeneity of PTM at a macro-scale remains unclear. This study conducts a meta-analysis on the data of PTM concentrations in the soil of 164 major cities in China from 2006 to 2021. It utilizes spatial analysis methods and geodetector to investigate the spatial distribution characteristics of PTMs. The geographic information systems (GIS) and geodetector were used to investigate the spatial distribution characteristics of PTMs, assess the influence of natural factors (NFs) and anthropogenic factors (AFs) on the spatial heterogeneity of PTMs in urban soils, and identified the potential pollution areas of PTMs. The results indicated that the pollution levels of PTMs in urban soils varied significantly across China, with higher pollution levels in the south than in the north. Cd and Hg were the most severely contaminated elements. The geodetector analysis showed that temperature and precipitation in NFs and land use type in AFs were considered as the main influencing factors, and that both AF and NF together led to the PTM variation. All these factors showed a mutually enhancing pattern which has important implications for urban soil management. PTM high-risk areas were identified to provide early warning of pollution risk under the condition of climate change. © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2024.

Keyword :

Geodetector Geodetector High-risk areas High-risk areas Influencing factors Influencing factors Potential toxic metal Potential toxic metal Urban soil Urban soil


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GB/T 7714 Zeng, Y. , Liu, X. , Li, Y. et al. Analysis of driving factors for potential toxic metals in major urban soils of China: a geodetetor-based quantitative study [J]. | Environmental Geochemistry and Health , 2024 , 46 (10) .
MLA Zeng, Y. et al. "Analysis of driving factors for potential toxic metals in major urban soils of China: a geodetetor-based quantitative study" . | Environmental Geochemistry and Health 46 . 10 (2024) .
APA Zeng, Y. , Liu, X. , Li, Y. , Jin, Z. , Shui, W. , Wang, Q. . Analysis of driving factors for potential toxic metals in major urban soils of China: a geodetetor-based quantitative study . | Environmental Geochemistry and Health , 2024 , 46 (10) .
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Analysis of driving factors for potential toxic metals in major urban soils of China: a geodetetor-based quantitative study SCIE
Analysis of driving factors for potential toxic metals in major urban soils of China: a geodetetor-based quantitative study EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (10) | Environmental Geochemistry and Health
A Review of Research on Progress in the Theory and Practice of Eco-Product Value Realization SSCI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 13 (3) | LAND
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The value realization of ecological products is currently a rapidly evolving research topic; however, the definition of its concept, type, and operation mechanism remains relatively ambiguous. Operating in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines, this review employs keyword retrieval and screening, utilizing VOSviewer and word cloud mapping for analysis, in order to reveal three primary research domains related to ecological product value realization. Based on thorough screening and the analysis of high-quality literature, this study comprehensively accomplished the following objectives: (1) clarifying the fundamental concepts of ecosystem services and ecological products, their interrelationships, and the scope of research on ecological products; (2) clarifying the basic connotation of realizing the value of ecological products; (3) demonstrating government-led approaches, market-driven approaches and collaborative pathways for realizing the value of ecological products; (4) reviewing international cases related to realizing the value of public ecological products, quasi-public ecological products, and operational ecological products. The academic contributions of this study are (1) expanding the theoretical framework for realizing the value of ecological products; (2) providing a Chinese perspective on global research on pathways to realize value from ecological products; and (3) offering a novel approach to revitalizing regional economies and improving local ecological environments. Based on this research, several shortcomings and future directions in this field are identified: (1) insufficient clarity, standardization, and uniformity in evaluation and measurement methods; (2) the absence of comparison between ecological products and urban economic products; (3) inadequate exploration of multi-stakeholder allocation and coordination mechanisms; (4) limited research on the role of capital markets in allocating ecological product resources.

Keyword :

ecological industry ecological industry eco-products eco-products value accounting value accounting value realization value realization


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Jiemin , Su, Xuejiao , Liu, Yuanmeng et al. A Review of Research on Progress in the Theory and Practice of Eco-Product Value Realization [J]. | LAND , 2024 , 13 (3) .
MLA Liu, Jiemin et al. "A Review of Research on Progress in the Theory and Practice of Eco-Product Value Realization" . | LAND 13 . 3 (2024) .
APA Liu, Jiemin , Su, Xuejiao , Liu, Yuanmeng , Shui, Wei . A Review of Research on Progress in the Theory and Practice of Eco-Product Value Realization . | LAND , 2024 , 13 (3) .
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A Review of Research on Progress in the Theory and Practice of Eco-Product Value Realization Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 13 (3) | Land
Research on evaluation and influencing factors of human physiological health indexes under the canopy shade of Ficus trees; [榕树遮阳环境下人群的生理健康指标评价与影响因素研究] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 32 (3) , 205-215 | Journal of Natural Disasters
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

From the perspective of ecosystem services of tree species, this study took three types of Ficus tree species, Ficus microcarpa, Ficus altissima, Ficus concinna trees, Fuzhou (a typical high-temperature city) as the research object. We employed the field experiment, species investigation and statistical analysis. We discussed the characteristics and differences of health effects under three types of Ficus species. With the selection of functional traits indicating human health, we predicted the contribution of key functional traits. The analytical results showed that: The subjects showed the characteristics of lower body temperature and pulse rate under the canopy of Ficus microcarpa than in the exposed environments. In addition, the traits including leaf dry matter content, specific leaf area, and length-width ratio had a great influence on human physiological health indexes under the canopy of Ficus microcarpa tree. The leaf chlorophyll content and length-width ratio of Ficus microcarpa tree could predict body temperature by 40.3% variance. Those findings in this paper can provide healthy travel suggestions to deal with heat wave risk, and provide a reference basis for tree species selection and green landscape design in tropical and subtropical cities. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Ficus Ficus field experiment field experiment functional traits functional traits human physiological health human physiological health urban heat wave urban heat wave


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Y. , Shui, W. , Feng, J. et al. Research on evaluation and influencing factors of human physiological health indexes under the canopy shade of Ficus trees; [榕树遮阳环境下人群的生理健康指标评价与影响因素研究] [J]. | Journal of Natural Disasters , 2023 , 32 (3) : 205-215 .
MLA Lin, Y. et al. "Research on evaluation and influencing factors of human physiological health indexes under the canopy shade of Ficus trees; [榕树遮阳环境下人群的生理健康指标评价与影响因素研究]" . | Journal of Natural Disasters 32 . 3 (2023) : 205-215 .
APA Lin, Y. , Shui, W. , Feng, J. , Zhang, Y. , Sun, X. . Research on evaluation and influencing factors of human physiological health indexes under the canopy shade of Ficus trees; [榕树遮阳环境下人群的生理健康指标评价与影响因素研究] . | Journal of Natural Disasters , 2023 , 32 (3) , 205-215 .
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Spatiotemporal responses of habitat quality to land use changes in the source area of Pearl River, China [珠江源区生境质量对土地利用变化的时空响应] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (1) , 169-177 | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Habitat quality assessment provides an effective interface for exploring the mechanisms linking land use change and biodiversity. We used InVEST model to assess the spatial and temporal variations of habitat quality in the Pearl River source area from 2000 to 2020, and to examine the impacts of land use change on habitat quality. The results showed that during the study period, construction land had the largest change, with an area increase of 321.48 km2, and the area of grassland decreased most significantly. Habitat quality in the Pearl River source area was generally at a high level, with a small downward trend. The low value areas were concentrated in the town centers and main agricultural production areas, while habitat quality was high in the mountainous areas in the south and north region. The cold spots of habitat quality change had the most significant aggregation effect in the Quzhan Basin along the Nanpan River. The number of hot spots was small and scattered. Among the various types of nature reserves, habitat quality of Jiache Nature Reserve in Huize County was the lowest, and that of Zhujiangyuan Nature Reserve had a slight decreasing trend, mainly due to the transformation of grassland to cropland. The contribution of habitat quality degradation driven by land function change was 5.6 times as that of improvement. The encroachment of urban and rural construction space into grassland ecological space and agricultural production space was the dominant factor driving the reduction of habitat quality in the Pearl River source area. The contribution of construction land expansion decreased from 69.9% (2000-2010) to 46.7% (2010-2020). The expansion of construction land was the main cause for the degradation of habitat quality. The degradation threat from arable land expansion overtook the traffic network construction as the secondary threat source from 2010 to 2020. It was necessary to increase control of nature reserves in the Pearl River source area and to implement land use regulation strictly to guarantee no net loss and integrity of the ecosystem. © 2023 Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

biodiversity biodiversity habitat quality habitat quality InVEST model InVEST model land use land use the Pearl River source area the Pearl River source area


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GB/T 7714 Wu, K.-X. , Shui, W. , Xue, C.-Z. et al. Spatiotemporal responses of habitat quality to land use changes in the source area of Pearl River, China [珠江源区生境质量对土地利用变化的时空响应] [J]. | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology , 2023 , 34 (1) : 169-177 .
MLA Wu, K.-X. et al. "Spatiotemporal responses of habitat quality to land use changes in the source area of Pearl River, China [珠江源区生境质量对土地利用变化的时空响应]" . | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 34 . 1 (2023) : 169-177 .
APA Wu, K.-X. , Shui, W. , Xue, C.-Z. , Huang, Y.-H. , Jiang, C. . Spatiotemporal responses of habitat quality to land use changes in the source area of Pearl River, China [珠江源区生境质量对土地利用变化的时空响应] . | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology , 2023 , 34 (1) , 169-177 .
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Karst tiankeng shapes the differential composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities in karst land SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (12) , 32573-32584 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Karst tiankeng are important biodiversity conservation reservoirs. However, the unique habitats of karst tiankeng affect microbial community structure remained poorly understood. In this study, we collected soil samples from karst tiankeng (TK) and karst land (KL) and subjected to high-throughput sequencing. Based on the classification of the total, abundance, and rare taxa for bacteria and fungi, a multivariate statistical analysis was carried out. The results revealed that bacterial community Shannon diversity and Pielou's evenness were highest in TK. The rare taxa were ubiquitous in all soil samples, while the higher Shannon diversity of the abundant taxa of TK may be related to the habitat preferences of species and niche differentiation. The community composition of bacterial and fungal sub-communities exhibited significant dissimilarity between TK and KL. The redundancy analysis further demonstrated that abundant taxa were environmentally more constrained than rare taxa. The bacterial and fungal networks of KL were more complex than TK. The keystones of the network transforms may suggest their significant role in the ecological function of the karst tiankeng ecosystem. This study represents the first reports of the characteristics of bacterial and fungal communities in karst tiankeng.

Keyword :

Abundant taxa Abundant taxa Karst tiankeng Karst tiankeng Microbial community Microbial community Microbial network Microbial network Rare taxa Rare taxa Unique habitat Unique habitat


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Cong , Sun, Xiang , Liu, Yuanmeng et al. Karst tiankeng shapes the differential composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities in karst land [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2023 , 30 (12) : 32573-32584 .
MLA Jiang, Cong et al. "Karst tiankeng shapes the differential composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities in karst land" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH 30 . 12 (2023) : 32573-32584 .
APA Jiang, Cong , Sun, Xiang , Liu, Yuanmeng , Zhu, Sufeng , Wu, Kexing , Li, Hui et al. Karst tiankeng shapes the differential composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities in karst land . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH , 2023 , 30 (12) , 32573-32584 .
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Karst tiankeng shapes the differential composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities in karst land EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (12) , 32573-32584 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Karst tiankeng shapes the differential composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities in karst land Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (12) , 32573-32584 | Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Editorial: Climate change and adaptive capacity building SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Keyword :

adaptation actions adaptation actions adaptive capacity building adaptive capacity building climate change climate change human-environment system human-environment system interdisciplinary approach interdisciplinary approach risk assessment and prediction risk assessment and prediction socioeconomic vulnerabilities socioeconomic vulnerabilities


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GB/T 7714 Shui, Wei , Shui, Wanyu , Qi, Junyu et al. Editorial: Climate change and adaptive capacity building [J]. | FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE , 2023 , 11 .
MLA Shui, Wei et al. "Editorial: Climate change and adaptive capacity building" . | FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 11 (2023) .
APA Shui, Wei , Shui, Wanyu , Qi, Junyu , Deng, Haijun , Liu, Shaoquan . Editorial: Climate change and adaptive capacity building . | FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE , 2023 , 11 .
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Editorial: Climate change and adaptive capacity building Scopus
其他 | 2023 , 11 | Frontiers in Environmental Science
Impacts of energy-saving and emission-reduction on sustainability of cement production SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

How energy saving and emission reduction measures influence the interrelationship between carbon emissions and environmental sustainability of cement industry is not very clear, and this could lead to trade-off. This study investigates effects of three representative energy saving and emission reduction measures (steam Rankine cycle power generation (SRC), organic Rankine cycle power generation (ORC) and carbon capture and utilization (CCU)) on environmental performance of cement production using an improved emergy analysis and carbon emissions amounting. The proposed approach can investigate resource efficiency and emissions' impact as well as carbon footprint of a system in study simultaneously. A cement enterprise, in Jilin Province in China, as a case, is explored using the proposed combined approach based on scenario analysis. The results illustrate that combination of SRC + ORC can promote environmental sustainability of cement production and carbon emission reduction by 4.61 % and 4.28 % respectively, mainly derived from SRC application (by 4.06 % and 3.81 %), (2) CCU can promote carbon emission reduction by 3.97 % but weaken the environmental sustainability by 2.10 % due to enhancing share of purchased nonrenewable electricity, and (3) combination of SRC + ORC + CCU can promote the environmental sustainability (by 2.43 %) and carbon emission reduction by 8.25 %. In addition, due to strong dependence on nonrenewable resources, combination of SRC + ORC + CCU is still limited in improvement of environmental performance of the industry. In the future, China's cement industry should further enhance environmental performance of CCU and efficiency of ORC, as well as improve the resource structure of this industry.

Keyword :

Carbon emissions Carbon emissions Cement Cement Emergy Emergy Indicator Indicator Sustainability Sustainability


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GB/T 7714 Xiang, Qing , Pan, Hengyu , Ma, Xiaohan et al. Impacts of energy-saving and emission-reduction on sustainability of cement production [J]. | RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 191 .
MLA Xiang, Qing et al. "Impacts of energy-saving and emission-reduction on sustainability of cement production" . | RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 191 (2023) .
APA Xiang, Qing , Pan, Hengyu , Ma, Xiaohan , Yang, Mingdong , Lyu, Yanfeng , Zhang, Xiaohong et al. Impacts of energy-saving and emission-reduction on sustainability of cement production . | RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 191 .
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Impacts of energy-saving and emission-reduction on sustainability of cement production Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 191 | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Impacts of energy-saving and emission-reduction on sustainability of cement production EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 191 | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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