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期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (04) , 107-113 | 大学化学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

本文针对现有物理化学实验教材中的“乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的测定”实验进行改进和拓展。首先,以夹套烧杯为皂化反应池,通过恒温水循环及磁力搅拌确保了实验过程中溶液浓度均匀、温度恒定;其次,取一定体积浓度为0.01 mol·L~(-1)的氢氧化钠溶液于反应池中待恒温后测定电导率值,记为κ_0,再使用微量取样器取等摩尔数的乙酸乙酯加入到反应器中并同时计时,测定不同时间的电导率值,记为κ_t;第三,通过数据归一化处理消除了电极常数的影响,使物理量意义明确、实验现象直观。改进后的实验步骤减少、数据测量准确性提高,可以测量高温条件下、快速的皂化反应速率常数,在有限的课时内学生可以通过分工协作、共享数据,获得表观活化能及指前因子。

Keyword :

指前因子 指前因子 物理化学实验 物理化学实验 皂化反应 皂化反应 表观活化能 表观活化能 速率常数 速率常数


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GB/T 7714 祝淑颖 , 吴舒婷 , 郑欧 . 乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的测定实验改进和拓展 [J]. | 大学化学 , 2024 , 39 (04) : 107-113 .
MLA 祝淑颖 等. "乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的测定实验改进和拓展" . | 大学化学 39 . 04 (2024) : 107-113 .
APA 祝淑颖 , 吴舒婷 , 郑欧 . 乙酸乙酯皂化反应速率常数的测定实验改进和拓展 . | 大学化学 , 2024 , 39 (04) , 107-113 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (4) , 107-113 | 大学化学
期刊论文 | 2020 , 35 (1) , 87-91 | 大学化学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

分馏效应 分馏效应 气液相图绘制 气液相图绘制 温度补偿 温度补偿 物理化学 物理化学


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GB/T 7714 宋丽平 , 王亚婷 , 郑欧 et al. 温度补偿法解决二元气液平衡系统相图绘制实验中的分馏效应 [J]. | 大学化学 , 2020 , 35 (1) : 87-91 .
MLA 宋丽平 et al. "温度补偿法解决二元气液平衡系统相图绘制实验中的分馏效应" . | 大学化学 35 . 1 (2020) : 87-91 .
APA 宋丽平 , 王亚婷 , 郑欧 , 吴舒婷 , 祝淑颖 , 陈建中 . 温度补偿法解决二元气液平衡系统相图绘制实验中的分馏效应 . | 大学化学 , 2020 , 35 (1) , 87-91 .
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Version :

温度补偿法解决二元气液平衡系统相图绘制实验中的分馏效应 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 35 (1) , 87-91 | 大学化学
期刊论文 | 2020 , 35 (01) , 87-91 | 大学化学
一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪 incoPat
专利 | 2018/1/30 | CN201810087090.0
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 郑欧 , 祝淑颖 , 陈建国 et al. 一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪 : CN201810087090.0[P]. | 2018/1/30 .
MLA 郑欧 et al. "一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪" : CN201810087090.0. | 2018/1/30 .
APA 郑欧 , 祝淑颖 , 陈建国 , 张栢茂 , 陈东毅 , 李浩宏 . 一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪 : CN201810087090.0. | 2018/1/30 .
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Version :

一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪 incoPat
专利 | 2018/1/30 | CN201820151239.2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 郑欧 , 祝淑颖 , 陈建国 et al. 一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪 : CN201820151239.2[P]. | 2018/1/30 .
MLA 郑欧 et al. "一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪" : CN201820151239.2. | 2018/1/30 .
APA 郑欧 , 祝淑颖 , 陈建国 , 张栢茂 , 陈东毅 , 李浩宏 . 一种带智能温度补偿系统的双液系气液平衡相图沸点仪 : CN201820151239.2. | 2018/1/30 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (10) , 85-90 | 大学化学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

分馏效应 分馏效应 气液相图绘制 气液相图绘制 物理化学 物理化学


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GB/T 7714 郑欧 , 张栢茂 , 祝淑颖 et al. 环己烷-乙醇气液平衡体系相图绘制实验中的分馏效应及改进方法 [J]. | 大学化学 , 2018 , 33 (10) : 85-90 .
MLA 郑欧 et al. "环己烷-乙醇气液平衡体系相图绘制实验中的分馏效应及改进方法" . | 大学化学 33 . 10 (2018) : 85-90 .
APA 郑欧 , 张栢茂 , 祝淑颖 , 黄长沧 , 吴舒婷 , 李浩宏 . 环己烷-乙醇气液平衡体系相图绘制实验中的分馏效应及改进方法 . | 大学化学 , 2018 , 33 (10) , 85-90 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (10) , 85-90 | 大学化学
环己烷-乙醇气液平衡体系相图绘制实验中的分馏效应及改进方法 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (10) , 85-90 | 大学化学
一种印染生产中染色塑料件除色剂及其使用方法 incoPat
专利 | 2017/12/18 | CN201711360269.0
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

本发明公开了一种印染生产中染色塑料件除色剂及其使用方法,所述除色剂是由A、B组分组成,按重量份数计,A组分的原料包括:次氯酸钙10~95份、次氯酸镁10~95份、次氯酸钠10~95份、次氯酸钾1~10份、CTAB 1~5份、SDS 1~5份;B组分的原料包括:草酸1~100份、醋酸1~100份、盐酸1~3份和H2SO4 1~35份。本发明以酸作催化剂,在渗透剂协同作用下,除色剂实现塑料件高效除色,并且几乎无废液产生,高效环保;对染色塑料件的处理成本低于200元/吨,经除色处理后塑料价值由不到5000元/吨提升至8000元/吨,每吨能够节约成本大约3000元。


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GB/T 7714 郑欧 , 林振宇 . 一种印染生产中染色塑料件除色剂及其使用方法 : CN201711360269.0[P]. | 2017/12/18 .
MLA 郑欧 et al. "一种印染生产中染色塑料件除色剂及其使用方法" : CN201711360269.0. | 2017/12/18 .
APA 郑欧 , 林振宇 . 一种印染生产中染色塑料件除色剂及其使用方法 : CN201711360269.0. | 2017/12/18 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , 31 (2) , 24-28 | 大学化学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

电极 电极 界面移动法 界面移动法 离子迁移数 离子迁移数 阳极材料 阳极材料


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GB/T 7714 吴舒婷 , 张惠芳 , 谭翊鑫 et al. 界面移动法测定离子迁移数实验的优化 [J]. | 大学化学 , 2016 , 31 (2) : 24-28 .
MLA 吴舒婷 et al. "界面移动法测定离子迁移数实验的优化" . | 大学化学 31 . 2 (2016) : 24-28 .
APA 吴舒婷 , 张惠芳 , 谭翊鑫 , 郑欧 , 高绍康 , 李奕 et al. 界面移动法测定离子迁移数实验的优化 . | 大学化学 , 2016 , 31 (2) , 24-28 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2016 , 31 (02) , 24-28 | 大学化学
界面移动法测定离子迁移数实验的优化 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2016 , 0 (2) , 24-28 | 大学化学
Fluorometric Method for Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Activity Detection and Inhibitor Screening Based on Click Chemistry SCIE
期刊论文 | 2015 , 87 (1) , 816-820 | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
WoS CC Cited Count: 50
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

A fluorometric method for pyrophosphatase (PPase) activity detection was developed based on click chemistry. Cu(II) can coordinate with pyrophosphate (PPi), the addition of pyrophosphatase (PPase) into the above system can destroy the coordinate compound because PPase catalyzes the hydrolysis of PPi into inorganic phosphate and produces free Cu(II), and free Cu(II) can be reduced by sodium ascorbate (SA) to form Cu(I), which in turn initiates the ligating reaction between nonfluorescent 3-azidocoumarins and terminal alkynes to produce a highly fluorescent triazole complex, based on which, a simple and sensitive turn on fluorometric method for PPase can be developed. The fluorescence intensity of the system has a linear relationship with the logarithm of the PPase concentration in the range of 0.5 and 10 mU with a detection limit down to 0.2 mU (S/N = 3). This method is cost-effective and convenient without any labels or complicated operations. The proposed system was applied to screen the potential PPase inhibitor with high efficiency. The proposed method can be applied to diagnosis of PPase-related diseases.


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Kefeng , Chen, Zhonghui , Zhou, Ling et al. Fluorometric Method for Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Activity Detection and Inhibitor Screening Based on Click Chemistry [J]. | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2015 , 87 (1) : 816-820 .
MLA Xu, Kefeng et al. "Fluorometric Method for Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Activity Detection and Inhibitor Screening Based on Click Chemistry" . | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 87 . 1 (2015) : 816-820 .
APA Xu, Kefeng , Chen, Zhonghui , Zhou, Ling , Zheng, Ou , Wu, Xiaoping , Guo, Longhua et al. Fluorometric Method for Inorganic Pyrophosphatase Activity Detection and Inhibitor Screening Based on Click Chemistry . | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY , 2015 , 87 (1) , 816-820 .
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Version :

Fluorometric method for inorganic pyrophosphatase activity detection and inhibitor screening based on click chemistry Scopus
期刊论文 | 2015 , 87 (1) , 816-820 | Analytical Chemistry
Fluorometric method for inorganic pyrophosphatase activity detection and inhibitor screening based on click chemistry EI
期刊论文 | 2015 , 87 (1) , 816-820 | Analytical Chemistry
Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA SCIE
期刊论文 | 2014 , 58 , 226-231 | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Owning to the characteristics such as high sensitivity and simplicity of apparatus, electrochemiluminescence (ECL) has become a powerful analytical technique and has been widely used. Ru(phen)(3)(2+) can be intercalated into the grooves of dsDNA and act as an ECL probe efficiently, which has been applied to develop a sensitive ECL biosensor for folate receptor in this study. One ssDNA with a thiol group at its 3' termini had been modified on the Au electrode first, and the other ssDNA with folic acid at its 3' termini hybridized with the former one being modified on the electrode surface to form a dsDNA. In the absence of folate receptor, the 3'-terminus in the dsDNA region can be specificity hydrolyzed into mononucleotides by ExoIII and on dsDNA presents on the electrode surface, leading to the lower of ECL intensity detected. However, in the presence of the target (folate receptor), ExoIII failed to hydrolyze the dsDNA since the one 3'-terminus had been protected by the target and the other protected by the Au electrode, resulting in the enhancement of ECL intensity. The enhanced ECL intensity has a linear relationship with the logarithm of folate receptor concentration in the range of 0.66 nmol/L and 26.31 nmol/L with a detection limit of 0.1204 nmol/L. The proposed biosensor had been applied to detect HeLa cells concentration with satisfied results. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Biosensor Biosensor Electrochemiluminescence Electrochemiluminescence Folate receptor Folate receptor Terminal protection Terminal protection


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GB/T 7714 Li, Ruibao , Wang, Chunmei , Hu, Yuhua et al. Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA [J]. | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS , 2014 , 58 : 226-231 .
MLA Li, Ruibao et al. "Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA" . | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 58 (2014) : 226-231 .
APA Li, Ruibao , Wang, Chunmei , Hu, Yuhua , Zheng, Ou , Guo, Longhua , Lin, Zhenyu et al. Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA . | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS , 2014 , 58 , 226-231 .
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Version :

Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA Scopus
期刊论文 | 2014 , 58 , 226-231 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics
Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for folate receptor based on terminal protection of small-molecule-linked DNA EI
期刊论文 | 2014 , 58 , 226-231 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics
A portable chemical sensor for histidine based on the strategy of click chemistry SCIE
期刊论文 | 2014 , 51 , 386-390 | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 28
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

A novel portable chemical sensor is developed in combination of the personal glucose meters (PGM) with click chemistry for sensitive and selective determination of histidine. Invertase-labeled alkynyl-DNA can be modified onto the surfaces of Streptavidin Magnespheres Paramagnetic Particles (PMPs) through copper(I) catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) reaction and formed invertase-functionalized PMPs, which can be separated easily. The presence of invertase can convert sucrose to glucose and can be monitored by the PGM easily. The presence of histidine can inhibit the CuAAC, so the read-out signal of PGM decreased. The difference in signals from the PGM before and after addition of histidine has a good linear correlation with the logarithm of the histidine concentrations in the range of 0.01 similar to 100 mu M with a detection limit of 3.4 nM, which is lower than those of many other chemical sensors. Moreover, the assay of histidine in milk samples is demonstrated with satisfactory results. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Click chemistry Click chemistry Histidine Histidine Invertase Invertase Milk Milk Personal glucose meters Personal glucose meters


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, Jin , Xu, Kefeng , Zhou, Ping et al. A portable chemical sensor for histidine based on the strategy of click chemistry [J]. | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS , 2014 , 51 : 386-390 .
MLA Zhou, Jin et al. "A portable chemical sensor for histidine based on the strategy of click chemistry" . | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 51 (2014) : 386-390 .
APA Zhou, Jin , Xu, Kefeng , Zhou, Ping , Zheng, Ou , Lin, Zhenyu , Guo, Longhua et al. A portable chemical sensor for histidine based on the strategy of click chemistry . | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS , 2014 , 51 , 386-390 .
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Version :

A portable chemical sensor for histidine based on the strategy of click chemistry EI
期刊论文 | 2014 , 51 , 386-390 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics
A portable chemical sensor for histidine based on the strategy of click chemistry Scopus
期刊论文 | 2014 , 51 , 386-390 | Biosensors and Bioelectronics
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