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期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (04) , 248-251,301 | 噪声与振动控制
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

鸟鸣声作为城市绿色空间中生物声景的主导成分之一,对减缓城市居民压力起到关键的作用。本研究目的在于探究城市公园中鸟鸣声持续时间对交通声造成心理压力的恢复作用以及鸟鸣声驱动因素与交通噪声烦恼度的内在联系。以加拿大温哥华市的3个城市公园为例,对41个观测点进行实验研究。通过让受试者先后倾听交通噪声和鸟鸣声,比较受试者交通噪声烦恼度的数值变化。研究结果表明:1~4 kHz的倍频带频率与鸟鸣声持续时间以及交通噪声烦恼度具有较强的相关性;持续时间超过20秒的鸟鸣声均可降低交通噪声烦恼度,但超过120秒后效果将减弱;鸟鸣声持续时间达到60秒和80秒时效果最优,交通噪声烦恼度减缓率可达26.67%和22.22%。在实际应用中可增加浆果类植物吸引鸣禽,并增设可调控时长的鸟鸣声播放设备,以期有效降低城市公园交通噪声烦恼度。

Keyword :

城市公园 城市公园 声学 声学 烦恼度 烦恼度 鸟鸣声 鸟鸣声


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GB/T 7714 洪昕晨 , 刘江 , 王光玉 et al. 城市公园鸟鸣声持续时间对交通噪声烦恼度的影响研究 [J]. | 噪声与振动控制 , 2024 , 44 (04) : 248-251,301 .
MLA 洪昕晨 et al. "城市公园鸟鸣声持续时间对交通噪声烦恼度的影响研究" . | 噪声与振动控制 44 . 04 (2024) : 248-251,301 .
APA 洪昕晨 , 刘江 , 王光玉 , 王嘉炳 , 成玉宁 . 城市公园鸟鸣声持续时间对交通噪声烦恼度的影响研究 . | 噪声与振动控制 , 2024 , 44 (04) , 248-251,301 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (4) , 248-251,301 | 噪声与振动控制
Comparative Study of Cultural Landscape Perception in Historic Districts from the Perspectives of Tourists and Residents SSCI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 13 (3) | LAND
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

From a human-centric perspective, improving the spatial quality of historical districts is a key focus in achieving their refined governance. Based on a public survey performed in Zhangzhou Ancient City, we explored the differences in the perception of cultural landscape genes (CLGs) between residents and tourists with different individual characteristics, utilizing non-parametric tests and box-plot analysis methods. The findings indicate the following: Tourists have a stronger perception of CLGs related to site layout and architectural features than residents, while residents have a stronger perception of cultural customs. Gender-related differences in the perception of CLG are only significant among tourists, with females showing a higher level of CLG perception than males. Residents of different age groups show a "U-shaped" distribution in their perception of CLGs related to site layout, whereas senior tourists have a lower cognitive perception level. People with lower educational backgrounds among residents tend to perceive cultural customs more significantly, whereas tourists with diverse educational backgrounds do not perceive them as having a significant impact. Residence location, visit frequency, duration of residence, and residence nature are key positive factors affecting the perception of CLGs. Our study highlights the significance of considering the users' characteristics in enhancing the refined governance of historical districts.

Keyword :

cultural landscape gene cultural landscape gene distinctiveness distinctiveness historic district historic district human-centric perspective human-centric perspective individual factors individual factors


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GB/T 7714 Jiang, Siyu , Liu, Jiang . Comparative Study of Cultural Landscape Perception in Historic Districts from the Perspectives of Tourists and Residents [J]. | LAND , 2024 , 13 (3) .
MLA Jiang, Siyu et al. "Comparative Study of Cultural Landscape Perception in Historic Districts from the Perspectives of Tourists and Residents" . | LAND 13 . 3 (2024) .
APA Jiang, Siyu , Liu, Jiang . Comparative Study of Cultural Landscape Perception in Historic Districts from the Perspectives of Tourists and Residents . | LAND , 2024 , 13 (3) .
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Comparative Study of Cultural Landscape Perception in Historic Districts from the Perspectives of Tourists and Residents Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 13 (3) | Land
期刊论文 | 2024 , 42 (07) , 32-40 | 小城镇建设
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

乡村振兴 乡村振兴 耦合协调度 耦合协调度 自然资源 自然资源 适应性评价 适应性评价 金山镇 金山镇


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GB/T 7714 陈晓菁 , 罗涛 , 廖红春 et al. 乡村振兴背景下村庄自然资源适应性评价研究——以漳州市金山镇为例 [J]. | 小城镇建设 , 2024 , 42 (07) : 32-40 .
MLA 陈晓菁 et al. "乡村振兴背景下村庄自然资源适应性评价研究——以漳州市金山镇为例" . | 小城镇建设 42 . 07 (2024) : 32-40 .
APA 陈晓菁 , 罗涛 , 廖红春 , 刘江 . 乡村振兴背景下村庄自然资源适应性评价研究——以漳州市金山镇为例 . | 小城镇建设 , 2024 , 42 (07) , 32-40 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 42 (7) , 32-40 | 小城镇建设
Landsenses in Green Spaces SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 15 (2) | FORESTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Jiang , Wang, Xinhao , Hong, Xinchen . Landsenses in Green Spaces [J]. | FORESTS , 2024 , 15 (2) .
MLA Liu, Jiang et al. "Landsenses in Green Spaces" . | FORESTS 15 . 2 (2024) .
APA Liu, Jiang , Wang, Xinhao , Hong, Xinchen . Landsenses in Green Spaces . | FORESTS , 2024 , 15 (2) .
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Landsenses in Green Spaces EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 15 (2) | Forests
Landsenses in Green Spaces Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 15 (2) | Forests
Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (1) | BMC Public Health
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The association between built environment and physical activity has been recognized. However, how and to what extent microscale streetscapes are related to running activity remains underexplored, partly due to the lack of running data in large urban areas. Moreover, few studies have examined the interactive effects of macroscale built environment and microscale streetscapes. This study examines the main and interactive effects of the two-level environments on running intensity, using 9.73 million fitness tracker data from Keep in Shanghai, China. Results of spatial error model showed that: 1) the explanatory power of microscale streetscapes was higher than that of macroscale built environment with R2 of 0.245 and 0.240, respectively, which is different from the prior finding that R2 is greater for macroscale built environment than for microscale streetscape; 2) sky and green view indexes were positively associated with running intensity, whereas visual crowdedness had a negative effect; 3) there were negative interactions of land use Herfindahl–Hirschman index with sky and green view indexes, while a positive interaction was observed for visual crowdedness. To conclude, greener, more open and less visually crowded streetscapes, can promote running behavior and enhance the benefits of land use mix as well. The findings highlight the importance of streetscapes in promoting running behavior, instead of a supplement to macroscale built environment. © The Author(s) 2024.

Keyword :

Built environment Built environment Deep learning Deep learning Running activity Running activity Street view images Street view images


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GB/T 7714 Guo, H. , Zhang, S. , Liu, Y. et al. Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China [J]. | BMC Public Health , 2024 , 24 (1) .
MLA Guo, H. et al. "Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China" . | BMC Public Health 24 . 1 (2024) .
APA Guo, H. , Zhang, S. , Liu, Y. , Lin, R. , Liu, J. . Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China . | BMC Public Health , 2024 , 24 (1) .
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Building running-friendly cities: effects of streetscapes on running using 9.73 million fitness tracker data in Shanghai, China SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (1) | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
How Should Soundscape Optimization from Perceived Soundscape Elements in Urban Forests by the Riverside Be Performed? SSCI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 12 (10) | LAND
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Urban forests by the riverside are important habitats for various animals and contribute various soundscapes for citizens. Unfortunately, urban forests are exposed to the influence of riverside traffic noises from freeways. This study aims to explore the spatial and temporal variation of soundscape, conduct soundscape optimization for multiple parameters, and find a balance and its interval of soundscape elements through optimizing a soundscape map. Questionnaires and measuring equipment were used to gather soundscape information in an urban forested area in Fuzhou, China. Diurnal variations and soundscape mapping were used to analyze spatial and psychophysical relationships between soundscape drivers. We then conducted optimization for a soundscape map, which included normalization, critical value determination, target interval of optimal SPL determination, and modification of SPL and mapping. Our findings suggest that biological activities and natural phenomena are potential drivers for diurnal variation of soundscapes, especially tidal phenomena contributing water and shipping soundscapes. Our results also suggest that all the high values of perceived soundscapes were found at the southwest corner of the study area, which includes both riverside and urban forest elements. Furthermore, we suggest combining both optimal soundscape and SPL correction maps to aid in sustainable design in urban forests. This can contribute to the understanding and methodology of soundscape map optimization in urban forests when proposing suitable design plans and conservation of territorial sound.

Keyword :

China China mapping mapping optimal process optimal process soundscape soundscape urban forests urban forests


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GB/T 7714 Hong, Xin-Chen , Cheng, Shi , Liu, Jiang et al. How Should Soundscape Optimization from Perceived Soundscape Elements in Urban Forests by the Riverside Be Performed? [J]. | LAND , 2023 , 12 (10) .
MLA Hong, Xin-Chen et al. "How Should Soundscape Optimization from Perceived Soundscape Elements in Urban Forests by the Riverside Be Performed?" . | LAND 12 . 10 (2023) .
APA Hong, Xin-Chen , Cheng, Shi , Liu, Jiang , Guo, Lian-Huan , Dang, Emily , Wang, Jia-Bing et al. How Should Soundscape Optimization from Perceived Soundscape Elements in Urban Forests by the Riverside Be Performed? . | LAND , 2023 , 12 (10) .
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How Should Soundscape Optimization from Perceived Soundscape Elements in Urban Forests by the Riverside Be Performed? Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 12 (10) | Land
Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (1) | FORESTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Soundscapes are important resources and contribute to high-quality visiting experiences in scenic areas. Based on a public investigation of 195 interviewees in the Kulangsu scenic area, this study aimed to explore the relationships between the harmonious degree of sound sources (SHD) and visiting experience indicators, in terms of soundscape perception, as well as the satisfaction degree of visual landscape and comprehensive impression. The results suggested that the dominating positions of human sounds did not totally suppress the perception of natural sounds such as birdsong and sea waves in the scenic area. Natural sound sources also showed a higher harmonious degree than other artificial sounds. Significant relationships existed between the SHD of most sound sources and the visiting experience indicators. Natural sounds were closely related to pleasant and comfortable soundscape perception, while mechanical sound sources were mainly related to eventful and varied soundscapes. The close relationships between certain sound sources and the satisfaction degree of the visual landscape and comprehensive impression evaluation indicated the effectiveness of audio-visual and even multi-sensory approaches to enhance visiting experience. The structural equation model further revealed that (1) natural sound was the most influential sound source of soundscape and visual landscape perception; (2) human sounds and mechanical sounds all showed significant positive effects on soundscape perception; and (3) indirect relationships could exist in the SHD of sound sources with comprehensive impression evaluation. The results can facilitate targeted soundscape and landscape management and landsense creation with the aim of improving visiting experience.

Keyword :

landscape landscape scenic area scenic area sound perception sound perception soundscape soundscape structural equation model structural equation model visiting experience visiting experience


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Xuan , Liu, Jiang , Chen, Zhu et al. Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China [J]. | FORESTS , 2023 , 14 (1) .
MLA Guo, Xuan et al. "Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China" . | FORESTS 14 . 1 (2023) .
APA Guo, Xuan , Liu, Jiang , Chen, Zhu , Hong, Xin-Chen . Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China . | FORESTS , 2023 , 14 (1) .
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Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (1) | Forests
Harmonious Degree of Sound Sources Influencing Visiting Experience in Kulangsu Scenic Area, China EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (1) | Forests
Multi-Scale Effects of Landscape Pattern on Soundscape Perception in Residential Green Spaces SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (12) | FORESTS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Soundscape quality in green spaces of residential areas directly contributes to residents' quality of life. It has close relationships with landscape characteristics, which should be considered in landscape planning and design processes in residential areas. Accordingly, this study proposed a new perspective on the interrelationships between soundscape perception and landscape pattern on multi-scale, based on a case study of 30 residential green spaces in Fuzhou, China. Percentage of Landscape (PLAND), Patch Density (PD), Landscape Shape Index (LSI), and Patch cohesion index (COHESION) were utilized to represent the landscape pattern of vegetation, buildings, and roads in the residential areas. Soundscape perception was interpreted using the sound dominant degree (SDD) of sound sources and overall soundscape quality. The examined spatial scales range from 20 m to 180 m, with concentric circles spaced 20 m apart for each sampling point. Correlation analyses indicated that most landscape indices of vegetation and buildings were correlated with these soundscape perception indicators, while limited landscape indices of roads were associated with them. Based on the multi-scale landscape indices, multiple linear regression models for the SDD of sound sources and overall soundscape quality were established, confirming that the scale effect of landscape patterns can affect soundscape perception. Expressly, results indicated that these models were chiefly influenced by the landscape indices at a scale less than 120 m, but the scale effect of landscape pattern on the SDD of birdsong, pleasantness, and quietness was not so evident. Furthermore, we found that the number of explanatory variables may somewhat affect the model performance. The overall interpretability of these landscape indices for the SDD of sound sources was better than that of overall soundscape quality, implying the complexity of the latter. This study offers a fresh insight into the relationship between landscapes and soundscapes at varying scales. The findings can provide useful information for the promotion strategies of landscapes and soundscapes, especially in residential green spaces.

Keyword :

green space green space landscape pattern landscape pattern residential area residential area scale effect scale effect sound dominant degree sound dominant degree soundscape quality soundscape quality


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Jiang , Huang, Yi-Jun , Chen, Zhu et al. Multi-Scale Effects of Landscape Pattern on Soundscape Perception in Residential Green Spaces [J]. | FORESTS , 2023 , 14 (12) .
MLA Liu, Jiang et al. "Multi-Scale Effects of Landscape Pattern on Soundscape Perception in Residential Green Spaces" . | FORESTS 14 . 12 (2023) .
APA Liu, Jiang , Huang, Yi-Jun , Chen, Zhu , Hong, Xin-Chen . Multi-Scale Effects of Landscape Pattern on Soundscape Perception in Residential Green Spaces . | FORESTS , 2023 , 14 (12) .
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Multi-Scale Effects of Landscape Pattern on Soundscape Perception in Residential Green Spaces EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (12) | Forests
Multi-Scale Effects of Landscape Pattern on Soundscape Perception in Residential Green Spaces Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (12) | Forests
景感生态学研究进展及其对人居环境科学的启示 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 38 (6) , 75-81 | 西部人居环境学刊
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

面对中国城镇化中后期的发展需求,中国人居环境科学亟需建立科学共同体,探寻基于共性科学问题解决的认知方法和技术解决方案.景感生态学(landsenses ecology)作为近年来生态学发展较快的分支之一,以生态学基本原理为基础,继承了中国传统人居营建优良传统,对我国人居环境科学的发展具有重要借鉴意义.首先,明确了景感生态学具有学科融合、技术支撑与多尺度空间实践引导的基本特征,将景感生态学的核心思想归纳为人感尺度的生态特征与以人为本的景感营造.其次,解构了景感生态学的技术方法,总结了物联网、趋善化模型、生态信息数据系统等多种技术方法在土地利用规划、建设与管理中的应用途径.进而,探索了景感生态学对我国人居环境科学的重要启示:生态过程与人类感知的全尺度交互;从分散到融合的多源数据信息优化;从景观到景感的空间营造思维转变.

Keyword :

人居环境 人居环境 技术体系 技术体系 景感生态学 景感生态学 景感营造 景感营造 理论核心 理论核心


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GB/T 7714 刘江 , 温俊豪 , 张雪葳 . 景感生态学研究进展及其对人居环境科学的启示 [J]. | 西部人居环境学刊 , 2023 , 38 (6) : 75-81 .
MLA 刘江 et al. "景感生态学研究进展及其对人居环境科学的启示" . | 西部人居环境学刊 38 . 6 (2023) : 75-81 .
APA 刘江 , 温俊豪 , 张雪葳 . 景感生态学研究进展及其对人居环境科学的启示 . | 西部人居环境学刊 , 2023 , 38 (6) , 75-81 .
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景感生态学研究进展及其对人居环境科学的启示 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 38 (06) , 75-81 | 西部人居环境学刊
基于景感生态理念的历史街区场所营造智能化路径 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (07) , 43-50 | 风景园林
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

场所营造 场所营造 心理认知 心理认知 景感生态 景感生态 智能化 智能化 物理感知 物理感知


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GB/T 7714 刘江 , 蒋思雨 , 张兵华 . 基于景感生态理念的历史街区场所营造智能化路径 [J]. | 风景园林 , 2023 , 30 (07) : 43-50 .
MLA 刘江 et al. "基于景感生态理念的历史街区场所营造智能化路径" . | 风景园林 30 . 07 (2023) : 43-50 .
APA 刘江 , 蒋思雨 , 张兵华 . 基于景感生态理念的历史街区场所营造智能化路径 . | 风景园林 , 2023 , 30 (07) , 43-50 .
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基于景感生态理念的历史街区场所营造智能化路径 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (7) , 43-50 | 风景园林
基于景感生态理念的历史街区场所营造智能化路径 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 30 (07) , 43-50 | 风景园林
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