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搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 PKU CSCD
期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (02) , 318-333 | 中国矿业大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为探讨复合矿物的微波加热机制,使用COMSOL Multiphyics软件,基于任意拉格朗日-欧拉(ALE)方法建立起环绕式微波加热模型来开展对不同组分结构和占比的复合矿物模型的温升特性研究.研究结果表明:相比于无搅拌加热模型,在铜片长度为5 cm,转速为(π/3) rad/s的环绕式模型中,矿物加热的效率更高,温度分布更均匀;复合矿物组分结构的变化会改变电磁波的分布,黄铁矿包裹方解石模型的微波加热效率低于方解石包裹黄铁矿模型;在黄铁矿包裹方解石模型中,黄铁矿厚度变化会引起电磁波相位变化,使得矿内电场热点和冷点偏移,并且其厚度大小在穿透深度前后对比,射入的电磁波强度差距较大,电场强度有显著差异;相同组分占比下,非均质矿物整体的电场模比复合均质矿物更低更稳定,组分间的电场强度更为接近;随着黄铁矿占比的增加,非均质矿物整体在微波加热30 s后的温度变化可分为小波峰区(0~10%)、大波峰区(10%~50%)、平稳区(50%~75%),组分间的温差逐渐变小.

Keyword :

加热机制 加热机制 复合矿物 复合矿物 微波破岩 微波破岩 数值模拟 数值模拟


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GB/T 7714 龙盛壹 , 洪溢都 , 孙晓婉 et al. 搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 [J]. | 中国矿业大学学报 , 2024 , 53 (02) : 318-333 .
MLA 龙盛壹 et al. "搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究" . | 中国矿业大学学报 53 . 02 (2024) : 318-333 .
APA 龙盛壹 , 洪溢都 , 孙晓婉 , 阳富强 , 郭进 , 聂闻 . 搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 . | 中国矿业大学学报 , 2024 , 53 (02) , 318-333 .
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Version :

搅拌模型下矿物的微波加热温升特性研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (2) , 318-333 | 中国矿业大学学报
Experiments on the Vented Ammonia-Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations under Various Hydrogen Volume Fractions SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 | ENERGY & FUELS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Although ammonia as a carbon-free fuel is regarded as an energy source worthy of significant development, how to address the shortcomings of its poor combustion properties has been a hot topic of research. Hydrogen enrichment is a promising solution to improve the combustion properties of ammonia, but at the same time, the potential explosion risk will inevitably be raised. In this paper, the effects of hydrogen volumetric fraction (chi) in NH3/H-2 on the NH3/H-2/air deflagrations were experimentally investigated in a rectangular duct with an end-opening at an initial pressure and temperature of 101 kPa and 298 K, where chi was varied from 0.1 to 0.9. Results demonstrate that flame propagation and overpressure profiles inside and outside the chamber depend on chi. Buoyancy plays a significant role in flame propagation at chi = 0.1. More prominent deformation of the flame front propagating toward the closed end (CE) was observed in the experiments with higher chi s. Helmholtz oscillations of the flame occurred in all tests, which resulted in pressure oscillations with a decreasing frequency as chi was increased. Acoustically enhanced combustion of NH3/H-2/air remained at the CE, appeared when chi >= 0.7, and acoustic-type oscillations of the internal explosion overpressure and a pressure peak of p(2) formed in these tests. The amplitude of p(2) dropped as chi varied from 0.7 to 0.9. A proportional relationship between the highest explosion overpressure inside the chamber (p(max)) and the square of the laminar burning velocity of NH3/H-2/air (s(l)(2)). When chi >= 0.3, a dominant pressure peak (p(ext)) caused by the external explosion appeared in the external overpressure profiles, and its amplitude increased as chi varied from 0.3 to 0.9.


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Shikai , Guo, Jin , Mei, Liang et al. Experiments on the Vented Ammonia-Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations under Various Hydrogen Volume Fractions [J]. | ENERGY & FUELS , 2024 .
MLA Huang, Shikai et al. "Experiments on the Vented Ammonia-Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations under Various Hydrogen Volume Fractions" . | ENERGY & FUELS (2024) .
APA Huang, Shikai , Guo, Jin , Mei, Liang , Yang, Zexuan . Experiments on the Vented Ammonia-Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations under Various Hydrogen Volume Fractions . | ENERGY & FUELS , 2024 .
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Experiments on the Vented Ammonia-Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations under Various Hydrogen Volume Fractions EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 38 (10) , 9110-9119 | Energy and Fuels
Experiments on the Vented Ammonia-Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations under Various Hydrogen Volume Fractions Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 38 (10) , 9110-9119 | Energy and Fuels
Effect of vent area on vented ammonia-hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 1-m-long duct SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 362 | FUEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Although ammonia-hydrogen blended fuel has become a research hotspot, it is essential to recognize that adding hydrogen to ammonia increases the potential explosion hazard before considering the development of ammoniahydrogen fuel. In this study, the effect of vent area on vented deflagrations of ammonia-hydrogen-air mixtures is investigated in a 1-m-long horizontal rectangular duct with a right end opening at an initial temperature of 293 K and an initial pressure of 101 kPa. A dimensionless vent coefficient K-v is used to define the vent area in this work to clarify the evolution of flame structures and overpressure inside and outside the duct. For a specific K-v, the amplitude of the maximum internal explosion overpressure (P-max) monitored at the left end of the duct (LE) has a greater difference compared with other pressure monitoring points. The maximum amplitude of P(max )is always reached at the LE for K-v <= 3.2, while the difference in the maximum amplitude of P(max )between different monitoring points decreased significantly for K-v > 3.2. With the increasing of K(v )from 2.2 to 20.1, P(max )obtained at the right end of the duct (RE) and the center of the duct increases monotonously, but P(max )monitored at the LE shows a non-monotonic increasing trend. A spike structure of penetrating flame bubbles resulting from negative pressure balance is only observed inside the duct for K-v <= 5.6. Two types of oscillations (Helmholtz and Acoustic oscillations) can be distinguished in some tests, and only acoustic oscillations of overpressure can be clearly found in tests with K-v > 7.8. With the increasing of K(v )from 2.2 to 20.1, the shape of the external fireball will change significantly. As Kv increases from 2.2 to 5.6, the external fireball shapes are always mushroom-shaped. However, the shapes of the fireball become elongated for K-v > 7.8, and even the external fireball presents a jet shape for K-v = 20.1. With the increasing of K-v from 2.2 to 20.1, The maximum external overpressure increases first, thereafter decreases, and finally increases.

Keyword :

Ammonia-hydrogen-air mixtures Ammonia-hydrogen-air mixtures External explosion External explosion Flame behavior Flame behavior Overpressure Overpressure Vent area Vent area


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Shikai , Guo, Jin , Mei, Liang et al. Effect of vent area on vented ammonia-hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 1-m-long duct [J]. | FUEL , 2024 , 362 .
MLA Huang, Shikai et al. "Effect of vent area on vented ammonia-hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 1-m-long duct" . | FUEL 362 (2024) .
APA Huang, Shikai , Guo, Jin , Mei, Liang , Yang, Zexuan , Wang, Hongyan , Li, Yiming . Effect of vent area on vented ammonia-hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 1-m-long duct . | FUEL , 2024 , 362 .
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Version :

Effect of vent area on vented ammonia-hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 1-m-long duct EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 362 | Fuel
Effect of vent area on vented ammonia-hydrogen-air deflagrations in a 1-m-long duct Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 362 | Fuel
Study on the deflagrations of NH3/H2/air in an end-open duct: Effects of ignition position and hydrogen fraction SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In this study, experiments were conducted in a 1 m -long horizontal rectangular duct at an initial temperature of 285 K and an initial pressure of 100 kPa to investigate the influence of ignition position and hydrogen fraction (x) on the vented deflagration of NH3/H-2/air. A range of x from 0.1 to 0.9, as well as three ignition positions, including FI (front ignition), CI (central ignition), and RI (rear ignition), were employed. It was indicated that the ignition position and x remarkably influenced on the overpressure accumulation and flame evolution inside and outside the duct. With x increasing from 0.1 to 0.9, the maximum explosion overpressure (p(max)) and the maximum external overpressure increased with x at three ignition positions. As x increased from 0.1 to 0.9, p(max) increased from 7 kPa to 22 kPa at FI, from 13 kPa to 50 kPa at CI, and from 13 kPa to 33 kPa at RI. With x increasing from 0.1 to 0.9, the maximum external overpressure increased from 0.15 kPa to 4 kPa in the case of FI, from 0.43 kPa to 16.36 kPa in the case of CI, and from 1 kPa to 35.58 kPa in the case of RI. Left flame front deformation owing to R -T instability was found and was the most severe at FI. In rear ignition explosions, the flame always propagates toward the opening end as x > 0.5, but when x <= 0.5, the flame front may transiently move away from the opening. In the case of RI, the shape of the external combustible cloud transferred from a "mushroom" to a "dumbbell" as x increased from 0.5 to 0.9. Two types of oscillations (Helmholtz -type and acoustic oscillations) could be found. As x increased from 0.3 to 0.7, the Helmholtz -type oscillations could be easily distinguished in the cases of FI and CI. As x increased from 0.3 to 0.7, the frequency of Helmholtz -type oscillations increased from 125 Hz at x = 0.3-140 Hz at x = 0.5-150 Hz at x = 0.7 in the case of FI and from 135 Hz at x = 0.3-160 Hz at x = 0.5-170 Hz at x = 0.7 in the case of CI. Acoustic oscillations could only be observed in tests with x >= 0.7 and were the most intense when x = 0.7.

Keyword :

Flame Flame Ignition position Ignition position NH 3 /H 2 /air deflagration NH 3 /H 2 /air deflagration Overpressure Overpressure Pressure oscillation Pressure oscillation


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Shikai , Guo, Jin , Mei, Liang et al. Study on the deflagrations of NH3/H2/air in an end-open duct: Effects of ignition position and hydrogen fraction [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2024 , 60 : 55-65 .
MLA Huang, Shikai et al. "Study on the deflagrations of NH3/H2/air in an end-open duct: Effects of ignition position and hydrogen fraction" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 60 (2024) : 55-65 .
APA Huang, Shikai , Guo, Jin , Mei, Liang , Yang, Zexuan . Study on the deflagrations of NH3/H2/air in an end-open duct: Effects of ignition position and hydrogen fraction . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2024 , 60 , 55-65 .
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Version :

Study on the deflagrations of NH3/H2/air in an end-open duct: Effects of ignition position and hydrogen fraction Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 60 , 55-65 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
负面舆情演化下的应急物资优化调度研究 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (07) , 2776-2786 | 安全与环境学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

优化算法 优化算法 公共安全 公共安全 舆情演化 舆情演化 调度策略 调度策略 郎之万方程 郎之万方程


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GB/T 7714 段在鹏 , 俞思雅 , 杨泽鸿 et al. 负面舆情演化下的应急物资优化调度研究 [J]. | 安全与环境学报 , 2024 , 24 (07) : 2776-2786 .
MLA 段在鹏 et al. "负面舆情演化下的应急物资优化调度研究" . | 安全与环境学报 24 . 07 (2024) : 2776-2786 .
APA 段在鹏 , 俞思雅 , 杨泽鸿 , 郭进 , 王照阳 . 负面舆情演化下的应急物资优化调度研究 . | 安全与环境学报 , 2024 , 24 (07) , 2776-2786 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (7) , 2776-2786 | 安全与环境学报
Integrated warning model for structural safety of buildings in urban waterlogged area; [城市易涝区房屋结构安全集成预警模型] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 33 (7) , 173-180 | China Safety Science Journal
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to explore the important factors affecting the structural safety of houses in urban waterlogged areas, 21 attributes, such as house year, floor and area, were collected and selected to construct an early warning index system, and the discretization and imbalance of samples were solved by over-sampling and unique heat coding. Secondly, four different integrated algorithms and six machine learning models were used to build an early warning model to learn and test the safety data of housing structures. Then, the performance of the early warning model was compared comprehensively by applying the harmonic average of accuracy, accuracy and recall, average accuracy and area under the curve (AUC), and the correlation analysis and importance ranking of each warning index were carried out. Finally, 2 215 houses in 35 waterlogging areas in 11 counties and cities of Fujian Province were taken as examples to verify the scientific and validity of the model. The results show that: whether the house belongs to the key inspection, whether the construction team is professional, house area, year and the number of the ground floor are all more than 150, which are the most important five indicators for building safety warnings in vulnerable waterlogging areas. The early-warning model based on the lifting method strategy has the best early-warning accuracy, and the overall prediction accuracy is 99. 10%. The model can detect the structural safety of houses in vulnerable waterlogging areas more accurately and efficiently. © 2023 Fine Chemicals. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

building structure safety building structure safety early warning model early warning model integrated algorithm integrated algorithm machine learning machine learning vulnerable to waterlogging vulnerable to waterlogging


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GB/T 7714 Duan, Z. , Li, F. , Guo, J. et al. Integrated warning model for structural safety of buildings in urban waterlogged area; [城市易涝区房屋结构安全集成预警模型] [J]. | China Safety Science Journal , 2023 , 33 (7) : 173-180 .
MLA Duan, Z. et al. "Integrated warning model for structural safety of buildings in urban waterlogged area; [城市易涝区房屋结构安全集成预警模型]" . | China Safety Science Journal 33 . 7 (2023) : 173-180 .
APA Duan, Z. , Li, F. , Guo, J. , Li, J. . Integrated warning model for structural safety of buildings in urban waterlogged area; [城市易涝区房屋结构安全集成预警模型] . | China Safety Science Journal , 2023 , 33 (7) , 173-180 .
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Experimental study of the coupling effects of ignition position and nitrogen inerting on vented hydrogen-air deflagrations SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

In this paper, the flame evolution and pressure dynamics of hydrogen-nitrogen-air explosions with nitrogen addition ratio (chi) ranging from 0 to 40 %, ignited at three different positions ("central", "back" or "front" with respect to the vent) in a vented cylindrical vessel, were experimentally studied. Experimental results reveal that the coupling effects of chi and ignition position significantly affect the pressure curves and flame behavior within and outside the vessel. The higher the chi, the smoother the internal flame captured by a high-speed schlieren system. When chi<30 %, the maximum reduced overpressure (P-max) at different ignitions decreases with increasing chi, and the central explosion yields the best suppression of P-max: when chi is increased from 0 to 30 %, P-max monotonically decreases from 232 kPa to 38 kPa. However, the differences in P-max among the three ignition positions become negligible when chi >= 30 %. The structure of the pressure peaks and the types of oscillations measured near the vent depend on the combinations of ignition location and chi. The formation of a shock wave generated by the external explosion and its effect on the internal pressure-time histories are described. In general, for a given ignition, the maximum external overpressure (Pe-max) decreases with chi is increased. The most pronounced decreasing trend of Pe-max is consistently observed in back explosions when chi ranging from 0 to 40 %. Furthermore, compared to other ignition positions, the highest P-max is always attained in central-ignition with chi<30 %; while the highest Pe-max is always attained in back-ignition with chi <= 30 %; as chi >= 10 %, both P-max and Pe-max recorded at front-ignitions are almost insensitive to chi.

Keyword :

Explosion venting Explosion venting Hydrogen safety Hydrogen safety Nitrogen dilution Nitrogen dilution Overpressure Overpressure


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Kai , Wang, Jingui , Guo, Jin et al. Experimental study of the coupling effects of ignition position and nitrogen inerting on vented hydrogen-air deflagrations [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 50 : 1288-1295 .
MLA Zhang, Kai et al. "Experimental study of the coupling effects of ignition position and nitrogen inerting on vented hydrogen-air deflagrations" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 50 (2023) : 1288-1295 .
APA Zhang, Kai , Wang, Jingui , Guo, Jin , Du, Saifeng , Chen, Hao , Wang, Hongyan et al. Experimental study of the coupling effects of ignition position and nitrogen inerting on vented hydrogen-air deflagrations . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 50 , 1288-1295 .
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Version :

Experimental study of the coupling effects of ignition position and nitrogen inerting on vented hydrogen-air deflagrations EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 50 , 1288-1295 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Experimental study of the coupling effects of ignition position and nitrogen inerting on vented hydrogen-air deflagrations Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 50 , 1288-1295 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Effects of ignition position on the explosion of methane-air mixtures with concentration gradients SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

To investigate the effects of ignition position on the explosion of non-uniform methane-air mixtures, experiments were carried out in a closed pipe of 1 m length and 0.3m x 0.3 m cross-section. Methane is uniformly charged at the top of the pipe and then diffused freely, creating a concentration gradient. The concentration gradient of the methane-air mixture depends on the diffusion time. The effects of the three ignition positions - top (IP1), center (IP2) and bottom (IP3) - on the flame propagation at different ignition delay time (tig) were investigated. The ignition position and tig are the key factors influencing the success of ignition. For IP2 and IP3, the flame propagation velocity increases with the increase of tig, but the flame propagation velocity at IP1 does not change significantly with an increase in tig. When tig <= 25min, the temperature (Tmax) and maximum overpressure (Pmax) in the pipe at IP1 are significantly higher than those at IP2 and IP3. When the methane-air mixtures are nearly uniform, the Tmax and Pmax at different ignition locations are almost identical. The maximum pressure rise rate, (dP/dt)max, was affected by the flame pipe collision and different flame shapes caused by the ignition position.

Keyword :

Concentration gradient Concentration gradient Explosion Explosion Flame Flame Ignition position Ignition position Methane Methane


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Hanwen , Guo, Jin , Wang, Jingui et al. Effects of ignition position on the explosion of methane-air mixtures with concentration gradients [J]. | JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES , 2023 , 85 .
MLA Zhang, Hanwen et al. "Effects of ignition position on the explosion of methane-air mixtures with concentration gradients" . | JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES 85 (2023) .
APA Zhang, Hanwen , Guo, Jin , Wang, Jingui , Wu, Jiahan , Wang, Haozhe . Effects of ignition position on the explosion of methane-air mixtures with concentration gradients . | JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES , 2023 , 85 .
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Effects of ignition position on the explosion of methane-air mixtures with concentration gradients EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 85 | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Effects of ignition position on the explosion of methane-air mixtures with concentration gradients Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 85 | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries
Duct-vented explosion of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures at various hydrogen ratios SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 333 | FUEL
WoS CC Cited Count: 16
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

In this study, the effects of hydrogen ratio (x) on the vented deflagration of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures were investigated in a cylindrical vessel connected with a relief duct at an initial pressure of 100 kPa and an initial temperature of 290 K. Flame behavior and pressure evolution in the vessel, the duct and the free field outside the vented configuration were clarified by means of pressure measurement synchronized with high-speed photography. Experimental results revealed that the secondary explosion in the relief duct significantly affected the venting process because it created a negative pressure gradient and consequently a reverse flow regardless of x. The pressure peak in the relief duct resulting from the secondary explosion was higher than the maximum explosion overpressure in the vessel when x > 0.8, and a shock wave in the relief duct was visualized in these tests. Various pressure peaks in the pressure-time histories in the vessel owing to vent failure, reverse flow, and acoustically enhanced combustion could be distinguished when x <= 0.8, and the one which was dominant depended on x. Only one pressure peak formed when x > 0.8. The average maximum explosion overpressure in the vessel increased monotonically from 26 kPa to 289 kPa as x increased from 0 to 1.0. The maximum rate of pressure rise in the vessel approximated that in the duct when x <= 0.45, but the former was much lower than the latter in the tests with higher xs. The average maximum overpressure outside the vented configuration, owing to external explosion, increased from several kPa to 62 kPa with x increasing from in 0 to 1.0, and a shock wave downstream of the relief duct formed when x > 0.8.

Keyword :

air mixture air mixture Duct -vented explosion Duct -vented explosion External explosion External explosion Flame Flame Hydrogen Hydrogen methane methane Reverse flow Reverse flow


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Chunhua , Guo, Jin , Wang, Haozhe et al. Duct-vented explosion of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures at various hydrogen ratios [J]. | FUEL , 2023 , 333 .
MLA Wang, Chunhua et al. "Duct-vented explosion of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures at various hydrogen ratios" . | FUEL 333 (2023) .
APA Wang, Chunhua , Guo, Jin , Wang, Haozhe , Zhang, Hanwen , Wu, Jiahan . Duct-vented explosion of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures at various hydrogen ratios . | FUEL , 2023 , 333 .
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Duct-vented explosion of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures at various hydrogen ratios Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 333 | Fuel
Duct-vented explosion of stoichiometric hydrogen/methane/air mixtures at various hydrogen ratios EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 333 | Fuel
Effects of vent burst pressure on explosion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air gases; [破膜压力对氢-空气预混气体燃爆特性的影响] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (2) | Explosion and Shock Waves
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

By using a self-designed 5.00-m-long duct with a cross-section of 0.30 m × 0.30 m, a seris of experiments were performed on premixed hydrogen-air gases in which volume fraction of hydrogen was 30%. And the effects of vent burst pressure (pv) on the flame propagation and pressure-time histories in the duct were experimentally iveatigated. The explosion flames were recorded by a high-speed camera at a frequency of 2.5 kHz. Five piezoelectric pressure transducers were employed to record the internal and external overpressure. The duct had been evacuated using a vacuum pump before the experiment, and the premixed hydrogen-air gases with volume fraction of 30% was prepared according to Dalton’s law of partial pressure. The variation of the vent burst pressure was achieved by changing the thickness of the aluminum foil which was used as vent cover. The results show that the first three stages of the flame structure in the duct are hemispherical, finger-shaped and tulip flame, respectively. pv has a significant effect on the structure of tulip flame and its subsequent development. Three pressure peaks (pb, pout, pext) can be distinguished from the pressure-time histories monitored by the pressure transducer near the vent, corresponding to three different generation mechanisms: burst of the aluminum film, venting of burned mixtures, and the external explosion, respectively. The three pressure peaks increase with an increase in pv. pb is the dominant pressure peak in most cases. The maximum internal overpressure increases as pv increases, and the position where the maximum internal overpressure was measured depended on pv. The maximum internal overpressure was obtained at the center of the duct (PT2) when pv≤42 kPa, but near the open end of the duct (PT3) if pv>42 kPa. When the flame reached the vent, it ejected from the vent and then ignited the external combustible cloud. Therefore, the external explosion is triggered. pv significantly affects the flame evolution outside the duct, but there is no significant difference in the maximum length of the external flame at various pv. A non-monotonic trend between the maximum external overpressure and pv was observed. © 2023 Explosion and Shock Waves. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

explosion overpressure explosion overpressure external explosion external explosion flame propagation flame propagation hydrogen hydrogen vent burst pressure vent burst pressure


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GB/T 7714 Du, S. , Zhang, K. , Chen, H. et al. Effects of vent burst pressure on explosion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air gases; [破膜压力对氢-空气预混气体燃爆特性的影响] [J]. | Explosion and Shock Waves , 2023 , 43 (2) .
MLA Du, S. et al. "Effects of vent burst pressure on explosion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air gases; [破膜压力对氢-空气预混气体燃爆特性的影响]" . | Explosion and Shock Waves 43 . 2 (2023) .
APA Du, S. , Zhang, K. , Chen, H. , Guo, J. , Duan, Z. . Effects of vent burst pressure on explosion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air gases; [破膜压力对氢-空气预混气体燃爆特性的影响] . | Explosion and Shock Waves , 2023 , 43 (2) .
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Effects of vent burst pressure on explosion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air gases EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (2) | Explosion and Shock Waves
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