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期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (08) , 2765-2772 | 控制与决策
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

Benders分解 Benders分解 基于资源使用的先后次序 基于资源使用的先后次序 多资源工序 多资源工序 禁忌搜索算法 禁忌搜索算法 资源分配 资源分配


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GB/T 7714 翁武燕 , 储诚斌 , 吴鹏 . 极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题 [J]. | 控制与决策 , 2024 , 39 (08) : 2765-2772 .
MLA 翁武燕 等. "极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题" . | 控制与决策 39 . 08 (2024) : 2765-2772 .
APA 翁武燕 , 储诚斌 , 吴鹏 . 极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题 . | 控制与决策 , 2024 , 39 (08) , 2765-2772 .
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Resource allocation to minimize the weighted completion time with multiresource operations; [极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题] Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (8) , 2765-2772 | Control and Decision
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

This paper addresses a resource-allocation problem extracted from real life application involving multi-resource operations. A new mixed integer linear programming model is proposed to minimize the weighted completion time while considering resource-related precedence relationships. Then, a hybrid algorithm combining Benders decomposition and Tabu search is developed based on Benders decomposition as the basic framework. This method divides the original problem into a master problem for resource allocation and a subproblem of calculating the completion time of each operation. The convergence is sped up by improving the mathematical model and embedding the Tabu search approach. The experimental results on 300 randomly generated instances show that when solving small-scale problems, the proposed hybrid algorithm can yield satisfactory solutions with an average deviation of 0.86 % from optimal ones provided by the commercial CPLEX solver; when solving large-scale problems, the proposed algorithm outperforms the CPLEX solver, the pure Tabu search algorithm, the variable neighborhood search algorithm and the Benders decomposition with embedded genetic algorithm. Compared with the CPLEX, the upper bound and lower bound are improved by 4.74% and 9.62% respectively. © 2024 Northeast University. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Benders decomposition Benders decomposition multi-resource operation multi-resource operation resource allocation resource allocation Tabu search Tabu search the resource-related precedence relationships the resource-related precedence relationships


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GB/T 7714 Weng, W.-Y. , Chu, C.-B. , Wu, P. . Resource allocation to minimize the weighted completion time with multiresource operations; [极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题] [J]. | Control and Decision , 2024 , 39 (8) : 2765-2772 .
MLA Weng, W.-Y. 等. "Resource allocation to minimize the weighted completion time with multiresource operations; [极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题]" . | Control and Decision 39 . 8 (2024) : 2765-2772 .
APA Weng, W.-Y. , Chu, C.-B. , Wu, P. . Resource allocation to minimize the weighted completion time with multiresource operations; [极小化加权完工时间的多资源工序的资源分配问题] . | Control and Decision , 2024 , 39 (8) , 2765-2772 .
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Resource allocation to minimize the weighted completion time with multiresource operations EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 39 (8) , 2765-2772 | Control and Decision
期刊论文 | 2024 , 26 (03) , 1-9 | 交通科技与经济
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为保障突发应急事件下乘客的出行效率与安全,研究一类全新的面向突发应急事件的定制公交线网优化问题,旨在降低乘客出行时间、提高救援效率。首先引入风险系数概念,以描述不同乘客受突发应急事件的影响程度。其次,以所有乘客的出行时间最小化为目标,考虑需求点优先级、车辆容量、车辆到达时间等约束,构建一个混合整数非线性规划模型。同时针对模型特点,设计基于应急服务特点的破坏算子,改进自适应大邻域搜索算法,通过大量仿真算例验证模型与算法的可行性。实验结果表明:求解大规模算例时,改进算法相较于文献中的遗传算法,获取最优解的能力更强,平均节约出行时间1.38%。最后,将常规情境与突发应急事件下的优化方案进行对比,在相同出行需求下,应急定制公交线网优化的总运行时长比常规情况增加9.624 min;高风险需求点接受服务的时间相较于常规情况降低4.5%。与常规情况相比,该模型得到的线网优化方案更能实现乘客安全高效的转移,可为城市应急救援方案提供参考。

Keyword :

大邻域搜索算法 大邻域搜索算法 定制公交 定制公交 应急交通 应急交通 突发应急事件 突发应急事件 线网优化 线网优化


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GB/T 7714 付文涵 , 吴鹏 . 面向突发应急事件的定制公交线网优化研究 [J]. | 交通科技与经济 , 2024 , 26 (03) : 1-9 .
MLA 付文涵 等. "面向突发应急事件的定制公交线网优化研究" . | 交通科技与经济 26 . 03 (2024) : 1-9 .
APA 付文涵 , 吴鹏 . 面向突发应急事件的定制公交线网优化研究 . | 交通科技与经济 , 2024 , 26 (03) , 1-9 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 26 (3) , 1-9 | 交通科技与经济
带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 CSCD CSSCI-E PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (04) , 35-41 | 运筹与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

ε-约束法 ε-约束法 服务时间窗 服务时间窗 绿色多式联运 绿色多式联运 路径优化 路径优化 速度优化 速度优化


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GB/T 7714 吴鹏 , 季海涛 , 林峰 et al. 带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 [J]. | 运筹与管理 , 2024 , 33 (04) : 35-41 .
MLA 吴鹏 et al. "带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化" . | 运筹与管理 33 . 04 (2024) : 35-41 .
APA 吴鹏 , 季海涛 , 林峰 , 程俊恒 . 带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 . | 运筹与管理 , 2024 , 33 (04) , 35-41 .
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带服务时间窗的绿色多式联运路径和速度多目标优化 CSCD CSSCI-E PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 33 (4) , 35-41 | 运筹与管理
A Benders decomposition algorithm for resource allocation with multi-resource operations SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

This paper addresses a real life scheduling problem characterised by multi-resource operations whose completion simultaneously requires more than one (renewable) resource of different types. Such problems arise in various companies not only in manufacturing but also in services. Solving such a problem needs to address two interconnected subproblems: a sequencing subproblem and a resource-allocation subproblem if more than one resource is available in some types. The resource-allocation subproblem consists of allocating to each operation the resources it requires while the sequencing subproblem consists of determining the order in which each resource performs the operations assigned to it. This paper focuses on the resource-allocation subproblem. It generalises the basic scheduling problems which consist of determining the operations' starting or completion times for a given processing sequence for every resource. We consider a cost function taking into account the makespan, the cost of resource utilisation, and the load imbalance among the resources of the same type. We first formulate the problem into a mixed-integer linear program (MILP). To efficiently solve it, even in practical-sized instances, an exact algorithm called BD (Benders decomposition with enhancing cuts) is developed where the master problem only considers integer variables. We prove that the slave problem can be transformed into finding the longest paths in a digraph and therefore can be solved with the Bellman-Ford algorithm. To enhance the efficiency of the method, equivalent solutions are limited in the master problem. The performance of the approach is evaluated by comparing it against CPLEX, a state-of-the-art commonplace MILP solver, used to directly solve the initial MILP. The computational results demonstrate that BD provides competitive solutions in all upper and lower bounds. In particular, it improves, compared with CPLEX, the upper and lower bounds by 5.07% and 4.63%, respectively, in solving practical-sized instances. The experiment also shows that considering load balancing can make more rational use of resources and avoid adverse effects caused by excessive workload of staff and imbalanced use of equipment, which is very important in real-world production.

Keyword :

Benders decomposition Benders decomposition load balancing load balancing multi-resource operations multi-resource operations Resource allocation Resource allocation


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GB/T 7714 Weng, Wuyan , Chu, Chengbin , Wu, Peng . A Benders decomposition algorithm for resource allocation with multi-resource operations [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2024 .
MLA Weng, Wuyan et al. "A Benders decomposition algorithm for resource allocation with multi-resource operations" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH (2024) .
APA Weng, Wuyan , Chu, Chengbin , Wu, Peng . A Benders decomposition algorithm for resource allocation with multi-resource operations . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2024 .
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A Benders decomposition algorithm for resource allocation with multi-resource operations Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 | International Journal of Production Research
Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Limited resources are a prevalent and challenging problem in the field of emergency management. Emergency scheduling is an effective way to make full use of resources. However, designing an effective emergency plan to minimize rescue time is a major challenge. This study focuses on large-scale emergency scheduling for fighting forest fires with multiple rescue centers (depots) and limited fire-fighting resources, which aims to determine the optimal rescue route of fire-fighting teams at multiple rescue centers to minimize the total completion time of all fire-fighting tasks. For this problem, we first assign rescue priorities to different fire points according to the speed of the fire spread. Then, we formulate it into a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model and analyze its NP-hard complexity. To deal with large-scale problems, a new fast and effective artificial bee colony algorithm and variable neighborhood search combined algorithm is proposed. Extensive experimental results for large-scale randomly generated instances confirm the favorable performance of the proposed algorithm by comparing it with MILP solver CPLEX, genetic algorithms, and particle swarm optimization algorithms. We also derive some management insights to support emergency management decision-making.

Keyword :

arti-ficial bee colony algorithm arti-ficial bee colony algorithm emergency scheduling emergency scheduling Forest fires Forest fires MILP MILP variable neighborhood search variable neighborhood search


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Lubing , Zhao, Xufeng , Wu, Peng . Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS , 2024 .
MLA Wang, Lubing et al. "Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS (2024) .
APA Wang, Lubing , Zhao, Xufeng , Wu, Peng . Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS , 2024 .
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Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 25 (6) , 5791-5806 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Resource-Constrained Emergency Scheduling for Forest Fires via Artificial Bee Colony and Variable Neighborhood Search Combined Algorithm Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 25 (6) , 1-16 | IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (3) , 54-61 | 福建江夏学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

应用复杂网络理论,选取网络拓扑特征和度中心性、加权度中心性和介数中心性等指标,搜集2021 年第四季度全球班轮公司的1766 条航线构建航运网络,从海丝核心区航运网络整体连通程度和港口节点在连通海丝沿线航运网络中起到的重要性程度两个维度研究海丝核心区港口的连通性.结果表明,海丝核心区港口与海丝沿线港口有较为频繁的航线往来,厦门港在海丝核心区居于引领地位;海丝核心区港口对海丝沿线港口的航线联系的广度和深度在我国沿海处于中等水平,海丝沿线 7 个区域的航运互联互通对海丝核心区港口的依赖程度存在较大差异.为此,未来航线业务拓展要注重利用枢纽港的辐射效应,重点与连通性强的省份开展港口合作,不断提升海丝核心区的国际影响力.

Keyword :

海丝核心区建设 海丝核心区建设 港口连通性 港口连通性 省域一体化 省域一体化


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GB/T 7714 潘静静 , 吴鹏 , 张炜煌 . 省域一体化背景下海丝核心区港口连通性研究 [J]. | 福建江夏学院学报 , 2024 , 14 (3) : 54-61 .
MLA 潘静静 et al. "省域一体化背景下海丝核心区港口连通性研究" . | 福建江夏学院学报 14 . 3 (2024) : 54-61 .
APA 潘静静 , 吴鹏 , 张炜煌 . 省域一体化背景下海丝核心区港口连通性研究 . | 福建江夏学院学报 , 2024 , 14 (3) , 54-61 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 14 (03) , 54-61 | 福建江夏学院学报
Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

This work addresses a new bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling problem with release dates and resource consumption. It consists in optimally selecting subcontractors (machines) from a set of geographically dispersed locations and scheduling the orders (jobs) to the selected subcontractors for processing while meeting the order release dates and resource consumption restrictions, so as to simultaneously minimize the maximum completion time, i.e., the makespan, and the total cost including machine usage cost and resource consumption cost. The problem is first formulated into a bi-objective mixed -integer linear program based on linear ordering (LO-MILP), and then valid inequalities are explored based on property analysis. To solve it, an e -constraint method based on LO-MILP (e-LO-MILP) is first proposed. To more efficiently solve it, we also develop a tailored logic -based Benders decomposition combined with e -constraint method (e-LBBD) where a novel method to obtain a tight lower bound of the identical parallel machine with machine -dependent release dates and some problem -specific cuts are proposed. Numerical experiments on an illustrative example are conducted to show the applicability of the model and algorithm and intuitively reveal the trade-off between production efficiency and cost. Experimental results on 200 instances with up to 100 orders demonstrate that e-LBBD can reduce the computation time by about 28.92% compared to e-LO-MILP and yields better Pareto solutions than e-LO-MILP and the well-known non -dominated sorted genetic algorithm II do.

Keyword :

Logic-based Benders decomposition Logic-based Benders decomposition Parallel machine Parallel machine Release dates Release dates Resource consumption Resource consumption


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Peng , Wang, Yun , Chu, Chengbin . Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption [J]. | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , 2024 , 164 .
MLA Wu, Peng et al. "Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption" . | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH 164 (2024) .
APA Wu, Peng , Wang, Yun , Chu, Chengbin . Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption . | COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH , 2024 , 164 .
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Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 164 | Computers and Operations Research
Logic-based Benders decomposition for bi-objective parallel machine selection and job scheduling with release dates and resource consumption Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 164 | Computers and Operations Research
Eco-friendly lane reservation-based autonomous truck transportation network design SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

As one of the primary sources of carbon emissions, transportation sector has proposed various measures to reduce its carbon emissions. Introducing energy-efficient and low-carbon autonomous trucks into freight transportation is highly promising, but faces various challenges, especially safety issues. This study addresses eco-friendly lane reservation-based autonomous truck transportation network design for transportation safety and low carbon emissions. It aims to optimally implement dedicated truck lanes in an existing network and design dedicated routes for autonomous truck transportation to simultaneously minimise the negative impact caused by dedicated truck lanes and carbon emissions of the entire transportation system. We first formulate this problem into a bi-objective integer linear program. Then, an epsilon-constraint-based two-stage algorithm (ETSA) is proposed to solve it based on explored problem properties. A case study based on the well-known Sioux Falls network is conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model and algorithm. Computational results for 310 instances from the literature demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms the epsilon-constraint combined with the proposed ILP in obtaining the Pareto front. Moreover, helpful managerial insights are derived based on sensitivity analysis.

Keyword :

Autonomous truck Autonomous truck carbon emissions carbon emissions lane reservation lane reservation multi-objective optimisation multi-objective optimisation two-stage algorithm two-stage algorithm


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Ling , Wu, Peng , Chu, Chengbin et al. Eco-friendly lane reservation-based autonomous truck transportation network design [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2024 .
MLA Xu, Ling et al. "Eco-friendly lane reservation-based autonomous truck transportation network design" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH (2024) .
APA Xu, Ling , Wu, Peng , Chu, Chengbin , D'Ariano, Andrea . Eco-friendly lane reservation-based autonomous truck transportation network design . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH , 2024 .
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Eco-friendly lane reservation-based autonomous truck transportation network design Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 | International Journal of Production Research
期刊论文 | 2023 , 5 (12) , 182-186 | 海峡科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

人才培养 人才培养 教学改革 教学改革 新工科 新工科 物流工程 物流工程


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GB/T 7714 黄锥良 , 吴鹏 , 李艺全 . 新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践——以福州大学为例 [J]. | 海峡科学 , 2023 , 5 (12) : 182-186 .
MLA 黄锥良 et al. "新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践——以福州大学为例" . | 海峡科学 5 . 12 (2023) : 182-186 .
APA 黄锥良 , 吴鹏 , 李艺全 . 新工科背景下物流工程专业硕士人才培养的创新实践——以福州大学为例 . | 海峡科学 , 2023 , 5 (12) , 182-186 .
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