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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (02) , 229-236 | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

RBF神经网络 RBF神经网络 粒子群算法 粒子群算法 组合模型 组合模型 长江集装箱运价指数 长江集装箱运价指数 预测 预测


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GB/T 7714 黄建华 , 缪思琪 . 基于PSO-RBF组合模型的长江集装箱运价指数预测 [J]. | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , 2024 , 46 (02) : 229-236 .
MLA 黄建华 等. "基于PSO-RBF组合模型的长江集装箱运价指数预测" . | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) 46 . 02 (2024) : 229-236 .
APA 黄建华 , 缪思琪 . 基于PSO-RBF组合模型的长江集装箱运价指数预测 . | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , 2024 , 46 (02) , 229-236 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 229-236 | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)
模糊熵与灰云模型在既有玻璃幕墙安全评价中的应用 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (04) , 1275-1283 | 安全与环境学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

安全工程 安全工程 安全评价 安全评价 既有玻璃幕墙 既有玻璃幕墙 模糊熵 模糊熵 灰云聚类模型 灰云聚类模型


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GB/T 7714 黄建华 , 张翔 . 模糊熵与灰云模型在既有玻璃幕墙安全评价中的应用 [J]. | 安全与环境学报 , 2024 , 24 (04) : 1275-1283 .
MLA 黄建华 等. "模糊熵与灰云模型在既有玻璃幕墙安全评价中的应用" . | 安全与环境学报 24 . 04 (2024) : 1275-1283 .
APA 黄建华 , 张翔 . 模糊熵与灰云模型在既有玻璃幕墙安全评价中的应用 . | 安全与环境学报 , 2024 , 24 (04) , 1275-1283 .
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模糊熵与灰云模型在既有玻璃幕墙安全评价中的应用 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 24 (4) , 1275-1283 | 安全与环境学报
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (01) , 53-61 | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

变分模态分解 变分模态分解 神经网络 神经网络 粒子群优化算法-支持向量机 粒子群优化算法-支持向量机 组合模型预测 组合模型预测 运价指数 运价指数


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GB/T 7714 黄建华 , 刘睿涵 . 基于VMD的长江航运干散货运价指数预测 [J]. | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , 2024 , 46 (01) : 53-61 .
MLA 黄建华 等. "基于VMD的长江航运干散货运价指数预测" . | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) 46 . 01 (2024) : 53-61 .
APA 黄建华 , 刘睿涵 . 基于VMD的长江航运干散货运价指数预测 . | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , 2024 , 46 (01) , 53-61 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (1) , 53-61 | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (02) , 253-259,268 | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

共建共配 共建共配 快递进村 快递进村 政府管理 政府管理 演化博弈 演化博弈 邮快合作 邮快合作


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GB/T 7714 黄建华 , 廖梦 . 快递进村倡议下“邮快合作”主体博弈关系研究 [J]. | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , 2024 , 46 (02) : 253-259,268 .
MLA 黄建华 等. "快递进村倡议下“邮快合作”主体博弈关系研究" . | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) 46 . 02 (2024) : 253-259,268 .
APA 黄建华 , 廖梦 . 快递进村倡议下“邮快合作”主体博弈关系研究 . | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版) , 2024 , 46 (02) , 253-259,268 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 253-259,268 | 武汉理工大学学报(信息与管理工程版)
A supplier selection method based on cobweb similarity and prospect theory for prefabricated components SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 4467-4479 | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Selecting suppliers for prefabricated components (PCs) involves a complex decision-making process, frequently relying on ambiguous information and subjective judgment. However, most existing methods use precise values to portray indicator information and overlook the uncertainty of weights and the subjective preferences of decision-makers (DMs). In order to address these limits, this paper proposes a novel approach to select suppliers of PCs. Initially, an evaluation index system for suppliers is established through literature analysis and a questionnaire survey. The system comprises six layers: product quality, price, service level, comprehensive ability, supply ability, and environmental sustainability. The group decision matrix is then constructed using the set-valued statistical method and the prospect theory. The index weights are determined by a combination weighting method. Next, the cobweb model is introduced to analyze the disparity between the alternative and ideal solutions, describing their similarities in terms of area and shape. Lastly, cobweb similarity is employed instead of comprehensive distance, combined with the minimum sum of squares criterion, to improve the closeness algorithm and contrast the alternatives. The results demonstrate that this method facilitates a comprehensive evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks of various alternatives from diverse perspectives. Furthermore, it allows flexible adjustments based on the risk preferences of DMs, ensuring accurate and reliable decision results.

Keyword :

cobweb model cobweb model cobweb similarity cobweb similarity prospect theory prospect theory risk preference risk preference Select suppliers Select suppliers


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xiang , Huang, Jianhua , Fang, Liting et al. A supplier selection method based on cobweb similarity and prospect theory for prefabricated components [J]. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS , 2024 , 46 (2) : 4467-4479 .
MLA Zhang, Xiang et al. "A supplier selection method based on cobweb similarity and prospect theory for prefabricated components" . | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 46 . 2 (2024) : 4467-4479 .
APA Zhang, Xiang , Huang, Jianhua , Fang, Liting , Li, Qian . A supplier selection method based on cobweb similarity and prospect theory for prefabricated components . | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS , 2024 , 46 (2) , 4467-4479 .
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A supplier selection method based on cobweb similarity and prospect theory for prefabricated components Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 4467-4479 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
A supplier selection method based on cobweb similarity and prospect theory for prefabricated components EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 4467-4479 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (13) , 200-214 | 科技管理研究
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

碳交易价格受到宏观经济、能源政策等多种因素的影响,表现出强波动性、非线性等特征,给碳交易价格的准确预测带来巨大困难.针对这一问题,基于二次分解和误差修正策略构建一种碳交易价格预测模型:首先,使用浣熊优化算法优化的变分模态分解方法分解碳价序列,降低原始序列的复杂度;其次,使用经验小波变换对变分模态分解产生的残差序列进行二次分解,充分提取残差序列中的有效信息;然后,使用浣熊优化算法优化的极限学习机对各分量进行预测,获得初始预测结果和误差序列;最后,使用基本和浣熊优化算法优化的极限学习机对误差序列进行分解和预测,并利用误差预测结果对初始预测结果进行修正,得到最终预测结果.选取深圳、湖北和福建 3个碳交易市场的碳价数据进行实证验证,结果表明,所提出的模型相比于其他对照模型具有更优异的预测精度和稳定性,有效提高碳价预测的准确性.

Keyword :

二次分解 二次分解 极限学习机 极限学习机 浣熊优化算法 浣熊优化算法 碳交易价格 碳交易价格 误差修正 误差修正


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GB/T 7714 何志超 , 黄建华 . 基于二次分解和误差修正的中国碳交易价格预测 [J]. | 科技管理研究 , 2024 , 44 (13) : 200-214 .
MLA 何志超 et al. "基于二次分解和误差修正的中国碳交易价格预测" . | 科技管理研究 44 . 13 (2024) : 200-214 .
APA 何志超 , 黄建华 . 基于二次分解和误差修正的中国碳交易价格预测 . | 科技管理研究 , 2024 , 44 (13) , 200-214 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (13) , 200-214 | 科技管理研究
Safety assessment of existing glass curtain wall based on fuzzy entropy and comprehensive cloud SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 5125-5137 | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The occurrence of safety incidents for existing glass curtain walls (EGCWs) pronounced menace to the security of both lives and property. Undertaking safety assessment for EGCWs carries essential practical significance. However, current fuzzy evaluation methods overlook the uncertainty of indicator weights and the intricacies of rank attribution. In response, this paper proposes a novel approach to the safety assessment of EGCWs. This research establishes a framework of evaluation indicators for EGCWs and divides the safety ranks of each indicator into four tiers: Safe, Mild risk, Moderate risk, and High risk. Quantitative and qualitative indicators are quantified via the variable fuzzy cloud algorithm and cloud model. The information cloud combination weighting method is introduced to determine the weight clouds of indicators. Finally, a two-dimensional assessment result is derived using an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and fuzzy entropy. The exemplified outcomes demonstrate that this approach captures the safety status of evaluation subjects based on risk ranks, and fuzzy entropy addresses two issues: inconsistent level attribution and the comparison of identical risk ranks. The appraisal method further unveils the safety details of EGCWs, with findings that align consistently with the actual situation.

Keyword :

cloud model cloud model existing glass curtain wall existing glass curtain wall fuzzy entropy fuzzy entropy Safety evaluation Safety evaluation variable fuzzy cloud algorithm variable fuzzy cloud algorithm


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Xiang , Huang, Jianhua . Safety assessment of existing glass curtain wall based on fuzzy entropy and comprehensive cloud [J]. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS , 2024 , 46 (2) : 5125-5137 .
MLA Zhang, Xiang et al. "Safety assessment of existing glass curtain wall based on fuzzy entropy and comprehensive cloud" . | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS 46 . 2 (2024) : 5125-5137 .
APA Zhang, Xiang , Huang, Jianhua . Safety assessment of existing glass curtain wall based on fuzzy entropy and comprehensive cloud . | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS , 2024 , 46 (2) , 5125-5137 .
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Safety assessment of existing glass curtain wall based on fuzzy entropy and comprehensive cloud EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 5125-5137 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
Safety assessment of existing glass curtain wall based on fuzzy entropy and comprehensive cloud Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 46 (2) , 5125-5137 | Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
A tripartite evolutionary game model of ginger transaction under the "regulation plus target price insurance " policy SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

This paper constructs a tripartite evolutionary game model of government, dealers, and ginger farmers under asymmetric price transmission and explores the impact of the target price insurance on the stabilization strategy of the tripartite evolutionary game. It is also demonstrated that farmers' interests can be effectively protected under long-term government regulation and issuance of reasonable insurance subsidy coefficients. Finally, the model is assigned according to the actual data to systematically reveal the factors affecting the decision of each actor. The research shows that: long-term government regulation is necessary to effectively curb speculation, while the implementation of target price insurance can improve farmers' trading position; the probability of government regulation and implementation is not only related to the cost and social benefits but also influenced by ginger trading volume, while the probability of ginger dealers choosing to hoard speculation increases with the increase of ginger trading volume.

Keyword :

agricultural products trading agricultural products trading dealers hoarding ginger dealers hoarding ginger government regulation government regulation target price insurance target price insurance tripartite evolutionary game tripartite evolutionary game


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Jianhua , Liu, Ruihan , Zhang, Tingting . A tripartite evolutionary game model of ginger transaction under the "regulation plus target price insurance " policy [J]. | INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2023 .
MLA Huang, Jianhua et al. "A tripartite evolutionary game model of ginger transaction under the "regulation plus target price insurance " policy" . | INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH (2023) .
APA Huang, Jianhua , Liu, Ruihan , Zhang, Tingting . A tripartite evolutionary game model of ginger transaction under the "regulation plus target price insurance " policy . | INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS IN OPERATIONAL RESEARCH , 2023 .
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A tripartite evolutionary game model of ginger transaction under the “regulation + target price insurance ” policy Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 | International Transactions in Operational Research
A novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model based on data preprocessing and error correction SSCI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 86 | RESOURCES POLICY
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Accurately forecasting the price of non-ferrous metals is of great significance for traders to avoid risks, enterprises to arrange production plans, and countries to formulate economic policies. In order to improve the forecasting accuracy of non-ferrous metal prices, this paper proposes a novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model named IVWAIEE (IVMD-WPD-ARIMA-IELM-ECD). Firstly, the original price series is decomposed into several smoother IMFs using variational mode decomposition (VMD). Simultaneously, the improved sparrow search algorithm (IFASSA) is used to optimize the parameters of VMD to improve the adaptability of VMD. Secondly, wavelet packet decomposition (WPD) is used to decompose the residual sequence generated by VMD to further extract the information in the residual sequence. Then, the components generated by VMD and WPD are defined as high frequency components and low frequency components according to the zero-crossing rate. ARIMA is used to forecast the low frequency components with gentle fluctuations, and extreme learning machine optimized by IFASSA (IELM) is used to forecast the high frequency components with strong fluctuations. The forecasting results of each component are accumulated to obtain the initial forecasting results and error sequence of the non-ferrous metal price. Next, WPD is used to further decompose the error sequence, and the error subsequence is predicted by ARIMA and IELM to obtain the error prediction results. Finally, the error prediction results are used to correct the initial forecasting results, and the final forecasting results of non-ferrous metal prices are obtained. In order to verify the superiority of the proposed model, the copper, aluminum, and zinc futures prices of the London Metal Exchange (LME) are selected as empirical data to verify the model. The results show that the proposed IVWAIEE model has better prediction accuracy and robustness than other benchmark models. Its RMSE values in predicting copper, aluminum, and zinc futures prices are 0.2238, 0.1863, and 0.2137, respectively, and MAE values are 0.1696, 0.1171, and 0.1644, respectively, which are lower than those of other benchmark models; The proposed model not only enriches the application of secondary decomposition and error correction in the field of non-ferrous metal price forecasting, but also solves the problems of insufficient adaptability and underutilization of residual sequence in the traditional variational mode decomposition method; The research results of this paper can provide scientific and effective guidance for the investment, production, and decision-making of non-ferrous metal stakeholders.

Keyword :

Extreme learning machine Extreme learning machine Non-ferrous metals price forecasting Non-ferrous metals price forecasting Sparrow search algorithm Sparrow search algorithm Variational mode decomposition Variational mode decomposition Wavelet packet decomposition Wavelet packet decomposition


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GB/T 7714 He, Zhichao , Huang, Jianhua . A novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model based on data preprocessing and error correction [J]. | RESOURCES POLICY , 2023 , 86 .
MLA He, Zhichao et al. "A novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model based on data preprocessing and error correction" . | RESOURCES POLICY 86 (2023) .
APA He, Zhichao , Huang, Jianhua . A novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model based on data preprocessing and error correction . | RESOURCES POLICY , 2023 , 86 .
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A novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model based on data preprocessing and error correction Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 86 | Resources Policy
A novel non-ferrous metal price hybrid forecasting model based on data preprocessing and error correction EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 86 | Resources Policy
Charging strategy and routing optimization of electric vehicles under dynamic load; [动态负载下电动汽车充电策略及路径优化问题] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (11) , 3909-3921 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In view of affection of load on power consumption rate in electric vehicle distribution process, a vehicle routing optimization model with soft time window was formulated to minimize the comprehensive cost, such as fixed cost, driving cost, power charging cost and time window penalty cost. An improved hybrid genetic annealing algorithm was designed to solve the problem, and then the power consumption rate and incomplete charging strategy of electric vehicles under dynamic load were discussed. The validity of the model and algorithm was verified by taking electric vehicle distribution service of fresh enterprise as an example. The results showed that an incomplete charging strategy had significant advantages over the complete charging strategy in case of charging time, driving distance and distribution cost under dynamic load of vehicles. Compared with the classical genetic algorithm, the improved hybrid genetic annealing algorithm could converge to optimal solutions quickly and effectively. © 2023 CIMS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

charging strategy charging strategy dynamic load dynamic load electric vehicles electric vehicles hybrid genetic annealing algorithm hybrid genetic annealing algorithm vehicle routing optimization vehicle routing optimization


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GB/T 7714 Huang, J. , Liu, F. . Charging strategy and routing optimization of electric vehicles under dynamic load; [动态负载下电动汽车充电策略及路径优化问题] [J]. | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (11) : 3909-3921 .
MLA Huang, J. et al. "Charging strategy and routing optimization of electric vehicles under dynamic load; [动态负载下电动汽车充电策略及路径优化问题]" . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS 29 . 11 (2023) : 3909-3921 .
APA Huang, J. , Liu, F. . Charging strategy and routing optimization of electric vehicles under dynamic load; [动态负载下电动汽车充电策略及路径优化问题] . | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS , 2023 , 29 (11) , 3909-3921 .
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Charging strategy and routing optimization of electric vehicles under dynamic load EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (11) , 3909-3921 | Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, CIMS
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