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期刊论文 | 2021 , (01) , 1-4 | 福建建材
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

初期火灾 初期火灾 定位 定位 拥堵 拥堵 隧道 隧道


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GB/T 7714 江平 , 沈斐敏 . 拥堵车辆对隧道初期火灾定位的影响 [J]. | 福建建材 , 2021 , (01) : 1-4 .
MLA 江平 等. "拥堵车辆对隧道初期火灾定位的影响" . | 福建建材 01 (2021) : 1-4 .
APA 江平 , 沈斐敏 . 拥堵车辆对隧道初期火灾定位的影响 . | 福建建材 , 2021 , (01) , 1-4 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (03) , 210 | 技术与创新管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

几个关系 几个关系 双重预防机制 双重预防机制


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GB/T 7714 沈斐敏 . 推进双重预防机制的几个关系剖析 [J]. | 技术与创新管理 , 2020 , 41 (03) : 210 .
MLA 沈斐敏 . "推进双重预防机制的几个关系剖析" . | 技术与创新管理 41 . 03 (2020) : 210 .
APA 沈斐敏 . 推进双重预防机制的几个关系剖析 . | 技术与创新管理 , 2020 , 41 (03) , 210 .
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Version :

推进双重预防机制的几个关系剖析 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (3) , F0002 | 技术与创新管理
期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (2) , 11-15 | 工业安全与环保
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

交通安全 交通安全 博弈仿真 博弈仿真 斑马线事故 斑马线事故 路怒 路怒 车让人 车让人


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GB/T 7714 段在鹏 , 黄月铃 , 王秀萍 et al. 斑马线"人-车"博弈仿真 [J]. | 工业安全与环保 , 2020 , 46 (2) : 11-15 .
MLA 段在鹏 et al. "斑马线"人-车"博弈仿真" . | 工业安全与环保 46 . 2 (2020) : 11-15 .
APA 段在鹏 , 黄月铃 , 王秀萍 , 黄萍 , 沈斐敏 . 斑马线"人-车"博弈仿真 . | 工业安全与环保 , 2020 , 46 (2) , 11-15 .
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Version :

斑马线“人-车”博弈仿真 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (2) , 11-15 | 工业安全与环保
期刊论文 | 2020 , 46 (02) , 11-15 | 工业安全与环保
期刊论文 | 2019 , (1) , 110-111,113 | 能源与环境
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

互联网+ 互联网+ 培训平台 培训平台 安全培训 安全培训


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GB/T 7714 柯晨铭 , 陈伯辉 , 沈斐敏 . 基于“互联网+”探索安全培训平台构建 [J]. | 能源与环境 , 2019 , (1) : 110-111,113 .
MLA 柯晨铭 et al. "基于“互联网+”探索安全培训平台构建" . | 能源与环境 1 (2019) : 110-111,113 .
APA 柯晨铭 , 陈伯辉 , 沈斐敏 . 基于“互联网+”探索安全培训平台构建 . | 能源与环境 , 2019 , (1) , 110-111,113 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2019 , (01) , 110-111,113 | 能源与环境
基于“互联网+”探索安全培训平台构建 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2019 , 0 (1) , 110-111 | 能源与环境
考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (09) , 1598-1604 | 控制与决策
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

实时影响 实时影响 应急疏散 应急疏散 最短路径 最短路径 火灾动力学软件 火灾动力学软件 蚁群算法 蚁群算法


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GB/T 7714 刘毅 , 沈斐敏 . 考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 [J]. | 控制与决策 , 2018 , 33 (09) : 1598-1604 .
MLA 刘毅 et al. "考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型" . | 控制与决策 33 . 09 (2018) : 1598-1604 .
APA 刘毅 , 沈斐敏 . 考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 . | 控制与决策 , 2018 , 33 (09) , 1598-1604 .
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考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (9) , 1598-1604 | 控制与决策
A new method for purification of rayleigh wave signal based on GSTTF-MT EI
期刊论文 | 2018 , 12 , 432-437 | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

It is a difficult problem to purify the Leibo signal from the seismic record. In order to purify the Rayleigh wave signal from seismic records, a new method for purification of Rayleigh wave exploration signal is proposed, which is based on the combination of multiple-filter technique and time-frequency filtering of generalized S transform (GSTTF-MT). GSTTF-MT calculation is described in this paper. It illustrates that the GSTTF-MT can be effectively applied to the Rayleigh wave purification through the simulation experiments and engineering examples. After analyzed and compared the advantages and disadvantages of GSTTF-MT and other methods. In conclusion, the method of GSTTF-MT is reliable and stable, and the experience and conclusions can be for reference to extraction of Rayleigh wave dispersion Curve in practical engineering. © 2018, North Atlantic University Union. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Dispersion (waves) Dispersion (waves) Mathematical transformations Mathematical transformations Purification Purification Rayleigh waves Rayleigh waves Seismology Seismology


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, Kunnan , Shen, Feimin . A new method for purification of rayleigh wave signal based on GSTTF-MT [J]. | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing , 2018 , 12 : 432-437 .
MLA Qiu, Kunnan et al. "A new method for purification of rayleigh wave signal based on GSTTF-MT" . | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 12 (2018) : 432-437 .
APA Qiu, Kunnan , Shen, Feimin . A new method for purification of rayleigh wave signal based on GSTTF-MT . | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing , 2018 , 12 , 432-437 .
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Version :

A new method for purification of rayleigh wave signal based on GSTTF-MT Scopus
期刊论文 | 2018 , 12 , 432-437 | International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing
地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 46 (3) , 410-415 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

基于调查问卷和现场实验探究影响疏散路径选择行为的主要因素,构建结构方程模型,从潜变量的角度对受困人员疏散路径选择行为进行深入研究,揭示在不同应激环境下站厅内受困人员的判断倾向和选择行为特征.研究表明:①调查问卷和现场实验这两种方法由于研究对象所处的应激环境不同,导致分析结果存在一定差异;② 光照条件、路径距离(长短)、人流导向以及指示标记对人员疏散路径选择影响较大,且在不同应激状态下各因素的影响效果存在一定差异.鉴于此,建议在实际应急疏散管理工作中应充分考虑各影响因素对疏散效果的影响,合理设置有效的疏散路径.

Keyword :

地铁站厅 地铁站厅 城市交通 城市交通 疏散路径选择 疏散路径选择 结构方程模型 结构方程模型


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GB/T 7714 刘毅 , 沈斐敏 , 王旭峰 . 地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2018 , 46 (3) : 410-415 .
MLA 刘毅 et al. "地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 46 . 3 (2018) : 410-415 .
APA 刘毅 , 沈斐敏 , 王旭峰 . 地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2018 , 46 (3) , 410-415 .
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Version :

地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究 PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 46 (03) , 410-415 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究 CQVIP PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 46 (3) , 410-415 | 福州大学学报:自然科学版
考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (9) , 1598-1604 | 控制与决策
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

实时影响 实时影响 应急疏散 应急疏散 最短路径 最短路径 火灾动力学软件 火灾动力学软件 蚁群算法 蚁群算法


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GB/T 7714 刘毅 , 沈斐敏 . 考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 [J]. | 控制与决策 , 2018 , 33 (9) : 1598-1604 .
MLA 刘毅 et al. "考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型" . | 控制与决策 33 . 9 (2018) : 1598-1604 .
APA 刘毅 , 沈斐敏 . 考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型 . | 控制与决策 , 2018 , 33 (9) , 1598-1604 .
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Route selection model in indoor evacuation under real effect of fire spread EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (9) , 1598-1604 | Control and Decision
Route selection model in indoor evacuation under real effect of fire spread [考虑灾害实时扩散的室内火灾疏散路径选择模型] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , 33 (9) , 1598-1604 | Control and Decision
Game theory of group evacuation behavior based on safety engineering EI
期刊论文 | 2017 , 55 (9) , 99-107 | Technical Bulletin
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

To explore the influence of selfishness and panic on large-scale group evacuation behavior strategies, we set up an improved public goods evolutionary game model, improved Fermi's golden rule by introducing a selfishness coefficient and analyzed the relationship between selfishness and group evacuation efficiency in a non-panic state. We determined the panic state of a group based on panic threshold, reproduced the transformation process from non-panic to panic and discussed group evacuation behaviors under different thresholds. The results show that the higher selfishness coefficient, the faster group evacuation efficiency drops. By lowering selfishness coefficient, we can maintain group evacuation efficiency at a high level. We can take effective measures to reduce the panic threshold of a group, thus avoiding group panic and stampedes.

Keyword :

Efficiency Efficiency Game theory Game theory Safety engineering Safety engineering Virtual reality Virtual reality


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Yi , Shen, Fei-Min . Game theory of group evacuation behavior based on safety engineering [J]. | Technical Bulletin , 2017 , 55 (9) : 99-107 .
MLA Liu, Yi et al. "Game theory of group evacuation behavior based on safety engineering" . | Technical Bulletin 55 . 9 (2017) : 99-107 .
APA Liu, Yi , Shen, Fei-Min . Game theory of group evacuation behavior based on safety engineering . | Technical Bulletin , 2017 , 55 (9) , 99-107 .
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Version :

Game theory of group evacuation behavior based on safety engineering Scopus
期刊论文 | 2017 , 55 (9) , 99-107 | Technical Bulletin
Signal purification based on Gaussian neighboring threshold value EI
期刊论文 | 2017 , 55 (17) , 119-127 | Technical Bulletin
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In order to purify Rayleigh-wave signals fro m seis mic prospecting records, apply Gaussian neighboring threshold filtering to Gaussian Rayleigh-wave signal purificat ion study according to area selection issue in ST time-frequency filtering. Based on different time-frequency distribution types, three different Gaussian neighboring threshold filtering models are defined. Local threshold processing is conducted on signals in S matrix Gaussian neighboring time-frequency data based on different models of Gaussian neighborhoods. Preserve useful information, and obtain filtering signals after general s-transform. Results show that GST neighboring threshold filtering method has high filtering precision and the filtering model can effectively reduce filtering mean square error.

Keyword :

Filtration Filtration Gaussian distribution Gaussian distribution Information filtering Information filtering Mathematical transformations Mathematical transformations Mean square error Mean square error Rayleigh waves Rayleigh waves Signal processing Signal processing


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, Kun-Nan , Shen, Fei-Min . Signal purification based on Gaussian neighboring threshold value [J]. | Technical Bulletin , 2017 , 55 (17) : 119-127 .
MLA Qiu, Kun-Nan et al. "Signal purification based on Gaussian neighboring threshold value" . | Technical Bulletin 55 . 17 (2017) : 119-127 .
APA Qiu, Kun-Nan , Shen, Fei-Min . Signal purification based on Gaussian neighboring threshold value . | Technical Bulletin , 2017 , 55 (17) , 119-127 .
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Version :

Signal purification based on Gaussian neighboring threshold value Scopus
期刊论文 | 2017 , 55 (17) , 119-127 | Technical Bulletin
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