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江西甘坊洞上稀有金属花岗岩中铷矿化特征及成因机制 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 43 (01) , 86-100 | 地质通报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

江西省宜丰县甘坊地区是一个重要的稀有金属成矿区,目前在甘坊岩体内发现了一系列锂铷稀有多金属矿床(点),但其成矿机制尚不明确。选择甘坊岩体内洞上花岗岩作为研究对象,采用电子探针技术对多种花岗岩中的长石和云母类矿物进行了精细的结构和成分分析。结果表明,云母类矿物是铷的主要载体(Rb_2O <1.07%),长石类矿物中Rb含量低(Rb_2O <0.11%),尤其是在钠长石中Rb的含量几乎为0。含铷云母主要是白云母花岗岩、伟晶岩和细晶岩中的多硅白云母-铁锂云母类,其中铷可能主要通过与钠双置换云母结构中的层间钾离子存在。矿物结构特征显示,洞上花岗岩经历了明显的岩浆结晶分异和流体交代作用。结晶分异作用可能是洞上花岗岩Rb富集成矿的关键机制,而后期流体交代蚀变过程对铷的聚集作用有限。结合前人研究成果,笔者认为甘坊地区具有较好的锂、铷等稀有金属成矿潜力,后续的找矿勘查应注重与早白垩世—晚侏罗世(140~150Ma)高分异花岗岩相关的锂、铷等稀有金属矿床的找矿工作。

Keyword :

江西 江西 洞上花岗岩 洞上花岗岩 甘坊岩体 甘坊岩体 矿产勘查工程 矿产勘查工程 稀有金属 稀有金属 花岗岩 花岗岩


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GB/T 7714 姜军胜 , 郭欣然 , 徐净 et al. 江西甘坊洞上稀有金属花岗岩中铷矿化特征及成因机制 [J]. | 地质通报 , 2024 , 43 (01) : 86-100 .
MLA 姜军胜 et al. "江西甘坊洞上稀有金属花岗岩中铷矿化特征及成因机制" . | 地质通报 43 . 01 (2024) : 86-100 .
APA 姜军胜 , 郭欣然 , 徐净 , 田立明 , 熊光强 , 王力圆 et al. 江西甘坊洞上稀有金属花岗岩中铷矿化特征及成因机制 . | 地质通报 , 2024 , 43 (01) , 86-100 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 48 (04) , 754-770 | 大地构造与成矿学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

In的富集机制 In的富集机制 栾川矿集区 栾川矿集区 矿物地球化学 矿物地球化学 鱼库-宝沟岩体 鱼库-宝沟岩体 黑云母 黑云母


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GB/T 7714 陈程 , 韩江伟 , 徐净 et al. 花岗岩中黑云母地球化学特征对铟矿化的启示:以栾川矿集区鱼库-石宝沟岩体为例 [J]. | 大地构造与成矿学 , 2024 , 48 (04) : 754-770 .
MLA 陈程 et al. "花岗岩中黑云母地球化学特征对铟矿化的启示:以栾川矿集区鱼库-石宝沟岩体为例" . | 大地构造与成矿学 48 . 04 (2024) : 754-770 .
APA 陈程 , 韩江伟 , 徐净 , 赵太平 . 花岗岩中黑云母地球化学特征对铟矿化的启示:以栾川矿集区鱼库-石宝沟岩体为例 . | 大地构造与成矿学 , 2024 , 48 (04) , 754-770 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 48 (4) , 754-770 | 大地构造与成矿学
Beaded CoSe2-C Nanofibers for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (17) | NANOMATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries are regarded as highly promising energy storage devices due to their high theoretical specific capacity and high energy density. Nevertheless, the commercial application of Li-S batteries is still restricted by poor electrochemical performance. Herein, beaded nanofibers (BNFs) consisting of carbon and CoSe2 nanoparticles (CoSe2/C BNFs) were prepared by electrospinning combined with carbonization and selenization. Benefitting from the synergistic effect of physical adsorption and chemical catalysis, the CoSe2/C BNFs can effectively inhibit the shuttle effect of lithium polysulfides and improve the rate performance and cycle stability of Li-S batteries. The three-dimensional conductive network provides a fast electron and ion transport pathway as well as sufficient space for alleviating the volume change. CoSe2 can not only effectively adsorb the lithium polysulfides but also accelerate their conversion reaction. The CoSe2/C BNFs-S cathode has a high reversible discharge specific capacity of 919.2 mAh g(-1) at 0.1 C and presents excellent cycle stability with a low-capacity decay rate of 0.05% per cycle for 600 cycles at 1 C. The combination of the beaded carbon nanofibers and polar metal selenides sheds light on designing high-performance sulfur-based cathodes.

Keyword :

carbon nanofiber carbon nanofiber CoSe2 nanoparticles CoSe2 nanoparticles electrospun electrospun lithium polysulfides lithium polysulfides lithium-sulfur battery lithium-sulfur battery


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Jing , Ao, Juan , Xie, Yonghui et al. Beaded CoSe2-C Nanofibers for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries [J]. | NANOMATERIALS , 2023 , 13 (17) .
MLA Xu, Jing et al. "Beaded CoSe2-C Nanofibers for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries" . | NANOMATERIALS 13 . 17 (2023) .
APA Xu, Jing , Ao, Juan , Xie, Yonghui , Zhou, Yumei , Wang, Xinghui . Beaded CoSe2-C Nanofibers for High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries . | NANOMATERIALS , 2023 , 13 (17) .
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Beaded CoSe2-C Nanofibers for High-Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (17) | Nanomaterials
Enrichment of Se-Te-Au in the Jilongshan Au-Cu Skarn Deposit, Hubei Province: Insight from Pyrite Texture and Composition SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (12) | MINERALS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Selenium and Te are two important critical metals, which are often produced as by-products in Au-Cu deposits related to magmatic-hydrothermal systems, such as porphyry and skarn deposits. The Jilongshan Au-Cu deposit is a typical skarn deposit located in the middle and lower parts of the Yangtze River metallogenic belt. Previous studies show that it has valuable Se and Te resources, but their occurrence, particularly the relationship between the texture and composition of pyrite, and the enrichment mechanism of Se, Te, and Au remain unclear. Here, the textures and the major and trace elements of the Jilongshan pyrites were studied by using an optical microscope, EMPA, and LA-ICP-MS to reveal the occurrence of Se, Te, and Au in pyrite, as well as their genetic links with the pyrite mineralogical signature. The results show that there are three types of ores in the Jilongshan deposit, including granite porphyry-hosted, skarn-hosted, and carbonate-hosted ores. All of these ores contain major amounts of pyrite, which can be divided into four different generations. The first generation of pyrite (Py1) belongs to sedimentary genesis with a typical framboid texture and its Co/ Ni ratios are less than 1, whereas Py2, Py3, and Py4 belong to hydrothermal genesis and their Co/ Ni ratios are between 1.0 and 30.2. Selenium concentrations in Py2 and Py3 are relatively high (median, 138 ppm and 344 ppm, respectively), which are mainly present as isomorphism and a small amount as selenite in pyrite. Compared with granite porphyry-hosted and skarn-hosted ores, pyrite from carbonate-hosted ores has the highest Se concentrations. The latest generation of pyrite (Py4) contains the highest concentrations of Te (average, 140 ppm) and Au (average, 12 ppm) among the hydrothermal pyrites. Therefore, the precipitation of Se mainly occurs in pyrite during the early high-temperature stage, whereas higher concentrations of Te and Au are mainly enriched in pyrite during the late stage with low temperatures.

Keyword :

enrichment mechanism enrichment mechanism gold gold Jilongshan skarn deposit Jilongshan skarn deposit pyrite pyrite selenium selenium tellurium tellurium


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GB/T 7714 Nan, Guizhou , Xu, Jing , Liu, Wenyuan et al. Enrichment of Se-Te-Au in the Jilongshan Au-Cu Skarn Deposit, Hubei Province: Insight from Pyrite Texture and Composition [J]. | MINERALS , 2023 , 13 (12) .
MLA Nan, Guizhou et al. "Enrichment of Se-Te-Au in the Jilongshan Au-Cu Skarn Deposit, Hubei Province: Insight from Pyrite Texture and Composition" . | MINERALS 13 . 12 (2023) .
APA Nan, Guizhou , Xu, Jing , Liu, Wenyuan , Chen, Suyu , Cen, Zhihui , Jiang, Jichen . Enrichment of Se-Te-Au in the Jilongshan Au-Cu Skarn Deposit, Hubei Province: Insight from Pyrite Texture and Composition . | MINERALS , 2023 , 13 (12) .
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Version :

Enrichment of Se-Te-Au in the Jilongshan Au-Cu Skarn Deposit, Hubei Province: Insight from Pyrite Texture and Composition Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (12) | Minerals
Tin-bearing magnetite with nanoscale Mg-Si defects: Evidence for the early stages of mineralization in a skarn system SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Tin-bearing magnetite is reported from several types of magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits. The question of whether tin is incorporated within solid solution, as Sn4+, or as nanoinclusions remains open, however. We report a micron- to nanoscale investigation of Sn (Mg, Si)-bearing magnetite from serpentinite in the Dulong Zn-Sn-In skarn, South China, with the dual aims of understanding the mechanisms involved in accommodating Sn and associated elements into the Fe-oxide, and the inferences that this carries for constraining the early stages of skarn formation. Magnetite preserves a range of textures that record the evolution of metasomatism during prograde growth of grain cores and retrograde rim replacement. Observations reveal the presence of chondrodite and sellaite (MgF2) as nanoscale inclusions preserved in magnetite. This implies initiation of the Dulong mineralizing system during a humite-bearing, magnesium skarn stage. Magnesium-Si defects, forming along (110) planes prior to Sn-enrichment, are recognized for the first time. Release of high volatile, F-rich fluids is interpreted to lead to precipitation of cassiterite inclusions along < 111*> directions in magnetite.

Keyword :

cassiterite cassiterite crystal structure crystal structure Dulong Dulong HAADF STEM HAADF STEM humite group humite group magnetite magnetite skarn skarn


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Jing , Ciobanu, Cristiana L. , Cook, Nigel J. et al. Tin-bearing magnetite with nanoscale Mg-Si defects: Evidence for the early stages of mineralization in a skarn system [J]. | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE , 2023 , 10 .
MLA Xu, Jing et al. "Tin-bearing magnetite with nanoscale Mg-Si defects: Evidence for the early stages of mineralization in a skarn system" . | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE 10 (2023) .
APA Xu, Jing , Ciobanu, Cristiana L. , Cook, Nigel J. , Slattery, Ashley D. , Ehrig, Kathy , Wade, Benjamin P. et al. Tin-bearing magnetite with nanoscale Mg-Si defects: Evidence for the early stages of mineralization in a skarn system . | FRONTIERS IN EARTH SCIENCE , 2023 , 10 .
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Version :

Tin-bearing magnetite with nanoscale Mg-Si defects: Evidence for the early stages of mineralization in a skarn system Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 10 | Frontiers in Earth Science
Critical Metals Ga, Ge and In in the Global Pb-Zn Deposits: Current Understanding, Challenges and Perspectives SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (4) , 1308-1311 | JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Yi , Yu, Peng-Peng , Li, Zhan-Ke et al. Critical Metals Ga, Ge and In in the Global Pb-Zn Deposits: Current Understanding, Challenges and Perspectives [J]. | JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE , 2023 , 34 (4) : 1308-1311 .
MLA Zheng, Yi et al. "Critical Metals Ga, Ge and In in the Global Pb-Zn Deposits: Current Understanding, Challenges and Perspectives" . | JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE 34 . 4 (2023) : 1308-1311 .
APA Zheng, Yi , Yu, Peng-Peng , Li, Zhan-Ke , Xiong, Suo-Fei , Zhou, Ling-Li , Zhou, Jia-Xi et al. Critical Metals Ga, Ge and In in the Global Pb-Zn Deposits: Current Understanding, Challenges and Perspectives . | JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCE , 2023 , 34 (4) , 1308-1311 .
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Version :

Critical Metals Ga, Ge and In in the Global Pb-Zn Deposits: Current Understanding, Challenges and Perspectives Scopus CSCD
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (4) , 1308-1311 | Journal of Earth Science
Robust dating of Pb-Zn skarn systems by LA-ICP-MS garnet U-Pb geochronology SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 159 | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Lawu and Yaguila are two Pb-Zn skarn deposits in the eastern Nyainqentanglha metallogenic belt, central Lhasa subterrane, Tibet. The genesis of Pb-Zn deposits in this belt and the crustal processes leading to their formation remain ill-constrained, mostly because of the lack of precise mineralization ages. We integrate textural information, geochemistry, and in-situ garnet U-Pb geochronology to constrain the timing and genesis of Pb-Zn mineralization. Garnets from the two deposits display oscillatory compositional zoning (And14Gr86 to And100) and contain variable U contents (0.07-5.3 ppm). Aluminum-rich garnet displays a chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) fractionation pattern in which LREEs are depleted relative to flattish HREE segments. In contrast, Fe-rich garnet shows LREE-enriched, relatively HREE-poor patterns with positive Eu-anomalies. Uranium concentration is correlated with total REE and Fe components in garnets, implying that U incorporation is largely controlled by coupled substitution mechanisms. The same garnets also contain measurable contents of other metals (up to hundreds of ppm), such as Sn, W, and In. The distribution and fractionation of major and trace elements in zoned garnets record periodic fluid pluses with different compositions during hydraulic fracturing. The new garnet U-Pb data show that the Yaguila deposit formed between 68.5 & PLUSMN; 3.4 and 65.0 & PLUSMN; 4.7 Ma, and the Lawu deposit formed at 54.6 & PLUSMN; 2.9 Ma. Within the geochronological framework of igneous rocks and Pb-Zn mineralization in the Nyainqentanglha metallogenic belt, the new garnet ages suggest a magmatichydrothermal origin for related mineralization, with the causative magma likely derived from partial melting of ancient continental material due to rollback and subsequent breakoff of the Neo-Tethys oceanic slab during India-Asia continental collision. This study highlights the opportunities offered by garnet U-Pb dating for elucidating the formation age and ore genesis of base metal skarn systems.

Keyword :

Garnet Garnet LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology LA-ICP-MS U-Pb geochronology Nyainqe ntanglha metallogenic belt Nyainqe ntanglha metallogenic belt Pb-Zn skarn Pb-Zn skarn Tibet Tibet


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GB/T 7714 Li, Jiadai , Xu, Jing , Wu, Shitou et al. Robust dating of Pb-Zn skarn systems by LA-ICP-MS garnet U-Pb geochronology [J]. | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 159 .
MLA Li, Jiadai et al. "Robust dating of Pb-Zn skarn systems by LA-ICP-MS garnet U-Pb geochronology" . | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 159 (2023) .
APA Li, Jiadai , Xu, Jing , Wu, Shitou , Cook, Nigel J. , Ciobanu, Cristiana L. , Gilbert, Sarah et al. Robust dating of Pb-Zn skarn systems by LA-ICP-MS garnet U-Pb geochronology . | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 159 .
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Version :

Robust dating of Pb–Zn skarn systems by LA–ICP–MS garnet U–Pb geochronology Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 159 | Ore Geology Reviews
Robust dating of Pb–Zn skarn systems by LA–ICP–MS garnet U–Pb geochronology EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 159 | Ore Geology Reviews
Mineralogy of indium mineralization in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 159 | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The Great Xing'an Sn-polymetallic metallogenic belt in Inner Mongolia is a potential district for indium (In) resources, where In mineralization has been discovered in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit, but the occurrence of In is not well understood. In this contribution, detailed mineralogical investigations of In-bearing minerals in the Dajing Sn-Cu deposit were conducted, based on fieldwork and ore petrography, combined with whole-rock analysis, EPMA, and LA-ICP-MS. Three ore-forming stages and six types of sphalerite are distin-guished. The highest In content (average 0.18 wt%) is observed in earlier exsolved sphalerite (Ia) in the Cu-Sn stage, other types of sphalerite contain relatively lower In concentration, with the average value ranging from 16 to 478 ppm. Overall, sphalerite in the Cu-Sn stage is more enriching in In than that in the Pb-Zn stage. Indium mainly occurs as solid solution in sphalerite. Other minerals such as stannite and chalcopyrite (Ia) exhibit relatively elevated In concentration (average >202 ppm). Cassiterite, pyrite, and pyrrhotite show negligible In content typically below 10 ppm. Combined with previous studies on ore-forming fluids, indium mineralization in the Dajing deposit is mainly associated with early-stage Cu-Sn fluids. The enrichment of In in sphalerite is probably attributed to the migration and diffusion of In in the Cu-Sn fluid during high-temperature conditions. Local dynamic processes (exsolution, diffusion, etc.) possibly have facilitated In mineralization in sphalerite. This study reveals the occurrence and distribution patterns of In in the Dajing deposit, promotes the recovery and utilization of In resources, and proposes new insights into the enrichment mechanisms and potential assessment of In.

Keyword :

Dajing Sn -Cu polymetallic deposit Dajing Sn -Cu polymetallic deposit Indium Indium Mineralogy Mineralogy Occurrence Occurrence Sphalerite Sphalerite


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GB/T 7714 Ye, Zi , Xu, Jing , Zhao, Junfeng et al. Mineralogy of indium mineralization in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia [J]. | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 159 .
MLA Ye, Zi et al. "Mineralogy of indium mineralization in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia" . | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 159 (2023) .
APA Ye, Zi , Xu, Jing , Zhao, Junfeng , Chen, Suyu , Chen, Jingwen , Liu, Wenyuan . Mineralogy of indium mineralization in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia . | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 159 .
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Mineralogy of indium mineralization in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 159 | Ore Geology Reviews
Mineralogy of indium mineralization in the Dajing Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit in Inner Mongolia Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 159 | Ore Geology Reviews
Geochemical characteristics and implications of epidote in South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield in north of Bor metallogenic zone, Serbia SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 163 | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The Bor metallogenic belt in Serbia is a promising region for copper-gold (Cu-Au) resources, hosting numerous porphyry copper deposits, epithermal gold deposits and metallogenic prospects, such as the South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield. Epidote alteration is integral to the propylitic and sodic-calcic alteration assemblages within this region. It is distinguished by the extensive occurrence of two primary epidote types: disseminated (Ep1) and veined (Ep2) epidote. In this study, comprehensive petrographic analysis reveals that in the propylitic zone, epidote mainly replaced hornblende (Ep1a) and plagioclase phenocrysts (Ep1b), coexisting with chlorite, apatite and titanite. In proximity to the potassic zone, epidote (E1c) coexists with biotite, while epidote (Ep2), chlorite, pyrite and chalcopyrite veinlets are observed near the ore body. Notably, Ep1 exhibits lower Fe and higher Mn contents in comparison to Ep2. Additionally, elements such as Ca, Al and Fe in Ep1a, and Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn and Ti in Ep1b, as well as Ca, Al, Fe and Mn in Ep1c, are introduced into the epidote through hydrothermal fluid interactions. Variations in trace element characteristics are evident among different epidotes. Specifically, Ep1a exhibits elevated Mg content (324-6050 ppm), Ep1b is notable for its high Na (22-942 ppm) and Sr (523-3075 ppm) contents, while Ep1c contains elevated K (24-445 ppm) and Na (41-103 ppm). Which suggest that disseminated epidote (Ep1) inherits the geochemical features from its precursor minerals. In comparison to disseminated epidote, epidote in veinlet exhibits higher Fe3+, Cu, Sn and REEs, along with lower contents of Pb, Sb and Sc, suggesting that these elements have been integrated into epidote through isomorphism substitution and influenced by fluids compositions, physical factors (temperature, pressure, etc.) and chemical parameters (speciation, pH, fO2, etc.), as well as mineral assemblages. Therefore, the trace element contents of Pb, Sb, Sc, Cu, Sn and REEs in epidote could serve as more appropriate indicators for mineral geochemistry in porphyry deposit hydrothermal centers.

Keyword :

Bor metallogenic zone Bor metallogenic zone Epidote Epidote LA-ICP-MS LA-ICP-MS Mineral geochemistry Mineral geochemistry Serbia Serbia


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Juan , Liu, Wenyuan , Xu, Jing et al. Geochemical characteristics and implications of epidote in South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield in north of Bor metallogenic zone, Serbia [J]. | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 163 .
MLA Chen, Juan et al. "Geochemical characteristics and implications of epidote in South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield in north of Bor metallogenic zone, Serbia" . | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS 163 (2023) .
APA Chen, Juan , Liu, Wenyuan , Xu, Jing , Zhou, Xiaoshen , Wu, Weimin , Rao, Dongping et al. Geochemical characteristics and implications of epidote in South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield in north of Bor metallogenic zone, Serbia . | ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS , 2023 , 163 .
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Geochemical characteristics and implications of epidote in South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield in north of Bor metallogenic zone, Serbia Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 163 | Ore Geology Reviews
Geochemical characteristics and implications of epidote in South Dulan and Vlaska exploration greenfield in north of Bor metallogenic zone, Serbia EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 163 | Ore Geology Reviews
Rb mineralization during magmatic differentiation: Insight from mineralogical study on the Ganfang rare metal granite, Jiangxi Province; [稀有金属花岗岩结晶分异过程中铷的富集与成矿来自江西甘坊岩体的矿物学证据] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 97 (11) , 3766-3785 | Acta Geologica Sinica
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The Rb mineralization is associated -with rare metal granites. However, -widespread hydrothermal alteration in the late evolution of rare metal granites makes it difficult to distinguish the magmatic process from the hydrothermal process. It is still unclear whether the rare metal mineralization is dominated by magmatic differentiation or hydrothermal metasomatism. The Ganfang intrusion in the Jiangxi Province is an important rare metal metallogenic area, where a series of Li-Rb rare metal deposits (mineralization) have been discovered, and the mineralization mechanism of rare metals is not yet clear. This paper takes both granite-type Rb (Baiguo, Dagang, and Nanmukeng) and aplite-type Rb (Fuhua, Tongan) mineralization from the Ganfang intrusion for case studies. The detailed mineralogy texture and composition of feldspars and micas have been analyzed by automatic mineral scanning system, electron probe and LA-ICP-MS. The results show that micas are the main carriers of Rb (1683X10 -12047X10 ), and the contents of Rb in feldspars are lower. The Rb content of K-feldspar is 1683X10 -4051X10 , whereas albite contains almost no Rb concentration (1. 82 X 10 -89.94X10 ). The Rb-bearing micas transfer from muscovite, though Li-phengite and zinnwaldite, to lepidolite, in which substituted mechanisms for Li are 2Li + ,vSi4+- v,Al3++v,Al3++n andLi++Fe2+- V,A13++H, and for Rb is Rb+/ Na+ /Cs+ ~ K+. The mineral textures and compositions record both magma crystallization differentiation and fluid metasomatism for Ganfang granites; however, the former -was the key enrichment mechanism for Rb as •well as Li. © 2023 Geological Society of China. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

enrichment mechanism enrichment mechanism Ganfang granite Ganfang granite granite granite Jiangxi Province Jiangxi Province rare metals rare metals Rb Rb


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GB/T 7714 Xu, J. , Hou, W. , Wang, L. et al. Rb mineralization during magmatic differentiation: Insight from mineralogical study on the Ganfang rare metal granite, Jiangxi Province; [稀有金属花岗岩结晶分异过程中铷的富集与成矿来自江西甘坊岩体的矿物学证据] [J]. | Acta Geologica Sinica , 2023 , 97 (11) : 3766-3785 .
MLA Xu, J. et al. "Rb mineralization during magmatic differentiation: Insight from mineralogical study on the Ganfang rare metal granite, Jiangxi Province; [稀有金属花岗岩结晶分异过程中铷的富集与成矿来自江西甘坊岩体的矿物学证据]" . | Acta Geologica Sinica 97 . 11 (2023) : 3766-3785 .
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Rb mineralization during magmatic differentiation: Insight from mineralogical study on the Ganfang rare metal granite, Jiangxi Province EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 97 (11) , 3766-3785 | Acta Geologica Sinica
10| 20| 50 per page
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