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Energy-Efficient Bandwidth and Power Allocation in Relay-Assisted Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Networks with Energy Harvesting; [具有能量收集的中继辅助多层异构网络的能量高效带宽和功率分配策略] Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 28 (6) , 822-830 | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Aiming at excessive users existing in a pico base station (PBS) in the multi-layer heterogeneous networks, the resource allocation problem of maximizing the energy efficiency of the networks is investigated in this paper. By deploying a relay node with energy harvesting function, the data of some users in the PBS can be transferred to an adjacent idle PBS. The bandwidth and transmitting power of users and the relay node are both considered to formulate the resource allocation optimization problem. The objective is to maximize the energy efficiency of the whole heterogeneous networks under the constraints of the user’s minimum data rate and energy consumption. The suboptimal solution is obtained by using the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm and quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm. Simulation results show that the adopted methods have higher energy efficiency than the conventional fixed power and bandwidth method. In addition, the time complexity of the adopted methods is relatively low. © 2021, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.

Keyword :

A A energy efficiency energy efficiency energy harvesting energy harvesting heterogeneous networks heterogeneous networks TN 915.65 TN 915.65


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GB/T 7714 Gao, J. , Zhao, Y. , Chen, J. et al. Energy-Efficient Bandwidth and Power Allocation in Relay-Assisted Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Networks with Energy Harvesting; [具有能量收集的中继辅助多层异构网络的能量高效带宽和功率分配策略] [J]. | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) , 2023 , 28 (6) : 822-830 .
MLA Gao, J. et al. "Energy-Efficient Bandwidth and Power Allocation in Relay-Assisted Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Networks with Energy Harvesting; [具有能量收集的中继辅助多层异构网络的能量高效带宽和功率分配策略]" . | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 28 . 6 (2023) : 822-830 .
APA Gao, J. , Zhao, Y. , Chen, J. , Chen, Z. . Energy-Efficient Bandwidth and Power Allocation in Relay-Assisted Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Networks with Energy Harvesting; [具有能量收集的中继辅助多层异构网络的能量高效带宽和功率分配策略] . | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) , 2023 , 28 (6) , 822-830 .
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Version :

Energy-Efficient Bandwidth and Power Allocation in Relay-Assisted Multi-Layer Heterogeneous Networks with Energy Harvesting EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 28 (6) , 822-830 | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)
基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (1) , 85-93 | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

针对现有研究没有考虑用户移动性对移动边缘计算(mobile edge computing,MEC)服务器反馈计算结果影响的情况,提出一种基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略.考虑用户移动性影响,分别给出用户移动性模型和能量收集模型;采用虚拟机迁移方式,把用户卸载给初始MEC服务器的计算任务转移到当前MEC服务器,由当前MEC服务器完成计算任务,计算结果直接反馈给用户;综合考虑用户卸载计算任务和MEC服务器反馈计算结果,将功率和子载波分配问题建模为混合整数非线性规划问题,在满足能量消耗、子载波分配和发射功率的约束条件下,最大化系统能量效率.为了降低求解复杂度,通过引入遗传算法,获得次优解.仿真结果表明,与基于遗传算法的局部功率或子载波分配方法相比,提出的方法具有更高的能量效率.

Keyword :

移动边缘计算 移动边缘计算 能量收集 能量收集 虚拟机迁移 虚拟机迁移 资源分配 资源分配


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GB/T 7714 方鹏 , 赵宜升 , 刘志超 et al. 基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略 [J]. | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 34 (1) : 85-93 .
MLA 方鹏 et al. "基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略" . | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) 34 . 1 (2022) : 85-93 .
APA 方鹏 , 赵宜升 , 刘志超 , 陈忠辉 . 基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略 . | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 34 (1) , 85-93 .
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Version :

基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (01) , 85-93 | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)
基于虚拟机迁移的能量收集MEC系统资源分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (01) , 85-93 | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)
期刊论文 | 2021 , 27 (26) , 47-54 | 现代计算机
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 陈忠辉 , 唐晓颖 , 魏宏安 . 交通监控视频快速全景拼接算法的研究与实现 [J]. | 现代计算机 , 2021 , 27 (26) : 47-54 .
MLA 陈忠辉 et al. "交通监控视频快速全景拼接算法的研究与实现" . | 现代计算机 27 . 26 (2021) : 47-54 .
APA 陈忠辉 , 唐晓颖 , 魏宏安 . 交通监控视频快速全景拼接算法的研究与实现 . | 现代计算机 , 2021 , 27 (26) , 47-54 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2021 , 27 (26) , 47-54 | 现代计算机
期刊论文 | 2021 , 27 (26) , 47-54 | 现代计算机
基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 33 (02) , 193-201 | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

针对移动终端(mobile terminal, MT)从环境射频源收集能量较少的问题,研究基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略。通过在基站覆盖区域内部署多个磁感应能量快速充电站,当MT从环境射频源收集的能量即将耗尽时,在附近的磁感应能量快速充电站补充能量。MT通过移动边缘计算将计算任务分流到边缘服务器。将资源分配问题建模为优化问题,以最小化MTs总能量消耗为目标,同时满足MT最大计算能力、边缘服务器最大计算资源、任务计算总时延和MT电池能量的约束条件。通过引入量子行为粒子群优化算法,获得次优解。仿真结果表明,与标准粒子群优化算法和相等分配边缘服务器计算资源的方法相比,量子行为粒子群优...

Keyword :

混合能量收集 混合能量收集 移动边缘计算 移动边缘计算 资源分配 资源分配


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GB/T 7714 陈加法 , 赵宜升 , 高锦程 et al. 基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略 [J]. | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 33 (02) : 193-201 .
MLA 陈加法 et al. "基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略" . | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) 33 . 02 (2021) : 193-201 .
APA 陈加法 , 赵宜升 , 高锦程 , 陈忠辉 . 基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略 . | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版) , 2021 , 33 (02) , 193-201 .
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Version :

基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 33 (02) , 193-201 | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)
基于混合能量收集的移动边缘计算系统资源分配策略 PKU
期刊论文 | 2021 , 33 (2) , 193-201 | 重庆邮电大学学报(自然科学版)
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (12) , 35-39 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

交通事件检测 交通事件检测 毫米波雷达 毫米波雷达 车辆监控 车辆监控 车辆行为分析 车辆行为分析


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GB/T 7714 魏宏安 , 兰金伙 , 赖黄政 et al. 毫米波雷达的车辆行为监控技术研究与应用 [J]. | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2020 , 20 (12) : 35-39 .
MLA 魏宏安 et al. "毫米波雷达的车辆行为监控技术研究与应用" . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 20 . 12 (2020) : 35-39 .
APA 魏宏安 , 兰金伙 , 赖黄政 , 陈忠辉 . 毫米波雷达的车辆行为监控技术研究与应用 . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2020 , 20 (12) , 35-39 .
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Version :

毫米波雷达的车辆行为监控技术研究与应用 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (12) , 35-39 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 43 (03) , 24-31 | 北京邮电大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

功率分配 功率分配 无人机 无人机 能量收集 能量收集


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GB/T 7714 刘志超 , 赵宜升 , 高锦程 et al. 基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略 [J]. | 北京邮电大学学报 , 2020 , 43 (03) : 24-31 .
MLA 刘志超 et al. "基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略" . | 北京邮电大学学报 43 . 03 (2020) : 24-31 .
APA 刘志超 , 赵宜升 , 高锦程 , 陈忠辉 . 基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略 . | 北京邮电大学学报 , 2020 , 43 (03) , 24-31 .
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Version :

基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , (3) , 24-31 | 北京邮电大学学报
Adaptive modulation and frame length method based on Moore state machine in LTE-R communication system SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 14 (8) , 1327-1334 | IET COMMUNICATIONS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

In this study, the problem of adaptive modulation and frame length (AMFL) is investigated in long-term evolution for railway (LTE-R) communication system. By considering the effect of frame length, a novel AMFL strategy based on Moore state machine (MSM) is proposed. The influence of the frame length on the goodput is discussed by theoretical analysis and simulation evaluation. According to modulation and frame length schemes (MFLSs) adopted in LTE-R system, the finite state set of the MSM is designed. For different MFLSs, the frame error rate (FER) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) curve is obtained. By giving a target FER, the SNR thresholds corresponding to different MFLSs are achieved. From the perspectives of modulation priority and frame length priority, two different AMFL-MSMs are designed to change MFLSs dynamically. Simulation results show that the proposed two AMFL-MSMs have more stable goodput than the common modulation schemes and less symbol energy consumption than the high-order modulation scheme. In addition, the AMFL-MSM with modulation priority has better performance than the AMFL-MSM with frame length priority in terms of goodput stability.

Keyword :

adaptive modulation adaptive modulation AMFL-MSM AMFL-MSM error statistics error statistics finite state machines finite state machines frame error rate frame error rate frame length priority frame length priority goodput stability goodput stability Long Term Evolution Long Term Evolution LTE-R communication system LTE-R communication system MFLSs MFLSs modulation priority modulation priority Moore state machine Moore state machine railway communication railway communication railway communication system railway communication system


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Mengjia , Zhao, Yisheng , Gao, Jincheng et al. Adaptive modulation and frame length method based on Moore state machine in LTE-R communication system [J]. | IET COMMUNICATIONS , 2020 , 14 (8) : 1327-1334 .
MLA Chen, Mengjia et al. "Adaptive modulation and frame length method based on Moore state machine in LTE-R communication system" . | IET COMMUNICATIONS 14 . 8 (2020) : 1327-1334 .
APA Chen, Mengjia , Zhao, Yisheng , Gao, Jincheng , Chen, Zhonghui . Adaptive modulation and frame length method based on Moore state machine in LTE-R communication system . | IET COMMUNICATIONS , 2020 , 14 (8) , 1327-1334 .
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Version :

Adaptive modulation and frame length method based on Moore state machine in LTE-R communication system Scopus
期刊论文 | 2020 , 14 (8) , 1327-1334 | IET Communications
Adaptive modulation and frame length method based on Moore state machine in LTE-R communication system EI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 14 (8) , 1327-1334 | IET Communications
UAV-Assisted Time Division Power Allocation Strategy Based on RF Energy Harvesting EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 43 (3) , 24-31 | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Aiming at the difference of users in different time periods for the femto base station (FBS),the power allocation problem of maximizing the total downlink information is investigated.The different time periods include busy time and spare time.There are more users in the busy time and less users in the spare time.By deploying a pico base station carried by unmanned aerial vehicle (PBS-UAV),it provides services for users of multiple FBSs in spare time.Both the FBS and PBS-UAV have energy harvesting function.During the busy time,the FBS and PBS-UAV simultaneously harvest energy from the macro base station,and FBSs transmit data to users.During the spare time,multiple FBSs are replaced by the PBS-UAV to communicate with users in downlink.The power allocation problem is modeled as an optimization problem.The objective is to maximize the amount of downlink information of FBSs and PBS-UAV while satisfying the constraints of FBS and PBS-UAV energy consumption and transmission power.Because the formulated optimization problem is a convex optimization problem,the optimal solution is obtained by using an augmented Lagrange multiplier method.Simulations show that compared with the equal power method and partial fixed power method with PBS-UAV,the proposed method has an increase in terms of total information to different degrees. © 2020, Editorial Department of Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Antennas Antennas Base stations Base stations Constraint satisfaction problems Constraint satisfaction problems Convex optimization Convex optimization Energy harvesting Energy harvesting Energy utilization Energy utilization Femtocell Femtocell Lagrange multipliers Lagrange multipliers Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) Vehicle transmissions Vehicle transmissions


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zhi-Chao , Zhao, Yi-Sheng , Gao, Jin-Cheng et al. UAV-Assisted Time Division Power Allocation Strategy Based on RF Energy Harvesting [J]. | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , 2020 , 43 (3) : 24-31 .
MLA Liu, Zhi-Chao et al. "UAV-Assisted Time Division Power Allocation Strategy Based on RF Energy Harvesting" . | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications 43 . 3 (2020) : 24-31 .
APA Liu, Zhi-Chao , Zhao, Yi-Sheng , Gao, Jin-Cheng , Chen, Zhong-Hui . UAV-Assisted Time Division Power Allocation Strategy Based on RF Energy Harvesting . | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications , 2020 , 43 (3) , 24-31 .
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基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 43 (3) , 24-31 | 北京邮电大学学报
UAV-Assisted Time Division Power Allocation Strategy Based on RF Energy Harvesting [基于射频能量收集的无人机协助的分时段功率分配策略] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 43 (3) , 24-31 | Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
畸变图像自适应校正及质量增强算法研究与实现 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 40 (z1) , 180-184 | 计算机应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

图像质量评价 图像质量评价 畸变图像 畸变图像 自适应校正 自适应校正 质量增强 质量增强 透视变换 透视变换


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GB/T 7714 陈忠辉 , 唐晓颖 , 林志权 et al. 畸变图像自适应校正及质量增强算法研究与实现 [J]. | 计算机应用 , 2020 , 40 (z1) : 180-184 .
MLA 陈忠辉 et al. "畸变图像自适应校正及质量增强算法研究与实现" . | 计算机应用 40 . z1 (2020) : 180-184 .
APA 陈忠辉 , 唐晓颖 , 林志权 , 魏宏安 . 畸变图像自适应校正及质量增强算法研究与实现 . | 计算机应用 , 2020 , 40 (z1) , 180-184 .
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Version :

畸变图像自适应校正及质量增强算法研究与实现 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 40 (S1) , 180-184 | 计算机应用
畸变图像自适应校正及质量增强算法研究与实现 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 40 (S01) , 180-184 | 计算机应用
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (10) , 34-38 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

IWR1642 IWR1642 人流量统计 人流量统计 算法设计 算法设计 调频连续波雷达 调频连续波雷达


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GB/T 7714 陈忠辉 , 赖黄政 , 兰金伙 et al. FMCW雷达的人流量检测算法的研究 [J]. | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2020 , 20 (10) : 34-38 .
MLA 陈忠辉 et al. "FMCW雷达的人流量检测算法的研究" . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 20 . 10 (2020) : 34-38 .
APA 陈忠辉 , 赖黄政 , 兰金伙 , 魏宏安 . FMCW雷达的人流量检测算法的研究 . | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用 , 2020 , 20 (10) , 34-38 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (10) , 34-38 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
FMCW雷达的人流量检测算法的研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (10) , 34-38 | 单片机与嵌入式系统应用
10| 20| 50 per page
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