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Metagenomics reveals functional species and microbial mechanisms of an enriched thiosulfate-driven denitratation consortia SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 341 | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In this study, thiosulfate-driven denitratation (TDD) system was successfully established under optimal S/N molar ratio of 1.00, with nitrite accumulation efficiency (NAE) of 82.24 +/- 17.09%. This work highlighted that thiosulfate significantly preferred the reduction of nitrate than nitrite. However, after the depletion of thiosulfate, the in-situ formed intermediate product element sulfur (S0) served as the main electron donor, and significantly favored the reduction of nitrite than nitrate, which constrained nitrite accumulation and nitrate removal. In addition, metagenomic sequencing revealed that the functional denitratation species might be Thiobacillus_sp._65-29, but the occurrence of Nir-annotated species would decrease nitrite accumulation. Under S/N ratio of 1.00, the decreased abundant Nir-annotated species (e.g., Thiobacillus_sp.), as well as the down-regulated quorum sensing interactions between Nar- and Nir-annotated species were key microbial metabolisms of high NAE in the TDD system. Overall, this work provides new sight into the metagenome-base functional species and metabolic potential of thiosulfate-driven denitratation.

Keyword :

Elemental sulfur formation Elemental sulfur formation Functional species Functional species Metagenomics Metagenomics Nitrite accumulation Nitrite accumulation Thiosulfate-driven denitratation Thiosulfate-driven denitratation


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Yihui , Wang, Yingmu , Fan, Gongduan et al. Metagenomics reveals functional species and microbial mechanisms of an enriched thiosulfate-driven denitratation consortia [J]. | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 341 .
MLA Liu, Yihui et al. "Metagenomics reveals functional species and microbial mechanisms of an enriched thiosulfate-driven denitratation consortia" . | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY 341 (2021) .
APA Liu, Yihui , Wang, Yingmu , Fan, Gongduan , Su, Xiaoxuan , Zhou, Jian , Liu, Deming . Metagenomics reveals functional species and microbial mechanisms of an enriched thiosulfate-driven denitratation consortia . | BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY , 2021 , 341 .
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Version :

Metagenomics reveals functional species and microbial mechanisms of an enriched thiosulfate-driven denitratation consortia EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 341 | Bioresource Technology
改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 14 (10) , 2831-2836 | 环境工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

在我国农村地区,化粪池仍然是许多家庭生活污水直排前的唯一处理设施。传统三格化粪池出水水质较差,造成了农村水环境污染,而对传统三格化粪池进行适当改进是解决污染问题的有效途径之一。为此,对传统三格化粪池进行了结构和功能的优化设计,在第1格设置由过流板隔开的预处理曝气池和预处理沉淀池,第2格保留厌氧发酵池,第3格由过流板分隔为生物接触氧化池和二次沉淀池。结果表明,稳定运行后,反应器对COD、N H4+-N、TP和SS的去除率分别为83.51%~88.56%、66.82%~74.17%、77.47%~81.12%和82.26%~88.57%,相较于传统三格化粪池有显著的提升。改进型农村三格化粪池实现了...

Keyword :

三格化粪池 三格化粪池 农村生活污水 农村生活污水 改进 改进 生物接触氧化 生物接触氧化 预处理曝气 预处理曝气


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GB/T 7714 王立东 , 刘德明 , 马世斌 et al. 改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能 [J]. | 环境工程学报 , 2020 , 14 (10) : 2831-2836 .
MLA 王立东 et al. "改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能" . | 环境工程学报 14 . 10 (2020) : 2831-2836 .
APA 王立东 , 刘德明 , 马世斌 , 傅振东 , 李伊然 , 薛藏藏 . 改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能 . | 环境工程学报 , 2020 , 14 (10) , 2831-2836 .
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Version :

改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能 CQVIP CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 14 (10) , 2831-2836 | 环境工程学报
Sewage treatment performance of modified rural three-chamber septic tank [改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2020 , 14 (10) , 2831-2836 | Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In rural areas of China, septic tanks are still the only treatment facilities before the direct discharge of domestic sewage in many families. However, the effluent quality of the traditional three-chamber septic tanks is poor, resulting in the pollution of rural water environment. It will be one of the effective ways to solve the pollution problem through the modification of traditional three-chamber septic tank. Thus, the structure and function optimal design of traditional three-chamber septic tank was performed. In the first chamber, a pretreatment aeration tank and a pretreatment sedimentation tank were separated by a overflow plate. In the second chamber, the anaerobic fermentation tank was retained. And the third chamber was separated into a biological contact oxidation tank and a secondary sedimentation tank by a overflow plate. The results showed that after stable operation, the removal rates of COD, NH+4-N, TP and SS by the reactor could reach 83.51%~88.56%, 66.82%~74.17%, 77.47%~81.12%, 82.26%~88.57%, respectively, which had a significant improvement compared with the traditional septic tank. The modified rural three-chamber septic tank realizes the on-site treatment of decentralized sewage in rural areas, and its economy and maintenance convenience can meet the requirements of rural sewage treatment facilities, this provides a reference for the transformation and construction of rural three-chamber septic tank. © 2020, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Biological contact oxidation; Modification; Pretreatment aeration; Rural domestic sewage; Three-chamber septic tank Biological contact oxidation; Modification; Pretreatment aeration; Rural domestic sewage; Three-chamber septic tank


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GB/T 7714 Wang, L. , Liu, D. , Ma, S. et al. Sewage treatment performance of modified rural three-chamber septic tank [改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能] [J]. | Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering , 2020 , 14 (10) : 2831-2836 .
MLA Wang, L. et al. "Sewage treatment performance of modified rural three-chamber septic tank [改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能]" . | Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering 14 . 10 (2020) : 2831-2836 .
APA Wang, L. , Liu, D. , Ma, S. , Fu, Z. , Li, Y. , Xue, Z. . Sewage treatment performance of modified rural three-chamber septic tank [改进型农村三格化粪池的污水处理性能] . | Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering , 2020 , 14 (10) , 2831-2836 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2019 , 6 (86) , 34-35 | 教育现代化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

创新精神 创新精神 培养模式 培养模式 实践能力 实践能力 科技竞赛 科技竞赛


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GB/T 7714 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 鄢斌 et al. 基于科技竞赛的大学生创新精神和实践能力培养模式研究 [J]. | 教育现代化 , 2019 , 6 (86) : 34-35 .
MLA 刘德明 et al. "基于科技竞赛的大学生创新精神和实践能力培养模式研究" . | 教育现代化 6 . 86 (2019) : 34-35 .
APA 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 鄢斌 , 丁若莹 . 基于科技竞赛的大学生创新精神和实践能力培养模式研究 . | 教育现代化 , 2019 , 6 (86) , 34-35 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2019 , 6 (82) , 199-200 | 教育现代化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

专业素养 专业素养 可持续 可持续 培养模式 培养模式 节能减排 节能减排


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GB/T 7714 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 鄢斌 et al. 以节能减排竞赛活动为抓手,可持续培养学生专业素养的实践 [J]. | 教育现代化 , 2019 , 6 (82) : 199-200 .
MLA 刘德明 et al. "以节能减排竞赛活动为抓手,可持续培养学生专业素养的实践" . | 教育现代化 6 . 82 (2019) : 199-200 .
APA 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 鄢斌 , 丁若莹 . 以节能减排竞赛活动为抓手,可持续培养学生专业素养的实践 . | 教育现代化 , 2019 , 6 (82) , 199-200 .
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一种流态改良型的高效化粪池 incoPat
专利 | 2019/7/12 | CN201921086407.5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 马世斌 et al. 一种流态改良型的高效化粪池 : CN201921086407.5[P]. | 2019/7/12 .
MLA 刘德明 et al. "一种流态改良型的高效化粪池" : CN201921086407.5. | 2019/7/12 .
APA 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 马世斌 , 梁相飞 , 王立东 , 柯泽伟 . 一种流态改良型的高效化粪池 : CN201921086407.5. | 2019/7/12 .
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Version :

一种节能自来水紫外消毒装置 incoPat
专利 | 2019/7/13 | CN201921094370.0
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 刘德明 , 柯泽伟 , 傅振东 et al. 一种节能自来水紫外消毒装置 : CN201921094370.0[P]. | 2019/7/13 .
MLA 刘德明 et al. "一种节能自来水紫外消毒装置" : CN201921094370.0. | 2019/7/13 .
APA 刘德明 , 柯泽伟 , 傅振东 , 王立东 , 鄢斌 . 一种节能自来水紫外消毒装置 : CN201921094370.0. | 2019/7/13 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2019 , 37 (3) , 197-200,206 | 市政技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

二次污染 二次污染 优化方案 优化方案 农村污水 农村污水 化粪池 化粪池 美丽乡村建设 美丽乡村建设


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GB/T 7714 郑子萱 , 刘德明 , 傅振东 et al. 基于美丽乡村建设的既有化粪池优化 [J]. | 市政技术 , 2019 , 37 (3) : 197-200,206 .
MLA 郑子萱 et al. "基于美丽乡村建设的既有化粪池优化" . | 市政技术 37 . 3 (2019) : 197-200,206 .
APA 郑子萱 , 刘德明 , 傅振东 , 万明磊 . 基于美丽乡村建设的既有化粪池优化 . | 市政技术 , 2019 , 37 (3) , 197-200,206 .
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Version :

基于美丽乡村建设的既有化粪池优化 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2019 , 37 (3) , 197-200 | 市政技术
期刊论文 | 2019 , 37 (03) , 197-200,206 | 市政技术
期刊论文 | 2019 , (4) , 62-63,86 | 福建建设科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

三格化粪池 三格化粪池 农村 农村 出水水质 出水水质 污水 污水


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GB/T 7714 李锦冰 , 刘德明 , 郑子萱 et al. 福建省安溪县吾邦村地区三格化粪池出水水质调查 [J]. | 福建建设科技 , 2019 , (4) : 62-63,86 .
MLA 李锦冰 et al. "福建省安溪县吾邦村地区三格化粪池出水水质调查" . | 福建建设科技 4 (2019) : 62-63,86 .
APA 李锦冰 , 刘德明 , 郑子萱 , 陈晓钱 , 蒋宇铃 , 林浩若 et al. 福建省安溪县吾邦村地区三格化粪池出水水质调查 . | 福建建设科技 , 2019 , (4) , 62-63,86 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2019 , (04) , 62-63,86 | 福建建设科技
福建省安溪县吾邦村地区三格化粪池出水水质调查 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2019 , 0 (4) , 62-63 | 福建建设科技
期刊论文 | 2019 , 37 (6) , 202-205 | 市政技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

三格化粪池 三格化粪池 农村生活污水 农村生活污水 容积比 容积比 对比研究 对比研究


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GB/T 7714 傅振东 , 刘德明 , 马世斌 et al. 两种容积比的三格化粪池处理农村生活污水效率对比研究 [J]. | 市政技术 , 2019 , 37 (6) : 202-205 .
MLA 傅振东 et al. "两种容积比的三格化粪池处理农村生活污水效率对比研究" . | 市政技术 37 . 6 (2019) : 202-205 .
APA 傅振东 , 刘德明 , 马世斌 , 王立东 , 梁相飞 , 李依然 . 两种容积比的三格化粪池处理农村生活污水效率对比研究 . | 市政技术 , 2019 , 37 (6) , 202-205 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2019 , 37 (06) , 202-205 | 市政技术
两种容积比的三格化粪池处理农村生活污水效率对比研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2019 , 37 (6) , 202-205 | 市政技术
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