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一种BCM Boost PFC电路的VCFF控制策略
期刊论文 | 2024 , 9 (03) , 7-14,29 | 电器与能效管理技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

临界导通模式Boost功率因素校正(PFC)电路通常采用恒定导通时间(COT)控制策略,导致开关频率的变化与输入电压、输出功率以及电感有关,轻载下过高的开关频率将影响电路的转换效率,故提出一种谷底计数频率反走(VCFF)控制策略。通过检测MOS管两端电压谷底计数,使电路轻载时工作在断续模式,从而降低开关频率以提升轻载效率。实验结果表明,相比于COT控制策略,所提控制策略能够有效提高轻载效率。输入电压为220 Vrms下,10%~50%负载时效率在0.96以上。

Keyword :

Boost功率因素校正电路 Boost功率因素校正电路 LED驱动电源 LED驱动电源 临界导通模式 临界导通模式 轻载效率 轻载效率


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GB/T 7714 刘光清 , 林维明 . 一种BCM Boost PFC电路的VCFF控制策略 [J]. | 电器与能效管理技术 , 2024 , 9 (03) : 7-14,29 .
MLA 刘光清 等. "一种BCM Boost PFC电路的VCFF控制策略" . | 电器与能效管理技术 9 . 03 (2024) : 7-14,29 .
APA 刘光清 , 林维明 . 一种BCM Boost PFC电路的VCFF控制策略 . | 电器与能效管理技术 , 2024 , 9 (03) , 7-14,29 .
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一种BCM Boost PFC电路的VCFF控制策略
期刊论文 | 2024 , (3) , 7-14,29 | 电器与能效管理技术
一种无桥高增益单级LED驱动电路及其混合控制策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 28 (01) , 105-119 | 电机与控制学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

中小功率的LED驱动电源中,传统两级LED驱动电源存在体积大、成本高以及传统Boost PFC电路在低压输入时导通损耗大等问题。为此提出一种由无桥二次型Boost PFC电路和DC-DC LLC电路集成的无桥高增益单级LED驱动电路,实现了高电压增益、功率开关器件软开关、一套控制电路和高电路转换效率。针对单级电路在电网输入电压变化引起直流母线电压变动范围大等问题,设计一种适用于所提电路的APWM-PFM混合控制策略,并对混合控制原理和控制过程进行详细分析。最后设计一台200 W的实验样机,在输入电压80~120 Vrms范围内,占空比最大为0.5,最大电压增益为6.7,直流母线电压基于网侧特性和LLC电路特性设计在700 V以内,样机的功率因数值均高于0.990,THD均低于15%。在满载条件下,110 Vrms输入时,样机效率为93.20%,相比于传统无桥PFC,电压增益提高了2.21倍,实现了高电压增益和软开关,有效提升了在低压输入条件下的电路转换效率。仿真和实验结果验证了所提出电路和控制方法的有效性。

Keyword :

LED驱动电路 LED驱动电路 功率因数校正 功率因数校正 混合控制策略 混合控制策略 软开关 软开关 高增益Boost与LLC电路集成 高增益Boost与LLC电路集成


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GB/T 7714 刘光清 , 林维明 , 陈欣玮 . 一种无桥高增益单级LED驱动电路及其混合控制策略 [J]. | 电机与控制学报 , 2024 , 28 (01) : 105-119 .
MLA 刘光清 等. "一种无桥高增益单级LED驱动电路及其混合控制策略" . | 电机与控制学报 28 . 01 (2024) : 105-119 .
APA 刘光清 , 林维明 , 陈欣玮 . 一种无桥高增益单级LED驱动电路及其混合控制策略 . | 电机与控制学报 , 2024 , 28 (01) , 105-119 .
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Version :

一种无桥高增益单级LED驱动电路及其混合控制策略 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 28 (1) , 105-119 | 电机与控制学报
一种Boost PFC电路改进VOT控制策略研究
期刊论文 | 2024 , 8 (04) , 22-29 | 电器与能效管理技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

为了解决恒定导通时间(COT)控制策略下负向谐振电流和输入滤波电容引起功率因数(PF)和总谐波失真(THD)性能变差的问题,提出一种改进变导通时间(VOT)的控制策略。通过自适应增加导通时间以抵消负向谐振电流,减小相位差,使电感平均电流在工频周期内接近正弦波,并分析其工作原理与控制过程。结合主电路设计关键参数,研制1台额定功率320 W的样机,进行COT控制策略和改进VOT控制策略的对比实验。计算机仿真和实验结果表明,改进VOT控制策略在265 V高电压输入20%负载工作时,PF值由0.726提升至0.801,THD由27.92%降低至18.4%;在40%~100%负载时满足PF>0.9、THD<15%的要求,验证所提控制策略的有效性。

Keyword :

临界导通模式 临界导通模式 功率因数校正 功率因数校正 改进变导通时间控制 改进变导通时间控制 网侧特性 网侧特性


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GB/T 7714 关震 , 林维明 . 一种Boost PFC电路改进VOT控制策略研究 [J]. | 电器与能效管理技术 , 2024 , 8 (04) : 22-29 .
MLA 关震 等. "一种Boost PFC电路改进VOT控制策略研究" . | 电器与能效管理技术 8 . 04 (2024) : 22-29 .
APA 关震 , 林维明 . 一种Boost PFC电路改进VOT控制策略研究 . | 电器与能效管理技术 , 2024 , 8 (04) , 22-29 .
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一种Boost PFC电路改进VOT控制策略研究
期刊论文 | 2024 , (4) , 22-29 | 电器与能效管理技术
一种无电解电容单级LED驱动电路中间电容电流控制方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-12-31 00:00:00 | CN202111662853.8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 林维明 , 刘光清 , 黄舒晨 . 一种无电解电容单级LED驱动电路中间电容电流控制方法 : CN202111662853.8[P]. | 2021-12-31 00:00:00 .
MLA 林维明 等. "一种无电解电容单级LED驱动电路中间电容电流控制方法" : CN202111662853.8. | 2021-12-31 00:00:00 .
APA 林维明 , 刘光清 , 黄舒晨 . 一种无电解电容单级LED驱动电路中间电容电流控制方法 : CN202111662853.8. | 2021-12-31 00:00:00 .
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Research on a DC-DC Converter and Its Advanced Control Strategy Applied to the Integrated Energy System of Marine Breeding Platforms SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The deep-sea aquaculture industry will become one of the important pillars of the future marine economy. However, the application of clean energy in the new scenario needs to be strengthened for platform operation. For this kind of renewable-energy distributed-generation system, an energy storage system is essential. A bidirectional DC-DC converter is essential for distributed power generation systems. It connects a variety of renewable energy sources with energy storage cells. A high-gain bidirectional Cuk circuit with zero ripple is proposed in the paper. It is characterized by a simple structure, zero ripple, low voltage stress of semiconductor power devices, and high voltage gain. A passivity-based control with linear active disturbance rejection is proposed to solve the problems of the large steady-state error. The zero steady-state error, strong robustness, and whole-range stability have been obtained for the proposed control strategy. Finally, a simulation was carried out. A 100 W, 48 V/400 V prototype was built to verify the validity of the theoretical analysis for the proposed circuit. The improved passivity-based control strategy was verified to solve the contradiction between rapidity and overshoot. It can be realized to improve the dynamic performance of the proposed converter and achieve robust control.

Keyword :

bidirectional DC-DC Cuk converter bidirectional DC-DC Cuk converter deep-sea aquaculture industry deep-sea aquaculture industry high voltage gain high voltage gain integrated energy system integrated energy system linear active disturbance rejection linear active disturbance rejection passivity-based control passivity-based control switched capacitor cell switched capacitor cell


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Hongxing , Lin, Weiming , He, Wei . Research on a DC-DC Converter and Its Advanced Control Strategy Applied to the Integrated Energy System of Marine Breeding Platforms [J]. | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2023 , 11 (3) .
MLA Chen, Hongxing 等. "Research on a DC-DC Converter and Its Advanced Control Strategy Applied to the Integrated Energy System of Marine Breeding Platforms" . | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 11 . 3 (2023) .
APA Chen, Hongxing , Lin, Weiming , He, Wei . Research on a DC-DC Converter and Its Advanced Control Strategy Applied to the Integrated Energy System of Marine Breeding Platforms . | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2023 , 11 (3) .
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Research on a DC–DC Converter and Its Advanced Control Strategy Applied to the Integrated Energy System of Marine Breeding Platforms Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 11 (3) | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 27 (1) , 88-109 | Electric Machines and Control
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In order to solve the problems of poor load adjustment ability and narrow output current range in traditional hysteretic current control, a fixed-ripple control strategy based on three-phase combined DC-DC Buck driver was proposed, which used the third-generation semiconductor GaN device to increase the power density of the driver. The operating characteristics of three-phase combined Buck driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy were analyzed in detail, the driver operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) were unified mathematical modeling, small signal model and corresponding control equations were deduced, and the key parameters of the circuit were designed. Finally, a 1. 8 kW distributed multiple-phase combined Buck experimental prototype and a single Buck driver used GaN switching device were built. Computer simulation and experimental results show that: The maximum efficiency of the prototype can achieve 99. 54% at the output power of 600 W; On and off time of the switching tube can be adjusted by using the proposed control strategy adaptively, which improves the dynamic performance; 10% ~ 100% wide-range dimming and the fixed-ripple control of inductor current are realized in CCM and DCM; The constant current dimming accuracy is improved by controlling the average value of the inductor current directly, which is less than 1% . © 2023 Editorial Department of Electric Machines and Control. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

adaptive on-off time adaptive on-off time combined Buck circuit combined Buck circuit distributed LED driver distributed LED driver fixed-ripple control fixed-ripple control GaN device GaN device wide-range dimming wide-range dimming


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Z.-T. , Lin, W.-M. , Zhang, L.-L. et al. Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略] [J]. | Electric Machines and Control , 2023 , 27 (1) : 88-109 .
MLA Xiao, Z.-T. et al. "Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略]" . | Electric Machines and Control 27 . 1 (2023) : 88-109 .
APA Xiao, Z.-T. , Lin, W.-M. , Zhang, L.-L. , Xu, Z.-H. , Tang, S. . Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略] . | Electric Machines and Control , 2023 , 27 (1) , 88-109 .
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Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 27 (1) , 88-109 | Electric Machines and Control
Single-stage High Gain LED Driver and Combined Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy; [单级高增益 LED 驱动电路和融合可见光通信调制的控制策略] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (23) , 9262-9272 | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Aiming at the traditional communication RF amplifiers problems such as high cost and low efficiency, a single-stage AC-DC high gain step-down LED driver and its hybrid visible light communication (VLC) modulation control strategy are proposed to meet low-voltage output and VLC of LED applications. The low-ripple step-down Cuk combined switched capacitor (SC) and synchronous rectification (SR) Buck are integrated into a single-stage driver. The hybrid VLC control strategy is based on the theory of binary phase shift keying (BPSK), the LED lighting level is controlled by the average output current, and the data communication modulation is realized by the phase change of the output current ripple. The proposed circuit and hybrid control strategy are analyzed in detail, and the key parameters of the proposed circuit are designed. Finally, the computer simulation is carried out, and an input of 185~265VRMS and constant current output of 1A/25W experimental prototype is set up. The simulation and experimental results have been obtained to show that the circuit can realize high gain step-down, the functions of hybrid LED lighting control and VLC modulation, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed driver and hybrid VLC modulation control strategy. ©2023 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.

Keyword :

binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation hybrid control strategy hybrid control strategy LED driver LED driver single-stage high gain Cuk/Buck circuit single-stage high gain Cuk/Buck circuit visible light communication visible light communication


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Z. , Lin, W. , Zhu, Y. . Single-stage High Gain LED Driver and Combined Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy; [单级高增益 LED 驱动电路和融合可见光通信调制的控制策略] [J]. | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering , 2023 , 43 (23) : 9262-9272 .
MLA Xiao, Z. et al. "Single-stage High Gain LED Driver and Combined Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy; [单级高增益 LED 驱动电路和融合可见光通信调制的控制策略]" . | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 43 . 23 (2023) : 9262-9272 .
APA Xiao, Z. , Lin, W. , Zhu, Y. . Single-stage High Gain LED Driver and Combined Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy; [单级高增益 LED 驱动电路和融合可见光通信调制的控制策略] . | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering , 2023 , 43 (23) , 9262-9272 .
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Single-stage High Gain LED Driver and Combined Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (23) , 9262-9272 | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering
Research on a Multi-Output LED Driver and Its Weighted Dimming Strategy EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 475-479 | 20th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting and 9th International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, SSLCHINA: IFWS 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

For the application in multi-color spectrum combined dimming of LED plant lighting, a multi-output LED driver based on corresponding spectral demanded by combining constant current Boost circuit unit with injection current Buck circuit unit is proposed in this paper. The operating principle and operating process of the proposed driver, and the relationship between the number of LEDs on the lamp(left) and the lamp (right) and the corresponding spectrum voltage regulation range is analyzed in detail. For the application occasions of plant lighting dimming of the proposed driver, a weighted dimming control strategy is proposed and the principle of the control strategy is analyzed in detail, which high efficiency and wide range dimming can be realized. At the same time, the key parameters of the power stage and the control circuit of the proposed driver are designed. A prototype of the proposed driver with 3-channel output (single-channel rated power 7W) was built. The effectiveness of the proposed combined driver and weighted dimming control strategy has been verified by experimental results. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Light emitting diodes Light emitting diodes Power electronics Power electronics Timing circuits Timing circuits Voltage regulators Voltage regulators


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Shuchen , Lin, Weiming , Zheng, Yong et al. Research on a Multi-Output LED Driver and Its Weighted Dimming Strategy [C] . 2023 : 475-479 .
MLA Huang, Shuchen et al. "Research on a Multi-Output LED Driver and Its Weighted Dimming Strategy" . (2023) : 475-479 .
APA Huang, Shuchen , Lin, Weiming , Zheng, Yong , Lin, Zhongyin . Research on a Multi-Output LED Driver and Its Weighted Dimming Strategy . (2023) : 475-479 .
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Three-port Resonant LED Driver Combined with VPPM Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 466-470 | 20th China International Forum on Solid State Lighting and 9th International Forum on Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, SSLCHINA: IFWS 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A three-port LED driver by combining resonant switchedcapacitor (RSC) circuit unit is proposed. Combined with the proposed driver, a control strategy incorporating Variable Pulse Position Modulation (VPPM) visible light communication modulation with power conversion LED driver is proposed, which the position of the output pulse current is utilized to realize data transmission, and the brightness adjustment required for communication is completed by adjusting the width of the output pulse current, and the output average current can be controlled to be constant. The computer simulation have been carried out. An experimental prototype of the proposed driver and its hybrid control strategy with a rated output of $0.6{\mathrm{A}}/20{\mathrm{W}}$ is designed and set up. The simulation and experimental results have been obtained to verify the proposed three-port LED driver and its hybrid control strategy. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Light emitting diodes Light emitting diodes Visible light communication Visible light communication


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Yong , Lin, Weiming , Lin, Zhongyin et al. Three-port Resonant LED Driver Combined with VPPM Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy [C] . 2023 : 466-470 .
MLA Zheng, Yong et al. "Three-port Resonant LED Driver Combined with VPPM Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy" . (2023) : 466-470 .
APA Zheng, Yong , Lin, Weiming , Lin, Zhongyin , Huang, Shuchen . Three-port Resonant LED Driver Combined with VPPM Visible Light Communication Modulation Strategy . (2023) : 466-470 .
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Research on sea surface garbage classification algorithm based on improved VGG network EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 12714 | 2023 International Conference on Computer Network Security and Software Engineering, CNSSE 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Floating garbage on sea surface has always been a key issue in the long-term research of environmental pollution. In order to effectively solve the problem of marine garbage pollution, this paper conducts in-depth research on the existing VGG16 network model and proposes an improved lightweight VGG network model. Instead of the fully connected layer, our model uses the global average pooling layer to reduce the number of network parameters, and adds a residual module to the convolution module to improve the accuracy of the model. The experimental results show that the accuracy of the improved lightweight VGG network model is as high as 97.8% in the self-built sea surface waste data set. Compared with the traditional VGG16 network model, the number of parameters is reduced by 98.5% and the calculation amount is reduced by 78.5%, achieving the goal of rapid and accurate classification. © 2023 SPIE.

Keyword :

Marine pollution Marine pollution Surface waters Surface waters


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Weiming , Lin, Wei . Research on sea surface garbage classification algorithm based on improved VGG network [C] . 2023 .
MLA Lin, Weiming et al. "Research on sea surface garbage classification algorithm based on improved VGG network" . (2023) .
APA Lin, Weiming , Lin, Wei . Research on sea surface garbage classification algorithm based on improved VGG network . (2023) .
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