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An Adaptive Actuator Driver for AC Contactors SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 71 (4) , 3904-3914 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The actuator drivers are rarely transplanted among different contactors because the self-tuning of excitation control parameters either takes a long time or is relevant to many contactor structural parameters. An adaptive actuator driver for ac contactors is proposed based on the coil impedance estimation and mathematical equations between the coil impedance and excitation control parameters. The coil impedance estimation and its error correction are established through the voltage balance equation when the contactor is in the open position. The coil inductance estimation is established through the zero-state response equation when the contactor is in the closed position. The mathematical equations are established based on the equivalence of the electromagnetic force under different excitation methods, the power consumption model, and the control system's transfer function. A geometric feature of the flux linkage waveform is established to identify whether a contactor is in the closed position and realize the self-transition of the driver's working state. Then, self-tuning regulators for the excitation control parameters are realized. This driver has a plug-and-play function for ac contactors and can reduce the contactor's power consumption. This driver may be prospectively reduced to a chip.

Keyword :

Actuator Actuator contactor contactor estimation estimation self-tuning regulator self-tuning regulator


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Changkun , Xu, Zhihong . An Adaptive Actuator Driver for AC Contactors [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS , 2024 , 71 (4) : 3904-3914 .
MLA Zhang, Changkun 等. "An Adaptive Actuator Driver for AC Contactors" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 71 . 4 (2024) : 3904-3914 .
APA Zhang, Changkun , Xu, Zhihong . An Adaptive Actuator Driver for AC Contactors . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS , 2024 , 71 (4) , 3904-3914 .
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An Adaptive Actuator Driver for AC Contactors Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 71 (4) , 1-10 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
An Adaptive Actuator Driver for AC Contactors EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 71 (4) , 3904-3914 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 27 (1) , 88-109 | Electric Machines and Control
SCOPUS Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In order to solve the problems of poor load adjustment ability and narrow output current range in traditional hysteretic current control, a fixed-ripple control strategy based on three-phase combined DC-DC Buck driver was proposed, which used the third-generation semiconductor GaN device to increase the power density of the driver. The operating characteristics of three-phase combined Buck driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy were analyzed in detail, the driver operating in continuous conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) were unified mathematical modeling, small signal model and corresponding control equations were deduced, and the key parameters of the circuit were designed. Finally, a 1. 8 kW distributed multiple-phase combined Buck experimental prototype and a single Buck driver used GaN switching device were built. Computer simulation and experimental results show that: The maximum efficiency of the prototype can achieve 99. 54% at the output power of 600 W; On and off time of the switching tube can be adjusted by using the proposed control strategy adaptively, which improves the dynamic performance; 10% ~ 100% wide-range dimming and the fixed-ripple control of inductor current are realized in CCM and DCM; The constant current dimming accuracy is improved by controlling the average value of the inductor current directly, which is less than 1% . © 2023 Editorial Department of Electric Machines and Control. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

adaptive on-off time adaptive on-off time combined Buck circuit combined Buck circuit distributed LED driver distributed LED driver fixed-ripple control fixed-ripple control GaN device GaN device wide-range dimming wide-range dimming


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Z.-T. , Lin, W.-M. , Zhang, L.-L. et al. Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略] [J]. | Electric Machines and Control , 2023 , 27 (1) : 88-109 .
MLA Xiao, Z.-T. et al. "Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略]" . | Electric Machines and Control 27 . 1 (2023) : 88-109 .
APA Xiao, Z.-T. , Lin, W.-M. , Zhang, L.-L. , Xu, Z.-H. , Tang, S. . Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy; [分布式组合 Buck LED 驱动电路及其定纹波控制策略] . | Electric Machines and Control , 2023 , 27 (1) , 88-109 .
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Distributed combined Buck-LED driver and its fixed-ripple control strategy EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 27 (1) , 88-109 | Electric Machines and Control
Enhancing Arc Fault Diagnosis Method Using Feature Selection Strategy Based on Feature Clustering and Maximal Information Coefficient EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 60 (2) , 3006-3017 | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The accuracy of machine learning-based arc fault diagnosis methods relies on the quality of the selected features. First, an experimental system is constructed for collecting realistic arc fault current signals, and different multi-domain feature extraction methods are described. Then, the feature relationships are investigated using various correlation methods to reveal the negative impact of weakly relevant or redundant features on the machine learning model. Based on the combination of feature clustering (FC) and maximal information coefficient (MIC), this paper proposes a feature selection (FS) strategy. The strategy searches for cluster centers through FC and merging processes to obtain non-redundant features with the highest representational abilities. The elimination of weakly relevant clusters and the selection of the most relevant features within clusters are performed based on the MIC scores. Subsequently, a valid feature subset with the highest representativeness and relevance is selected to improve the accuracy of arc fault diagnosis. Finally, the proposed method is evaluated against several popular FS strategies using three typical classifiers on different arc fault feature datasets, and the results show that the strategy effectively improves the accuracy of fault diagnosis. In addition, the cross-validation and hardware tests verify the stability, interference immunity, and feasibility of the proposed method for practical applications. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Classification (of information) Classification (of information) Computer aided diagnosis Computer aided diagnosis Correlation methods Correlation methods Extraction Extraction Failure analysis Failure analysis Fault detection Fault detection Feature Selection Feature Selection Learning systems Learning systems Microwave integrated circuits Microwave integrated circuits Quality control Quality control Timing circuits Timing circuits


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GB/T 7714 Du, Liwei , Shen, Yulong , Xu, Zhihong et al. Enhancing Arc Fault Diagnosis Method Using Feature Selection Strategy Based on Feature Clustering and Maximal Information Coefficient [J]. | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , 2023 , 60 (2) : 3006-3017 .
MLA Du, Liwei et al. "Enhancing Arc Fault Diagnosis Method Using Feature Selection Strategy Based on Feature Clustering and Maximal Information Coefficient" . | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 60 . 2 (2023) : 3006-3017 .
APA Du, Liwei , Shen, Yulong , Xu, Zhihong , Chen, Duanyu . Enhancing Arc Fault Diagnosis Method Using Feature Selection Strategy Based on Feature Clustering and Maximal Information Coefficient . | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications , 2023 , 60 (2) , 3006-3017 .
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Feature Selection-Based Low-Voltage AC Arc Fault Diagnosis Method SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The performance of the machine learning-based arc fault diagnosis method is significantly influenced by the effectiveness of features. This article proposes the use of the feature selection (FS) method to optimize the feature quality and classification result for arc fault diagnosis. An experimental system is constructed to generate arc fault current signals under various conditions. The limitations of the predetermined threshold-based methods in time, frequency, and time-frequency domains are outlined, and the dependence/redundancy issues present in the feature dataset are analyzed. To mitigate the impact of these issues, a light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM)-based FS method, which establishes the feature importance evaluation criterion for the selected optimal feature subset based on permutation importance (PI), is proposed in this article. The fitness proportionate sharing-based feature clustering (FPS-FC) method searches for potential feature clusters and selects a feature subset with low redundancy to accommodate unlabeled data. Finally, both the proposed FS methods are compared with six popular supervised/unsupervised methods using two classifiers across seven datasets. The results validate the effectiveness of the LightGBM-based and FPS-FC-based FS methods in enhancing the performance of arc fault diagnosis. In addition, a designed case on Raspberry Pi verifies the feasibility of the proposed methods in real-world applications.

Keyword :

Arc fault Arc fault fault diagnosis fault diagnosis feature clustering (FC) feature clustering (FC) feature importance feature importance feature selection (FS) feature selection (FS)


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GB/T 7714 Du, Liwei , Xu, Zhihong , Chen, Hongda et al. Feature Selection-Based Low-Voltage AC Arc Fault Diagnosis Method [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2023 , 72 .
MLA Du, Liwei et al. "Feature Selection-Based Low-Voltage AC Arc Fault Diagnosis Method" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 72 (2023) .
APA Du, Liwei , Xu, Zhihong , Chen, Hongda , Chen, Duanyu . Feature Selection-Based Low-Voltage AC Arc Fault Diagnosis Method . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2023 , 72 .
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Feature Selection-Based Low-Voltage AC Arc Fault Diagnosis Method EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Feature Selection-Based Low-Voltage AC Arc Fault Diagnosis Method Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 | IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
Optimal dispatch of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system considering waste incineration plant-carbon capture system and market mechanisms SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 48 (69) , 27013-27031 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Considering the waste incineration plant-carbon capture (WIP-CC) system and market mechanisms, the optimal dispatching strategy of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system (NZC-IES) is proposed. The incineration of large amounts of Municipal Solid Waste can result in significant carbon emission and air pollution. However, lack of consideration of mechanisms for carbon processing and environmental protection will prevent the development of NZC-IES. Accordingly, a novel mixed integer nonlinear mathematical model, NZC-IES, is established that minimizes the total cost and controls carbon emission and air pollution. Unlike previous studies of optimal dispatching for WIP-CC system, the climate and health costs of WIP and the social costs of energy sources for CC are consid-ered. A model of adjustable thermoelectric ratios for WIP and a model for CC with the storage tanks are established to enhance the flexibility of the thermoelectric output. Also, demand response model and ladder-type carbon trading model are developed to serve for NZC-IES. Case studies reveal that the proposed optimal dispatching strategy can realize the waste to energy utilization and low-carbon emission with economic performance.& COPY; 2023 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Carbon capture system Carbon capture system Demand response Demand response energy system energy system Ladder-type carbon trading Ladder-type carbon trading Market mechanism Market mechanism Nearly-zero carbon integrated Nearly-zero carbon integrated Waste incineration plant Waste incineration plant


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Wendi , Xu, Zhihong , Shao, Zhenguo et al. Optimal dispatch of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system considering waste incineration plant-carbon capture system and market mechanisms [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 48 (69) : 27013-27031 .
MLA Zheng, Wendi et al. "Optimal dispatch of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system considering waste incineration plant-carbon capture system and market mechanisms" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY 48 . 69 (2023) : 27013-27031 .
APA Zheng, Wendi , Xu, Zhihong , Shao, Zhenguo , Li, Jihui , Lei, Kebo , Li, Jiurong . Optimal dispatch of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system considering waste incineration plant-carbon capture system and market mechanisms . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY , 2023 , 48 (69) , 27013-27031 .
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Version :

Optimal dispatch of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system considering waste incineration plant-carbon capture system and market mechanisms EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 48 (69) , 27013-27031 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Optimal dispatch of nearly-zero carbon integrated energy system considering waste incineration plant-carbon capture system and market mechanisms Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 48 (69) , 27013-27031 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
A Sensorless Breaking and Closing Displacement Tracking Control Strategy of Contactors; [接触器的无传感器分合闸位移跟踪控制技术] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (17) , 6852-6861 | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In this paper, a sensorless breaking and closing displacement tracking control strategy for a contactor is proposed, which improves the action consistency of the contactor. First, a parameter estimator is constructed by combining a neural network with a mechanical motion model, so the electromagnetic force, spring force and movable core displacement of the whole process can be estimated in real time only by the input coil current. Then, in the making and breaking process, the outer displacement loop controlling the inner electromagnetic force loop is adopted as a double closed-loop control based on a fuzzy algorithm, and the accurate breaking and closing displacement tracking of the movable core is realized. In the closing process, only electromagnetic force closed-loop control is adopted. The electromagnetic force is always greater than the spring force by setting an appropriate constant electromagnetic force margin. Therefore, the reliable holding and energy-saving of the contactor can be realized at the same time. The feasibility of the proposed scheme is verified by simulation and experiment. The parameter estimation method and closed-loop control strategy proposed in this paper are of great significance to high- performance control of electromagnetic switches. ©2023 Chin.Soc.for Elec.Eng.

Keyword :

action consistency action consistency contactor contactor displacement tracking displacement tracking fuzzy control fuzzy control parameter estimation parameter estimation


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GB/T 7714 Tang, L. , Chen, H. , Xu, Z. et al. A Sensorless Breaking and Closing Displacement Tracking Control Strategy of Contactors; [接触器的无传感器分合闸位移跟踪控制技术] [J]. | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering , 2023 , 43 (17) : 6852-6861 .
MLA Tang, L. et al. "A Sensorless Breaking and Closing Displacement Tracking Control Strategy of Contactors; [接触器的无传感器分合闸位移跟踪控制技术]" . | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering 43 . 17 (2023) : 6852-6861 .
APA Tang, L. , Chen, H. , Xu, Z. , Zhang, Y. . A Sensorless Breaking and Closing Displacement Tracking Control Strategy of Contactors; [接触器的无传感器分合闸位移跟踪控制技术] . | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering , 2023 , 43 (17) , 6852-6861 .
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A Sensorless Breaking and Closing Displacement Tracking Control Strategy of Contactors EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (17) , 6852-6861 | Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering
Study on Analytical Calculation Model of Winding Loss of Electromagnetic Switch with High Frequency Control EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 276-280 | 2nd Asia Power and Electrical Technology Conference, APET 2023
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

With the increasing complexity of power system, higher requirements are put forward for the performance and stability of electromagnetic switch, and PWM high frequency control has become a development trend. Under the PWM high frequency control mode, the proximity effect and skin effect make the current density distribution in the conductor uneven, which increases the winding loss. If it works for a long time, it will lead to the increase of local heating value and reduce the service life of the electromagnetic switch. Based on the actual winding model of electromagnetic switch, this paper applies Dowell algorithm and improved Dowell algorithm to analyze the eddy current effect in winding. Through the algorithm, the relationship between the working frequency of electromagnetic switch, winding thickness, AC resistance and penetration rate is revealed, and the optimal winding thickness at a specific working frequency is deduced. Finally, the actual winding is measured by impedance analyzer, and the calculation errors of analytical algorithm and measured winding are compared. Experiments show that the improved Dowell algorithm has high accuracy in calculating the high-frequency winding loss of electromagnetic switch, which provides reference for the optimal design of electromagnetic switch winding. © 2023 IEEE.

Keyword :

Electric power distribution Electric power distribution Pulse width modulation Pulse width modulation Winding Winding


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Guoxing , Zhuang, Jierong , Xu, Zhihong . Study on Analytical Calculation Model of Winding Loss of Electromagnetic Switch with High Frequency Control [C] . 2023 : 276-280 .
MLA Zhang, Guoxing et al. "Study on Analytical Calculation Model of Winding Loss of Electromagnetic Switch with High Frequency Control" . (2023) : 276-280 .
APA Zhang, Guoxing , Zhuang, Jierong , Xu, Zhihong . Study on Analytical Calculation Model of Winding Loss of Electromagnetic Switch with High Frequency Control . (2023) : 276-280 .
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Minimization Design of Energy Storage Capacitor of Electromagnetic Switch Control Module Based on Zero-Current Opening Strategy Scopus
其他 | 2023 , 1016 LNEE , 373-380
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The zero-current opening strategy can effectively improve the electrical life of electromagnetic switches. However, during the period from opening operation to the module sending the opening signal, the zero-current opening strategy requires the control module to have energy storage elements to ensure the reliable maintenance of the electromagnetic switch. The energy storage element increases the volume of the control module, which is difficult to meet the compact design requirements of electromagnetic switches. In this paper, the electrolytic capacitor behind the rectifier bridge in the control module is used as the energy storage capacitor, and a capacity minimization design method based on mathematical model is proposed. By analyzing the charge transfer process of the energy storage capacitor in each working mode of the electromagnetic switch coil drive circuit, building the model of the capacitance and the operation time of the electromagnetic switch after opening operation. According to the maintenance time required for zero-current opening, the minimum capacity of the energy storage capacitor is established to make the volume of the control module as small as possible. © 2023, Beijing Paike Culture Commu. Co., Ltd.

Keyword :

Electromagnetic Switch Electromagnetic Switch Energy Storage Capacitance Energy Storage Capacitance Maintenance Operation Time Maintenance Operation Time Minimum Design Minimum Design Zero-current Opening Zero-current Opening


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GB/T 7714 Hu, C. , Zhang, C. , Xu, Z. . Minimization Design of Energy Storage Capacitor of Electromagnetic Switch Control Module Based on Zero-Current Opening Strategy [未知].
MLA Hu, C. et al. "Minimization Design of Energy Storage Capacitor of Electromagnetic Switch Control Module Based on Zero-Current Opening Strategy" [未知].
APA Hu, C. , Zhang, C. , Xu, Z. . Minimization Design of Energy Storage Capacitor of Electromagnetic Switch Control Module Based on Zero-Current Opening Strategy [未知].
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Version :

Minimization Design of Energy Storage Capacitor of Electromagnetic Switch Control Module Based on Zero-Current Opening Strategy EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 1016 LNEE , 373-380
Experiment and Simulation Study on the Generation Process of Cable Carbonization Path Scopus
其他 | 2023 , 1054 LNEE , 185-197
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Power cable carbonization path fault arc in the cause of electrical fires occupies a large proportion. It has the characteristics of difficult prevention, strong concealment, and great harm. Based on the arc fault characteristics experimental device, a high-speed camera was used to take pictures of the cable carbonization path generation process, and the mechanism of the process is analyzed in stages. An orthogonal experiment was used to obtain the primary and secondary influencing order of each factor on the results, and the optimal level combination. Finally, based on Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) theory, a simulation model of the BVVB cable notch arc was established by Comsol software to simulate the dynamic trend of the arc in the early carbonization process. By comparing the simulation results with the actual images captured by the high-speed camera, the feasibility of the model is verified, and it provides ideas for further research on the cable carbonization path process. © 2023, Beijing Paike Culture Commu. Co., Ltd.

Keyword :

Cable arc Cable arc Carbonization path Carbonization path Magneto-hydrodynamics Magneto-hydrodynamics Orthogonal experiment Orthogonal experiment


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GB/T 7714 Ye, X. , Xu, Z. . Experiment and Simulation Study on the Generation Process of Cable Carbonization Path [未知].
MLA Ye, X. et al. "Experiment and Simulation Study on the Generation Process of Cable Carbonization Path" [未知].
APA Ye, X. , Xu, Z. . Experiment and Simulation Study on the Generation Process of Cable Carbonization Path [未知].
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Experiment and Simulation Study on the Generation Process of Cable Carbonization Path EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 1054 LNEE , 185-197
A Direct Electromagnetic Force Closed-Loop Control Strategy for a Contactor SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 70 (2) , 1740-1750 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

For the first time, a direct electromagnetic force closed-loop control strategy for a contactor is proposed in this article. First, an electromagnetic force observer based on a neural network is designed according to a binary one-to-one mapping of the electromagnetic mechanism parameters to observe the real-time electromagnetic force. Then, the real-time spring reaction force is obtained by combining the observed electromagnetic force with the mechanical motion equation and the spring reaction equation. Finally, a constant force margin is added to the real-time reaction force as the reference curve, and the real-time observed electromagnetic force is used as the feedback; thus, direct electromagnetic force closed-loop control is realized through hysteresis regulation. This scheme can control the constant positive acceleration of the movable core in the dynamic process by taking only the constant force margin as the control target, which ensures the reliable action of the contactor and controls the total kinetic energy of the movable core to control the impact energy and inhibit the contact bounces. Therefore, the direct electromagnetic force closed loop can more accurately and directly realize the dynamic matching of the electromagnetic force and reaction force, which is of great significance to the optimization control of the contactor dynamic process.

Keyword :

Closed-loop control Closed-loop control contactor contactor Couplings Couplings Dynamics Dynamics electromagnetic force observer electromagnetic force observer Electromagnetic forces Electromagnetic forces Electromagnetics Electromagnetics Force Force Mathematical models Mathematical models neural network neural network spring reaction force spring reaction force Springs Springs


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GB/T 7714 Tang, Longfei , Chen, Wei , Xu, Zhihong . A Direct Electromagnetic Force Closed-Loop Control Strategy for a Contactor [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS , 2023 , 70 (2) : 1740-1750 .
MLA Tang, Longfei et al. "A Direct Electromagnetic Force Closed-Loop Control Strategy for a Contactor" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS 70 . 2 (2023) : 1740-1750 .
APA Tang, Longfei , Chen, Wei , Xu, Zhihong . A Direct Electromagnetic Force Closed-Loop Control Strategy for a Contactor . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS , 2023 , 70 (2) , 1740-1750 .
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Version :

A Direct Electromagnetic Force Closed-Loop Control Strategy for a Contactor Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 70 (2) , 1740-1750 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
A Direct Electromagnetic Force Closed-Loop Control Strategy for a Contactor EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 70 (2) , 1740-1750 | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
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