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A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 240 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a polymer synthesized via the dehydration and condensation reaction between ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. PET has emerged as one of the most extensively employed plastic materials due to its exceptional plasticity and durability. Nevertheless, PET has a complex structure and is extremely difficult to degrade in nature, causing severe pollution to the global ecological environment and posing a threat to human health. Currently, the methods for PET processing mainly include physical, chemical, and biological methods. Biological enzyme degradation is considered the most promising PET degradation method. In recent years, an increasing number of enzymes that can degrade PET have been identified, and they primarily target the ester bond of PET. This review comprehensively introduced the latest research progress in PET enzymatic degradation from the aspects of PET-degrading enzymes, PET biodegradation pathways, the catalytic mechanism of PET-degrading enzymes, and biotechnological strategies for enhancing PET-degrading enzymes. On this basis, the current challenges within the enzymatic PET degradation process were summarized, and the directions that need to be worked on in the future were pointed out. This review provides a reference and basis for the subsequent effective research on PET biodegradation.

Keyword :

Biodegradation pathway Biodegradation pathway Bioengineering modification Bioengineering modification Catalytic mechanism Catalytic mechanism PET-degrading enzyme PET-degrading enzyme


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GB/T 7714 Qiu, Jiarong , Chen, Yuxin , Zhang, Liangqing et al. A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2024 , 240 .
MLA Qiu, Jiarong et al. "A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate" . | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 240 (2024) .
APA Qiu, Jiarong , Chen, Yuxin , Zhang, Liangqing , Wu, Jinzhi , Zeng, Xianhai , Shi, Xinguo et al. A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate . | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH , 2024 , 240 .
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A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 240 | Environmental Research
A comprehensive review on enzymatic biodegradation of polyethylene terephthalate EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 240 | Environmental Research
响应面法优化鱿鱼皮蛋白肽的制备工艺及其理化性质分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 1-10 | 食品工业科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

为实现鱿鱼加工下脚料鱿鱼皮的高值化利用,本研究采用酶法制备鱿鱼皮蛋白肽。以多肽浓度和三氯乙酸可溶性氮指数(Trichloroacetic acid-nitrogen soluble index,TCA-NSI)为评价指标,采用单因素和响应面试验优化酶解工艺参数,并对所制备蛋白肽的氨基酸组成、分子量分布、蛋白肽序列、抗氧化活性及其体外模拟消化特性进行表征。结果表明,最佳酶解工艺条件为酶解温度43.50 ℃、酶解时间100 min、酶解pH7.50、胰蛋白酶与碱性蛋白酶比例2:1、加酶量4000 U/g,在此条件下其TCA-NSI可达89.02%±0.66%。所制备的鱿鱼皮蛋白肽其氨基酸组成均衡,必需氨基酸指数(Essential amino acid index,EAAI)可达0.90。此外,鱿鱼皮蛋白肽含有43个多肽序列,其中38个肽段的分子质量低于1800 Da,其DPPH自由基、ABTS+自由基和羟自由基清除率的IC50分别为0.61、0.28和1.95 mg/mL,且经体外模拟胃肠消化后仍能维持较好的抗氧化活性。本研究结果为鱿鱼加工下脚料的开发利用和精深加工提供了理论依据。

Keyword :

体外模拟消化 体外模拟消化 抗氧化活性 抗氧化活性 理化性质 理化性质 蛋白肽 蛋白肽 鱿鱼皮 鱿鱼皮


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GB/T 7714 朱清清 , 马瑞娟 , 陈剑锋 et al. 响应面法优化鱿鱼皮蛋白肽的制备工艺及其理化性质分析 [J]. | 食品工业科技 , 2024 : 1-10 .
MLA 朱清清 et al. "响应面法优化鱿鱼皮蛋白肽的制备工艺及其理化性质分析" . | 食品工业科技 (2024) : 1-10 .
APA 朱清清 , 马瑞娟 , 陈剑锋 , 谢友坪 . 响应面法优化鱿鱼皮蛋白肽的制备工艺及其理化性质分析 . | 食品工业科技 , 2024 , 1-10 .
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Version :

响应面法优化鱿鱼皮蛋白肽的制备工艺及其理化性质分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (7) , 217-226 | 食品工业科技
响应面法优化鱿鱼皮蛋白肽的制备工艺及其理化性质分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 45 (07) , 217-226 | 食品工业科技
期刊论文 | 2024 , 36 (07) , 1061-1087 | 化学进展
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

乙酰丙酸 乙酰丙酸 催化剂 催化剂 四氢糠醇 四氢糠醇 戊二醇 戊二醇 糠醇 糠醇 糠醛 糠醛


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GB/T 7714 邓佳慧 , 刘毅 , 张良清 et al. 生物质基平台化合物催化转化制备戊二醇 [J]. | 化学进展 , 2024 , 36 (07) : 1061-1087 .
MLA 邓佳慧 et al. "生物质基平台化合物催化转化制备戊二醇" . | 化学进展 36 . 07 (2024) : 1061-1087 .
APA 邓佳慧 , 刘毅 , 张良清 , 邱佳容 , 陈剑锋 , 曾宪海 . 生物质基平台化合物催化转化制备戊二醇 . | 化学进展 , 2024 , 36 (07) , 1061-1087 .
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Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 252 | WATER RESEARCH
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Combination of taxa and function can provide a more comprehensive picture on human-induced microbial homogenization. Here, we obtained 2.58 billion high-throughput sequencing reads and 479 high-quality metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of planktonic microbial communities in a subtropical river for 5 years. We found the microbial taxa homogenization and functional homogenization were uncoupled. Although human activities in downstream sites significantly decreased the taxonomic diversity of non-abundant ASV communities (16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence variants), they did not significantly decrease the taxonomic diversity of abundant ASV and total observed MAG communities. However, the total observed MAG communities in downstream sites tended to homogenize into some specific taxa which encode human-activity-related functional genes, such as nutrient cycles, greenhouse gas emission, antibiotic and arsenic resistance. Those specific MAGs with high taxonomic diversity caused the weak heterogenization of total observed MAG communities in downstream sites. Moreover, functional homogenization promoted the synchrony among downstream MAGs, and these MAGs constructed some specific network modules might to synergistically execute or resist the humanactivity-related functions. High synchrony also led to the tandem effects among MAGs and thus decreased community stability. Overall, our findings revealed the links of microbial taxa, functions and stability under human activity impacts, and provided a strong evidence to encourage us re-thinking biotic homogenization based on microbial taxa and their functional attributes.

Keyword :

Biotic homogenization Biotic homogenization Human activities Human activities Metagenome Metagenome Microbial community Microbial community Nitrogen cycle Nitrogen cycle


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Lemian , Wang, Hongwei , Guo, Yisong et al. Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability [J]. | WATER RESEARCH , 2024 , 252 .
MLA Liu, Lemian et al. "Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability" . | WATER RESEARCH 252 (2024) .
APA Liu, Lemian , Wang, Hongwei , Guo, Yisong , Yan, Qi , Chen, Jianfeng . Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability . | WATER RESEARCH , 2024 , 252 .
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Version :

Human-induced homogenization of microbial taxa and function in a subtropical river and its impacts on community stability Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 252 | Water Research
Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究] Scopus PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (4) , 1226-1232 | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The green foaming agent was prepared by water extraction method with natural plant tissue camellia meal as raw material, and the foam concrete was prepared by physical foaming method. The effects of mixing time, water-binder ratio and foam content on the dry density, compressive strength and pore structure of foam concrete were investigated. The results show that the green foaming agent has high foam stability and can be used to prepare low-density foam concrete, so it is a high-quality new green foaming agent. When the foam content is 750 mL, the mixing time is 180 s, and the water-binder ratio is 0. 45, the water absorption of the prepared A05 density grade foam concrete is 45%, and the compressive strength is 1. 52 MPa. The foam concrete prepared by green foaming agent has uniform pore size distribution, small pore size (maximum pore size dmax < 0. 6 mm), and complete pore morphology. © 2023 Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

camellia meal camellia meal foam concrete foam concrete green foaming agent green foaming agent microscopic pore structure microscopic pore structure physical foaming physical foaming pore size distribution pore size distribution


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Y. , Liu, L. , Chen, J. . Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究] [J]. | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2023 , 42 (4) : 1226-1232 .
MLA Guo, Y. et al. "Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究]" . | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society 42 . 4 (2023) : 1226-1232 .
APA Guo, Y. , Liu, L. , Chen, J. . Experimental Study on Preparation of Foam Concrete by Camellia Meal Green Foaming Agent; [油茶粕绿色发泡剂制备泡沫混凝土的试验研究] . | Bulletin of the Chinese Ceramic Society , 2023 , 42 (4) , 1226-1232 .
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一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土 incoPat
专利 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 | CN202211140854.0
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 石新国 , 陈冬杰 , 陈剑锋 et al. 一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土 : CN202211140854.0[P]. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
MLA 石新国 et al. "一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土" : CN202211140854.0. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
APA 石新国 , 陈冬杰 , 陈剑锋 , 刘乐冕 , 郭毅松 . 一种用于红树植物种植的植生混凝土 : CN202211140854.0. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
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一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土 incoPat
专利 | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 | CN202211140853.6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 陈剑锋 , 吴桐 , 郭毅松 et al. 一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土 : CN202211140853.6[P]. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
MLA 陈剑锋 et al. "一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土" : CN202211140853.6. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
APA 陈剑锋 , 吴桐 , 郭毅松 , 石新国 , 刘乐冕 . 一种用于赤潮防控的皂苷基多孔泡沫混凝土 : CN202211140853.6. | 2022-09-20 00:00:00 .
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Highly efficient co-production of fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid by heterotrophic cultivation of a newly isolated microalga Nitzschia sp. FZU62 SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Microalgae can accumulate various compounds simultaneously, thus co-production of high-value metabolites to improve the economic value of microalgae production is feasible. In this study, a microalga strain Nitzschia sp. FZU62 capable of co-producing fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) was isolated and identified. Further, heterotrophic conditions were optimized to improve the co-production efficiency in flasks. Results showed that the optimal conditions for flask culture were cultivation for 84 h with an inoculum size of 0.47 g/L and a temperature of 19 degrees C. Besides, three fed-batch culture strategies with distinct nutrient compositions were explored to improve the heterotrophic performance of strain FZU62. Results indicated that the highest biomass, fucoxanthin, and EPA productivities were obtained by Fed-batch III, in which concentrated medium was pulse -fed to supply 60 % initial nutrients once glucose concentration dropped to about 2 g/L. Moreover, the hetero-trophic performance was verified in a 5 L fermenter, resulting in excellent fucoxanthin and EPA productions of 63.03 and 398.60 mg/L, and productivities of 3.41 and 22.52 mg/L/d, respectively. These results, especially the EPA production and productivity, are superior to many literature reports. The present study provides new in-sights into the highly efficient co-production of fucoxanthin and EPA by marine microalgae and has guiding significance for commercial production in heterotrophic mode.

Keyword :

Co -production Co -production Eicosapentaenoic acid Eicosapentaenoic acid Fucoxanthin Fucoxanthin Heterotrophic cultivation Heterotrophic cultivation Microalgae Microalgae


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GB/T 7714 Ma, Ruijuan , You, Yuanwei , Liu, Xinyu et al. Highly efficient co-production of fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid by heterotrophic cultivation of a newly isolated microalga Nitzschia sp. FZU62 [J]. | ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS , 2023 , 71 .
MLA Ma, Ruijuan et al. "Highly efficient co-production of fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid by heterotrophic cultivation of a newly isolated microalga Nitzschia sp. FZU62" . | ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS 71 (2023) .
APA Ma, Ruijuan , You, Yuanwei , Liu, Xinyu , Ho, Shih-Hsin , Xie, Youping , Chen, Jianfeng . Highly efficient co-production of fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid by heterotrophic cultivation of a newly isolated microalga Nitzschia sp. FZU62 . | ALGAL RESEARCH-BIOMASS BIOFUELS AND BIOPRODUCTS , 2023 , 71 .
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Version :

Highly efficient co-production of fucoxanthin and eicosapentaenoic acid by heterotrophic cultivation of a newly isolated microalga Nitzschia sp. FZU62 Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 71 | Algal Research
Pilot-Scale Fermentation of Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain FDHY-MZ2: An Effective Strategy for Increasing Algicidal Activity SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 12 (11) | BIOLOGY-BASEL
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The role of microorganisms in effectively terminating harmful algal blooms (HABs) is crucial for maintaining environmental stability. Recent studies have placed increased emphasis on bio-agents capable of inhibiting HABs. The bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain FDHY-MZ2 has exhibited impressive algicidal abilities against Karenia mikimotoi, a notorious global HAB-forming species. To augment this capability, cultures were progressively scaled from shake flask conditions to small-scale (5 L) and pilot-scale (50 L) fermentation. By employing a specifically tailored culture medium (2216E basal medium with 1.5% soluble starch and 0.5% peptone), under precise conditions (66 h, 20 degrees C, 450 rpm, 30 L/min ventilation, 3% seeding, and constant starch flow), a notable increase in algicidal bacterial biomass was observed; the bacterial dosage required to entirely wipe out K. mikimotoi within a day decreased from 1% to 0.025%. Compared to an unoptimized shake flask group, the optimized fermentation culture caused significant reductions in algal chlorophyll and protein levels (21.85% and 78.3%, respectively). Co-culturing induced increases in algal malondialdehyde and H2O2 by 5.98 and 5.38 times, respectively, leading to further disruption of algal photosynthesis. This study underscores the unexplored potential of systematically utilized microbial agents in mitigating HABs, providing a pathway for their wider application.

Keyword :

algicidal bacteria algicidal bacteria harmful algal blooms (HABs) harmful algal blooms (HABs) Karenia mikimotoi Karenia mikimotoi pilot-scale fermentation optimization pilot-scale fermentation optimization Pseudoalteromonas sp. FDHY-MZ2 Pseudoalteromonas sp. FDHY-MZ2 shake flask fermentation optimization shake flask fermentation optimization


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GB/T 7714 Zhong, Yuying , Zheng, Wenhuang , Shi, Xinguo et al. Pilot-Scale Fermentation of Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain FDHY-MZ2: An Effective Strategy for Increasing Algicidal Activity [J]. | BIOLOGY-BASEL , 2023 , 12 (11) .
MLA Zhong, Yuying et al. "Pilot-Scale Fermentation of Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain FDHY-MZ2: An Effective Strategy for Increasing Algicidal Activity" . | BIOLOGY-BASEL 12 . 11 (2023) .
APA Zhong, Yuying , Zheng, Wenhuang , Shi, Xinguo , Guo, Yisong , Wang, Qianqian , Lv, Pin et al. Pilot-Scale Fermentation of Pseudoalteromonas sp. Strain FDHY-MZ2: An Effective Strategy for Increasing Algicidal Activity . | BIOLOGY-BASEL , 2023 , 12 (11) .
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Functional Characterization of Lycopene beta- and epsilon-Cyclases from a Lutein-Enriched Green Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60 SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 21 (7) | MARINE DRUGS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Lutein is a high-value carotenoid with many human health benefits. Lycopene beta- and epsilon-cyclases (LCYB and LCYE, respectively) catalyze the cyclization of lycopene into distinct downstream branches, one of which is the lutein biosynthesis pathway, via ff-carotene. Hence, LCYB and LCYE are key enzymes in lutein biosynthesis. In this study, the coding genes of two lycopene cyclases (CsLCYB and CsLCYE) of a lutein-enriched marine green microalga, Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60, were isolated and identified. A sequence analysis and computational modeling of CsLCYB and CsLCYE were performed using bioinformatics to identify the key structural domains. Further, a phylogenetic analysis revealed that CsLCYB and CsLCYE were homogeneous to the proteins of other green microalgae. Subcellular localization tests in Nicotiana benthamiana showed that CsLCYB and CsLCYE localized in chloroplasts. A pigment complementation assay in Escherichia coli revealed that CsLCYB could efficiently beta-cyclize both ends of lycopene to produce beta-carotene. On the other hand, CsLCYE possessed a strong epsilon-monocyclase activity for the production of delta-carotene and a weak "-bicyclic activity for the production of "-carotene. In addition, CsLCYE was able to catalyze lycopene into beta-monocyclic gamma-carotene and ultimately produced alpha-carotene with a beta-ring and an epsilon-ring via gamma-carotene or delta-carotene. Moreover, the co-expression of CsLCYB and CsLCYE in E. coli revealed that alpha-carotene was a major product, which might lead to the production of a high level of lutein in C. sorokiniana FZU60. The findings provide a theoretical foundation for performing metabolic engineering to improve lutein biosynthesis and accumulation in C. sorokiniana FZU60.

Keyword :

alpha-carotene alpha-carotene beta-carotene beta-carotene Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60 Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60 lutein lutein lycopene cyclase lycopene cyclase


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GB/T 7714 Fang, Hong , Liu, Junjie , Ma, Ruijuan et al. Functional Characterization of Lycopene beta- and epsilon-Cyclases from a Lutein-Enriched Green Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60 [J]. | MARINE DRUGS , 2023 , 21 (7) .
MLA Fang, Hong et al. "Functional Characterization of Lycopene beta- and epsilon-Cyclases from a Lutein-Enriched Green Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60" . | MARINE DRUGS 21 . 7 (2023) .
APA Fang, Hong , Liu, Junjie , Ma, Ruijuan , Zou, Yiping , Ho, Shih-Hsin , Chen, Jianfeng et al. Functional Characterization of Lycopene beta- and epsilon-Cyclases from a Lutein-Enriched Green Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60 . | MARINE DRUGS , 2023 , 21 (7) .
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Functional Characterization of Lycopene β- and ε-Cyclases from a Lutein-Enriched Green Microalga Chlorella sorokiniana FZU60 Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 21 (7) | Marine Drugs
10| 20| 50 per page
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