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CuPe-KG: Cultural perspective-based knowledge graph construction of tourism resources via pretrained language models SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Tourism knowledge graphs lack cultural content, limiting their usefulness for cultural tourists. This paper presents the development of a cultural perspective-based knowledge graph (CuPe-KG). We evaluated fine-tuning ERNIE 3.0 (FT-ERNIE) and ChatGPT for cultural type recognition to strengthen the relationship between tourism resources and cultures. Our investigation used an annotated cultural tourism resource dataset containing 2,745 items across 16 cultural types. The results showed accuracy scores for FT-ERNIE and ChatGPT of 0.81 and 0.12, respectively, with FT-ERNIE achieving a micro-F1 score of 0.93, a 26 percentage point lead over ChatGPT's score of 0.67. These underscore FT-ERNIE's superior performance (the shortcoming is the need to annotate data) while highlighting ChatGPT's limitations because of insufficient Chinese training data and lower identification accuracy in professional knowledge. A novel ontology was designed to facilitate the construction of CuPe-KG, including elements such as cultural types, historical figures, events, and intangible cultural heritage. CuPe-KG effectively addresses cultural tourism visitors' information retrieval needs.

Keyword :

ChatGPT ChatGPT Cultural tourism Cultural tourism Cultural type Cultural type Knowledge graph Knowledge graph Pretrained language models Pretrained language models Travel intelligence Travel intelligence


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GB/T 7714 Fan, Zhanling , Chen, Chongcheng . CuPe-KG: Cultural perspective-based knowledge graph construction of tourism resources via pretrained language models [J]. | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT , 2024 , 61 (3) .
MLA Fan, Zhanling 等. "CuPe-KG: Cultural perspective-based knowledge graph construction of tourism resources via pretrained language models" . | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 61 . 3 (2024) .
APA Fan, Zhanling , Chen, Chongcheng . CuPe-KG: Cultural perspective-based knowledge graph construction of tourism resources via pretrained language models . | INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT , 2024 , 61 (3) .
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Version :

CuPe-KG: Cultural perspective–based knowledge graph construction of tourism resources via pretrained language models Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 61 (3) | Information Processing and Management
CuPe-KG: Cultural perspective–based knowledge graph construction of tourism resources via pretrained language models EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 61 (3) | Information Processing and Management
文旅元宇宙:概念、关键技术及应用场景 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 28 (05) , 1161-1176 | 遥感学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

元宇宙 元宇宙 扩展现实 扩展现实 文化旅游 文化旅游 虚实融合 虚实融合 虚拟世界 虚拟世界 虚拟地理环境 虚拟地理环境 遥感 遥感


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GB/T 7714 范占领 , 陈崇成 . 文旅元宇宙:概念、关键技术及应用场景 [J]. | 遥感学报 , 2024 , 28 (05) : 1161-1176 .
MLA 范占领 等. "文旅元宇宙:概念、关键技术及应用场景" . | 遥感学报 28 . 05 (2024) : 1161-1176 .
APA 范占领 , 陈崇成 . 文旅元宇宙:概念、关键技术及应用场景 . | 遥感学报 , 2024 , 28 (05) , 1161-1176 .
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Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (6) | REMOTE SENSING
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of trees has always been a key task in precision forestry management and research. Due to the complex branch morphological structure of trees themselves and the occlusions from tree stems, branches and foliage, it is difficult to recreate a complete three-dimensional tree model from a two-dimensional image by conventional photogrammetric methods. In this study, based on tree images collected by various cameras in different ways, the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) method was used for individual tree dense reconstruction and the exported point cloud models are compared with point clouds derived from photogrammetric reconstruction and laser scanning methods. The results show that the NeRF method performs well in individual tree 3D reconstruction, as it has a higher successful reconstruction rate, better reconstruction in the canopy area and requires less images as input. Compared with the photogrammetric dense reconstruction method, NeRF has significant advantages in reconstruction efficiency and is adaptable to complex scenes, but the generated point cloud tend to be noisy and of low resolution. The accuracy of tree structural parameters (tree height and diameter at breast height) extracted from the photogrammetric point cloud is still higher than those derived from the NeRF point cloud. The results of this study illustrate the great potential of the NeRF method for individual tree reconstruction, and it provides new ideas and research directions for 3D reconstruction and visualization of complex forest scenes.

Keyword :

3D reconstruction 3D reconstruction 3D tree modeling 3D tree modeling deep learning deep learning individual tree individual tree lidar lidar neural radiance field (NeRF) neural radiance field (NeRF) photogrammetry photogrammetry terrestrial laser scanning terrestrial laser scanning


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Hongyu , Tian, Guoji , Chen, Chongcheng . Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method [J]. | REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 16 (6) .
MLA Huang, Hongyu 等. "Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method" . | REMOTE SENSING 16 . 6 (2024) .
APA Huang, Hongyu , Tian, Guoji , Chen, Chongcheng . Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method . | REMOTE SENSING , 2024 , 16 (6) .
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Version :

Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (6) | Remote Sensing
Evaluating the Point Cloud of Individual Trees Generated from Images Based on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) Method Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (6) | Remote Sensing
Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data SCIE SSCI
WoS CC Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Given the ecological, cultural and psychological functions of urban vegetation, a growing number of studies have focused on daily accessible greenery visibility. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) can rapidly obtain dense point clouds that can be used to extract vegetation. To address this issue, we propose a novel method for calculating the green view index (GVI) based on MLS three-dimensional (3D) point clouds. In our study, the GVI was specified as the ratio of greenery viewing angles to the total number of viewing angles in view. The GVI calculation procedure was as follows. First, the vegetation points were extracted using the density-based spatial clustering of appli-cations with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm and the PointNet++ deep learning algorithm. Second, based on the GVI specification, a virtual camera was constructed in a 3D point scenario to estimate greenery viewing angles in view and generate depth images, and then, the GVI value was calculated. This method is flexible and can be used to calculate the GVI at any site with any direction where 3D point scene data are available, and thus, it is suitable for evaluating various types of urban greenery. We conducted a case human-centered assessment of road greenery in a partial area of Jinshan District in Fuzhou, China, based on MLS point clouds, evaluating visible greenery and analyzing the relations among the GVI, greening pattern, and road green belt mode. The results showed that the overall visible greenery in the study area was good and that the GVI value of most road sections was more than 15 %. The method has potential for urban green space planning and management.

Keyword :

Green view index Green view index Point clouds Point clouds Three-dimensional scene Three-dimensional scene Urban greenery Urban greenery Visual perception Visual perception


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GB/T 7714 Tang, Liyu , He, Jianguo , Peng, Wei et al. Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data [J]. | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING , 2023 , 232 .
MLA Tang, Liyu et al. "Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data" . | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING 232 (2023) .
APA Tang, Liyu , He, Jianguo , Peng, Wei , Huang, Hongyu , Chen, Chongcheng , Yu, Can . Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data . | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING , 2023 , 232 .
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Version :

Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 232 | Landscape and Urban Planning
Improving GEDI Forest Canopy Height Products by Considering the Stand Age Factor Derived from Time-Series Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Fujian, China SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (2) | REMOTE SENSING
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Forest canopy height plays an important role in forest resource management and conservation. The accurate estimation of forest canopy height on a large scale is important for forest carbon stock, biodiversity, and the carbon cycle. With the technological development of satellite-based LiDAR, it is possible to determine forest canopy height over a large area. However, the forest canopy height that is acquired by this technology is influenced by topography and climate, and the canopy height that is acquired in complex subtropical mountainous regions has large errors. In this paper, we propose a method for estimating forest canopy height by combining long-time series Landsat images with GEDI satellite-based LiDAR data, with Fujian, China, as the study area. This approach optimizes the quality of GEDI canopy height data in topographically complex areas by combining stand age and tree height, while retaining the advantage of fast and effective forest canopy height measurements with satellite-based LiDAR. In this study, the growth curves of the main forest types in Fujian were first obtained by using a large amount of forest survey data, and the LandTrendr algorithm was used to obtain the forest age distribution in 2020. The obtained forest age was then combined with the growth curves of each forest type in order to determine the tree height distribution. Finally, the obtained average tree heights were merged with the GEDI_V27 canopy height product in order to create a modified forest canopy height model (MGEDI_V27) with a 30 m spatial resolution. The results showed that the estimated forest canopy height had a mean of 15.04 m, with a standard deviation of 4.98 m. In addition, we evaluated the accuracy of the GEDI_V27 and the MGEDI_V27 using the sample dataset. The MGEDI_V27 had a higher accuracy (R-2 = 0.67, RMSE = 2.24 m, MAE = 1.85 m) than the GEDI_V27 (R-2 = 0.39, RMSE = 3.35 m, MAE = 2.41 m). R-2, RMSE, and MAE were improved by 71.79%, 33.13%, and 22.53%, respectively. We also produced a forest age distribution map of Fujian for the year 2020 and a forest disturbance map of Fujian for the past 32 years. The research results can provide decision support for forest ecological protection and management and for carbon sink analysis in Fujian.

Keyword :

canopy height canopy height forest age forest age Fujian Fujian GEDI GEDI LiDAR LiDAR time-series remote sensing time-series remote sensing


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, Xiaocheng , Hao, Youzhuang , Di, Liping et al. Improving GEDI Forest Canopy Height Products by Considering the Stand Age Factor Derived from Time-Series Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Fujian, China [J]. | REMOTE SENSING , 2023 , 15 (2) .
MLA Zhou, Xiaocheng et al. "Improving GEDI Forest Canopy Height Products by Considering the Stand Age Factor Derived from Time-Series Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Fujian, China" . | REMOTE SENSING 15 . 2 (2023) .
APA Zhou, Xiaocheng , Hao, Youzhuang , Di, Liping , Wang, Xiaoqin , Chen, Chongcheng , Chen, Yunzhi et al. Improving GEDI Forest Canopy Height Products by Considering the Stand Age Factor Derived from Time-Series Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Fujian, China . | REMOTE SENSING , 2023 , 15 (2) .
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Version :

Improving GEDI Forest Canopy Height Products by Considering the Stand Age Factor Derived from Time-Series Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Fujian, China EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (2) | Remote Sensing
Improving GEDI Forest Canopy Height Products by Considering the Stand Age Factor Derived from Time-Series Remote Sensing Images: A Case Study in Fujian, China Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (2) | Remote Sensing
National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (2) | REMOTE SENSING
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Maize yield in China accounts for more than one-fourth of the global maize yield, but it is challenged by frequent extreme weather and increasing food demand. Accurate and timely estimation of maize yield is of great significance to crop management and food security. Commonly applied vegetation indexes (VIs) are mainly used in crop yield estimation as they can reflect the greenness of vegetation. However, the environmental pressures of crop growth and development are difficult to monitor and evaluate. Indexes for water content, pigment content, nutrient elements and biomass have been developed to indirectly explain the influencing factors of yield, with extant studies mainly assessing VIs, climate and water content factors. Only a few studies have attempted to systematically evaluate the sensitivity of these indexes. The sensitivity of the spectral indexes, combined indexes and climate factors and the effect of temporal aggregation data need to be evaluated. Thus, this study proposes a novel yield evaluation method for integrating multiple spectral indexes and temporal aggregation data. In particular, spectral indexes were calculated by integrating publicly available data (remote sensing images and climate data) from the Google Earth Engine platform, and county-level maize yields in China from 2015 to 2019 were estimated using a random forest model. Results showed that the normalized moisture difference index (NMDI) is the index most sensitive to yield estimation. Furthermore, the potential of adopting the combined indexes, especially NMDI_NDNI, was verified. Compared with the whole-growth period data and the eight-day time series, the vegetative growth period and the reproductive growth period data were more sensitive to yield estimation. The maize yield in China can be estimated by integrating multiple spectral indexes into the indexes for the vegetative and reproductive growth periods. The obtained R-2 of maize yield estimation reached 0.8. This study can provide feature knowledge and references for index assessments for yield estimation research.

Keyword :

combined index combined index maize yield maize yield multiple spectral indexes multiple spectral indexes temporal aggregation temporal aggregation yield estimation yield estimation


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GB/T 7714 He, Yuhua , Qiu, Bingwen , Cheng, Feifei et al. National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation [J]. | REMOTE SENSING , 2023 , 15 (2) .
MLA He, Yuhua et al. "National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation" . | REMOTE SENSING 15 . 2 (2023) .
APA He, Yuhua , Qiu, Bingwen , Cheng, Feifei , Chen, Chongcheng , Sun, Yu , Zhang, Dongshui et al. National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation . | REMOTE SENSING , 2023 , 15 (2) .
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Version :

National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (2) | Remote Sensing
National Scale Maize Yield Estimation by Integrating Multiple Spectral Indexes and Temporal Aggregation EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (2) | Remote Sensing
Detection of Growth Change of Young Forest Based on UAV RGB Images at Single-Tree Level SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (1) | FORESTS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

With the rapid development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology, more and more UAVs have been used in forest survey. UAV (RGB) images are the most widely used UAV data source in forest resource management. However, there is some uncertainty as to the reliability of these data when monitoring height and growth changes of low-growing saplings in an afforestation plot via UAV RGB images. This study focuses on an artificial Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lancelota, named as Chinese Fir) young forest plot in Fujian, China. Divide-and-conquer (DAC) and the local maximum (LM) method for extracting seedling height are described in the paper, and the possibility of monitoring young forest growth based on low-cost UAV remote sensing images was explored. Two key algorithms were adopted and compared to extract the tree height and how it affects the young forest at single-tree level from multi-temporal UAV RGB images from 2019 to 2021. Compared to field survey data, the R-2 of single saplings' height extracted from digital orthophoto map (DOM) images of tree pits and original DSM information using a divide-and-conquer method reached 0.8577 in 2020 and 0.9968 in 2021, respectively. The RMSE reached 0.2141 in 2020 and 0.1609 in 2021. The R-2 of tree height extracted from the canopy height model (CHM) via the LM method was 0.9462. The RMSE was 0.3354 in 2021. The results demonstrated that the survival rates of the young forest in the second year and the third year were 99.9% and 85.6%, respectively. This study shows that UAV RGB images can obtain the height of low sapling trees through a computer algorithm based on using 3D point cloud data derived from high-precision UAV images and can monitor the growth of individual trees combined with multi-stage UAV RGB images after afforestation. This research provides a fully automated method for evaluating the afforestation results provided by UAV RGB images. In the future, the universality of the method should be evaluated in more afforestation plots featuring different tree species and terrain.

Keyword :

forest survey forest survey height change height change RGB images RGB images saplings saplings tree height tree height unmanned aerial vehicle unmanned aerial vehicle


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, Xiaocheng , Wang, Hongyu , Chen, Chongcheng et al. Detection of Growth Change of Young Forest Based on UAV RGB Images at Single-Tree Level [J]. | FORESTS , 2023 , 14 (1) .
MLA Zhou, Xiaocheng et al. "Detection of Growth Change of Young Forest Based on UAV RGB Images at Single-Tree Level" . | FORESTS 14 . 1 (2023) .
APA Zhou, Xiaocheng , Wang, Hongyu , Chen, Chongcheng , Nagy, Gabor , Jancso, Tamas , Huang, Hongyu . Detection of Growth Change of Young Forest Based on UAV RGB Images at Single-Tree Level . | FORESTS , 2023 , 14 (1) .
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Version :

Detection of Growth Change of Young Forest Based on UAV RGB Images at Single-Tree Level EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (1) | Forests
Detection of Growth Change of Young Forest Based on UAV RGB Images at Single-Tree Level Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (1) | Forests
Biomass Estimation of High-density Forest Harvesting Based on Multi-temporal UAV Images; [基于多时相无人机影像的高郁闭度森林采伐生物量估算] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 54 (6) , 168-177 | Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Forest harvesting is a forest carbon source. Accurate estimation of forest harvesting biomass is helpful for accurate measurement of forest carbon sinks. Aiming at the challenging problem of using single time-phase visible light UAV image to estimate the biomass of high-density forest harvesting, a high-precision estimation method of forest harvesting biomass was studied based on multi-temporal visible light UAV image before and after logging. Taking a coniferous forest in Fuzhou City of Fujian Province Baisha forest cutting small class as the experimental zone, collecting resolution better than 10 cm long before and after cutting, unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV) visible light image, the local maximum dynamic window method was adopted to get high precision of cutting plants and single tree height information, and then based on the UAV image after cutting, detection and extraction by the method of YOLO v5 cut pile diameter of information, the DBH information of the cut wood was estimated according to the DBH - pile diameter model, and the biomass of the cut wood was estimated by using the binary biomass formula of tree height and DBH, which was verified by the measured data. The precision of tree number and average tree obtained by dynamic window local maximum method was 96. 35% and 99. 01%, respectively. The overall accuracy of pile cutting target detection by YOLO v5 method was 77. 05%, and the accuracy of average DBH estimated by pile cutting diameter was 90. 14% . Finally, the accuracy of forest harvesting biomass was 83. 08% . The results showed that this method had great application potential. Using multitemporal UAV visible light remote sensing before and after harvesting can realize effective estimation of forest harvesting biomass, which can help to reduce the cost of manual investigation, and provide effective technical support for the government and relevant departments to accurately measure carbon sinks. © 2023 Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

forest forest harvesting biomass harvesting biomass multi-temporal UAV images multi-temporal UAV images visible light remote sensing visible light remote sensing


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, X. , Wang, P. , Tan, F. et al. Biomass Estimation of High-density Forest Harvesting Based on Multi-temporal UAV Images; [基于多时相无人机影像的高郁闭度森林采伐生物量估算] [J]. | Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery , 2023 , 54 (6) : 168-177 .
MLA Zhou, X. et al. "Biomass Estimation of High-density Forest Harvesting Based on Multi-temporal UAV Images; [基于多时相无人机影像的高郁闭度森林采伐生物量估算]" . | Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery 54 . 6 (2023) : 168-177 .
APA Zhou, X. , Wang, P. , Tan, F. , Chen, C. , Huang, H. , Lin, Y. . Biomass Estimation of High-density Forest Harvesting Based on Multi-temporal UAV Images; [基于多时相无人机影像的高郁闭度森林采伐生物量估算] . | Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery , 2023 , 54 (6) , 168-177 .
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Version :

Biomass Estimation of High-density Forest Harvesting Based on Multi-temporal UAV Images EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 54 (6) , 168-177 | Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
Elevation Accuracy Evaluation and Correction of ASTER GDEM in China Southeast Hilly Region by Combining ICESat-2 and GEDI data EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 25 (2) , 409-420 | Journal of Geo-Information Science
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) and Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite- 2 (ICESat- 2) products provide reliable global references for the accuracy evaluation and correction of Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM). However, existing DEM correction methods mainly address the signal of vegetation in DEM errors and mostly use linear regression models. So, we first analyze the relationship between Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) GDEM v3 data accuracy and the land cover type, elevation, slope, relief amplitude, and vegetation coverage. Based on this, this paper proposes a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) error correction method that takes into account various influencing factors and combines Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) machine learning and spatial interpolation to model the errors. The analysis of the results shows that the overall error of the original ASTER GDEM has a normal distribution with a large negative offset (average error of - 3.463 m). The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) of original ASTER GDEM are 12.930 m and 16.695 m, respectively, and the elevation accuracy decreases with the increase of elevation, slope, relief amplitude, and vegetation coverage. After correction, the Mean Error (ME) of ASTER GDEM is reduced to -0.233 m, which means the negative deviation is effectively removed and the overall MAE and overall RMSE are reduced by 26.04% and 23.56%, respectively. The MAE and RMSE of DEM for cultivated lands, forests, grasslands, wetlands, water bodies, and man-made surfaces are all reduced by different degrees. The DEM accuracy evaluation and correction method proposed in this paper models the non-linear relationships between multiple feature elements and terrain errors and achieves better correction results in the study area. © 2023 Journal of Geo-Information Science. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Adaptive boosting Adaptive boosting Digital instruments Digital instruments Error correction Error correction Forestry Forestry Geomorphology Geomorphology Interpolation Interpolation Landforms Landforms Mean square error Mean square error Normal distribution Normal distribution Regression analysis Regression analysis Surveying Surveying Vegetation Vegetation


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GB/T 7714 Jiao, Huaijin , Chen, Chongcheng , Huang, Hongyu . Elevation Accuracy Evaluation and Correction of ASTER GDEM in China Southeast Hilly Region by Combining ICESat-2 and GEDI data [J]. | Journal of Geo-Information Science , 2023 , 25 (2) : 409-420 .
MLA Jiao, Huaijin et al. "Elevation Accuracy Evaluation and Correction of ASTER GDEM in China Southeast Hilly Region by Combining ICESat-2 and GEDI data" . | Journal of Geo-Information Science 25 . 2 (2023) : 409-420 .
APA Jiao, Huaijin , Chen, Chongcheng , Huang, Hongyu . Elevation Accuracy Evaluation and Correction of ASTER GDEM in China Southeast Hilly Region by Combining ICESat-2 and GEDI data . | Journal of Geo-Information Science , 2023 , 25 (2) , 409-420 .
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Version :

Elevation Accuracy Evaluation and Correction of ASTER GDEM in China Southeast Hilly Region by Combining ICESat-2 and GEDI data [结合 ICESat-2 和 GEDI 的中国东南丘陵地区 ASTER GDEM 高程精度评价与修正] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 25 (2) , 409-420 | Journal of Geo-Information Science
面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 6 (10) , 61-66 | 测绘通报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(3)

Abstract :


Keyword :

增强虚拟环境 增强虚拟环境 数字孪生 数字孪生 虚实融合 虚实融合 视频纹理 视频纹理 透视投影 透视投影


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GB/T 7714 杨松 , 陈崇成 . 面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射 [J]. | 测绘通报 , 2023 , 6 (10) : 61-66 .
MLA 杨松 et al. "面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射" . | 测绘通报 6 . 10 (2023) : 61-66 .
APA 杨松 , 陈崇成 . 面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射 . | 测绘通报 , 2023 , 6 (10) , 61-66 .
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Version :

面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , (10) , 61-66 | 测绘通报
面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 6 (10) , 61-66 | 测绘通报
面向实景三维模型和实时视频图像融合的纹理映射 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , (10) , 61-66 | 测绘通报
10| 20| 50 per page
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