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期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (1) , 39-43 | 福建冶金
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

福州开元寺铁佛是国内外现存最大的古代铁佛,古代工匠采用怎样的铸造工艺技术,亟待深入研究.根据观测和分析认为,为了将一段方柱铸接在其内腔,古代工匠对这尊大佛采用了分铸法的铸造方式.生铁表面的莱氏体组织和相成分是大佛具有良好腐蚀防护的材料基础,也说明当时所采用的熔铸温度很低.干泥浆和芯撑的存在,表明大佛可能采用了泥范铸造工艺;通过对内表面条纹和疤痕等的观察,表明古代工匠可能采用了异常复杂的浇铸系统,一次性完成主体结构的整铸成型.可以认为,古代工匠大致通过 10个主要的铸造工艺程序,最终制成巨型金身佛像.

Keyword :

工艺 工艺 福州开元寺 福州开元寺 过程 过程 铁佛 铁佛 铸造 铸造


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GB/T 7714 王欣 , 唐电 . 古代福建冶金瑰宝——大铁佛的铸造工艺过程 [J]. | 福建冶金 , 2024 , 53 (1) : 39-43 .
MLA 王欣 等. "古代福建冶金瑰宝——大铁佛的铸造工艺过程" . | 福建冶金 53 . 1 (2024) : 39-43 .
APA 王欣 , 唐电 . 古代福建冶金瑰宝——大铁佛的铸造工艺过程 . | 福建冶金 , 2024 , 53 (1) , 39-43 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2024 , 53 (01) , 39-43 | 福建冶金
Design and Optimization of Casting Process for JG4247 Alloy; [福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨] Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (7) , 917-922 | Foundry
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The iron Buddha in Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple is one of the biggest ancient ones, existing both at home and abroad. In this paper, the construction of cast object, the state of inner surface, the chaplets with their affected zones, the gridding stripes, the metallographic structure, and the chemical composition were exhaustively characterized. The observation illustrated that there was no any sign of cold steam existed in the main structure of the iron Buddha. The chemical calculation exhibited that the carbon equivalent is 4.3%, falls into eutectic composition. The metallographic analysis displayed that there is white cast iron on the surface, but mottled cast iron in the substrate. We try to discuss the advantages, causes and related technologies of the three important technological characteristics observed. © 2023 Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

cast cast characteristics characteristics Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple iron Buddha iron Buddha technology technology


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GB/T 7714 Tang, D. , Wang, X. , Chen, J.-F. . Design and Optimization of Casting Process for JG4247 Alloy; [福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨] [J]. | Foundry , 2023 , 72 (7) : 917-922 .
MLA Tang, D. 等. "Design and Optimization of Casting Process for JG4247 Alloy; [福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨]" . | Foundry 72 . 7 (2023) : 917-922 .
APA Tang, D. , Wang, X. , Chen, J.-F. . Design and Optimization of Casting Process for JG4247 Alloy; [福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨] . | Foundry , 2023 , 72 (7) , 917-922 .
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XPS Study of the Iron Buddha in Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple; [福州开元寺铁佛的 XPS 分析] Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (5) , 529-535 | Foundry
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The iron Buddha in Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple (Kaiyuan iron Buddha) is one of the biggest ancient ones existing at home and abroad. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique was used to characterize the near surface and near core regions of the iron Buddha. The fitting analysis of the Fe 2p and C 1s spectra quantitatively identified the existence of α-Fe, Fe3C, graphite, α-Fe2O3 and SiC. The results showed that the corrosion product on the surface of the iron Buddha was α-Fe2O3, and the near surface and core regions of the iron Buddha exhibited the structures of white and mottled cast irons, respectively, and the SiC was brought from polishing agent. The respective graphite conversion rate R, of the cementite was obtained by calculation, being 5.45 mol% and 21.7 mol%, respectively. The authors discussed the characteristics and forming mechanism of the metallographic microstructure of the iron Buddha, unraveled the reason of the exceptional corrosion resistance, and summarized the advantages of quantitative analysis of the XPS on cast irons in particular the historical iron relic. The analysis approach in this paper is expected to be a useful reference in the research community. © 2023 Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

corrosion product corrosion product Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple iron Buddha iron Buddha microstructure microstructure XPS XPS


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GB/T 7714 Tang, D. , Wang, X. , Chen, K.-F. . XPS Study of the Iron Buddha in Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple; [福州开元寺铁佛的 XPS 分析] [J]. | Foundry , 2023 , 72 (5) : 529-535 .
MLA Tang, D. 等. "XPS Study of the Iron Buddha in Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple; [福州开元寺铁佛的 XPS 分析]" . | Foundry 72 . 5 (2023) : 529-535 .
APA Tang, D. , Wang, X. , Chen, K.-F. . XPS Study of the Iron Buddha in Fuzhou Kaiyuan Temple; [福州开元寺铁佛的 XPS 分析] . | Foundry , 2023 , 72 (5) , 529-535 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (05) , 529-535 | 铸造
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

福州开元寺铁佛是国内外现存的最大古代铁佛像。应用X射线光电子能谱技术,对该铁佛近表面和近心部区域样品Fe的2p和C的1s谱线进行分峰拟合,确定了铁佛表面存在的α–Fe、Fe_3C、石墨、α-Fe_2O_3和Si C的摩尔含量。鉴定了铁佛表面的腐蚀产物为α-Fe_2O_3,确认了其近表面和近心部区域分属白口组织和麻口组织,其中的Si C来自抛光剂,并计算获得了渗碳体的石墨转化率R,分别为5.45 mol%和21.7 mol%。分析了铁佛的金相组织特点与成因,讨论其显著抗腐蚀的原因,阐述了XPS用于铸铁(特别是铁器文物)研究的优势,企望本文的分析方法可资参考。

Keyword :

XPS XPS 福州开元寺 福州开元寺 组织结构 组织结构 腐蚀产物 腐蚀产物 铁佛 铁佛


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GB/T 7714 唐电 , 王欣 , 陈孔发 . 福州开元寺铁佛的XPS分析 [J]. | 铸造 , 2023 , 72 (05) : 529-535 .
MLA 唐电 等. "福州开元寺铁佛的XPS分析" . | 铸造 72 . 05 (2023) : 529-535 .
APA 唐电 , 王欣 , 陈孔发 . 福州开元寺铁佛的XPS分析 . | 铸造 , 2023 , 72 (05) , 529-535 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (5) , 529-535 | 铸造
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (05) , 529-535 | 铸造
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (7) , 917-922 | 铸造
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

技术 技术 特征 特征 福州开元寺 福州开元寺 铁佛 铁佛 铸造 铸造


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GB/T 7714 唐电 , 王欣 , 陈俊锋 . 福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨 [J]. | 铸造 , 2023 , 72 (7) : 917-922 .
MLA 唐电 等. "福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨" . | 铸造 72 . 7 (2023) : 917-922 .
APA 唐电 , 王欣 , 陈俊锋 . 福州开元寺铁佛铸造技术特征探讨 . | 铸造 , 2023 , 72 (7) , 917-922 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (07) , 917-922 | 铸造
期刊论文 | 2023 , 72 (07) , 917-922 | 铸造
期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (1) , 55-59 | 福建冶金
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

唐尺 唐尺 福州开元寺 福州开元寺 身量"丈六" 身量"丈六" 铁佛 铁佛


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GB/T 7714 王欣 , 陈俊锋 , 唐电 . 古代福建冶金瑰宝——大铁佛的"丈六"身量 [J]. | 福建冶金 , 2022 , 51 (1) : 55-59 .
MLA 王欣 等. "古代福建冶金瑰宝——大铁佛的"丈六"身量" . | 福建冶金 51 . 1 (2022) : 55-59 .
APA 王欣 , 陈俊锋 , 唐电 . 古代福建冶金瑰宝——大铁佛的"丈六"身量 . | 福建冶金 , 2022 , 51 (1) , 55-59 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (01) , 55-59 | 福建冶金
期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (01) , 55-59 | 福建冶金
古代福建冶金瑰宝 ——大铁佛的形态特征与艺术风格
期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (2) , 65-68 | 福建冶金
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

大佛 大佛 形态特征 形态特征 福州开元寺 福州开元寺 艺术风格 艺术风格


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GB/T 7714 唐电 , 王欣 , 陈俊锋 . 古代福建冶金瑰宝 ——大铁佛的形态特征与艺术风格 [J]. | 福建冶金 , 2022 , 51 (2) : 65-68 .
MLA 唐电 等. "古代福建冶金瑰宝 ——大铁佛的形态特征与艺术风格" . | 福建冶金 51 . 2 (2022) : 65-68 .
APA 唐电 , 王欣 , 陈俊锋 . 古代福建冶金瑰宝 ——大铁佛的形态特征与艺术风格 . | 福建冶金 , 2022 , 51 (2) , 65-68 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (02) , 65-68 | 福建冶金
期刊论文 | 2022 , 51 (02) , 65-68 | 福建冶金
Flower-Like Nanostructured ZnCo2O4/RuO2 Electrode Materials for High Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

RuO2 is well known to be an active and expensive metal oxide. In the paper, ZnCo2O4/RuO2 nanocomposites were synthesized by simple hydrothermal, impregnation and calcination methods. Due to the multifunctional bridge structure, RuO2 could not only effectively inhibit the volume change of ZnCo2O4 in long-term work but also provide more redox active sites. The forbidden bandwidth was reduced and the conductivity was improved after doping RuO2. Compared with ZnCo2O4, the density of state of ZnCo2O4/RuO2 tended to a higher energy level. ZnCo2O4/3 wt% RuO2 electrode exhibited an excellent specific capacitance (1346.56 F g(-1)) and cyclic stability in 6 M KOH aqueous solution. For the first time, the electrochemical performance of ZnCo2O4/RuO2//IrO2-ZnO ASC has been evaluated in two-electrode configurations. The supercapacitor exhibited an excellent energy density of 40.89 W h kg(-1) at the power density of 740 W kg(-1) and a high capacitance retention of 87.5% even after 7000 cycles at a scanning rate of 100 mV s(-1). The ZnCo2O4/RuO2 was a promising electrode material for supercapacitors.


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Jinjin , Ye, Tianfeng , Shao, Yanqun et al. Flower-Like Nanostructured ZnCo2O4/RuO2 Electrode Materials for High Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors [J]. | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY , 2021 , 168 (12) .
MLA Wang, Jinjin et al. "Flower-Like Nanostructured ZnCo2O4/RuO2 Electrode Materials for High Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors" . | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY 168 . 12 (2021) .
APA Wang, Jinjin , Ye, Tianfeng , Shao, Yanqun , Lu, Zhiyuan , Lin, Yuting , Wu, Huixuan et al. Flower-Like Nanostructured ZnCo2O4/RuO2 Electrode Materials for High Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors . | JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY , 2021 , 168 (12) .
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Version :

Flower-Like Nanostructured ZnCo2O4/RuO2Electrode Materials for High Performance Asymmetric Supercapacitors EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 168 (12) | Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Understanding the Features of Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Electrical Conductivity of RuO2-SiO2 Binary Oxides SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Density functional theory calculations combined with experiments were performed to investigate the stability, crystal structure, electronic structure and conductivity of RuO2-SiO2 binary oxides. Our calculations indicate that Ru1-xSixO2 solid solutions are unstable, and both their total energies and lattice parameters deviate from Vegard's law, revealing a strong interaction between RuO2 and SiO2. With an increase in x (doping concentration of SiO2), the conductivity of Ru1-xSixO2 underwent first-order exponential attenuation, but the compound remained metallic even when x was 0.875. Ru0.5Si0.5O2/Ti electrodes were prepared using the thermal decomposition method, and at different annealing temperatures, varying degrees of phase separation were observed in all the samples, proving the instability of the Ru1-xSixO2 solid solutions. The impedance test of the Ru0.5Si0.5O2/Ti samples showed that the total impedance of the samples and the degrees of phase separation conform to the first-order exponential relationship. The dual effects of Si doping attenuation and phase separation attenuation can explain the rapid decline in the conductivity of the RuO2-SiO2 electrode material.

Keyword :

crystal structure crystal structure electrical conductivity electrical conductivity electronic structures electronic structures First-principles First-principles phase separation phase separation RuO2-SiO2 binary oxide RuO2-SiO2 binary oxide


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Qifan , Wu, Yukun , Chen, Kongfa et al. Understanding the Features of Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Electrical Conductivity of RuO2-SiO2 Binary Oxides [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE , 2021 , 16 (7) .
MLA Wang, Qifan et al. "Understanding the Features of Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Electrical Conductivity of RuO2-SiO2 Binary Oxides" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE 16 . 7 (2021) .
APA Wang, Qifan , Wu, Yukun , Chen, Kongfa , Ai, Na , Wang, Xin , Tang, Dian . Understanding the Features of Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Electrical Conductivity of RuO2-SiO2 Binary Oxides . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTROCHEMICAL SCIENCE , 2021 , 16 (7) .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2020 , 18 (06) , 535-542 | 福建工程学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

采用基于密度泛函(DFT)第一性原理的计算方法,获得金红石和萤石相Ru_((1-x))Ce_xO_2固溶体的能量和结构数据,分析了固溶体的分离能、混合吉布斯自由能和热力学状态图,指出在常规热分解温度(723 K)下,固溶体存在spinodal分解为RuO_2+CeO_2的倾向,并对723 K热分解制备高、中、低Ru含量的Ru_((1-x))Ce_xO_2样品进行了XRD分析,发现Ru_((1-x))Ce_xO_2更倾向于遵循qusia-spinodal机制分解为RuO_(2R)+CeO_(2F)。文章从体系自由能的角度初步讨论了Ru_((1-x))Ce_xO_2发生qusia-spinodal...

Keyword :

Ru_((1-x))Ce_xO_2 Ru_((1-x))Ce_xO_2 spinodal分解曲线 spinodal分解曲线 相互作用系数 相互作用系数 第一性原理 第一性原理


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GB/T 7714 王欣 , 王虎 , 唐中帜 et al. RuO_2-CeO_2复合氧化物相分离现象与本质的分析 [J]. | 福建工程学院学报 , 2020 , 18 (06) : 535-542 .
MLA 王欣 et al. "RuO_2-CeO_2复合氧化物相分离现象与本质的分析" . | 福建工程学院学报 18 . 06 (2020) : 535-542 .
APA 王欣 , 王虎 , 唐中帜 , 周扬杰 , 唐电 . RuO_2-CeO_2复合氧化物相分离现象与本质的分析 . | 福建工程学院学报 , 2020 , 18 (06) , 535-542 .
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Version :

RuO2-CeO2复合氧化物相分离现象与本质的分析 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , 18 (6) , 535-542 | 福建工程学院学报
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