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Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 2963-2968
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The secondary control plays an important role in ensuring the power quality of AC island microgrid. Since the traditional time-driven secondary control strategy will cause communication redundancy, the event-triggered mechanism has been widely studied. Under the event-triggered mechanism, the DG performs necessary communication only when its own triggering condition is met. This paper studies the problem of secondary voltage control under periodic event-triggered mechanism, which can restore the output voltage to the reference value. At the same time, considering that each DG has a different sampling and checking period, this is a more general asynchronous communication problem. In the stability analysis, the conditions of event detection period and event parameters to ensure the realization of secondary control are given. Finally, the effectiveness of the mechanism is verified by several simulations. © 2024 IEEE.

Keyword :

asynchronous communication asynchronous communication distributed secondary control distributed secondary control islanded microgrids islanded microgrids Periodic event-triggered control Periodic event-triggered control


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GB/T 7714 Tang, L. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. et al. Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods [未知].
MLA Tang, L. et al. "Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods" [未知].
APA Tang, L. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. , Huang, Y. . Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods [未知].
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Distributed Asynchronous Periodic Event-Triggered Voltage Control of Microgrids With Different Checking Periods EI
会议论文 | 2024 , 2963-2968
Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays Scopus
其他 | 2024 , 1286-1291
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Due to the prevalence of communication link delay in communication networks, the study of communication delays in smart grids and their impact on economic dispatch is of great practical value. In this paper, a Gossip-based economic dispatch protocol perfected under constant time delay is considered, and it is proved by augmented matrix theory and matrix perturbation theory that a sufficiently small control gain parameter always exists to guarantee the convergence over a constant delay in the communication network. Iterative update rules are given when the neighboring generation units do not receive the initial state due to the time delay to ensure the optimal solution can be obtained. Finally, simulation cases are provided to verify the effectiveness and plug-and-play capability of the algorithm, as well as its feasibility for large-scale systems. © 2024 IEEE.

Keyword :

economic dispatch economic dispatch Gossip Gossip smart grid smart grid time delay time delay


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Z. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. et al. Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays [未知].
MLA Wang, Z. et al. "Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays" [未知].
APA Wang, Z. , Huang, W. , Chen, S. , Huang, Y. . Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays [未知].
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Distributed Economic Dispatch Based on Gossip Algorithm in Smart Grid with Time delays EI
会议论文 | 2024 , 1286-1291
Guidance law with fast finite time convergence for trajectory tracking; [一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (6) , 956-976 | Control Theory and Applications
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Due to look-ahead distance (LAD) is not adjusted in time to track the reference trajectory with a large range of curvature, and unmanned surface vehicle (USV) tracks the trajectory with a slow convergence. The position tracking error of dynamic systems is established by the geometric relationship of trajectory tracking, guidance law with fast finite time convergence (FFTC-GL) is proposed with a novel time-varying LAD (NTLAD) with curvature parameters to speed trajectory tracking. FFTC-GL includes the desired heading guidance law and the desired cruise speed guidance law. Firstly, NTLAD function is solved by graphical method based on the stability constraints of NTLAD to realize fast finite time convergence of cross-error, and the curvature parameter is introduced to track the curve trajectory in a large range of curvature. Secondly, the fast finite time speed guidance law is designed by the finite time term of along-error to realize the finite time stability of along-error dynamic system. Moreover, the upper bound of the convergence time is deduced for FFTC-GL. Finally, simulations of the trajectory tracking for USV indicate that, FFTC-GL can track the reference trajectory quickly and accurately, both for straight lines and curve with a large range of curvature. © 2023 South China University of Technology. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

fast finite time convergence fast finite time convergence guidance law guidance law time-varying look-ahead distance time-varying look-ahead distance trajectory tracking trajectory tracking unmanned surface vehicle unmanned surface vehicle


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Y.-W. , Lin, T. , Huang, W.-C. et al. Guidance law with fast finite time convergence for trajectory tracking; [一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律] [J]. | Control Theory and Applications , 2023 , 40 (6) : 956-976 .
MLA Huang, Y.-W. et al. "Guidance law with fast finite time convergence for trajectory tracking; [一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律]" . | Control Theory and Applications 40 . 6 (2023) : 956-976 .
APA Huang, Y.-W. , Lin, T. , Huang, W.-C. , Chen, S.-B. . Guidance law with fast finite time convergence for trajectory tracking; [一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律] . | Control Theory and Applications , 2023 , 40 (6) , 956-976 .
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Guidance law with fast finite time convergence for trajectory tracking EI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (6) , 956-976 | Control Theory and Applications
一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (06) , 965-976 | 控制理论与应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

引导律 引导律 快速有限时间收敛 快速有限时间收敛 无人船 无人船 时变前视距离 时变前视距离 轨迹跟踪 轨迹跟踪


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GB/T 7714 黄宴委 , 林涛 , 黄文超 et al. 一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律 [J]. | 控制理论与应用 , 2023 , 40 (06) : 965-976 .
MLA 黄宴委 et al. "一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律" . | 控制理论与应用 40 . 06 (2023) : 965-976 .
APA 黄宴委 , 林涛 , 黄文超 , 陈少斌 . 一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律 . | 控制理论与应用 , 2023 , 40 (06) , 965-976 .
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一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (6) , 965-976 | 控制理论与应用
一种快速有限时间收敛的轨迹跟踪引导律 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (06) , 965-976 | 控制理论与应用
Adaptive mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(3)

Abstract :

The leader-following consensus of linear heterogeneous multiagent systems is investigated in this paper. To comply with the most practical scenario, the communicating topologies among agents are assumed to switch stochastically and driven by a continuous-time discrete-state Markov process, whose state space corresponds to all the possible topologies. A novel distributed adaptive compensator is designed for the followers to reconstruct the exogenous signals without knowing the Laplacian matrix who is regarded as a global information, and sufficient conditions are given to ensure the compensator converges to the dynamic of the leader asymptotically in the mean square sense. Then, based on the compensator, we solved the consensus problem both by distributed state and measurement output feedback control schemes under output regulation framework, which allow followers to have nonidentical state dimensions. Finally, the theoretical results are demonstrated by a numerical example.

Keyword :

leader-following consensus leader-following consensus Markovian switching networks Markovian switching networks multiagent systems multiagent systems output regulation output regulation


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Wenchao , Tu, Yuhan , Liu, Tiantian et al. Adaptive mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL , 2023 .
MLA Huang, Wenchao et al. "Adaptive mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL (2023) .
APA Huang, Wenchao , Tu, Yuhan , Liu, Tiantian , Liu, Hailin , Tian, Binbin , Huang, Yanwei et al. Adaptive mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL , 2023 .
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Adaptive mean‐square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (1) , 200-221 | International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Adaptive mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 34 (1) , 200-221 | International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Adaptive mean-square consensus of heterogeneous multiagent systems with stochastic switching topologies EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 34 (1) , 200-221 | International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
Robust Consensus for Linear Continuous-Time Multi-agent Systems with Randomly Switching Topologies EI
会议论文 | 2022 , 804 LNEE , 81-90 | 17th Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference, CISC 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper concentrates on the robust mean square consensus problem for linear continuous-time multi-agent systems over randomly switching topologies. The switching process is governed by a time-homogeneous Markov chain. With the application of a parameter dependent Lyapunov functions method, the sufficient condition to reach mean square consensus is derived under a control protocol by solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, a numerical simulation example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Keyword :

Continuous time systems Continuous time systems Linear matrix inequalities Linear matrix inequalities Lyapunov functions Lyapunov functions Markov processes Markov processes Multi agent systems Multi agent systems Switching Switching Topology Topology


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GB/T 7714 Yao, Yijian , Huang, Wenchao , Chen, Xi et al. Robust Consensus for Linear Continuous-Time Multi-agent Systems with Randomly Switching Topologies [C] . 2022 : 81-90 .
MLA Yao, Yijian et al. "Robust Consensus for Linear Continuous-Time Multi-agent Systems with Randomly Switching Topologies" . (2022) : 81-90 .
APA Yao, Yijian , Huang, Wenchao , Chen, Xi , Huang, Yanwei , Chen, Shaobin . Robust Consensus for Linear Continuous-Time Multi-agent Systems with Randomly Switching Topologies . (2022) : 81-90 .
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Dynamic Search and Location of Submarine Cable Based on Electromagnetic Induction EI
会议论文 | 2022 , 803 LNEE , 854-863 | 17th Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference, CISC 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to detecting submarine cable under ocean currents, this paper based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, derive the mathematical model which reflects the signal change of tri-axial magnetic sensor move in the magnetic field genered by submarine cable, and give a algorithm and scheme to dynamically searching and locating submarine cable. This algorithm can relatively accurately calculate the position of submarine cable when the forward direction of sensor is deviated or the horizontal axis is deflected. Finally, the method was simulated with MATLAB, and the results proved effectiveness of the algorithm and feasibility of the scheme. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Keyword :

Electromagnetic induction Electromagnetic induction Location Location Magnetic fields Magnetic fields Ocean currents Ocean currents Submarine cables Submarine cables Submarines Submarines


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GB/T 7714 Wu, Zongze , Chen, Shaobin , Huang, Wenchao et al. Dynamic Search and Location of Submarine Cable Based on Electromagnetic Induction [C] . 2022 : 854-863 .
MLA Wu, Zongze et al. "Dynamic Search and Location of Submarine Cable Based on Electromagnetic Induction" . (2022) : 854-863 .
APA Wu, Zongze , Chen, Shaobin , Huang, Wenchao , Huang, Yanwei . Dynamic Search and Location of Submarine Cable Based on Electromagnetic Induction . (2022) : 854-863 .
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Broadcast Gossip Algorithm-Based Economic Dispatch in Smart Grid with Transmission Losses EI
会议论文 | 2022 , 803 LNEE , 690-699 | 17th Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference, CISC 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The economic dispatch problem (EDP) in smart grid mainly is investigated in this paper. The transmission losses of power produced by generator will be taken into account, which introduces nonlinear constraints in the EDP. By viewing the losses as a quadratic function, a broadcast gossip economic dispatch algorithm is proposed to work out the EDP. This distributed algorithm makes all neighbors of the node update the information of each iteration through broadcast. The convergence of the algorithm will be certified by the approximation as well as matrix perturbation theory. Three simulation experiments show the distributed algorithm’s availability as well as plug-and-play capability, and a comparison with the algorithm in which the transmission loss is not considered is further given. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Keyword :

Approximation algorithms Approximation algorithms Electric load dispatching Electric load dispatching Electric load loss Electric load loss Electric power transmission networks Electric power transmission networks Iterative methods Iterative methods Perturbation techniques Perturbation techniques Scheduling Scheduling Smart power grids Smart power grids Wave transmission Wave transmission


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GB/T 7714 Xiao, Yue , Huang, Wenchao , Huang, Yanwei et al. Broadcast Gossip Algorithm-Based Economic Dispatch in Smart Grid with Transmission Losses [C] . 2022 : 690-699 .
MLA Xiao, Yue et al. "Broadcast Gossip Algorithm-Based Economic Dispatch in Smart Grid with Transmission Losses" . (2022) : 690-699 .
APA Xiao, Yue , Huang, Wenchao , Huang, Yanwei , Chen, Shaobin . Broadcast Gossip Algorithm-Based Economic Dispatch in Smart Grid with Transmission Losses . (2022) : 690-699 .
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Sampling-Based Event-Triggered Finite-Time Consensus for Multi-agent Systems EI
会议论文 | 2022 , 803 LNEE , 710-718 | 17th Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference, CISC 2021
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This article studies the finite-time consensus control of a multi-agent system, and the trigger method adopts event trigger. A finite time controller that uses first-order neighbor information and second-order neighbor information to trigger events is designed. It was subsequently proved that the system can reach a consensus within a limited time under the event-triggered control protocol, and at the same time eliminate Zeno behavior through periodic sampling. The application of second-order neighbor information speeds up the convergence speed of the system. In addition, the introduction of the state combination measurement method can advantageously reduce the number of controller updates. Finally, a case is given to explain the validity of the proposed theory. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.

Keyword :

Controllers Controllers Multi agent systems Multi agent systems


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GB/T 7714 Zou, Min , Chen, Shaobin , Huang, Wenchao et al. Sampling-Based Event-Triggered Finite-Time Consensus for Multi-agent Systems [C] . 2022 : 710-718 .
MLA Zou, Min et al. "Sampling-Based Event-Triggered Finite-Time Consensus for Multi-agent Systems" . (2022) : 710-718 .
APA Zou, Min , Chen, Shaobin , Huang, Wenchao , Huang, Yanwei . Sampling-Based Event-Triggered Finite-Time Consensus for Multi-agent Systems . (2022) : 710-718 .
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Internal Model Control-Based Observer for the Sideslip Angle of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Since the sideslip angle is often ignored or simplified in the process of path following of unmanned surface vehicle by using the line-of-sight (LOS) guidance law because of its fast change and the difficulty of measurement, an observer was proposed by internal model control (IMC) to quickly estimate the sideslip angle in the LOS guidance law. First, a prediction model was established for the tracking error, and a state space model for prediction errors was constructed as an internal model. With the introduction of the auxiliary variables, a new augmented system was set up for a state space model of the prediction errors. Then, the sideslip angle observer was designed by the theory of state feedback with the feature of the control law of a proportional-integral type. Theoretically, the stability of the system was proved based on the Lyapunov criteria. A simulation and experiment verified the effectiveness of the proposed sideslip angle observer in improving the path-following accuracy. The results show that the IMC-based observer introduces a proportional term of tracking error that is not considered by other observers, which is easier to implement and adjust, and has a faster response speed and a smaller steady-state error for the sideslip angle. In addition, the assumption of a small sideslip angle is not introduced in the design process, so the proposed observer provides an accurate estimation method for a large sideslip angle.

Keyword :

internal model control internal model control line-of-sight guidance line-of-sight guidance observer observer path following path following sideslip angle sideslip angle unmanned surface vehicle unmanned surface vehicle


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Yanwei , Shi, Xiaocheng , Huang, Wenchao et al. Internal Model Control-Based Observer for the Sideslip Angle of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle [J]. | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2022 , 10 (4) .
MLA Huang, Yanwei et al. "Internal Model Control-Based Observer for the Sideslip Angle of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle" . | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 10 . 4 (2022) .
APA Huang, Yanwei , Shi, Xiaocheng , Huang, Wenchao , Chen, Shaobin . Internal Model Control-Based Observer for the Sideslip Angle of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle . | JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING , 2022 , 10 (4) .
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