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FPoR: Fair proof-of-reputation consensus for blockchain SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 9 (1) , 45-50 | ICT EXPRESS
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Current consensus protocols for permissionless blockchain cannot balance security, performance and centralization issues. In the paper, we present a reputation based consensus, FPoR, which combines reputation, committee based consensus, PBFT, reward and penalization mechanisms. FPoR can balance scalability, security and decentralization, and promote fairness, increase participation and strengthen security. Experiment results show that FPoR is with high performance and scalability, which can be used for permissionless blockchain. FPoR can also be extended to permissioned blockchain applications. (c) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Keyword :

Blockchain Blockchain Consensus protocol Consensus protocol Fairness Fairness PoR PoR Reputation Reputation


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Tao , Huang, Zhigang . FPoR: Fair proof-of-reputation consensus for blockchain [J]. | ICT EXPRESS , 2023 , 9 (1) : 45-50 .
MLA Zhang, Tao 等. "FPoR: Fair proof-of-reputation consensus for blockchain" . | ICT EXPRESS 9 . 1 (2023) : 45-50 .
APA Zhang, Tao , Huang, Zhigang . FPoR: Fair proof-of-reputation consensus for blockchain . | ICT EXPRESS , 2023 , 9 (1) , 45-50 .
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FPoR: Fair proof-of-reputation consensus for blockchain Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 9 (1) , 45-50 | ICT Express
Gender, external financing and firm performance: evidence from Chinese private firms SSCI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (3) , 370-387 | GENDER IN MANAGEMENT
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

PurposeThe operational framework of external financing in the correlation between the gender of entrepreneurs and firm performance remains to be resolved. This study aims to investigate the mediating effect of external financing on gender-based disparities in private firm performance and to explore its heterogeneity within the Chinese context.Design/methodology/approachBased on national data from the 10th to 13th Chinese Private Enterprise Survey, this study used a bootstrap-based mediation effect model to analyze the role of external financing as a mediator in the relationship between entrepreneur gender and firm performance.FindingsThis study found that external financing is a constructive mediator between entrepreneur gender and firm performance. Heterogeneity analysis revealed that external financing plays a complementary mediation role in the impact of entrepreneur gender on performance in West China. In the tertiary industry, external financing acts as the sole mediator for the impact of gender on firm performance. Notably, this mediating effect is present in non-startups but not in startups.Practical implicationsThe findings suggest that external financing can improve the firm performance of female entrepreneurs. Governments and policymakers should strengthen financial support for female entrepreneurs in West China, tertiary industry and non-startup enterprises.Originality/valueThis paper contributes to the literature on gender and corporate governance by shedding light on the mediating role of external financing in the relationship between the gender of business owners and firm performance.

Keyword :

External financing External financing Firm performance Firm performance Gender Gender Mediating effect model Mediating effect model


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Lingyun , Liu, Jiankun , Huang, Zhigang . Gender, external financing and firm performance: evidence from Chinese private firms [J]. | GENDER IN MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 39 (3) : 370-387 .
MLA Huang, Lingyun 等. "Gender, external financing and firm performance: evidence from Chinese private firms" . | GENDER IN MANAGEMENT 39 . 3 (2023) : 370-387 .
APA Huang, Lingyun , Liu, Jiankun , Huang, Zhigang . Gender, external financing and firm performance: evidence from Chinese private firms . | GENDER IN MANAGEMENT , 2023 , 39 (3) , 370-387 .
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Gender, external financing and firm performance: evidence from Chinese private firms Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (3) , 370-387 | Gender in Management
资本市场定价对企业劳动投资效率的影响研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (05) , 33-46 | 亚太经济
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

劳动投资效率 劳动投资效率 股价信息性 股价信息性 股价融资效应 股价融资效应 资本市场定价 资本市场定价 错误估值 错误估值


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GB/T 7714 于然海 , 黄志刚 , 季国民 et al. 资本市场定价对企业劳动投资效率的影响研究 [J]. | 亚太经济 , 2023 , 14 (05) : 33-46 .
MLA 于然海 et al. "资本市场定价对企业劳动投资效率的影响研究" . | 亚太经济 14 . 05 (2023) : 33-46 .
APA 于然海 , 黄志刚 , 季国民 , 唐勇 . 资本市场定价对企业劳动投资效率的影响研究 . | 亚太经济 , 2023 , 14 (05) , 33-46 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , (5) , 33-46 | 亚太经济
资本市场定价对企业劳动投资效率的影响研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 14 (05) , 33-46 | 亚太经济
金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (11) , 151-164 | 中国管理科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

动态空间自回归模型 动态空间自回归模型 对外直接投资 对外直接投资 熵权TOPSIS 熵权TOPSIS 经济高质量发展 经济高质量发展 金融科技 金融科技


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GB/T 7714 刘丹阳 , 黄志刚 . 金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (11) : 151-164 .
MLA 刘丹阳 et al. "金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展" . | 中国管理科学 31 . 11 (2023) : 151-164 .
APA 刘丹阳 , 黄志刚 . 金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展 . | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (11) , 151-164 .
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“一带一路”沿线国家的金融机构国际合作指数构建与影响因素分析 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 35 (10) , 33-44 | 管理评论
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

“一带一路”倡议 “一带一路”倡议 金融机构国际合作影响因素 金融机构国际合作影响因素 金融机构国际合作指数 金融机构国际合作指数


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GB/T 7714 唐旻 , 黄志刚 , 林朝颖 . “一带一路”沿线国家的金融机构国际合作指数构建与影响因素分析 [J]. | 管理评论 , 2023 , 35 (10) : 33-44 .
MLA 唐旻 et al. "“一带一路”沿线国家的金融机构国际合作指数构建与影响因素分析" . | 管理评论 35 . 10 (2023) : 33-44 .
APA 唐旻 , 黄志刚 , 林朝颖 . “一带一路”沿线国家的金融机构国际合作指数构建与影响因素分析 . | 管理评论 , 2023 , 35 (10) , 33-44 .
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"一带一路"沿线国家的金融机构国际合作指数构建与影响因素分析 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 35 (10) , 33-44 | 管理评论
央行数字货币与第三方支付是否是竞争与取代关系?——基于双边市场理论视角 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (03) , 717-737 | 系统科学与数学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

央行数字货币 央行数字货币 支付竞争 支付竞争 消费者隐私 消费者隐私 第三方支付 第三方支付 补贴推广 补贴推广


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GB/T 7714 黄志刚 , 黄双双 , 唐勇 . 央行数字货币与第三方支付是否是竞争与取代关系?——基于双边市场理论视角 [J]. | 系统科学与数学 , 2023 , 43 (03) : 717-737 .
MLA 黄志刚 et al. "央行数字货币与第三方支付是否是竞争与取代关系?——基于双边市场理论视角" . | 系统科学与数学 43 . 03 (2023) : 717-737 .
APA 黄志刚 , 黄双双 , 唐勇 . 央行数字货币与第三方支付是否是竞争与取代关系?——基于双边市场理论视角 . | 系统科学与数学 , 2023 , 43 (03) , 717-737 .
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Version :

央行数字货币与第三方支付是否是竞争与取代关系?——基于双边市场理论视角 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (3) , 717-737 | 系统科学与数学
央行数字货币与第三方支付是否是竞争与取代关系?——基于双边市场理论视角 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (03) , 717-737 | 系统科学与数学
金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展——基于“双循环”相互促进的视角 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 31 (11) , 151-164 | 中国管理科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

动态空间自回归模型 动态空间自回归模型 对外直接投资 对外直接投资 熵权TOPSIS 熵权TOPSIS 经济高质量发展 经济高质量发展 金融科技 金融科技


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GB/T 7714 刘丹阳 , 黄志刚 . 金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展——基于“双循环”相互促进的视角 [J]. | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (11) : 151-164 .
MLA 刘丹阳 et al. "金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展——基于“双循环”相互促进的视角" . | 中国管理科学 31 . 11 (2023) : 151-164 .
APA 刘丹阳 , 黄志刚 . 金融科技、OFDI与经济高质量发展——基于“双循环”相互促进的视角 . | 中国管理科学 , 2023 , 31 (11) , 151-164 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , (11) , 151-164 | 中国管理科学
Trend Prediction Model of Asian Stock Market Volatility Dynamic Relationship Based on Machine Learning SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

With the rapid development of the global economy and stock market, stock investment has become a common investment method. People's research on stock forecasting has never stopped. Accurately predicting the dynamic fluctuation of stocks can bring rich investment returns to investors while avoiding investment risks. Machine learning is a relatively important research field in artificial intelligence today, which is mainly used to study how to use machines to simulate human activities. In recent years, with the continuous development of the economy, machine learning under artificial intelligence has developed comprehensively in different fields, and it has been widely used in the field of the financial economy. Machine learning under artificial intelligence is currently widely used in stock market volatility dynamics and related research. This paper applied machine learning to the prediction of the dynamic relationship of Asian stock market volatility and established a model for predicting the dynamic relationship of stock market volatility under machine learning. By using statistical theory, linear support vector machines, generalizable bounds, and other algorithms, it provides the theoretical basis and feasibility analysis for the model. Through investigation and research, this paper found that compared with ordinary forecasting model methods, the stock volatility dynamic trend forecasting model based on machine learning has a relatively complete forecasting effect, and the accuracy of the machine learning forecasting model was up to 52%. The lowest was 39%, the average prediction accuracy was 46.5%, and the accuracy was improved by 16.8%. This showed that the introduction of machine learning prediction models in the dynamic prediction model of Asian stock volatility is relatively successful.


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GB/T 7714 Lee, Peiyuan , Huang, Zhigang , Tang, Yong . Trend Prediction Model of Asian Stock Market Volatility Dynamic Relationship Based on Machine Learning [J]. | SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS , 2022 , 2022 .
MLA Lee, Peiyuan et al. "Trend Prediction Model of Asian Stock Market Volatility Dynamic Relationship Based on Machine Learning" . | SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 2022 (2022) .
APA Lee, Peiyuan , Huang, Zhigang , Tang, Yong . Trend Prediction Model of Asian Stock Market Volatility Dynamic Relationship Based on Machine Learning . | SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS , 2022 , 2022 .
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Trend Prediction Model of Asian Stock Market Volatility Dynamic Relationship Based on Machine Learning EI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 2022 | Security and Communication Networks
Blockchain and central bank digital currency SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 8 (2) , 264-270 | ICT EXPRESS
WoS CC Cited Count: 50
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

With the development of blockchain and digital currencies, central banks all over the world are accelerating the process of CBDC development. However, it is still controversial on adoption of blockchain in CBDC design. In the paper, we analyze both functional and non-functional requirements of CBDC design, and make a literature review on blockchain based CBDC schemes. Analysis findings show that permissioned blockchain is more suitable for CBDC than permissionless blockchain. Besides, there are some challenges in blockchain based CBDC, such as performance, scalability, and cross-chain interoperability. Our analysis is timely and can provide guidelines for blockchain based CBDC design. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences.

Keyword :

Blockchain Blockchain CBDC CBDC Central bank digital currency Central bank digital currency Distributed ledger Distributed ledger Fiat money Fiat money


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Tao , Huang, Zhigang . Blockchain and central bank digital currency [J]. | ICT EXPRESS , 2022 , 8 (2) : 264-270 .
MLA Zhang, Tao et al. "Blockchain and central bank digital currency" . | ICT EXPRESS 8 . 2 (2022) : 264-270 .
APA Zhang, Tao , Huang, Zhigang . Blockchain and central bank digital currency . | ICT EXPRESS , 2022 , 8 (2) , 264-270 .
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Blockchain and central bank digital currency Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 8 (2) , 264-270 | ICT Express
引入投资者关注度的股指收益率预测研究——基于差分进化算法极限学习机模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 42 (06) , 1503-1518 | 系统科学与数学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

投资者关注在股市中的作用是近年来研究的热门问题之一.文章创新性地将百度指数作为中国市场投资者关注度指标加入以差分进化算法优化的极限学习机(DE-ELM)中,研究百度指数对中国股票指数的预测能力.实证结果显示,差分进化算法极限学习机(DE-ELM)模型的预测能力较传统计量模型ARIMA模型和传统神经网络模型BP神经网络模型显著提高,且加入百度指数能够提升DE-ELM模型对股指收益率的预测精度,其中以加入“牛市”、“熊市”和“金融危机” 3个百度指数的差分进化算法极限学习机(DE-ELM)预测精度最高,结果最稳定.

Keyword :

差分进化算法极限学习机 差分进化算法极限学习机 投资者关注度 投资者关注度 百度指数 百度指数


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GB/T 7714 唐旻 , 黄志刚 . 引入投资者关注度的股指收益率预测研究——基于差分进化算法极限学习机模型 [J]. | 系统科学与数学 , 2022 , 42 (06) : 1503-1518 .
MLA 唐旻 et al. "引入投资者关注度的股指收益率预测研究——基于差分进化算法极限学习机模型" . | 系统科学与数学 42 . 06 (2022) : 1503-1518 .
APA 唐旻 , 黄志刚 . 引入投资者关注度的股指收益率预测研究——基于差分进化算法极限学习机模型 . | 系统科学与数学 , 2022 , 42 (06) , 1503-1518 .
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Version :

引入投资者关注度的股指收益率预测研究——基于差分进化算法极限学习机模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 42 (6) , 1503-1518 | 系统科学与数学
引入投资者关注度的股指收益率预测研究——基于差分进化算法极限学习机模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 42 (06) , 1503-1518 | 系统科学与数学
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