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基于机载LiDAR数据的福建柏人工林林木参数提取 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2024 , 35 (02) , 321-329 | 应用生态学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

准确高效地提取人工林林木参数可为估算单木材积、林分蓄积量提供关键信息。本文提出基于机载LiDAR数据的高精度单木参数提取方法,其实现过程包括数据预处理、地面滤波、单木分割和参数提取。以福建省沙县官庄国有林场的福建柏大径材人工林为试验区,采集高密度机载点云数据,对点云进行去噪、重采样等预处理。使用布料滤波算法(CSF)分离出植被点云和地面点云,并采用Delaunay三角网法将植被点云数据插值生成数字表面模型(DSM),采用反距离加权插值法将地面点云数据插值生成数字高程模型(DEM),两者作差运算获得冠层高度模型(CHM)。利用分水岭分割算法分析不同分辨率的CHM对单木分割及参数提取精度的影响。采用点云距离聚类算法对归一化植被点云进行单木分割,分析不同的距离阈值对单木分割及参数提取精度的影响。结果表明:使用分水岭分割算法处理0.3 m分辨率CHM单木分割调和值最高,达到91.1%,提取的树高精度较优,决定系数(R~2)达到0.967,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.890 m;使用间距阈值为平均冠幅的点云分割算法单木分割调和值最高,达到91.3%,提取的冠幅精度较优,R~2为0.937,RMSE为0.418 m。估算该试验区的树高、冠幅、株数和树木的空间分布等信息发现:共有福建柏5994株,平均树高为16.63 m,平均冠幅为3.98 m;树高在15~20 m区间的数量最多,有2661株,其次是10~15 m。本林木参数提取方法可为人工林资源监测和管理提供技术支撑。

Keyword :

人工林 人工林 单木分割 单木分割 机载LiDAR 机载LiDAR 林木参数提取 林木参数提取


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GB/T 7714 姜泽 , 陈杰 , 唐丽玉 et al. 基于机载LiDAR数据的福建柏人工林林木参数提取 [J]. | 应用生态学报 , 2024 , 35 (02) : 321-329 .
MLA 姜泽 et al. "基于机载LiDAR数据的福建柏人工林林木参数提取" . | 应用生态学报 35 . 02 (2024) : 321-329 .
APA 姜泽 , 陈杰 , 唐丽玉 , 虞灿 , 谢汝根 , 黄丹泠 et al. 基于机载LiDAR数据的福建柏人工林林木参数提取 . | 应用生态学报 , 2024 , 35 (02) , 321-329 .
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Socioecological justice in urban street greenery based on green view index-A case study within the Fuzhou Third Ring Road SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Urban green space equity relates to the efficient allocation of natural resources and the equalization of public service facilities. Street (road) greenery provides substantial ecological, social and cultural benefits. Thus, in this study, a subdistrict-level evaluation framework for the fairness of the spatial distribution of street greenery was proposed, taking a case study within the Third Ring Road of Fuzhou City in Fujian, China. Street view images may capture the green information in a vertical dimension for the indirect representation of people's perspective on the ground. The green view index, which was estimated based on Baidu Street View images, was employed to represent the urban street greenery, and the results were combined using deep learning technology. The Gini coefficient, share index and location entropy were used as evaluation indicators for the fairness of the spatial distribution of the street green view index. Furthermore, this framework combined socioeconomic data and population census data to explore the correlation among socioeconomic status, age, and evaluation index at the subdistrict level. In addition, we analyzed street greenery distribution inequalities from the perspective of socioecological justice. The results showed that in Fuzhou, there is a significant correlation among the Gini coefficient, green view index and socioeconomic status. In addition, subdistricts with a lower green view index have a less equitable street greenery distribution, people with low socioeconomic status may suffer from green injustice, and seniors have a lower accessibility to street green space than people with the average social status. Our analytical approach is applicable for other cities, and the findings are useful for greenery spatial planning processes and evaluating construction effects.

Keyword :

Bosch Bosch Deep learning Deep learning Green view index Green view index Socioecological justice Socioecological justice Street view images Street view images Urban greenery Urban greenery


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Ziqing , Tang, Liyu , Qiao, Peng et al. Socioecological justice in urban street greenery based on green view index-A case study within the Fuzhou Third Ring Road [J]. | URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING , 2024 , 95 .
MLA Huang, Ziqing et al. "Socioecological justice in urban street greenery based on green view index-A case study within the Fuzhou Third Ring Road" . | URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING 95 (2024) .
APA Huang, Ziqing , Tang, Liyu , Qiao, Peng , He, Jianguo , Su, Honglin . Socioecological justice in urban street greenery based on green view index-A case study within the Fuzhou Third Ring Road . | URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING , 2024 , 95 .
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Version :

Socioecological justice in urban street greenery based on green view index-A case study within the Fuzhou Third Ring Road Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 95 | Urban Forestry and Urban Greening
Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data SCIE SSCI
WoS CC Cited Count: 9
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Given the ecological, cultural and psychological functions of urban vegetation, a growing number of studies have focused on daily accessible greenery visibility. Mobile laser scanning (MLS) can rapidly obtain dense point clouds that can be used to extract vegetation. To address this issue, we propose a novel method for calculating the green view index (GVI) based on MLS three-dimensional (3D) point clouds. In our study, the GVI was specified as the ratio of greenery viewing angles to the total number of viewing angles in view. The GVI calculation procedure was as follows. First, the vegetation points were extracted using the density-based spatial clustering of appli-cations with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm and the PointNet++ deep learning algorithm. Second, based on the GVI specification, a virtual camera was constructed in a 3D point scenario to estimate greenery viewing angles in view and generate depth images, and then, the GVI value was calculated. This method is flexible and can be used to calculate the GVI at any site with any direction where 3D point scene data are available, and thus, it is suitable for evaluating various types of urban greenery. We conducted a case human-centered assessment of road greenery in a partial area of Jinshan District in Fuzhou, China, based on MLS point clouds, evaluating visible greenery and analyzing the relations among the GVI, greening pattern, and road green belt mode. The results showed that the overall visible greenery in the study area was good and that the GVI value of most road sections was more than 15 %. The method has potential for urban green space planning and management.

Keyword :

Green view index Green view index Point clouds Point clouds Three-dimensional scene Three-dimensional scene Urban greenery Urban greenery Visual perception Visual perception


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GB/T 7714 Tang, Liyu , He, Jianguo , Peng, Wei et al. Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data [J]. | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING , 2023 , 232 .
MLA Tang, Liyu et al. "Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data" . | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING 232 (2023) .
APA Tang, Liyu , He, Jianguo , Peng, Wei , Huang, Hongyu , Chen, Chongcheng , Yu, Can . Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data . | LANDSCAPE AND URBAN PLANNING , 2023 , 232 .
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Assessing the visibility of urban greenery using MLS LiDAR data Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 232 | Landscape and Urban Planning
杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , (07) , 141-148,158 | 中南林业科技大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(3)

Abstract :

【目的】探究不同密度模式下的杉木林光截获情况,进而估算林分生物累积量,为杉木人工林设计与经营管理提供科学参考。【方法】利用植物建模与虚拟地理环境技术构建三维林分场景,以林分密度为参数设计不同的林分模式,利用天文算法与辐射度模型模拟计算各林分空间下的光合有效辐射与阴影面积以评价林分荫蔽性,然后根据非直角双曲线光合模型估算林分平均净光合速率,并换算为生物累积量以评估各林分模式的生产潜力。【结果】1)各密度林分的光截获量均随光照强度增大而升高,1.5 m×1.5 m、2.0 m×2.0 m以及2.5 m×2.5 m林分模式下的最大值分别为1 577.52、1 568.68与1 546.08μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1);2)2.5 m×2.5 m林分模式下的各时刻的阳生叶面积占比最大,平均值为0.92;3)林分水平结构上,辐射强度由西北向东南递增;垂直结构上,随着林分密度减小,各层的阳生叶面积占比逐渐增加;4)阳生叶的光合速率远高于阴生叶,最大值达到9.79μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1),而阴生叶都小于0.7μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1);5)以净光合速率为依据,估算各时刻不同林分模式下的生物累积量,各林分模式下日生物累积量分别为17.54,17.10与15.93 kg。【结论】综合各种植模式下林分的光截获与分布情况,在郁闭之前,高LAI林分光截获能力更强,但分布较为聚集,实际阳生叶面积占比相对较小;当林分郁闭较低时,林内的光环境有所改善;根据各林分模式的阳生叶面积占比与生物累积量,综合考虑下,最优栽植模式为2.0 m×2.0 m,研究结果可为林分的种植管理与经营提供一定科学参考。

Keyword :

光合作用 光合作用 光合有效辐射 光合有效辐射 杉木 杉木 林分空间结构 林分空间结构 虚拟植物 虚拟植物


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GB/T 7714 谯鹏 , 唐丽玉 , 黄洪宇 et al. 杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算 [J]. | 中南林业科技大学学报 , 2023 , (07) : 141-148,158 .
MLA 谯鹏 et al. "杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算" . | 中南林业科技大学学报 07 (2023) : 141-148,158 .
APA 谯鹏 , 唐丽玉 , 黄洪宇 , 姜泽 . 杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算 . | 中南林业科技大学学报 , 2023 , (07) , 141-148,158 .
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Version :

杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (7) , 141-148,158 | 中南林业科技大学学报
杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (07) , 141-148,158 | 中南林业科技大学学报
杉木林分冠层光环境模拟与生物量估算 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (07) , 141-148,158 | 中南林业科技大学学报
期刊论文 | 2023 , 46 (06) , 32-35 | 测绘与空间地理信息
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

图像匹配算法是计算机视觉应用研究的基础。为了解决传统尺度不变特征变换算法(Scale-invariant Feature Transform, SIFT)运行效率低、存在误匹配点对和精匹配点对稀少等问题,本文将其与快速视网膜关键点(Fast Retina Keypoint, FREAK)算法和PROSAC算法相结合,提出了一种SIFT-FREAK图像匹配算法。首先在特征点检测阶段,用SIFT算法提取具有尺度不变性的特征点,然后利用FREAK算法构建二进制描述子,特征匹配时,先采用汉明距离(Hamming Distance)进行初始匹配点对,再用双向匹配完成粗匹配,最后用PROSAC算法进行精匹配。实验结果表明,本文SIFT-FREAK算法比SIFT算法和FREAK算法(以加速分割检测特征(Feature from Accelerated Segment Test, FAST)算法提取特征点)在准确率、运行效率和精匹配点数三大方面都有着一定的优势。

Keyword :



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GB/T 7714 陈建新 , 唐丽玉 . 一种SIFT-FREAK图像匹配算法 [J]. | 测绘与空间地理信息 , 2023 , 46 (06) : 32-35 .
MLA 陈建新 et al. "一种SIFT-FREAK图像匹配算法" . | 测绘与空间地理信息 46 . 06 (2023) : 32-35 .
APA 陈建新 , 唐丽玉 . 一种SIFT-FREAK图像匹配算法 . | 测绘与空间地理信息 , 2023 , 46 (06) , 32-35 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 46 (6) , 32-35 | 测绘与空间地理信息
期刊论文 | 2023 , 46 (06) , 32-35 | 测绘与空间地理信息
基于三维模型的枇杷冠层光截获模拟与分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 51 (4) , 532-538 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

利用点云数据与L-系统规则结合的建模方法,生成高精度、高真实感的枇杷果树模型;利用辐射度模型模拟枇杷冠层截获的光合有效辐射,并从受光面积与光合速率的角度对不同冠形的枇杷冠层光截获效率进行定量分析.结果表明:植物冠形对于入射光的响应有明显差异,枝叶排列较为开阔且均匀的冠形,其光截获能力与光合速率更优,冠层日平均直射和散射的光合有效辐射强度分别为 154.77 和 47.20 μmol·(m2·s)-1,日最高光合速率为 3.97 μmol·(m2·s)-1.

Keyword :

L-系统 L-系统 光截获模拟 光截获模拟 定量分析 定量分析 枇杷冠层 枇杷冠层 虚拟植物 虚拟植物


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GB/T 7714 谯鹏 , 唐丽玉 , 黄洪宇 et al. 基于三维模型的枇杷冠层光截获模拟与分析 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2023 , 51 (4) : 532-538 .
MLA 谯鹏 et al. "基于三维模型的枇杷冠层光截获模拟与分析" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 51 . 4 (2023) : 532-538 .
APA 谯鹏 , 唐丽玉 , 黄洪宇 , 姜泽 . 基于三维模型的枇杷冠层光截获模拟与分析 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2023 , 51 (4) , 532-538 .
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Version :

基于三维模型的枇杷冠层光截获模拟与分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 51 (04) , 532-538 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
基于三维模型的枇杷冠层光截获模拟与分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 51 (04) , 532-538 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
期刊论文 | 2023 , 49 (1) , 14-19 | 工业安全与环保
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

针对科学、准确、动态研判气体泄漏演变情景难的问题,通过重构化工企业厂区的三维模型,采用计算流体动力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)模型数值模拟方法,预演、分析气体扩散的路径、范围、浓度分布变化情况,并进行可视化.以福建省某化工厂为例,利用倾斜摄影影像数据建立化工厂区域内的建筑物三维模型,使用计算流体动力学开源软件OpenFOAM,对三维空间进行剖分生成计算域网格,采用三维Navier-Stokes方程作为控制方程,选用标准k-ε雷诺时均模型用于求解湍流效应,采用压力的隐式分割算法(Pressure Implicit with Splitting of Operations,PISO)计算流场,假设氯气在三维空间中某处发生泄漏,模拟了不同风速条件扩散浓度分布情况,实验结果表明:氯气的扩散轨迹受风场和建筑物布局影响较大,风速增大会加速氯气的扩散,有利于氯气污染物的稀释;建筑物会阻碍氯气的扩散,同时受湍流效应影响,氯气易在建筑物之间的街道聚集,浓度稀释较为缓慢.模拟结果可为制定应急预案和预案演练提供参考.

Keyword :

OpenFOAM OpenFOAM 数值模拟 数值模拟 污染物扩散 污染物扩散 计算流体动力学模型 计算流体动力学模型


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GB/T 7714 施贻浩 , 唐丽玉 , 邓卓 . 基于CFD的化学危害气体扩散数值模拟 [J]. | 工业安全与环保 , 2023 , 49 (1) : 14-19 .
MLA 施贻浩 et al. "基于CFD的化学危害气体扩散数值模拟" . | 工业安全与环保 49 . 1 (2023) : 14-19 .
APA 施贻浩 , 唐丽玉 , 邓卓 . 基于CFD的化学危害气体扩散数值模拟 . | 工业安全与环保 , 2023 , 49 (1) , 14-19 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 49 (01) , 14-19 | 工业安全与环保
期刊论文 | 2023 , 49 (01) , 14-19 | 工业安全与环保
Estimation method of urban green space living vegetation volume based on backpack light detection and ranging [基于背包式激光雷达测量系统的城市绿地树木三维绿量估算方法] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 33 (10) , 2777-2784 | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
SCOPUS Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Living vegetation volume (LVV) can objectively and accurately reflect the urban greenery quality, and provide a reliable data foundation for the quantitative study aiming to reveal the mechanisms underlying urban greenery ecological functions. According to the characteristics of dispersion and small scale of unit affiliated green space, we proposed a LVV estimation scheme for such urban green space, which included data acquisition, processing, entity segmentation, classification, single tree canopy extraction, and LVV calculation. First, point cloud data was obtained with a backpack LiDAR system, and the ground point clouds were eliminated by a multi-scale algorithm. Second, the Density Based Spatial Clustering of Application with Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm was used to cluster the non-ground point clouds, and density feature-based competitive algorithm was used to re-segmented for the overlapping area to generate independent objects. Third, the PointNet++ network model was used to extracted plant point clouds. Then, the canopy point clouds were extracted using the similarity of principal direction between neighboring points and distribution density of branch and leaf points. Finally, the LVV of individual tree canopy was calculated by the convex hull method, and then the LVV of the accessory greenland was summed up. Taking a science and technology park as an example, its total LVV was 21034.95 m3, among which the number of mango trees was the highest, and the total LVV was the largest (4868.64 m3, accounting for 23.2%). The tree species with the largest LVV per plant was Terminalia neotaliala tree, with an average of 120.37 m3 per plant. The relative error between LVV of trees estimated by this scheme compared with traditional method and convex hull method was 10.7%-33.7% and 2.7%-16.0%, with average value of 20.9% and 8.7%, respectively. This scheme could make full use of the characteristics of the three-dimensional point cloud and use a convex polyhedron to simulate the original form of the tree crown, which was more consistent with the actual situation of trees. The measurement and estimation solution of the LVV provided new ideas for rapid and accurate estimation of urban LVV. © 2022, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Backpack LiDAR Backpack LiDAR Living vegetation volume Living vegetation volume Point cloud segmentation Point cloud segmentation PointNet + + PointNet + + Urban green space Urban green space


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GB/T 7714 Li, X.-X. , Tang, L.-Y. , Peng, W. et al. Estimation method of urban green space living vegetation volume based on backpack light detection and ranging [基于背包式激光雷达测量系统的城市绿地树木三维绿量估算方法] [J]. | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology , 2022 , 33 (10) : 2777-2784 .
MLA Li, X.-X. et al. "Estimation method of urban green space living vegetation volume based on backpack light detection and ranging [基于背包式激光雷达测量系统的城市绿地树木三维绿量估算方法]" . | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 33 . 10 (2022) : 2777-2784 .
APA Li, X.-X. , Tang, L.-Y. , Peng, W. , Chen, J.-X. , Ma, X. . Estimation method of urban green space living vegetation volume based on backpack light detection and ranging [基于背包式激光雷达测量系统的城市绿地树木三维绿量估算方法] . | Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology , 2022 , 33 (10) , 2777-2784 .
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Version :

基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (11) , 96-107 | 林业科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

[目的]针对不同观测平台获得的树木三维点云特征少、重叠率低、配准较难的问题,以不同视角不同平台的森林点云数据为输入,根据单木平面位置分布一致性原则,提出一种适用于多类型数据的无标记森林点云自动配准方法,实现以单木对象为语义特征的点对匹配.[方法]首先从不同类型点云数据中分别提取单木平面位置:对于侧视型点云,基于点云主方向离散度与主方向竖直角度偏差剔除部分非主干点云,采用体素点云剖分的连通分量分割方法识别单木主干,统计单木主干点云体素垂直分布最大值点作为单木平面位置;对于俯视型点云,采用标记分水岭算法分割冠层高度模型,提取单木并识别冠层顶点作为单木平面位置.然后以提取的单木平面位置为特征点,基于 Laplace谱图匹配理论获取配准矩阵,完成 4 自由度点云粗配准.最后,采用主干点云匹配完成侧视与侧视点云的精配准,采用全局点云最近点迭代法与主干点云匹配完成侧视与俯视点云的精配准.[结果]侧视-侧视点云配准精度优于侧视-俯视点云,侧视-侧视点云粗配准平均误差为 0.24 m,精配准平均误差为0.08 m;侧视-俯视点云粗配准平均误差为 1.07 m,全局点云最近点迭代法平均误差为 0.44 m,机载激光点云与侧视点云经主干点云匹配后,平均误差为 0.36 m.[结论]本研究立足于森林环境,借鉴由粗到精的配准思路,综合多种算法,提出一种适用于多源点云数据类型的配准方法,并通过试验证明了方法的可行性.基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法适用于森林、城市园林绿地等垂直生长结构较为明显的树木配准,可为森林资源调查与评估提供坐标统一、较为完整的高精度三维测量数据.

Keyword :

单木分割 单木分割 图匹配 图匹配 点云 点云 特征提取 特征提取 配准 配准


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GB/T 7714 黄洪宇 , 骆钰波 , 唐丽玉 et al. 基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法 [J]. | 林业科学 , 2022 , 58 (11) : 96-107 .
MLA 黄洪宇 et al. "基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法" . | 林业科学 58 . 11 (2022) : 96-107 .
APA 黄洪宇 , 骆钰波 , 唐丽玉 , 李肖肖 , 彭巍 , 陈崇成 . 基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法 . | 林业科学 , 2022 , 58 (11) , 96-107 .
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Version :

基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (11) , 96-107 | 林业科学
基于单木位置特征的多源树木三维点云配准方法 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (11) , 96-107 | 林业科学
三维环境下的建筑表面太阳能潜力估计 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 50 (04) , 513-520 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

提出一种结合屋顶及立面,考虑天气因素影响的城市级建筑表面太阳能潜力估计方法.以建筑轮廓矢量数据和高度信息为基础,重建三维城市环境;基于射线求交方法、纹理映射和太阳辐射模型计算和渲染建筑表面太阳辐射;利用长期日照时数气象数据和天气校正模型对建筑表面接收的太阳辐射进行辐射校正,并通过气象站太阳辐照度辐射观测数据对校正结果进行有效性验证.结果表明:相关系数r和均方根误差RMSE分别为0.85和0.99 kW·h·m~(-2),具有一定的有效性.应用该方法对研究区进行时空特征分析,研究结果可为城市清洁能源利用评估提供方法,为低碳城市的设计和管理提供一定参考.

Keyword :

三维建筑模型 三维建筑模型 三维环境 三维环境 天气校正模型 天气校正模型 太阳能潜力 太阳能潜力 太阳辐射 太阳辐射 时空特征 时空特征


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GB/T 7714 李洲 , 唐丽玉 , 谯鹏 . 三维环境下的建筑表面太阳能潜力估计 [J]. | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (04) : 513-520 .
MLA 李洲 et al. "三维环境下的建筑表面太阳能潜力估计" . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) 50 . 04 (2022) : 513-520 .
APA 李洲 , 唐丽玉 , 谯鹏 . 三维环境下的建筑表面太阳能潜力估计 . | 福州大学学报(自然科学版) , 2022 , 50 (04) , 513-520 .
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Version :

三维环境下的建筑表面太阳能潜力估计 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 50 (04) , 513-520 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
三维环境下的建筑表面太阳能潜力估计 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 50 (4) , 513-520 | 福州大学学报(自然科学版)
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