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Quantitative evaluation of China's energy supply policies in the '13th Five-Year Plan' period (2016-2020): A PMC index modelling approach incorporating text mining SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (3) , 596-616 | ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Energy supply policy quality is an important factor that would impact national energy security. While existing research conducted policy evaluation from the lens of performance assessment, less study has been devoted to evaluating energy supply policy from the perspective of policy making. This study takes the energy supply policy documents issued by China's central government during the '13th Five-Year Plan' period (2016-2020) as the research sample, and pioneers the use of the extended policy modelling consistency (PMC) index model combined with the text mining methodology to construct a policy evaluation index system with the characteristics of the energy supply policy which conducts a more in-depth quantitative evaluation of the energy supply policy documents. The results show that the average PMC index value of China's energy supply policies is 7.26, and the overall quality is high. The concerns of existing policies are mainly focused on reform and development planning, safety production management and project engineering construction, but there is still room for improvement in policy predictability, coordination of policy areas, clarity of policy basis and goals and comprehensiveness of policy tool combinations. Based on this, China should improve the comprehensiveness of its energy supply policy tool combinations in terms of policy design norm; strengthen policy predictability and coordination of policy areas in terms of policy implementation guarantee; and clarify the basis and goals of policies in terms of policy orientation enhancement, to provide a reference basis for the formulation and improvement of future energy supply policies and to realise the sustainable development of energy supply. This study takes the energy supply policies issued by China's central government during the '13th Five-Year Plan' period as the object of research and utilises the extended policy modelling consistency index model to conduct a multidimensional evaluation of energy supply policies. The results show that the overall quality of China's energy supply policies is high, but there is still room for improvement in terms of policy predictability, coordination of policy areas, clarity of policy basis and goals and comprehensiveness of policy tool combinations. Based on this, this paper gives the corresponding suggestions to provide a reference basis for the formulation and improvement of subsequent energy supply policies.image

Keyword :

energy supply policy energy supply policy PMC index model PMC index model policy evaluation policy evaluation text mining text mining


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Quan , Chen, Zhongzhen , Lin, Minwang et al. Quantitative evaluation of China's energy supply policies in the '13th Five-Year Plan' period (2016-2020): A PMC index modelling approach incorporating text mining [J]. | ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING , 2024 , 12 (3) : 596-616 .
MLA Cheng, Quan et al. "Quantitative evaluation of China's energy supply policies in the '13th Five-Year Plan' period (2016-2020): A PMC index modelling approach incorporating text mining" . | ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 12 . 3 (2024) : 596-616 .
APA Cheng, Quan , Chen, Zhongzhen , Lin, Minwang , Wang, Haiyan . Quantitative evaluation of China's energy supply policies in the '13th Five-Year Plan' period (2016-2020): A PMC index modelling approach incorporating text mining . | ENERGY SCIENCE & ENGINEERING , 2024 , 12 (3) , 596-616 .
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Version :

Quantitative evaluation of China's energy supply policies in the ‘13th Five-Year Plan’ period (2016–2020): A PMC index modelling approach incorporating text mining EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (3) , 596-616 | Energy Science and Engineering
Quantitative evaluation of China's energy supply policies in the ‘13th Five-Year Plan’ period (2016–2020): A PMC index modelling approach incorporating text mining Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 12 (3) , 596-616 | Energy Science and Engineering
期刊论文 | 2023 , 37 (06) , 56-68,171 | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

元分析 元分析 分类意愿 分类意愿 垃圾分类 垃圾分类 调节分析 调节分析


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 胡忠宝 . 居民生活垃圾分类意愿的影响因素及效用:来自Meta分析的证据 [J]. | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2023 , 37 (06) : 56-68,171 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "居民生活垃圾分类意愿的影响因素及效用:来自Meta分析的证据" . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 37 . 06 (2023) : 56-68,171 .
APA 林民望 , 胡忠宝 . 居民生活垃圾分类意愿的影响因素及效用:来自Meta分析的证据 . | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2023 , 37 (06) , 56-68,171 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 37 (6) , 56-68 | 福州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
期刊论文 | 2023 , 41 (1) , 36-45 | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

LDA主题模型 LDA主题模型 全面深化改革 全面深化改革 改革特征 改革特征 注意力理论 注意力理论


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 谢慧娟 . 中央全面深化改革议题的注意力配置及演化规律研究——基于65次深改会议的文本分析 [J]. | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 41 (1) : 36-45 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "中央全面深化改革议题的注意力配置及演化规律研究——基于65次深改会议的文本分析" . | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版) 41 . 1 (2023) : 36-45 .
APA 林民望 , 谢慧娟 . 中央全面深化改革议题的注意力配置及演化规律研究——基于65次深改会议的文本分析 . | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版) , 2023 , 41 (1) , 36-45 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2023 , 41 (01) , 36-45 | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)
期刊论文 | 2023 , 41 (01) , 36-45 | 太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)
区块链赋能下跨界环境协作治理集体行动困境消解:技术架构、作用机理与潜在风险 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (01) , 197-205 | 生态经济
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

交易成本 交易成本 区块链 区块链 协作风险 协作风险 环境协作治理 环境协作治理


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 吴京 . 区块链赋能下跨界环境协作治理集体行动困境消解:技术架构、作用机理与潜在风险 [J]. | 生态经济 , 2023 , 39 (01) : 197-205 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "区块链赋能下跨界环境协作治理集体行动困境消解:技术架构、作用机理与潜在风险" . | 生态经济 39 . 01 (2023) : 197-205 .
APA 林民望 , 吴京 . 区块链赋能下跨界环境协作治理集体行动困境消解:技术架构、作用机理与潜在风险 . | 生态经济 , 2023 , 39 (01) , 197-205 .
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Version :

区块链赋能下跨界环境协作治理集体行动困境消解:技术架构、作用机理与潜在风险 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (1) , 197-205 | 生态经济
区块链赋能下跨界环境协作治理集体行动困境消解:技术架构、作用机理与潜在风险 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (01) , 197-205 | 生态经济
草根社会组织何以持续获得政府购买服务——基于72个案例的模糊集定性比较分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (01) , 62-74 | 中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

可持续性 可持续性 影响机制 影响机制 政府购买服务 政府购买服务 草根社会组织 草根社会组织


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 叶惠铃 . 草根社会组织何以持续获得政府购买服务——基于72个案例的模糊集定性比较分析 [J]. | 中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报 , 2023 , 13 (01) : 62-74 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "草根社会组织何以持续获得政府购买服务——基于72个案例的模糊集定性比较分析" . | 中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报 13 . 01 (2023) : 62-74 .
APA 林民望 , 叶惠铃 . 草根社会组织何以持续获得政府购买服务——基于72个案例的模糊集定性比较分析 . | 中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报 , 2023 , 13 (01) , 62-74 .
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Version :

草根社会组织何以持续获得政府购买服务——基于72个案例的模糊集定性比较分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , 13 (01) , 62-74 | 中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报
草根社会组织何以持续获得政府购买服务 ——基于72个案例的模糊集定性比较分析 PKU
期刊论文 | 2023 , (1) , 62-74 | 中共福建省委党校(福建行政学院)学报
Characterizing the Dynamic Evolution of Interagency Collaborative Decision-Making Networks in Response to COVID-19 in China: A Policy Document Analysis SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 10 (3) | HEALTHCARE
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Collaborative decision-making across multiple government agencies is considered a critical and effective strategy to combat public health crisis; however, we know little about how the collaborative decision-making works and evolves during periods of crisis. To fill this lacuna, this study uncovers the structure and evolving dynamics of the network by employing a policy document analysis. Based on the policy documents, jointly issued by the agencies of Chinese central government in four phases regarding COVID-19 control, we first constructed a co-occurrence matrix of policy-issuing agencies to outline the network structure, then drew a breadth-depth matrix to identify the role evolution of agencies, and lastly built a two-mode network consisting of policy topics and agencies to determine the evolution mechanisms of policy attentions for each agency. It was found that the network structure of interagency collaboration involves three forms: discrete structure in the early phase, subgroup structure in the middle phase, and connected structure in the latter phase. Agencies embedded in the network can be categorized into three types: leading agencies, key agencies, and auxiliary agencies, with their constituent members changed as the pandemic risks are gradually becoming under control. Furthermore, each type has its own primary policy attentions, but shares some common foci in all four phases and shifts attention in the emergency management process. This study contributes to shedding light on the formation of and variations in collaborative networks in health emergencies and provides policy implications for other countries that have struggled against COVID-19.

Keyword :

collaborative emergency management collaborative emergency management collaborative network collaborative network COVID-19 COVID-19 decision-making decision-making interagency interagency policy document analysis policy document analysis public health emergencies public health emergencies


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Quan , Zheng, Shulin , Xiong, Zheng et al. Characterizing the Dynamic Evolution of Interagency Collaborative Decision-Making Networks in Response to COVID-19 in China: A Policy Document Analysis [J]. | HEALTHCARE , 2022 , 10 (3) .
MLA Cheng, Quan et al. "Characterizing the Dynamic Evolution of Interagency Collaborative Decision-Making Networks in Response to COVID-19 in China: A Policy Document Analysis" . | HEALTHCARE 10 . 3 (2022) .
APA Cheng, Quan , Zheng, Shulin , Xiong, Zheng , Lin, Minwang . Characterizing the Dynamic Evolution of Interagency Collaborative Decision-Making Networks in Response to COVID-19 in China: A Policy Document Analysis . | HEALTHCARE , 2022 , 10 (3) .
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社会组织“能力与关系并重”获取政府购买服务资金支持——基于深圳市F区社会建设专项资金的实证研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (03) , 132-143 | 学术交流
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

政府购买服务 政府购买服务 政社关系 政社关系 社会组织 社会组织 组织能力 组织能力


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 叶惠铃 . 社会组织“能力与关系并重”获取政府购买服务资金支持——基于深圳市F区社会建设专项资金的实证研究 [J]. | 学术交流 , 2022 , 12 (03) : 132-143 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "社会组织“能力与关系并重”获取政府购买服务资金支持——基于深圳市F区社会建设专项资金的实证研究" . | 学术交流 12 . 03 (2022) : 132-143 .
APA 林民望 , 叶惠铃 . 社会组织“能力与关系并重”获取政府购买服务资金支持——基于深圳市F区社会建设专项资金的实证研究 . | 学术交流 , 2022 , 12 (03) , 132-143 .
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Version :

社会组织"能力与关系并重"获取政府购买服务资金支持 ——基于深圳市F区社会建设专项资金的实证研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , (3) , 132-143 | 学术交流
社会组织“能力与关系并重”获取政府购买服务资金支持——基于深圳市F区社会建设专项资金的实证研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (03) , 132-143 | 学术交流
期刊论文 | 2022 , (5) , 28-37 | 四川行政学院学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

政府购买公共服务 政府购买公共服务 责任流失 责任流失 质量保障 质量保障


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 姚娇美 . 政府购买公共服务的主体责任流失及其对质量保障的影响 [J]. | 四川行政学院学报 , 2022 , (5) : 28-37 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "政府购买公共服务的主体责任流失及其对质量保障的影响" . | 四川行政学院学报 5 (2022) : 28-37 .
APA 林民望 , 姚娇美 . 政府购买公共服务的主体责任流失及其对质量保障的影响 . | 四川行政学院学报 , 2022 , (5) , 28-37 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2022 , 10 (05) , 28-37 | 四川行政学院学报
期刊论文 | 2022 , 10 (05) , 28-37 | 四川行政学院学报
政府购买社会组织服务何以有效?——新制度主义视角的组态比较 PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , (5) , 81-93 | 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

定性比较分析 定性比较分析 政府购买服务 政府购买服务 新制度主义 新制度主义 服务有效性 服务有效性 社会组织 社会组织


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GB/T 7714 林民望 , 姚娇美 . 政府购买社会组织服务何以有效?——新制度主义视角的组态比较 [J]. | 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2022 , (5) : 81-93 .
MLA 林民望 et al. "政府购买社会组织服务何以有效?——新制度主义视角的组态比较" . | 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版) 5 (2022) : 81-93 .
APA 林民望 , 姚娇美 . 政府购买社会组织服务何以有效?——新制度主义视角的组态比较 . | 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版) , 2022 , (5) , 81-93 .
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Version :

政府购买社会组织服务何以有效?——新制度主义视角的组态比较 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (05) , 81-93 | 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
政府购买社会组织服务何以有效?——新制度主义视角的组态比较 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 13 (05) , 81-93 | 华侨大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
环境协作治理行动何以改进环境绩效:分析框架与研究议程 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 32 (05) , 96-105 | 中国人口·资源与环境
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

实证研究 实证研究 环境协作治理 环境协作治理 环境绩效 环境绩效 理论框架 理论框架


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GB/T 7714 林民望 . 环境协作治理行动何以改进环境绩效:分析框架与研究议程 [J]. | 中国人口·资源与环境 , 2022 , 32 (05) : 96-105 .
MLA 林民望 . "环境协作治理行动何以改进环境绩效:分析框架与研究议程" . | 中国人口·资源与环境 32 . 05 (2022) : 96-105 .
APA 林民望 . 环境协作治理行动何以改进环境绩效:分析框架与研究议程 . | 中国人口·资源与环境 , 2022 , 32 (05) , 96-105 .
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Version :

环境协作治理行动何以改进环境绩效:分析框架与研究议程 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 32 (5) , 96-105 | 中国人口·资源与环境
环境协作治理行动何以改进环境绩效:分析框架与研究议程 CSSCI CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2022 , 32 (05) , 96-105 | 中国人口·资源与环境
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