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A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Aiming at the problem of low efficiency and insufficient accuracy of threshold solution in multithreshold sculpture image segmentation, this paper proposes a threshold segmentation algorithm for sculpture images based on sparse decomposition. In this paper, sparse decomposition is introduced to optimize the model to reduce the impact of local noise on segmentation accuracy, and an energy functional based on pixel coconstraint is built to make up for the defect that pixels cannot retain local details. At the same time, the weighted sum of elite solution sets is used to determine Neighborhood centers increase communication between groups. Experiments show that compared with other algorithms, the above method has significant advantages in convergence efficiency and accuracy.


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Zhao , Wan, Jixin . A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition [J]. | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2022 , 2022 .
MLA Yang, Zhao 等. "A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition" . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2022 (2022) .
APA Yang, Zhao , Wan, Jixin . A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2022 , 2022 .
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A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition EI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 2022 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering
A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Aiming at the problem of low efficiency and insufficient accuracy of threshold solution in multithreshold sculpture image segmentation, this paper proposes a threshold segmentation algorithm for sculpture images based on sparse decomposition. In this paper, sparse decomposition is introduced to optimize the model to reduce the impact of local noise on segmentation accuracy, and an energy functional based on pixel coconstraint is built to make up for the defect that pixels cannot retain local details. At the same time, the weighted sum of elite solution sets is used to determine Neighborhood centers increase communication between groups. Experiments show that compared with other algorithms, the above method has significant advantages in convergence efficiency and accuracy.


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Zhao , Wan, Jixin . A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition [J]. | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2022 , 2022 .
MLA Yang, Zhao 等. "A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition" . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2022 (2022) .
APA Yang, Zhao , Wan, Jixin . A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition . | MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING , 2022 , 2022 .
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A Threshold Segmentation Algorithm for Sculpture Images Based on Sparse Decomposition EI
期刊论文 | 2022 , 2022 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering
期刊论文 | 2022 , 2 (01) , 68-69 | 雕塑
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :


Keyword :

历史 历史 研究 研究 青铜 青铜


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GB/T 7714 万吉欣 , 张利胜 . 西方铜着色技艺历史研究 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2022 , 2 (01) : 68-69 .
MLA 万吉欣 等. "西方铜着色技艺历史研究" . | 雕塑 2 . 01 (2022) : 68-69 .
APA 万吉欣 , 张利胜 . 西方铜着色技艺历史研究 . | 雕塑 , 2022 , 2 (01) , 68-69 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , (1) , 68-69 | 雕塑
期刊论文 | 2022 , 2 (01) , 68-69 | 雕塑
期刊论文 | 2021 , (3) , 68-72 | 美术文献
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

情感 情感 艺术美学 艺术美学 《被掳掠的普洛塞庇娜》 《被掳掠的普洛塞庇娜》 贝尼尼 贝尼尼


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GB/T 7714 张利胜 , 万吉欣 . 《被掳掠的普洛塞庇娜》艺术分析 [J]. | 美术文献 , 2021 , (3) : 68-72 .
MLA 张利胜 等. "《被掳掠的普洛塞庇娜》艺术分析" . | 美术文献 3 (2021) : 68-72 .
APA 张利胜 , 万吉欣 . 《被掳掠的普洛塞庇娜》艺术分析 . | 美术文献 , 2021 , (3) , 68-72 .
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Intelligent Retrieval Method of Approximate Painting in Digital Art Field SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 2021 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

With the rapid development of Internet technology and the wide application of image acquisition equipment, the number of digital artwork images is exploding. The retrieval of near-similar artwork images has a wide application prospect for copyright infringement, trademark registration, and other scenes. However, compared with traditional images, these artwork images have the characteristics of high similarity and complexity, which lead to the retrieval accuracy not meeting the demand. To solve the above problems, an intelligent retrieval method of artwork image based on wavelet transform and dual propagation neural network (WTCPN) is proposed. Firstly, the original artwork image is replaced by the low-frequency subimage after wavelet transform, which not only removes redundant information and reduces the dimension of data but also suppresses random noise. Secondly, in order to make the network assign different competition winning units to different types of modes, the dual propagation neural network is improved by setting the maximum number of times of winning neurons. Experimental results show that the proposed method can improve the accuracy of image retrieval, and the recognition accuracy of verification set can reach over 91%.


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GB/T 7714 Wan, Jixin , Yu Xiaobo . Intelligent Retrieval Method of Approximate Painting in Digital Art Field [J]. | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING , 2021 , 2021 .
MLA Wan, Jixin 等. "Intelligent Retrieval Method of Approximate Painting in Digital Art Field" . | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING 2021 (2021) .
APA Wan, Jixin , Yu Xiaobo . Intelligent Retrieval Method of Approximate Painting in Digital Art Field . | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMING , 2021 , 2021 .
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Version :

Intelligent Retrieval Method of Approximate Painting in Digital Art Field EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 2021 | Scientific Programming
期刊论文 | 2021 , (2) , 86-87 | 雕塑
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 万吉欣 , 张利胜 . 新时期公共雕塑艺术当代精神的初探 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2021 , (2) : 86-87 .
MLA 万吉欣 等. "新时期公共雕塑艺术当代精神的初探" . | 雕塑 2 (2021) : 86-87 .
APA 万吉欣 , 张利胜 . 新时期公共雕塑艺术当代精神的初探 . | 雕塑 , 2021 , (2) , 86-87 .
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Version :

期刊论文 | 2021 , 2 (02) , 86-87 | 雕塑
期刊论文 | 2021 , (02) , 86-87 | 雕塑
期刊论文 | 2021 , 174 (4) , 48-50 | 美术文献
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 张利胜 , 万吉欣 . 符号学理论视角下的布朗库西《吻》系列作品研究 [J]. | 美术文献 , 2021 , 174 (4) : 48-50 .
MLA 张利胜 等. "符号学理论视角下的布朗库西《吻》系列作品研究" . | 美术文献 174 . 4 (2021) : 48-50 .
APA 张利胜 , 万吉欣 . 符号学理论视角下的布朗库西《吻》系列作品研究 . | 美术文献 , 2021 , 174 (4) , 48-50 .
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Research on Urban Renewal Public Space Design Based on Convolutional Neural Network Model SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

By establishing a database of urban space cases, machine learning algorithms and deep learning algorithms can be used to train computers to learn how to design urban spaces. Based on the basic concepts of machine learning and deep learning and their procedural logic, this paper explores the generation mode of traffic road network, neighborhood space form, and building function layout of urban space and uses the northern extension of the central green axis of the city as an application case to confirm its feasibility in order to seek a set of artificial intelligence-based urban space generation design method and provide a new idea for the innovative development of urban design methods.


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GB/T 7714 Wan, Jixin , Shi, Huosai . Research on Urban Renewal Public Space Design Based on Convolutional Neural Network Model [J]. | SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS , 2021 , 2021 .
MLA Wan, Jixin 等. "Research on Urban Renewal Public Space Design Based on Convolutional Neural Network Model" . | SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 2021 (2021) .
APA Wan, Jixin , Shi, Huosai . Research on Urban Renewal Public Space Design Based on Convolutional Neural Network Model . | SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS , 2021 , 2021 .
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Research on Urban Renewal Public Space Design Based on Convolutional Neural Network Model EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 2021 | Security and Communication Networks
期刊论文 | 2020 , (06) , 76-77 | 雕塑
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :


Keyword :

现代金属雕塑 现代金属雕塑 艺术语言 艺术语言 衍变形式 衍变形式


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GB/T 7714 于晓波 , 万吉欣 . 金属雕塑现代艺术形式衍变分析 [J]. | 雕塑 , 2020 , (06) : 76-77 .
MLA 于晓波 等. "金属雕塑现代艺术形式衍变分析" . | 雕塑 06 (2020) : 76-77 .
APA 于晓波 , 万吉欣 . 金属雕塑现代艺术形式衍变分析 . | 雕塑 , 2020 , (06) , 76-77 .
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Version :

金属雕塑现代艺术形式衍变分析 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , (6) , 76-77 | 雕塑
非物质文化遗产莆田木雕在传承与保护的可持续发展研究 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2020 , (3) , 0154-0156 | 人物画报:上旬刊
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

当下非物质文化遗产(简称非遗)保护与可持续发展的理论研究仍是一个新兴而未充分发展的领域,随着活态文化遗产 数量逐渐减少,保护非遗成为首要目标,结合可持续发展的趋势化,通过分析莆田木雕为例探讨非遗从传承人本体、社 会、政府层次的保护方法与形式,提出了非遗在可持续发展为主题的当下应采用改善传承人传承环境、传承人生产性保 护、数字化非遗以及有利性政策的方法进行保护与传承。

Keyword :

持续发展 持续发展 数字化非遗 数字化非遗 莆田木雕技艺 莆田木雕技艺


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GB/T 7714 张利胜 , 万吉欣 . 非物质文化遗产莆田木雕在传承与保护的可持续发展研究 [J]. | 人物画报:上旬刊 , 2020 , (3) : 0154-0156 .
MLA 张利胜 等. "非物质文化遗产莆田木雕在传承与保护的可持续发展研究" . | 人物画报:上旬刊 3 (2020) : 0154-0156 .
APA 张利胜 , 万吉欣 . 非物质文化遗产莆田木雕在传承与保护的可持续发展研究 . | 人物画报:上旬刊 , 2020 , (3) , 0154-0156 .
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