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New design and energy absorption characteristic study of bionic beetle's elytra under axial compression SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 196 | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Inspired by the microstructure of the beetle's elytra, a new bionic polycellular tube protective structure based on the fractal principle was proposed in this paper, and its energy absorption characteristics were studied. Firstly, the typical microstructures of two-branch structure (type A), three-branch structure (type B) and mixed-branch structure (type C) of the beetle's elytra were extracted. Based on that, three types of the bionic multicellular thinwalled circular tube (BMTC) were designed, and the reliability of finite element models was verified by experiments. Secondly, the energy absorption characteristics and crushing mechanism of three groups of BMTCs were compared and analyzed by LS-DYNA software, and the analytical expression of mean crushing force (Fm) for BMTCs was established. The results show that the energy absorption structures of type B have better comprehensive energy absorption characteristics. Compared with the traditional ribbed structure, specific energy absorption (SEA) of BMTCs is increased by 36.75 %. In addition, when the central column is connected to the three ribs, the central column has the best deformation resistance. Moreover, the theoretical solutions matched well with the results of numerical simulation. Consequently, the research results provide inspiration for the design of energy absorption protection devices, and theoretical guidance for the analysis of energy absorption characteristics.

Keyword :

Beetle ' s elytra Beetle ' s elytra Energy absorption characteristics Energy absorption characteristics Fractal principle Fractal principle LS-DYNA LS-DYNA Mean crushing force prediction expression Mean crushing force prediction expression Multicellular thin-walled circular tube Multicellular thin-walled circular tube


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GB/T 7714 Wei, Tieping , Zhang, Mengzhi , Lin, Shouqiang et al. New design and energy absorption characteristic study of bionic beetle's elytra under axial compression [J]. | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2024 , 196 .
MLA Wei, Tieping et al. "New design and energy absorption characteristic study of bionic beetle's elytra under axial compression" . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES 196 (2024) .
APA Wei, Tieping , Zhang, Mengzhi , Lin, Shouqiang , Ye, Jianhua , Yan, Xiaolei , Guo, Jinquan . New design and energy absorption characteristic study of bionic beetle's elytra under axial compression . | THIN-WALLED STRUCTURES , 2024 , 196 .
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Version :

New design and energy absorption characteristic study of bionic beetle's elytra under axial compression Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 196 | Thin-Walled Structures
New design and energy absorption characteristic study of bionic beetle's elytra under axial compression EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 196 | Thin-Walled Structures
Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Several methods have been developed to determine the axial creep properties of nuclear fuel cladding tubes. However, the anisotropic creep properties of nuclear fuel cladding tubes requires that their circumferential creep behaviour be evaluated as well. Nonetheless, this task remains extremely challenging owing to need to employ unaltered cylindrical cladding tube specimens directly and the general low accuracy of the methods developed for this purpose. The present work addresses these issues by developing a modified small punch creep test (SPCT). Equations are proposed to calculate the creep stress and strain of the modified SPCT. The accuracy of the equations is analysed using the finite element method. Finally, the methodology is applied to investigate the circumferential creep behaviour of an FeCrAl nuclear fuel cladding tube experimentally. These results clearly demonstrate that the modified SPCT is suitable for investigating the creep behaviour of irregularly shaped material specimens with anisotropic creep properties. Moreover, the semi -cylindrical specimens employed in the modified SPCT also enable the effective fracture strain of the specimen to be easily determined.

Keyword :

Anisotropic creep Anisotropic creep Nuclear fuel cladding tube Nuclear fuel cladding tube Small punch test Small punch test


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GB/T 7714 Zhong, Yuntao , Lai, Huan Sheng , Guo, Jinquan et al. Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2024 , 267 .
MLA Zhong, Yuntao et al. "Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES 267 (2024) .
APA Zhong, Yuntao , Lai, Huan Sheng , Guo, Jinquan , Du, Peinan , Huang, Qifei . Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES , 2024 , 267 .
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Version :

Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 267 | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Small punch test for investigating circumferential creep in cladding tubes Scopus
期刊论文 | 2024 , 267 | International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
双弯曲梁称重传感器 incoPat
专利 | 2022-01-20 00:00:00 | CN202210065697.5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

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GB/T 7714 杨晓翔 , 欧阳忠杰 , 梁伟 et al. 双弯曲梁称重传感器 : CN202210065697.5[P]. | 2022-01-20 00:00:00 .
MLA 杨晓翔 et al. "双弯曲梁称重传感器" : CN202210065697.5. | 2022-01-20 00:00:00 .
APA 杨晓翔 , 欧阳忠杰 , 梁伟 , 郭金泉 . 双弯曲梁称重传感器 : CN202210065697.5. | 2022-01-20 00:00:00 .
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Optimal Combination Method for Weights Loading of the Deadweight Force Standard Machine SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 38 (3) , 619-628 | MAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

The study of deadweight force standard machines (DWM) that operate over a wide range is at the leading edge and a hot spot in force metrology. Optimizing the combination method of the weight load has important theoretical significance for improving the stability and accuracy of DWMs. Firstly, the law of weight loading position on a pendulum relevant to the hanging system through dynamical theory and finite element methods was studied, likewise the minimum pendular degree caused by the loading on the upper end of the hanging system was determined. Then, a method for optimal combination of weights was presented and carried out using MATLAB software. A force transducer of 1000 kN was selected to test on a 2 MN DWM, and the results show that the method can effectively improve the repeatability and linearity. Finally, compared with two random combination methods, the repeatability deviation decreased by more than 50%, and the linear deviation by approximately 10%.

Keyword :

Analysis of pendulum Analysis of pendulum Deadweight force standard machine Deadweight force standard machine Force in wide-range Force in wide-range Optimal combination method Optimal combination method


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Jinquan , Xu, Zhimeng , Ge, Zhu et al. Optimal Combination Method for Weights Loading of the Deadweight Force Standard Machine [J]. | MAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA , 2023 , 38 (3) : 619-628 .
MLA Guo, Jinquan et al. "Optimal Combination Method for Weights Loading of the Deadweight Force Standard Machine" . | MAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA 38 . 3 (2023) : 619-628 .
APA Guo, Jinquan , Xu, Zhimeng , Ge, Zhu , Lin, Shuo , Wei, Tieping , Liang, Wei et al. Optimal Combination Method for Weights Loading of the Deadweight Force Standard Machine . | MAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA , 2023 , 38 (3) , 619-628 .
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Optimal Combination Method for Weights Loading of the Deadweight Force Standard Machine Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 38 (3) , 619-628 | Mapan - Journal of Metrology Society of India
一种八足两钳仿生机械螃蟹机构 incoPat
专利 | 2023-03-01 00:00:00 | CN202320355844.2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

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GB/T 7714 郭金泉 , 陈书鸿 . 一种八足两钳仿生机械螃蟹机构 : CN202320355844.2[P]. | 2023-03-01 00:00:00 .
MLA 郭金泉 et al. "一种八足两钳仿生机械螃蟹机构" : CN202320355844.2. | 2023-03-01 00:00:00 .
APA 郭金泉 , 陈书鸿 . 一种八足两钳仿生机械螃蟹机构 : CN202320355844.2. | 2023-03-01 00:00:00 .
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Creep behaviour of Q245R steel at 550 degrees C SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (3) , 210-217 | MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

Q245R steel has good heat and corrosion resistant and is used in various applications, such as reactors, regenerators, reformed gas steam generators, and other equipment. In this study, the creep behaviour of Q245R steel at the temperature of 550 degrees C is investigated. In addition to the modified Kachanov-Robotnov (K-R) method, the traditional and modified ? projection methods were employed to establish the creep constitutive equations of Q245R steel. The results revealed that at small strains, the creep prediction curve was in good agreement with the test curve, and the prediction accuracy of the modified ? projection method was better than that of the other two models.

Keyword :

creep model creep model Q245R steel Q245R steel theta projection method theta projection method


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GB/T 7714 Guo, Jinquan , Tang, Chaozhongzheng , Wang, Fang et al. Creep behaviour of Q245R steel at 550 degrees C [J]. | MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES , 2023 , 40 (3) : 210-217 .
MLA Guo, Jinquan et al. "Creep behaviour of Q245R steel at 550 degrees C" . | MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES 40 . 3 (2023) : 210-217 .
APA Guo, Jinquan , Tang, Chaozhongzheng , Wang, Fang , Liu, Kanglin , Zhang, Jingwei , Lai, Huan Sheng . Creep behaviour of Q245R steel at 550 degrees C . | MATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES , 2023 , 40 (3) , 210-217 .
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Version :

Creep behaviour of Q245R steel at 550 ℃ Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (3) , 210-217 | Materials at High Temperatures
Creep behaviour of Q245R steel at 550 EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 40 (3) , 210-217 | Materials at High Temperatures
Structural design and self-locking performance verification of the snap-fit spatial self-locking energy absorption system under the impact loading SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

There are increasingly high performance requirements of energy-absorbing systems in aerospace, defense and military, transportation and other fields, especially in the field of emergency protection where the study of self-locking characteristics is of great significance. In this paper, an energy absorption system is designed by snap-fit thin-walled tubes, which can be edited, easy to assemble quickly and spatial omnidirectional self-locking, and the spatial self-locking characteristic of the system was verified by numerical simulation under the uniform/concentrated impact loadings. The results show that the energy-absorbing system can withstand the uniform/concentrated impact loadings in all directions in space. Furthermore, the good comprehensive performance of the loading condition in direction 3 (& alpha; = 90 deg, & beta; = 0 deg) was verified by the quantitative analysis of the complex proportional assessment (COPRAS) method and the qualitative analysis of Radar Diagram method.

Keyword :

COPRAS method COPRAS method editable editable Energy-absorption system Energy-absorption system finite element analysis finite element analysis impact loading impact loading spatial self-locking spatial self-locking


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GB/T 7714 Wei, Tieping , Liu, Wanpeng , Yang, Wu et al. Structural design and self-locking performance verification of the snap-fit spatial self-locking energy absorption system under the impact loading [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS , 2023 , 29 (3) : 414-429 .
MLA Wei, Tieping et al. "Structural design and self-locking performance verification of the snap-fit spatial self-locking energy absorption system under the impact loading" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS 29 . 3 (2023) : 414-429 .
APA Wei, Tieping , Liu, Wanpeng , Yang, Wu , Zeng, Shoujin , Yan, Xiaolei , Guo, Jinquan . Structural design and self-locking performance verification of the snap-fit spatial self-locking energy absorption system under the impact loading . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CRASHWORTHINESS , 2023 , 29 (3) , 414-429 .
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Version :

Structural design and self-locking performance verification of the snap-fit spatial self-locking energy absorption system under the impact loading EI
期刊论文 | 2024 , 29 (3) , 414-429 | International Journal of Crashworthiness
Structural design and self-locking performance verification of the snap-fit spatial self-locking energy absorption system under the impact loading Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 29 (3) , 414-429 | International Journal of Crashworthiness
Experimental Study on Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Tyre Rubber Scopus
其他 | 2023 , 40 , 239-244
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

In this paper, the dynamic and static mechanical properties and thermal properties of rubber materials used in tires were tested, the experimental data were measured and the performance characterization was completed, which laid a foundation for the accurate completion of tire finite element modeling and simulation. Shimazu universal electronic testing machine was used to carry out cyclic stretching under multiple strains on each rubber. When the stress-strain curve reached a stable state, the last tensile curve was taken as the experimental curve. Three common constitutive models were used to fit the experimental data, and the best fitting YEOH model was selected to characterize the static mechanical properties of rubber materials. Secondly, the viscoelastic parameters of the tire at three frequencies corresponding to three speeds were tested by the dynamic thermomechanical analyzer, and the variation curves of the Hysteresis coefficients (tan) at each frequency with the rise of temperature were obtained. And average the points of the curve to get the average value which will be used in the following calculation. Finally, the specific heat and thermal diffusion coefficient of the compound were measured by laser heat conduction instrument, and the density of the compound was measured by drainage method based on the principle of hydrostatics. The thermal conductivity coefficient was calculated by formula. © 2023 The Authors.

Keyword :

Experimental study Experimental study mechanical property mechanical property thermal properties thermal properties


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GB/T 7714 Guo, J. , Ruan, X. , Ding, P. et al. Experimental Study on Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Tyre Rubber [未知].
MLA Guo, J. et al. "Experimental Study on Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Tyre Rubber" [未知].
APA Guo, J. , Ruan, X. , Ding, P. , Gao, J. , Wang, S. , Yang, X. . Experimental Study on Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Tyre Rubber [未知].
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Version :

Experimental Study on Dynamic and Static Mechanical Properties and Thermal Properties of Tyre Rubber EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 40 , 239-244
Diabetic Retinal Overlap Lesion Segmentation Network Scopus
其他 | 2023 , 13597 LNCS , 38-45
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(1)

Abstract :

Diabetic retinopathy(DR) is the major cause of blindness, and the pathogenesis is unknown. Ultra-wide optical coherence tomography angiography imaging (UW-OCTA) can help ophthalmologists to diagnose DR. Automatic and accurate segmentation of lesions is essential for the diagnosis of DR, yet accurate identification and segmentation of lesions from UW-OCTA images remains a challenge. We proposed a modified nnUNet named nnUNet-CBAM. Three networks were trained to segment each lesion separately. Our method was evaluated in DRAC2022 diabetic retinopathy analysis challenge, where segmentation results were tested on 65 UW-OCTA images. These images are standardized UW-OCTA. Our method achieved a mean dice similarity coefficient (mDSC) of 0.4963 and a mean intersection over union (mIOU) of 0.3693. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Keyword :

Deep Learning Deep Learning Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Retinopathy Medical Segmentation Medical Segmentation


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GB/T 7714 Gao, Z. , Guo, J. . Diabetic Retinal Overlap Lesion Segmentation Network [未知].
MLA Gao, Z. et al. "Diabetic Retinal Overlap Lesion Segmentation Network" [未知].
APA Gao, Z. , Guo, J. . Diabetic Retinal Overlap Lesion Segmentation Network [未知].
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Version :

Diabetic Retinal Overlap Lesion Segmentation Network EI
会议论文 | 2023 , 13597 LNCS , 38-45
A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite Version(2)

Abstract :

The manufacturing process of nuclear fuel cladding tubes endows them with anisotropic material properties. In this study, a small punch testing (SPT) method was established to investigate the circumferential tensile behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes. The specimen of the proposed SPT method was bended and stretched in a single stress state under a punching force. The proposed SPT method was then used to analyze the circumferential tensile behavior of a FeCrAl fuel cladding tube. Finite element simulation results indicated that the SPT method established herein determined ultimate tensile stress with higher accuracy than standard SPT because the plastic strain in the proposed method under maximum force is considerably smaller than that in standard SPT. Moreover, the proposed method can more accurately determine yield stress compared with standard SPT, as reflected by the elastic stage in the load-displacement curve that was a straight line. The test results indicated that the proposed SPT can be used to accurately determine the circumferential yield stress and ultimate tensile stress of nuclear fuel cladding tubes.

Keyword :

Fuel cladding tube Fuel cladding tube Small punch test Small punch test Tensile behavior Tensile behavior Tensile test Tensile test Yield stress Yield stress


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GB/T 7714 Lai, Huan Sheng , Wang, Rongcheng , Zhong, Yuntao et al. A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes [J]. | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS , 2023 , 583 .
MLA Lai, Huan Sheng et al. "A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes" . | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS 583 (2023) .
APA Lai, Huan Sheng , Wang, Rongcheng , Zhong, Yuntao , Du, Peinan , Guo, Jinquan , Huang, Qifei . A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes . | JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MATERIALS , 2023 , 583 .
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Version :

A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes EI
期刊论文 | 2023 , 583 | Journal of Nuclear Materials
A modified small punch testing scheme to investigate the circumferential mechanical behavior of nuclear fuel cladding tubes Scopus
期刊论文 | 2023 , 583 | Journal of Nuclear Materials
10| 20| 50 per page
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